Star Ocean Của Snes . Game đỉnh vậy mà ko ai biết à

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  1. YinYang

    YinYang Độc cô cửu kiếm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tui chơi đến đoạn ở cái cảng postmis ý . Lúc này tui đang tìm nốt mấy người bạn mà bị mất tích sau khi đi vào cánh cửa thời gian ý , tui thu được 1 thằng kiếm ở thành phố hot , sau đó tôi đi đến postmis , nhưng ko biết đi thế nào nữa , ở đó có 1 cái thành nhưng có bọn lính chặn cửa nên ko vào được . Ra bến cảng thì thằng thuỷ thủ ko cho mượn thuyền , nếu tui mượn thuyền thì thăng kiếm mà tui thu ở hot nó chạy mất , tui phải đi thế nào hả bạn ????
  2. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chổ này thì bạn hãy đi chia ra vì khi vào trong này gần cảng sẽ có những đứa trẻ đứng chơi ở đây bạn hãy nói truyện với nó, tụi nó sẽ bỏ chạy và bạn sẽ phải đuổi theo và hỏi thăm từng đứa, sau đó tụi nhỏ sẽ giúp bạn lên thuyền thôi!!
  3. YinYang

    YinYang Độc cô cửu kiếm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sao tui ko thấy vậy nhỉ ??? tui lên thuyền được nhưng mà lại bị mất 1 người đó . Để tui kể lại cho bạn nhớ nhé . Lúc tui nói chuyện với thằng thuỷ thủ đứng cạnh cái thuyền ý . Thì thằng kiếm mà bỏ chạy mất nó hỏi mình mấy câu hỏi . Đại loại là tụi mình đến đây để kiếm 1 công việc , sau đó tui chọn từ chối thì nó bỏ đi . Tui lại nói chuyện với gã thuỷ thủ thì hắn cho mượn thuyền , tui mượn thuyền đi ra đảo thì vào trong hang , sau đó thì bị tắc . Mà tui đọc trong hướng dẫn thì nó bảo là thằng kiếm đó ở trong quán trọ sau đó nó chạy ra quán rượu , mình đến đó nó sẽ rủ mình uống rượu ... Nhưng mình đã đi theo chỉ dẫn nhưng ko thấy như vậy , và mình bị tắc ở đó , bạn thử nhớ lại coi.
  4. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mình có bản chỉ dẫn bằng tiếng anh nên không biết bạn có chiệu khó dịch khong nêu được thì mình sẽ đáng lên nhé:
    Star Ocean: The Second Story Claude Walkthrough
    Sony PlayStation
    North American Version
    Version 2.0
    Made by Exdeath

    Exdeath's Star Ocean: The Second Story Claude Strategy Guide

    This is the Star Ocean: The Second Story Claude Strategy Guide.
    This copyright belongs to me and may not reproduced in any way
    without consent of me. This is freely distributed as long as the
    copyright remains. You may use this Strategy Guide only in its
    entirety, but give me full credit where it is due.

    This Strategy Guide refers to the North American version of the
    game. I also made a Star Ocean: The Second Story FAQ for both
    the Japanese and North American version of the game as well.

    This FAQ is not yet totally complete. If you have something to
    contribute, please mail me at <>.


    Version Info
    Star Ocean: The Second Story Glossary
    Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Journey
    Chapter 2: The Treasure Hunt
    Chapter 3: The Fate of Clik
    Chapter 4: Abduction at Mars
    Chapter 5: Ashton
    Chapter 6: Ashton's Subquest
    Chapter 7: Lacour's Tournament
    Chapter 8: Opera's Subquest
    Chapter 9: Linga
    Chapter 10: The Energy Stone
    Chapter 11: Front Line Fort
    Chapter 12: Ten Wise Men
    Private Action List

    Version Info:

    -Version 2.0 (8/2/99)
    *Walkthrough completed through disc 1
    *Made conversions to suit English version
    *Edited various translations and items
    *Thanks section edited

    -Version 1.0 (5/10/99)
    *First walkthrough for the English version
    *Made conversions to suit English version
    *Started Claude's walkthrough
    *Private Action List started
    *Claude's walkthrough complete through Linga

    -Coming in next version:
    *Completed walkthrough of the game
    *Complete coverage of the bonus dungeon
    *More items added


    Notes for version 2.0:

    Welcome to my updated FAQ. I'm sorry this version has taken so
    much time to write up, but I've been involved with many other
    personal things, and I've been doing other things. Writing FAQs
    like this take a lot of time to do, and take a lot of my free

    On Tuesday, August 3, I head off to college to set up in my dorm.
    This will take a lot of time to do, and until I get situated and
    acquainted with the area, I won't have much time to update this
    FAQ. I'm sorry about this, but I need to find a job and become
    situated in my new home. This walkthrough will go on hiatus for
    this time, but don't worry, I will finish it!

    Also, I have been getting a lot of e-mail recently from people
    that ask questions that have been already answered in my Star
    Ocean: The Second Story FAQ and Star Ocean: The Second Story
    Walkthroughs (both Claude and Rena). If you have a question,
    please make sure to check through my FAQs to see if the answer
    is already there. I really don't want to answer questions that
    have already been answered here, because my mail gets flooded
    each day.

    Notes for version 1.0:

    This is the preliminary version of my Star Ocean: The Second Story
    Claude's Scenario Walkthrough for the North American version of the
    game. This version covers the entire North American version of the
    game, and everything should be correctly translated. Make sure to
    let me know if anything is translated incorrectly for the English
    version of the game.

    I have written an entire FAQ for Star Ocean: The Second Story in
    addition to this walkthrough. Make sure to get the FAQ along
    with this walkthrough, as it covers all of the things that are
    needed to know about the game, including Item Creation data, and
    such. I have translated my FAQ from the FAQ I originally made
    for the Japanese version of the game, so some things could still
    be translated incorrectly. I want to be as exact as possible, so
    contact me if I have made any mistakes.

    Also, I made both the Claude and Rena scenario strategy guides at
    the same time, so a lot of information is copy and pasted from
    here to there, as I made the walkthrough for Claude's scenario
    first. Since the game is very similar besides a few plot twists,
    there is a fair ammount of differences, but not too many. If you
    want to correct any false information I have given, please tell
    me as soon as possible.

    I have made my Star Ocean: The Second Story FAQ to accompany this
    walkthrough. You can get my Star Ocean: The Second Story FAQ from
    one of two locations:

    Many of the sections here are not complete yet, so I'm expecting
    having to update this guide very often, as I plan to make the
    most complete guide for this game on the internet. I welcome
    submissions to this guide, and if you would be kind enough to
    give me information that you have and I don't.

    For any submissions you wish to make, be sure to mail me at

    -There are many Pickpocket items that haven't been translated. It's
    very harde to find all of the items that can be pickpocketed, and
    until I pick up the official guide, I won't be able to translate
    them myself, because I don't have any idea what some of the items
    will be translated as. If you know what the proper translations are
    for any of the items I don't have the proper name for, please mail
    me. I appreciate any help I can get with this.

    -I have started what will become a very large Private Actions List.
    I intend on finding all of the unique Private Actions in the game,
    and recording them here. If you have any *unique* Private Actions
    (ones that can only be done in certain parts of the game), please
    submit them to me. It is pretty small so far, but I have a lot of
    the more important Private Actions. Help on this section would be
    really great.


    Star Ocean: The Second Story is a unique Role Playing Game for the
    Sony PlayStation console. Star Ocean: The Second Story is unique
    in its combat system, skills system, emotional system, and story.

    Star Ocean: The Second Story is actually the second Star Ocean
    game, the original Star Ocean was released on the Super Famicom
    in Japan in 1996. The original Star Ocean was a 48 megabyte cart,
    and used the full abilities of the Super Famicom. Star Ocean was
    made by Tri-Ace, and published by Enix (who is famed for many
    popular games including the tremendously popular Dragon Quest
    series of games).

    Star Ocean was one of the unique games, simply because it was so
    original for a Role Playing Game. Almost every Role Playing Game
    to date has used a turn-based type of system in combat, but Star
    Ocean came through to create a very unique active-time system in
    which everyone attacks and uses their abilities at the same time,
    making strategy in location a big aspect in battles.

