Sophi : con này có thể coi là thay đổi ít nhất - 236236 AA mL - 236 K h - 4K new animation Còn lại y hệt như cũ Tóm lại 2 chị em nhà Sophi như dở hơi Mit : - 33BB bi giờ phải vào stance mist mới oánh được - Mit đặc bi giờ thay đổi rất nhiều, cần trainning và kỹ năng cao mới có thể master được. Night - 2B+K M - 2A l new animation - 236 A+B auto soul charged - 44BB new animation - 4K,B - Khá nhiều stance shift mới, 44B,3A,2A -> NSS Kilik : rất nhiều thay đổi - Chiu nguy hiểm nhất aA bi giờ thành aB,B nhưng đòi hỏi tốc độ bấm cực nhanh => cho mày chết kekeke Ivy : rất nhiều thay đổi - Điểm rõ nhất là thêm 1 stance mới dạng nửa kiểm nửa roi Sơ sơ mới bít các con này, con khác chưa rõ
Mit đặc combo : Normal hits: 3B, 44AA (47) 3B, 236{B1} 2KB, 66K (39) -- 66K can be avoided by a just tech MST A+B, 3A, 44B, 6BB (70) Counter hits: CH 66A, A+BB (80) -- can shake out of first stun CH 66A, 22A, 3A, 44B, 6B (82) -- can shake out of first stun CH B6, 3A, 44B, 6B CH 3A, 44B, 6B (42) CH MST BB, [A], 6B (65) CH FC 1B, 44B, 6B (81) . ___________Auto Merge________________ . Nightmare changes : Information credit goes to CF Nightmare boards. • 3B is more unsafe; punishable by Sophitia. • [A] > NSS K is a combo; uninterruptable by 2As. • aB doesn't KD on CH; no forced FC on hit & block. • Low Throw can throw forward (FC A+G) or backward (FC B+G). • 2A is a new move that replaces the old 2A. Still l hit. Nightmare swings downward with his arm. Shorter range than old 2A. Small frame advantage on CH. TCs its later frames. Minus frames on hit. Đồng bào nên chú ý đoạn này : • A+B now SCs at all times, and the SC effect ends only after a period of time has passed. SC effect will not be canceled if Nightmare is damaged or deals damage. • 2A+B SCs when it lands as the ground AT. • 66B is a SCGB (Soul Charge Guard Break). • 3B is a SCGB. • NSS A+B is a SCGB. • NSS bA is a SCGB. • 6B:B is a SCGB. ----------------------------- • 4B no longer SCs on block. Minus frames on block. • 2B+K has GB properties. • 3A2A6 is a new command. Nightmare can go into GS after 3A2A. • GS B launches on CH only. • GS ends in NSS. • GS A+B is a new move. It's an advancing version of standing A+B. Length of advance is very short. • WS K is a new move. Single hit m kick. Safe on block. Plus frames on hit. • 4[K]B:B is a new move. m,m,m. • A+K now ATs on normal hit. • 44BB has a new animation. Minus frames on block. • 44B ends in NSS. • 22K is now Nightmare's old 44K. • 22K6 is a new command. Nightmare can go into GS after 22K. • 44K is now Nightmare's old bK. • 3A+B does not RO anymore. • 3K is slower and doesn't give as much plus frames on hit or CH. • 3[K] KDs instead of stuns. • NSS ibA is a new JF. Activated by fastest input. • BT B doesn't KD anymore. • 44A is h now. • 22_88AB; 2nd hit stuns on normal hit.