Star Monkey

Thảo luận trong 'Nhóm Update' bắt đầu bởi Gervie, 29/3/04.

  1. Gervie

    Gervie Red, Pokémon champion

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Star Monkey
    The aliens have finally landed, and Earth is toast.
    Step forward one courageous pilot, and the Star Monkey, a prototype fighter craft with experimental features. The fightback has just begun!

    Star Monkey is an unashamed old style vertically-scrolling shoot-em-up in the style of arcade classics such as Slapfight and Twin Cobra. Take on waves of alien craft above the blasted surface of the planet and into orbit. Collect energy cells from destroyed craft to morph your craft into new and powerful forms. Destroy any opposition, infiltrate the alien mothership and defeat the threat once and for all!

    The full version of Star Monkey uses our RocketRating system, allowing players to share high-scores across the world. If you're good enough you may end up in our top ten on this very page!

    Classic 2D game play with full 3D graphics and effects
    Take on up to 50 different types of alien invader, each with unique characteristics and tactics
    3 huge levels, each with its own bosses to defeat
    Ability to morph the Star Monkey craft into different configurations when power-ups are collected
    Awesome weapons, including lasers, homing missiles and automatic defenses
    Dramatic lighting effects with explosions casting shadows in real-time
    Stunning orchestral soundtrack and powerful sound effects
    Measure your performance against players all over the world with the revolutionary RocketRating(tm) system
    Improvements in the Gold Version:

    RocketRatings - no need to be online all the time to submit your score
    In-game display shows your current rank on the global high score table
    Smoother difficulty curve
    Improved weapons balance
    32-Bit colour support

    Serial - Copy and paste in browser

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