    Star Ocean: The Second Story begins 30 years after the original
    Star Ocean left off, when Ratix and his friends destroyed Jie
    Revors and restored peace to the world, and cured the Roakians
    of the stone disease. Claude is the son of Ronixis, who was made
    a hero by the Federation for his work with Ratix in destroying
    Jie Revors. The story begins when Ratix is on his father's ship,
    and later on an away team.

    Star Ocean: The Second Story was made by Tri-Ace. Tri-Ace has
    made other great games like Tales of Phantasia. Tri-Ace has a
    great page that gives a lot of information about their games.
    Check their page out:

    Also, please note that Claude's name in the Japanese version of
    the game is Crawd. This is a translation I really don't agree
    on, but if I make any mistakes through this walkthrough and call
    him Crawd, please tell me. The reason I think this is a stupid
    translation since at the end of the Japanese game in the credits
    it actually says his name is "Crawd" in English, so I don't really
    know what Sony was thinking when they made his name "Claude".

    Star Ocean: The Second Story Glossary:

    Star Ocean: The Second Story contains many Japanese terms that
    could confuse the player. Star Ocean: The Second Story is a big
    game, and you'll probably need to know most of these terms for
    the game, especially if you care about your character's ratings
    toward the other characters.

    Aijodo (Love Level): The variable that measures a character's
    love toward another character. This value is used to determine
    pairings of opposite-sexed characters in the many endings.

    Kanjodo (Emotion Level): The variable that measure's a character's
    feelings toward the other characters in the group. Encompasses
    Aijodo and Yujodo.

    Kobutsu (Favorite): Favorite food or drink. The special foods
    and drinks can be used on the characters, and if it's their
    favorite, it will usually heal them to full HP every time.

    Hissatsuwaza (Killer Moves): Refers to a special technique in a
    specific fighting style. They are gained through level-ups. Only
    the fighting-type characters can use Hissatsuwaza.

    Item Creation: Star Ocean boasts a unique system of making your
    own items by mixing or customizing different other items. There are
    many different kinds of Item Creations, check the "Item Creation"
    section for more info.

    Jukurendo (Proficiency): The level of each Hissatsuwaza and
    spell. Each time you use a Hissatsuwaza or spell, this number
    goes up by one, excluding the spells that don't increase at all.

    Jumon: An individual spell. Pretty much the same as Monshojutsu.

    Monshojutsu (Crest Skill): This is what magic is called in Star
    Ocean: The Second Story. The magic of the Star Ocean world.

    Private Action: A special part of the game in which characters
    split up and move into towns on their own, so you can associate
    with your own characters.

    Skill Points: Points that each character gains after gaining a
    level. You can distribute these points on skills. Sometimes
    referred to as SP.

    Super Tokugi (Super Specialty): A skill that characters possesses,
    Super Specialties are different because every party member helps
    to contribute to each individual use of a Super Specialty.

    Tokugi (Specialty): A single skill a character possesses.

    Zokusei: The type of attack/defense an item/weapon/armor/spell has,
    like Fire or Ice.

    Yujodo (Camaraderie Level): The variable that determines how
    friendly characters are toward each other. This also has effect on
    the endings, it determines pairings of same-sex characters at the


    Here is the complete walkthrough for the North American version
    of Star Ocean: The Second Story. This is obviously going to be
    the biggest section of this guide, and it should tell you all
    of the information you need to know about beating the game.

    --Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Journey--

    "The vast expanse of the universe caught the imagination of 10
    billion people, and presented an unlimited number of possibilities
    to them. From these were born an uncountable number of dreams and
    aspirations. Of course, some of them are evil. That fact was confirmed
    in Sector Gamma when intelligent life forms from Planet Rezonia
    started a war with the Earth Federation and drew them into a violent
    series of battles. Universal Year 342. In that year, a man on the
    battleship Calnus led the way to victory against the Rezonia forces.
    In Universal Year 342, he went to the undeveloped planet Roak, solved
    an incident involving a mysterious virus, and stopped the leader of
    Planet Fargett, Jie Revorse, who was controlling Rezonia behind the
    scenes. In reward for his merits, at the young age of 38, he was
    promoted to Admiral. I respected my father for that more than anybody.
    I grew up believing that being an officer of the Federation was a
    wonderful thing to do. But I am myself. I am not just a puppet of the
    Federation as the son of Admiral Ronixis J. Kenni. But, here I am

    After watching the opening cut scene and spoken text, the game opens
    with Ronixis, Claude, and other crew members investigating a newly
    found planet, Mirokinia. The crew finds that there is a very large
    energy field on the planet. The crew's ship, the Calnus, fires many
    rays at the planet, but it is absorbing them all. Ronixis talks to
    Claude about what is happening and gives you a Phase Gun Killer Move.
    Ronixis and Claude decide to take an away party and beam down to the
    planet to investigate. The away team beams down to the planet, and
    Ronixis decides that the crew should take a look at a large dome.

    When upon reaching the dome, the party splits up and attempts to look
    for a way to open the door. Walk to the control panel and press the
    action button. Claude calls Ronixis about it, and the officers attempt
    to work on opening the dome. The crew eventually is able to open the
    huge dome, and steps inside. Walk towards the dome. Ronixis warns
    Claude to not go any farther, but Claude goes ahead anyway. Claude
    finds a pod of some sort. The pod emits a bunch of coordinates and
    says "Opening gate". Claude gets sucked into the pod and is taken
    from the planet. Ronixis and the chief science officer run up to the
    place Claude was, and Ronixis blames himself.

    Claude finds himself in a forest. Claude calls around, but none of
    the others are there. Claude even attempts to contact the ship from
    his communicator, to no avail. Claude realizes that he is in trouble,
    and that he needs to figure out where he is. Claude believes that
    this planet is fairly a non-technological planet, because of all of
    his surroundings. Claude just beings to walk out of the forest area
    when he spots a girl with blue hair, and he sees that a gorilla is
    about to attack the girl from behind. Claude runs forward and engages
    in attack with the gorilla.

    Boss: Gark
    HP: 2,000
    No strengths or weaknesses

    This isn't really a boss, but you cannot damage Gark with your normal
    attack. Just use the Phase Gun Killer Move that Ronixis gave you on
    the Calnus. Just keep shooting the Phase Gun until Gark is gone, as
    it will only take about three shots.

    After slaying Gark, Claude realizes that he used his Phase Gun and
    begins to worry that he has broken the "Underdeveloped Planet
    Protection Treaty". Claude asks if the girl is alright, and the
    girl eventually becomes scared and runs away. Go to the next screen,
    and the girl apologizes to Claude for running away, and tells Claude
    that she was just very scared. The girl introduces herself as Rena
    Lanford, and Claude introduces himself to her. Claude asks where he
    is, and the girl is very confused.

    The two start walking about to town. On the way back, Rena asks where
    Claude is from, and Claude says that he is from Earth. Rena asks what
    he is talking about, and Claude tells her not to mind, and just says
    that it is in a far off land. When the two enter the town, Rena tells
    Claude that this is her hometown, Arlia. Rena tells that she is going
    back to her house, and tells you to visit around the town and get to
    know the place that she lives in.

    *Items in Arlia:
    Rose Hips, Leather Armor, 200 Fol, Resurrection Bottle, Strawberry
    Jam, Blackberry

    *Pickpocket Data:
    Blackberry, 10 Fol, Rainbow Diamond, Sour Syrup, 100V, Blueberry,
    24 Fol, Stone, Ichigo Jam Resurrect Bottle, Fried Eggs, Vegetables,
    Necklace, 100 Fol, Silver Cross, 120 Fol, Idaten Ship.

    *Village Information:
    Arlia is a pretty average town, and no one in the village knows
    anything about anything that Claude has to talk about. The people
    pretty much only talk about how you look different and how Arlia
    is very average.

    Go around through the village, collecting the various treasures
    (make sure to look in the houses as well), and talking to all of
    the people here.

    Next, go to Rena's house. Rena is just talking to her mother when
    you enter. Rena is surprised that you are here, and Claude just
    said he ended up at her house. Rena welcomes Claude into her home
    and introduces him to her mother, Westa. Westa talks about how
    she told Rena not to run away, but often does anyway. Rena offers
    to give Claude a tour of the town, and Claude accepts. Now, if you
    go into the various houses in the village, Rena will tell you about
    the different areas of the village and what she does here.

    After you are finished, go back to Rena's house. Westa makes a meal
    for Rena and Claude to eat. After you are finished eating, Rena
    talks to Claude about how her mother made too much food, and then
    she goes downstairs to help her mother with housework. Claude thinks
    about trying to find out where he is. Once you walk around, Westa
    will come upstairs. Westa will ask if Claude liked the dinner, and
    Claude says that he enjoyed it. Westa calls Claude the hero, and
    Claude wonders what she is talking about. Westa doesn't say a word,
    and then runs downstairs, sweating. You hear that Weata is upset
    because she accidently referred to the hero in front of Claude. You
    wonder what is going on around the village. The elder of the town,
    Regis, introduces himself, and thanks Claude for saving Rena in the
    forest. Regis asks Claude where he is going from Arlia, and Claude
    says that he is uncertain. Regis suggests that Claude is a hero, and
    not actually a traveler, and Claude is very surprised. Regis thinks
    that Claude is the hero since he had foreign clothes and the "Sword
    of Light". Claude insists that he's not a hero of any kind, and Regis
    tells Claude about the "Sorcery Globe", a large orb that hit down on
    the northeastern continent. Regis believed that Claude was the "hero"
    because of the timing of this disaster, the people believe that a
    hero will emerge in strange clothing a a "Sword of Light". Regis then
    says that if Claude insists it strongly, that he actually isn't the
    hero. Claude says that he didn't come here on his own will, and then
    Claude apologizes for not being the "hero" of the people. Rena then
    leaves, disappointed. Regis tells Claude to leave Rena alone for a
    bit. Regis tells Claude to not use the "Sword of Light", because the
    people of the world will be uneasy about it. Claude agrees, and puts
    the "Sword of Light" (the Phase Gun) away. Regis says that you can
    stay at his home for awhile, so go to Regis' home (the one of the far
    right), and stay the night.

    When Claude wakes up, Regis says that you should go to Salva to get
    more information, and then gives you a Longsword. Go the Shingo
    Forest, and Rena will be in her hiding place. Rena apologizes for
    all of the trouble that Claude has been in, and Claude apologizes
    for not being the actual hero. Rena then tells Claude to leave her
    alone for awhile. As you leave, there will be a boy by the gate
    that will warn you that if you stray from the road on the way to
    Salva, you will be attacked by monsters. I recommend getting used
    to fighting outside, though, so just equip your Longsword and go
    out and fight a few enemies. Once you feel strong enough, head to

    *Items in Salva:
    Heavy Ring, Rena's Hairpin, Portrait B

    *Pickpocket Data:
    Spectacles, Pet Food, Resurrect Bottle x 2, Dummy Doll, Gold Idol,
    24 Fol, Triple overfermented sake, Liquor Bottle, Gold, Ruby,
    Magical Clay, 5 Fol, 12 Fol, Apple Jam, Mental Pot, Iron Greave,
    Silver Idol, 500 Fol, Blurry Photo, Wine, Artemis Leaf, Silver,
    Trikabut, Resurrect Bottle, Falsified Account book, Paralyze
    Check x 2, Idaten Ship, Crystal, Orgol

    *Village Information:
    Salva is a mining town that digs for rare ores to sell. The mine is
    closed because of the reoccuring earthquakes. The mayor of the town,
    Burns, is the chief excavator. Burns is on a journey currently, so
    his son Alen is in charge for the time being. People come to trade
    various items in Salva. People note that Alen hasn't been acting
    very normal lately.

    Walk around town, and talk to everyone. Go into the weapon and armor
    shops to buy Claude some new equippment, as he'll need it for the
    coming dungeon. If you leave Alen's house, Claude will complain
    about not being able to get back to the Calnas. Now, head back to

    Right when you return to Arlia, Westa, Regis, and the town's priest
    are very worried, because Alen came to town and abducted Rena.
    Regis explains how Alen brought soldiers in and made Rena go along
    with them back to Salva. Claude wonders why the village people
    aren't doing anything to help Rena, and they say that they wouldn't
    risk putting Arlia in a counter-attack situation. Claude then offers
    to go and help Rena. Westa thanks Claude, and Regis says that he'll
    be alright since he has the "Sword of Light".

    Go back into Salva. Everyone in town is talking about how Alen is
    going insane, and how he abducted Rena. Go to Alen's house, and
    the door will be locked. Claude will blast the door with the "Sword
    of Light", and then you can go inside the home. Indoors, Rena isn't
    anywhere to be found. Enter the door to the right on the first floor
    to find Rena's hairpin. Go to the statue in the room in the corner
    to find a secret passage. You will find a wounded man within the
    passage. The man says that Alen took Rena down into the mine to go
    to a strange alter, and tells you to find her. Go into the mine.

    Salva Mine
    *Items in Salva Mine:
    Rose Hips, Blackberry x 2, Iron, Gold x 2, Spectacles, Blueberry

    *Enemy Info:
    Funnythief, Kobold, Lizardaxe, Vopatbunny

    It is advisable that you are at least level 4 when entering the
    Salva mine. This is the first dungeon in the game, but it isn't a
    long one. Walk around for awhile to get used to the enemies here,
    and to gain a few levels. None of the enemies are very tough here,
    just use Kuhazan if you have to attack from far away. Otherwise,
    just use normal attacks the entire time.

    Travel through the mine until you get to the alter in which Rena has
    been tied town. Alen will tell Claude to back off, and Claude tells
    Alen to leave Rena go. Alen plans to marry Rena in the mine, and
    Rena begs Claude to help her. Claude frees Rena from the altar. Now,
    Alen creates a shockwave that knocks Rena and Claude back. Alen
    transforms into a hideous monster, and you must fight him.

    Boss: Alen-Tax
    HP: 400
    Strength: Darkness
    Weakness: Light

    Alen is a very easy boss, just because his HP are so low. If you
    use three Kuhazan attacks in a row on him and they connect, he will
    be gone. Don't use Rena to attack him, as she has less of a defense
    power than Claude. If you don't have enough MP to use the three
    Kuhazans, just run up to him and attack him. You might lose some HP,
    but Rena will be there to heal you.

    Once you have defeated Alen, Claude asks if Rena was hurt, and she
    says that she is fine. Rena says she has no idea why Alen is acting
    this way, as Alen seemed obsessed about something. Claude wonders
    how a human can take such a hideous form. Rena casts a heal spell on
    Alen, and he wakes up, not knowing where he is. Alen is totally
    oblivious to what just happened. Claude, Rena, and Alen all return
    to Salva. Claude and Rena tell Alen what he did, and Alen is very
    sorry about everything. Alen says that when he saw the stone, it
    gave him a rushing feeling. Claude and Rena then return to Arlia.

    Regis thanks Claude once again for saving Rena, and wonders what
    happened to Alen. Claude explains the whole story about how Alen
    was changed because of the rock. They talk about how the rock is
    much like the Sorcery Globe in that it turns people into monsters.
    Claude apologizes for using the Phase Gun again on the door, but he
    says it was neccesary to save Rena. Regis asks Claude if he will go
    and investigate the Sorcery Globe. Regis thinks that Claude would
    be the best one to investigate it since it might help him find a way
    back home. Claude agrees to help Regis, and Rena asks if Claude will
    take her. Regis thinks it would be a good idea if Claude would take
    Rena because of her special healing powers. Claude says that he will
    take Rena only if Westa allows him to.

    Go back into the house, and Regis will ask to talk to you before you
    go to bed. Regis tells Claude that he was expecting for Rena to go
    along with you, and Regis notes how Rena has special healing powers
    that no one else does. Regis tells Claude that Rena was found when
    she was very young, abandoned, and Westa took care of her. Regis says
    that no one has told Rena about this yet. Regis also notes that Rena
    was wearing a special pendant when she was found. Regis then tells
    you that you may go to sleep. As Claude is sleeping, he hears a knock
    on the window. If you go out onto the balcany, Rena will be there.
    Rena says she wants to talk to you. Go outside the house.

    Rena says that her mother was very surprised when hearing that she
    wanted to go along with Claude. Rena says that Regis came in before
    Westa could answer Rena, and Regis said that it would be a good idea.
    Rena also says that she wishes to find her real mother in the world,
    and has a new quest to undertake. Rena tells Claude about how she
    was found, and then you get to see a flashback to when Rena's father
    died. Rena wonders why she had a pendant when she was found, and then
    says that she thought her mother was caring for her when she was given
    it. Rena says that Westa has done a great job of taking care of Rena,
    but Rena would like to find her real mother. Also, Rena would like to
    know why she has special healing magic.

    Before leaving the next day, Regis says that Claude and Rena should go
    to Cross Castle to meet the king so that they can get permission to go
    to Ell and locate the Sorcery Globe. Leave town and go north. Once you
    get to Salva, talk to Alen, and you will tell him that you are going
    to be investigating the Sorcery Globe. If you talk to him again, he
    will give you a Happiness Ring. Get any equippment you haven't gotten
    yet, and head north.

    --Chapter 2: The Treasure Hunt--

    You are now on the main part of the Cross continent. You can now travel
    to all of the villages on the continent, but the main destination will
    be Cross Castle. If you'd like to purchase equippment from the other
    villages, though, that is also a good idea. Your next destination is
    Cross Castle. It's a huge castle that is slightly north of Salva. Head

    Cross Castle
    *Items in Cross Castle:
    Wooden Shield, Leather Helm, 500 Fol

    *Pickpoket Data:
    Paralyze Oil, Hosomi no Tsurugi, 20 Fol, Orichalcum, Iron, Pet Food,
    Spectacles, Cure Poison, Aquaberry, Fol Up Card, Leather Armor, 200 Fol,
    Weird Lump, Specatcles, Hakkiyoke, Osashimi, Pear Comporte, Long Sword,
    Blueberry, Kokuryuu "Sekidenya", 50 Fol, Blackberry, Pinboke Shasshin,
    Paralyze Oil, Magical Film, Leather Helm, Leather Greave, Sweet Syrup,
    200 Fol, 200 Fol, Fruit, Cure Paralyze, 50 Fol, Hen na Ningyo, Anklet,
    100 Fol, 500 Fol, Silk Robe, 80 Fol, Banded Mail, 200 Fol, Stink Gel,
    Aloe Jam, Beer, Magical Camera, Banded Helm, Hane Pen

    *Village Information:
    Cross is the center for most major trade and government on the Cross
    continent. It is a huge, bustling castle/town that has many shops,
    people, and a friendly kingdom.

    *Note: In order to get Opera/Ernest to join the party, you must have seen
    the special Private Action here. To see it, just execute a single Private
    Action, and walk north, toward the castle. When you are in front of Cross
    Castle, a man with three eyes runs into you. He excuses himself, then runs
    off again. This is all you need to do, although you will need to do other
    things later.

    You will want to buy the new weapons and armor here, but you will be
    getting some money from the king, so don't worry if you don't have
    enough money at the moment. Head to the castle, north of the village
    part of Cross.

    When you get into the castle, Rena will register your names at the
    front counter so you can have an audience with the king. The girls at
    the front counter tell you that you will have to wait your turn, so
    you can go around to the different places in Cross Castle for the time
    being. Now, go around through the castle. There are three chests here,
    including 500 Fol, which you will need to buy some good armor later.
    After you've walked around through the wings of the castle, go back to
    the first level of the castle, and head north. The guards will now let
    you through to talk to the king.

    When you talk to the king, the king will greet Rena. You will be able
    to ask him a few questions. Once you have asked the king all three
    questions, he will give you 600 Fol and a Passport to get to the El
    continent. He tells you that you should investigate the Sorcery Globe
    as soon as possible. Now, head out of the castle.

    When you get back to to the village area, you will see a fight going
    on in town square. Claude and Rena stop to watch. You will see that
    two magicians are having a fight over a map that the female magician
    apparently had. The male magician threatens the female magician, and
    Claude runs up to try to settle the fight. The male magician becomes
    angry, and starts to cast a spell. The female magician quickly casts
    a fire spell, and the male magician runs away, telling her that she
    will regret it. Claude now goes toward the female magician. Claude
    stops to see if the female magician is alright. She thanks Claude for
    helping her. She tells you that she got the map to look for a secret
    treasure in Cross Cave, and she wants Claude and Rena will go along.
    You have to go on this mission, so choose the first option. She now
    introduces herself as Celine Jules, and joins your party.

    Now is a good time to buy new weapons and armor for your characters
    in the stores west of the village area. There is also a skill shop
    here, and you'll also eventually want to buy all of the first sets
    of skills. Make sure you have everything you need, and head to Cross
    Cave, it's a mountain with a cave opening.

    Cross Cave
    *Items in Cross Cave:
    Blackberry x 2, Iron, Cure Poison x 2, Lavender x 2, ?Mineral (Rock),
    Magic Canvas, Tri-ball, Artemis Leaf, Sweet Syrup x 2, 700 Fol, ?Item
    (Aquaberry), ?Jewlrey (Reverse Doll), Green Beryl, Heart Barriers,
    Ancient Writings, Resurrect Mist, Feather Pen

    *Enemy Info:
    Alraune, Armedknight, Landworm, Slime

    The enemies in Cross Cave not very tough at all. Most of them can be
    taken out fast with just a few normal attacks from Claude. You really
    shouldn't need to gain many levels here, but if you're feeling weak,
    go ahead. The area has many useful treasures and is pretty large, and
    is kind of like a small maze.

    When you get to the northeast area of the maze, you will find a dead
    end. Your party wonders what you should do. Claude points out that
    the map says to cast a certain spell. Celine casts the spell at once,
    and part of the cave opens up. Your characters say to move on. Save
    at the save point, and continue on. In the next room, there are five
    treasures. Grab all of the treasures. Make sure you say the treasure
    to the north for last, though, since opening that will make you fight
    the boss. Once you have all of the other treasures, save on the save
    point in the previous room again, and open it. You don't even have to
    fight this boss, really, but it's useful for experience and Fol.

    Boss: Gargoyle (2)
    HP: 1,500 (each)
    Strength: Darkness
    Weakness: Light

    The Gargoyles shouldn't be too hard. Just keep using Claude's normal
    attacks. If you need to, use the Shooting Stars Killer Move if you
    want to attack from a range. This will also give Rena time to heal
    Claude if he needs it. Celine can use Ray here, which also does a
    large amount of damage to them. Just keep pounding away on them one
    at a time with Claude, and they should be gone.

    After you win, you will be able to leave Cross Cave. When you are at
    the exit, the party will split up. Celine thanks Claude and Rena for
    helping her so much, and Claude tells her that it was no problem at
    all. Claude suddenly asks Celine if she will join Rena and he. The
    characters are surprised, and Celine says she'll think about it. Now,
    Celine tells you that she will come along with you if Rena says it is
    alright with her. You now can pick from two options:

    1) Come with us, Celine!
    2) It isn't a good idea after all

    This is basically your choice to keep Celine throughout the rest of
    the game. I strongly suggest taking Celine, since she is a strong
    spell-caster, and unless you plan on having both Opera and Ernest
    join the party, you won't even be able to fill your party to the full
    eight members. I highly suggest you pick option 1.

    Your next destination is Clik, a port town on the north edge of the
    continent. You will have to go over a bridge to get there, and it is
    a fairly long walk from Cross Cave.

    --Chapter 3: The Fate of Clik--

    *Items in Clik:
    Lyre, Vegetables, Grain, Seafood

    *Pickpocket Data:
    800 Fol, 500 Fol, Breeze Earrings, Today's Menu, Flash Pot, Aquaberry,
    Graneshezo, Artemis Leaf, 100 Fol, Dummy Doll, Gatagata Knuckle, Beer,
    Wrecked Knuckle, Yasai, Hotcake, Extend Card, Discovery Card, Feat
    Symbol, Kokuryu "Ishidaya", Herbal Oil, 50 Fol, Senchuyasaku, Berserk
    Ring, Apple Crepe, Silver Cross, Ruby, Orange Sherbet, Silver Charm,
    Batlayer Ring, Egg Sandwich, 500 Fol, Weird Clothing, Robe, Magical
    Clay, Mandrake, Sapphire, Anklet, Iron, Fountain Pen

    By the pickpocket data, it is obvious that there are very many awesome
    items you can steal from people in Clik. You normally won't have the
    41,800 Fol you need to buy the Bandit's Glove, nor the special Pickpocket
    Specialty at this point, so you will probably pass these things up. If
    you do build your money up to 41,800, and get the glove, you can even
    steal from Philia in the Private Action, which gives you a certain item
    in which you can three random items. This can be extremely useful, so if
    you are a completist, go for it. :)

    Head to the captain of the ship. He will say that you that you will need
    a special Passport to leave on the ship with the crew. Claude shows him
    the Passport, and he is very surprised. Claude tells him how he got it
    from the king of Cross himself. The captain tells you that you can ride
    with them to Lacour continent, but they are packing at the moment, so it
    will be delayed a bit. He tells Claude to look around in the village for
    awhile for the time being.

    Go into the main square of the village. Claude says that he wants to sit
    down on one of the benches there. When your party starts to walk toward
    the bench, a boy runs past quickly, knocking you down. The party is now
    fairly angry for being knocked down. Claude notices that his wallet is
    gone! Your party must now find his wallet. The party members now describe
    him as being a small boy with blue hair. You will now have to look for
    the him to get your money back.

    Talk to the villagers, specifically the kids playing near the docks. One
    of them tells you that he is near the bar. Go to the bar, in the first
    part of town (the part you entered from). You will find the boy, face to
    the wall. Claude stops him, but lets him go to talk. He says he is a rich
    boy, and he only stole your money so that the other children would think
    he was cool, and so he could surprise everyone. Claude is slightly mad,
    but he will forgive him. The boy now gives back your wallet. Claude says
    that he will let the boy go if he shows them around town, so the boy now
    agrees. The boy introduces himself as Ketil, and he joins the party (he
    cannot fight, of course).

    There are about five things you can do in town while you have Ketil in
    your party:

    -After feeling a small earthquake, Ketil will ask you if you know about
    the fountain in the square. You can say yes or say that you don't. Ketil
    will tell you about the stores in the square if you tell him you don't
    know about it.

    -Go into Ketil's house, and he will try to sneak up on a servant. Ketil's
    mother now comes in. His mother suspects that you are trying to kidnap
    Ketil, but his mother soon leaves.

    -Go into the resturant. The cook gives you a food sample for free. All
    three are unique Japanese dishes.

    -Go to either the ice cream shop or the crepe shop. You can now buy Ketil
    either a vanilla ice cream from the ice cream shop, or a banana crepe at
    the crepe shop.

    -Go to the clothing store. Ketil will get various clothes, and ask one of
    your characters to try them on. You now get to pick which character you
    want to wear the clothing (you can pick from Claude, Rena, or Celine). No
    matter which character you choose, the other characters will laugh at that
    character, but then apologize.

    Once you are done, go to the other children at the docks. Claude, Rena,
    and Celine get Ketil to play with the other children. The other children
    will now accept Ketil as a friend, and play with him. Now, you can go to
    the boat. Head to the captain.

    The captain will tell you that they still have some last-minute packing to
    do, so he tells you to gather your items that you need. Now, walk into town
    square. A huge earthquake will occur, and you get to watch an awesome scene
    showing Clik's destruction! You end up on a hill, with the survivors. The
    captain tells you that he can't do anything since he doesn't have a boat,
    and gives your Passport back. Now, go north a little. You see what was left
    of Clik being washed away by a title wave (this town isn't very lucky). Go
    head north, and you will find Ketil. Ketil will tell you that he found one
    of his friends, but couldn't find the other. He will also say he doesn't
    know where his mother his, but he knows she will be alright. The next real
    destination is Mars, a town to the east, but not as far east as Herlie.

    --Chapter 4: Abduction at Mars--

    *Items in Mars:
    Sour Syrup, Purple Mist, Silense Card, Silk Robe

    *Pickpocket Data:
    Robe, 120 Fol, 200 Fol, Ring of Sorrow, Boots, Fairy Glass, Ruby Wand,
    Magic Rock, Kokumotsu, Silence Card, Rotten Milk, Legendary Box, Rose
    Hips, Wine, Angel Statue, Silk Robe, Herbal Oil, Magical Hat

    Right when you get into the village, head to the house directly to the
    northeast. Celine's mother, Labe, notices her, and tells her to sit down
    and listen to the incident the elder is talking about. If Celine is not
    in your party, Celine will already be sitting down here. The elder tells
    everyone at the table about what happened. The night before, all of the
    village's children were found to be missing. The elder tells you that a
    messanger came to tell the people of Mars that some bandits had kidnapped
    the village's children, and are holding them for a ransom of 50,000 Fol
    and one of the village's sacred books, "Book of Secret Seals". Celine's
    father, Egras, tells you that that the forest was surrounded by a magical
    barrier, so if the bandits broke through the barrier, they must be quite
    strong. The party asks what the elders are going to do about it. They say
    that they hired a swordsman, Dias, to help save the children, because he
    is training for a special tournament in Lacour (the Lacour Tournament).
    The party then tries to persuade the elder to let them help handle this
    situation. Dias now gets made because he was offered to finish the job
    first. Dias leaves the room, hurling an insult at Celine. Celine now gets
    very mad at Dias, saying how he is very rude.

    Now, you will see Claude and Celine standing outside of the house, waiting
    for Rena. Claude tells Celine that he admires Dias' strength, but he thinks
    that he and Celine should go on without him. Claude suggests that they get
    to finishing the job before Dias can. Rena will now come back. Rena urges
    to let Dias join the party. Claude tells Rena that Dias is bent on doing
    things himself, so he doesn't want to let him join. Rena gets rather angry
    at Claude, saying "Claude may not need Dias, but I need Dias." Rena asks
    why Claude would say such a thing, and Claude tells her how he isn't about
    to let Dias join. Rena gets mad, and then leaves to join Dias. Celine tells
    you to get the equipment you need, and then head back to the elder's house.

    Go to the weapon/armor shop to the south. There are many new and powerful
    weapons and armor here, but you probably won't be able to afford it all.
    Get everything you can that increases defense and offense, but don't get a
    Flame Sword for Claude (because you can find one in the forest). Also, buy
    as many Blueberries as you can. You won't have a healer, as you only get
    Claude and Celine, so your HP will probably run down pretty fast.

    Go back to the elder's house to get some rest. In the morning, the village
    elders wish Claude/Celine off. Celine tells Claude that they will do their
    best to protect the village. Claude is thinking about something, and then
    realizes that Celine is trying to talk to him. Egras thinks that the group
    thing is foolish, saying that you all should have gone together. Egras says
    to remember that it isn't a competition, it is for the sake of the children.
    Egras tells you to help Rena and Dias if they get in trouble. Celine asks
    Claude if he was thinking about what Rena said, but Claude remains silent
    and enters the forest. You will now be in the Heraldry Forest.

    Heraldry Forest
    *Items in Heraldry Forest:
    ?Herb (Rose Hips), Amber Robe, Smelling Salts, Dummy Doll, Flame Sword,

    The Hardldry Forest is one of the hardest areas in Claude's scenario. The
    enemies here are very difficult, and since you don't have a healer, you
    will have to rely on your healing items only. Most of the random battles
    are not too hard, but some of the mages here will cast multiple Starlight
    spells, doing quite a lot of damage to both Claude and Celine. You will
    also run into several groups of bandits in the forest, each of which have
    500 HP. These bandits are very hard because they will often get their hits
    in before you have a chance to hit them, and sometimes multiple hits.

    When you get the the third group of bandits, they will be extremely angry
    at the party for coming this far. You will learn that Dias and Rena have
    made it through while fighting bandits at this point.

    When you make it through to the second save point in the forest, save and
    heal. Eventually, the Master of Heraldry comes. He says that since he has
    been helping the people of Mars, he has came here to help you. Claude now
    says that Dias and Rena probably beat them to finding the children. Rena
    asks Master of Heraldry how the bandits are, and he says "they're doing
    fine". Rena asks him what he means, and he reveals himself as Vermillion,
    the boss of the bandits, and tells Celine that he has killed her father.
    You must now fight Vermillion.

    Boss: Vermillion
    HP: 3,000
    Strength: Darkness
    Weakness: Fire, Light

    Vermillion won't be very much of a problem if you're level 15 or so. Have
    Celine cast Ray continuously on Vermillion, and have Claude fight up close
    with his Killer Moves or normal attacks. If you have enough MP, you can
    probably even keep unleashing Air Slash Killer Moves until he dies. If you
    have the Flame Sword, it won't take many hits to kill him.

    When you beat Vermillion, Celine tells you that you should go to help the
    children. Claude tells Celine that they should go back to the village first
    to see if everyone there is doing fine. Rena and Dias will now enter. They
    explain that they fought through the forest, and found the children in a
    cabin at the end of the forest. Dias sees Vermillion on the ground, dead,
    and asks Claude if he killed it. Claude says that he did, and Dias says to
    Claude, "I guess what Rena said was really true." Claude wonders what he
    means, and Dias tells Claude that he must be a good swordsman. Dias says
    that he sees that he and Claude will fight in the future. Dias now leaves.
    You must now go back to the village.

    You are now in Celine's house. Claude asks if Egras is alright, and the
    elder tells him that Rena's healing magic will probably help him, and it
    looks like he will pull through. The elder is very surprised that Rena has
    such strong healing magic. Rena now tells Claude that it was amazing how
    he beat Vermillion by himself. Claude tells Rena that it wasn't just him,
    he had great help from Celine. Rena then tells Claude that it must have
    been a lot of work for Claude, then, because Dias praised him sword skills.
    Claude says that it isn't surprising that Rena likes Dias. Rena tells him
    not to get the wrong idea, and that Dias is like a brother to her. Claude
    then tells Rena that he hopes she finds her real mother.

    In Celine's house, in the back room, Egras is lying down. He thanks Rena
    for using the healing magic on him. You now mention that you are headed
    to Herlie so you can get to El continent. Claude then asks Egras about
    the Sorcery Globe, and Egras thinks that the Sorcery Globe is causing the
    animals of the world to turn into monsters. Egras tells you to get more
    information first, though.

    Later, Claude will be alone with Egras in his bedroom. Egras tells Claude
    that he thinks Claude is actually the hero, even though Claude denies it.
    Claude explains how Celine and Rena are also helping to fight. Egras will
    now leave.

    In the morning, Claude will ask Egras where you should go first on the
    continent of El. Egras tells Claude that they should visit Lacour Castle,
    and the village of Linga to get their Ancient Writings translated, since
    Linga is known for its excellent scholars. He tells you to make a first
    stop at Lacour Castle, though. Your next destination is Herlie, to the
    east. It's the port town.

    --Chapter 5: Ashton--

    This chapter is totally optional. If you want Opera to join your party,
    or if you don't want Ashton to join your party (you can't have both Opera
    and Ashton in the same party), head to the ship going to Lacour by boat,
    and skip this chapter. If you want Ashton in the party, read on.

    When you first enter into Hilton, talk to the two men near the entrance.
    They will tell you that a two-headed dragon has appeared in the Salva
    Mines. Rena comments about Alen, and Celine asks who he is. Claude will
    ask the people for details, the men say that several warriors have gone
    to try to defeat the dragon. They will tell you to stay away from Salva
    Mine because it is dangerous. Head back to Salva Mine. ^_^

    In the mine, a soldier will tell you that the mine is off limits because
    of the danger. Claude boasts his strength, and the soldier eventually
    lets you enter. The soldier tells you that another warrior just went in,
    and not to get in his way. Rena wonders if that warrior is Dias.

    Go into the new section of the mine that you couldn't go into earlier.
    It's to the west of a sign on the west side of the mine. The monsters
    here are much tougher, so make sure to be at full HP/MP.

    Salva Mine
    *Items in the new area of Salva Mine:
    Maple Syrup, Brigandy, Iron, Aquaberry, Gold Pierce, Cinderella Glass,
    Diamond, Star Ruby

    Go farther into the mine and collect the treasures. You will eventually
    see a warrior in a blue robe walking around. Claude asks who that man
    is and Rena says that it must be the warrior that entered before them.
    Follow the man. Keep going the way that the warrior has gone through the
    mines, and you will see him fighting with the dragon. Claude tells you
    that the passage is way too small that everyone can fit in. Your party
    members basically just cheer the warrior on. ^_^ The man turns around
    and asks you to be quiet. While the warrior has his back turned, the
    dragon sneaks up on the man, and graf its two heads on the man's back!
    Ashton looks around, wondering what happened. The party tells him that
    the dragons are on his back! The warrior gets mad, and blames you for
    distracting him while he was fighting. He forces the blame on you. Rena
    wonders what you can do to help him. The warrior tells you to search
    with him for a way to get the dragons off. You then get a choice:

    1) Take responsiblity
    2) Don't take responsibility

    If you take option 1, the man is very surprised, and thanks the party
    for understand him. The warrior introduces himself as Ashton Anchors,
    and joins your party.

    If you take option 2, Rena says that it isn't your fault, since it was
    him who turned around to you. Ashton is angry, and asks the party if
    they really think it was his fault. Claude says that it probably was.
    The dragons will start fighting, and Claude tells the party to go run
    away from here. You can now leave the mine. If you go back to the man,
    though, you can still get him to join the party, and he introduces
    himself as Ashton Anchors.

    Now, leave the town. Claude asks Ashton if he knows of any way to free
    the dragons. Now, the dragons begin to start talking. Rena stards to
    like the dragons. Rena asks if she can name the dragons. Rena names the
    dragons the blue one Ururun, and the red one Gyroro. Ashton now wonders
    what to do. Rena thinks that you may be able to find some information
    in a book. Rena says that there's many books at the elder's house in

    --Chapter 6: Ashton's Subquest--

    This is where the actual optional part comes in. You can either go right
    to Lacour or continue the quest in trying to remove the dragons from the
    back of Ashton. This area is completely optional, but there are great
    items to be found, and a good place to gain some levels. I strongly urge
    you to do the subquest. If you want to go on the subquest, go to Mars.
    If you don't, then skip the rest of this chapter.

    When you go into the elder's house, you will find numerous books on the
    shelves. You want to look at the "Book of Detachment". Claude reads it,
    and the book says that you you need to have a "tear of the flying lord"
    in the "holy silver goblet" to detach the dragons. Crawd reads on, and
    he finds out that the silver goblet sleeps near the water in an ocean.
    Claude says that this could be referring to Coll Lake at the northwest
    end of Cross continent. Rena also suggests that the area inside in the
    ocean could be the Mountain Palace near the lake. Claude reads on, and
    realizes that to get the "tear of the flying lord", you must climb the
    neccessary mountain and face a large monster. Claude suggests that the
    book may be referring to the bird that lives on the top of that mountain.
    Celine says that a demo lives on top of Lasgus mountain, to the west of
    Cross Castle (I don't know what happens if Celine isn't in your party).
    Claude says that the book states that once you have the tear, you have
    to recite the lines listed in the book. Ashton is very happy because he
    now knows how to get the dragons off. Claude says that once the dragons
    have been taken off, though, that they will be destroyed forever. Celine
    says that they should go as far to killing Ururun and Gyoro. Claude and
    Rena will agree, and Ashton starts to feel sorry for the dragons. Claude
    suggests to go to the Mountain Palace.

    Go south of where Clik was, on the opposite side of the river. Climb to
    the very top of the mountain. When you get to the Mountain Palace, there
    is a guard standing who won't let anyone without permission of the king

    Return to Cross Castle. Go to the castle, and talk to the king. You will
    explain the situation you've gotten into, and the king will eventually
    give you permission to enter, and 3000 Fol. Go to the Mountain Palace now
    and you will be able to enter.

    Mountain Palace
    *Items in the Mountain Palace:
    Lunar Tablet, Crystal, ?Herb (Artemis Leaf), Resurrection Bottle, ?Jewelry
    (Shiny Earring), Cure Stone, Sweet Syrup, Crest Rod, Amber Robe, ?Mineral
    (Damascus), Trikabut, Fairy Toilette, Damascus, Emerald Ring, Fairy Statue,
    Cestus, ?Mineral (Orihalcum)

    *Enemy Info:
    Archer, Hood, Hounddog, Petragerell, Punnythief, Sandglass, Slimepool

    The enemies here are pretty tough. It's a very good area in the game to
    build levels, though, since there is a guard that will refill your MP and
    HP if you talk to him like an inn. This is the first large area you will
    have Ashton in, too, so it is wise to gain some levels for him. Here are
    a few of the enemies here:

    *Slimepools: Use Claude's "Shotting Star" Killer Move at close range, since
    they can't move very fast. The Slimepools are especially dangerous since
    they paralyze your characters often, and you probably won't have the needed
    remedy items like Liquor Bottles or Cure Potions at this point.
    *Archers: Use Claude's normal attack on them quickly. The Archers are really
    dangerous since they shoot a barrage of arrows, and can pick off the spell
    casters (Rena and Celine).
    *Sandglass: Shouldn't be too hard, use two normal attacks and they should be
    gone. Once you hit them, they become engraged, and use a powerful normal
    attack that does a lot of damage even if you have good armor.

    Keep going through the dungeon until you find the Silver Cup. Ashton starts
    to get very happy, but Ururun and Gyoro are very sad. The rest of the party
    gets mad at Ashton because he said that in front of the dragons. :) Once
    this scene is over, an enemy drops down, and you must fight it.

    Boss: Nightmare
    HP: 9,000
    No strengths/weaknesses

    Nightmare is a pretty hard boss. She's fast and powerful, and Tetanus Wind is
    a very powerful spell. Keep nailing Nightmare with a barrage of the best close
    up Killer Moves you have. Ashton's Leaf Slash and Claude's Shooting Star Killer
    Moves will work well here. Leaf Slash is incredibly effective because Ashton
    can execute it quick, and before Nightmare can cast Tetanus Wind. Keep using
    the best Killer Moves you have, and healing with Rena. You shouldn't have too
    many problems unless you are at low levels.

    After you win, the party stops. Clude asks the dragons if they hold a grudge
    against the party for trying to find a way to get them off of Ashton's back.
    Ashton says that the dragons are in an awkward position. When you leave, the
    party wonders who the "lord of the air" could be. The party says that you
    should check Lasgus Mountain, west of Cross. Go there.

    Lasgus Mountain
    *Enemy Info: Pylesherry, Shout

    is a very short dungeon. The battles here are very hard, and you probably
    won't have Ashton at very high levels yet. The Pylesherry enemies cast
    Blood Suck, so you'll want to rush up to attack them at the very beginning
    of the fights. The Shouts will drain your MP very fast, but can't hurt you.
    They're a very annoying enemy in these respects. Try to avoid battles with
    them. Head up the mountain, it won't take very long to get to the top.

    At the top of the mountain, you will find a huge nest. Nothing at all is
    here though. Ashton says that the "tear of the lord" should be here. Now,
    a huge demonic bird falls down near the party. Ashton apparently knows the
    monster. The party realizes that Ashton is not speaking, but the dragons
    are. Jin says that the dragons aren't powerful when attached to Ashton.
    Ashton (the dragons) then challenge Jin to a fight. You will now have to
    fight Jin.

    Biss: Jin
    HP 20,000
    Strength: Fire, Wind

    Jin is one of the toughest bosses in the game. Don't fight Jin unless you
    are at least at level 26 or so. Jin is very large and fast, and can fly
    across the screen at very high speeds. Jin also casts Master Attack, which
    is a powerful attack spell that will almost kill one character. If you see
    Jin gathering power, run up and attack him quickly, because that is the
    sign that he's going to use "Master Attack". Jin also casts Light Cross,
    which will do a decent amount of damage to the party. "Head Splitter" is a
    great Hissatsuwaza to use. Celine should continuously cast Energy Arrow on
    Jin. Before Celine does attack magic, though, make sure Celine casts the
    spell of "Reflection" on every character, as this will raise your defensive
    powerful to a higher amount. This battle will likely take a long time to
    complete, so keep using your Blackberries on Celine and Rena if neccessary.

    After you defeat Jin, Jin bashes Ururun and Gyroro for attaching to Ashton.
    Ururun and Gyoro say that they were individual before, but now they know
    what it's like to have a good friend. You received the Demon-Bird Tear.
    Ashton is now himself (as opposed to being dragons ^_^). The party says
    that Jin must have really been jealous of the dragons. Ashton is really
    confused about what happened, and Rena asks if Ashton really wants to get
    rid of the dragons. He will eventually say "yes", but he is hesitant. You
    say to return to Salva and the mine there, since you must return to the
    place where the dragons originated to detach them.

    Now, go to the first area that Ashton joined you. You say that all Ashton
    will need to do is chant the words in the book. Ashton starts to say the
    words, but the dragons start becoming sad. Ashton continues until the last
    line of the chant, but then he stops. Ashton says that he can't remove the
    dragons, since they have become a part of him. The dragons become happy
    again. Rena says that Ashton should join the part for good, so Ashton will
    join the group.

    Now, head to Herlie.

    --Chapter 7: Lacour's Tournament--

    *Items in Harley:
    Ring Mail, Sinclair Sabre, 1200 Fol, Leather Boots

    *Pickpocket Data:
    Rose Hips, Nikuman, Silence Guard, Bijobu "Usunigori," 200 Fol, Kokuryu
    "Ishidaya," Senchuyasaku, 120 Fol, Shozoga B, Round Shield, Silk Robe,
    Coconut Milk, Mixed Syrup, Care Tablet, Sanitized Gloves, Sadness Ring,
    Sanbai-zojo-sake, Toro, Counterfeit Money, Fake Check, Ex-milk, Suede
    Boots, Buckler, Tozoku Tebukuro, Mannenpitsu, Life Insurance, Happiness
    Ring, Purple Mist, Ruby Pierce, Dried Plum, Special Medicine, Idaten,
    Kawa no Muchi, Leather Whip, Twin Sword, Shrimp Gratin

    *Village Information:
    Not much new information is circulating in Herlie. There are quite a few
    refugess here from Clik. Herlie is a simple port village with many shops,
    make sure to buy everything you think you need here.

    Once you've finished your shopping at Herlie, use the boat to cross over
    to Lacour continent. You'll arrive at Hilton, the port town of Lacour.

    *Pickpocket Data:
    Umeboshi, 500 Fol, Bandit's Gloves, Silver Idol, Idaten, Sweet Syrup, Fruit,
    Magical Clay, Smoke Mist, Egg/Dairy Products, Spectacles, Magic Canvas, Yasai,
    150 Fol, Super Ball, 200 Fol, Beer, Sanbai-jozo-sake, 25 Fol, Hyper Ball,
    Shrimp Shumai, Leather Boots, Senkiyoke, Paralyze Check, Gyokarui, Blackberry,
    Lavender, Pretty Idol, Feather Pen, Plate Mail, Plate Greave, Buckler, Idaten
    Ship, Plate Helm

    *Village Information:
    There is much talk of the coming Lacour Tournament, a large competition in
    which fighters from all around the world gather together and fight in the
    sight of spectators for fun and glory. Others talk about how Dias should be
    showing up for the competition.

    Go shopping for the weapons and armor you need. The shops here have many
    new items and minerals. You will likely have a lot of money here, so feel
    free to spend away. When you're ready, go to the in. During the night,
    Claude wakes up, and goes outside. Rena secretly follows him. Claude tries
    to use his communicator again, but it is just static. Now, Claude looks up
    into the sky, and wonders if one of the stars there is Earth. Rena hides,
    and Claude walks back to the room. Rena then follows.

    Do whatever shopping you need, and walk to Lacour Castle. It is a very
    large castle area, even bigger than Cross Castle was.

    *Items in Lacour: Star Ruby

    *Pickpocket Data:
    Kamikuzu, Orangeade, Bile Tear, Soybean Milk, 500 Fol, Fairy Tear, Extend
    Card, Aqua Ring, Blueberry, Yasai, Silver Ring, Carrot Juice, Raspberry Jam,
    Aquaberry, 600 Fol, 555 Fol, Cure Paralyze, 500 Fol, Gold Ring, Sandal,
    Kudamono, Crystal, 100 Fol, Attack Pierce, Aquaberry, Smith Hammer, Damascus,
    Scribble, Nikurui, Sinclair Sabre, Oriental Blade, Green Beryl, Cestas, Bows
    Shaver, 500 Fol, Beer, Dulfolbiban, Yaegaki "Mu" Shizuku Shibori, Blueberry,
    200 Fol, Beer, Blackberry, 100 Fol, Gold, Iron, Baselard, Broken Sword, Flame
    Blade, Hard Knuckle, Trikabut, Picking Ingredients, Tamago/Nyuseihin, Magical
    Clay, Magic Canvas, Magical Film, Leather Greaves, Hamburger, Anman, Round
    Shield, Banded Mail, Blueberry, Sinclair, Princess Ring, 500 Fol, Cow Steak,
    300 Fol, Kudamono, Magical Clay, Anklet, Cestus, Daifuku, 50 Fol, Gyokarui,
    Boots, Buckler, Cure Poison, Spectacles, 100 Fol, Tozoku Tebukuro, Shikibo,
    Vanilla Ice, Top Quality Paper, Cinderella Glass, Blueberry, Tacky Adornment,
    400 Fol, Hosomi no Ken, (Thin Sword), 150 Fol, Weird Lump, Hosomi no Ken,
    Blueberry, Long Sword, Crown, Heavy Ring, Twin-edge, Ruby, 150 Fol, 500 Fol,
    Iron, Pet Food, Poison Check, Orichalcum, Smith Hammer, Strawberry Jam,
    Mannenpitsu, Mannenpitsu, Mortarial Card, Pictorial Card, Paralyze Check,
    Blackberry, 800 Fol, Aquaberry, Blueberry, 70 Fol, Maple Syrup, Sour Syrup,
    Joshitsugami, Hane Pen, Reverse Doll, Sapphire, Silver Baretta, 50 Fol, Sour
    Syrup, Triakbut, Mandrake, Crown, Triangle Flask, Hosomi no Ken, Mandrake,
    Trikabut, Blueberry, 200 Fol, Boots, Leather Helm, Resurrection Bottle,
    Kamikuzu, Blackberry, Twin Sword, Rot Bracelet, 300 Fol, Mannenpitsu, 12 Fol,
    Blueberry, Wood Shield, Cinderella Glass, Leather Armor, Cinderella Glass,
    Hane Pen, 600 Fol, Gold Ring, Harmonica, Pitch-black Earrings, Round Shiled,
    600 Fol, Cure Poison, Frog, Necklace, Heppo na Kazari, 150 Fol, 200 Fol, 50
    Fol, High Heel, Artemis Leaf, Tama no Hikari "Yukiyocho", Orangeade, 150 Fol,
    Blackberry, Long Sword, Aquaberry, Bitter Juice, Choco Crepe, Carrot
    Juice, Peach Ice Cream, Mannenpitsu, Fruit Milk, Apple Crepe, Maple Syrup,
    Joshitsugami, Hakuto no Ice, Banana Crepe, Ringo no Crepe, Carrot Juice,
    Silver, Fresh Syrup, Blackberry, Care Tablet, Silver, Care Tablet, Fresh
    Syrup, Senkiyoke, Umeboshi, Choco Crepe, Vegetable Juice, Baselard, Orange
    Sherbet, 20 Fol, Lavender, First Pierce, 120 Fol, Blackberry, Cinderella
    Glass, Kokumotsu, Banana no Crepe, Beer, Orangeade, Wine, Beer, Dulfolbiban,
    Wine, Magic Rock, Yamukei "Mu" Shizuku Shibori

    *Village Information:
    Everyone is very excited about the upcoming Lacour Tournament, which is
    to be held shortly. Many people talk about how people fighting must select
    a sponsor and enter fights according to the weapons and armor that the
    sponser offers. The weapon and armor shops here will not sell you things
    because they will only show their wares during the tournament to the
    fighting in the Tournament. Others hint atthe game's features like Item
    Creation and Specialties. Some hint about a young boy who is helping to
    develop a secret weapon.

    When you first enter the castle, go to the castle area, and speak to the
    woman at the bottom of the counter. Rena asks about seeing the king, but
    the women say that audiences won't be accepted because the king has been
    boggled down with the tournament. Claude eventually asks Rena what she
    would think if he entered the tournament. Claude says that he heard that
    Dias would be fighting in this tournament, and he wants to see how strong
    he really is. Rena is somewhat shocked, but eventually agrees. The woman
    at the bottom of the front castle area (the receptionist) will sign you
    up for the tournament. The recpeptionist now tells Claude to find one of
    the weapon/armor sponsors before the tournament. It is a few days before
    the actual tournament now. Now, you will have to choose one of the four
    sponsors to fight with in the tournament. If you win, you get all of that
    sponsor's items, and some reward money, and you'll be able to meet with
    the king.

    The sponsors are as follows:

    Equipment: Sinclair Sabre, Brigandine, Buckler, Plate Helm, Silver Greaves
    Items: Sweet Syrup, Mixed Syrup, Blackberry
    -Attack: 100
    -Defense: 99
    -Evade: 30
  5. YinYang

    YinYang Độc cô cửu kiếm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    cám ơn bạn , nhưng mà hình như bản hướng dẫn của bạn là của star ocean 2nd của ps1 đúng ko??? Nếu vậy thì ko phải rùi bạn ơi . Star ocean mà mình chơi là bản star ocean đầu tiên của snes (super nintendo ) ý .
    Nếu bạn biết thì chỉ cho mình với .
  6. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có muốn thì liên hệ cho mình nhé vì mình mua báo E-chip số 1 có tặng đĩa cilp của ffx hát hay lắm nếu được thì mau về mà nghe nếu không thì liên hệ với mình!!
  7. Hero

    Hero Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    hacker2004 post cả đống wt tiếng anh thì ai mà đọc đưọc , cái này vô gamefaqs thiếu gì , mà star ocean tui mới chỉ chơi bản PS1 thui còn trên snes thì chưa chơi , nhưng chắc PS1 hình ảnh phải đẹp hơn rùi
  8. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cậu nói chính xác mình thì chỉ chơi trên máy ps1 chứ snec thì mình chỉ chơi được có máy trò thôi vì vậy không thể nào mà giúp được cậu tiết thật mình thật thấy ấy náy!!
  9. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trò này mình biết rồi nếu như cậu muốn thì mình sẽ potes bài bằng tiếng anh lên nhé! trò này mình đã kiếm mệt mõi cả 3 tuần liền đó nếu như cậu không cần nữa thì mình sẽ không đánh bài lên nữa đâu!!
  10. YinYang

    YinYang Độc cô cửu kiếm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Cám ơn bạn vậy thì bạn cứ post lên đi . Mà nếu bạn chưa chơi trò này thì bạn lấy về mà chơi , hay lắm đó , nội dung hay , hình 2d đẹp lắm , nó là tiền thân của star ocean mà bạn chơi mà
  11. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình post lên nhé:
    cái này ở mình hình như không có thì phải chứ mình hỏi người ra người ta nói không biết trò này ở máy SNES như vậy nhé!!
  12. YinYang

    YinYang Độc cô cửu kiếm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    nè bạn ơi ở chỗ bạn không có á ??? Trò đó phải down trên mạng cơ , chơi hay lắm đó , ở ngoài không có bán đâu , bạn vào đây mà down nè :
    bạn phải đăng kí đã rùi mới down được .
  13. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nếu như cậu muốn coi thì vào trang mà coi chứ mình không thể nào mà tìm và pots ra được thông cảm nhé!!!
  14. Truyen_nhan_atula

    Truyen_nhan_atula Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    BH Industrial Zone 2
    Nu hoang bien ca ơi cho tui hỏi làm sao chơi trò Star Ocean được thế,nhà tui cũng có trò này nhưng ko chơi được. Nghe nói phải phài có phần mềm gì đó mới chơi được phải ko,chỉ dùm tui với.Cám ơn nha.
  15. hacker2004

    hacker2004 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái trang mà bạn đưa nó không chạy được nó cứ cannot luôn hoài vậy làm sao để mà cho nó chạy dể dàng vậy chỉ cho mình đi mình cũng muốn chơi thử nó hay hơn hay dể hơn cái của ps!!
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