Story Of streetfighter"fool"

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi thai son, 3/10/03.

  1. thai son

    thai son Youtube Master Race

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    Dreams of Tomorrow​

    She rolled over on to her side and watched him with a smile. He was a beautiful man. So magnificent that it was strange that he would be laying here beside her. Her life has always been about her career, about avenging her father’s death. She’s never had time for relationships, men, and emotional commitment. Yet she was laying here with a man that just spent the last hour wanting nothing but to bring her to the height of pure pleasure.

    The man was incredible. She wondered if she wanted this, this strange and wonderful relationship that might be. She wanted something, something that she wasn’t too sure of. There was no way to explain it. Her life has always been so full of meaning, anger toward Bison, a need to bring the madman down. But things changed. She wasn’t sure when or where but she knew it has.

    “What are you thinking of?” Ryu’s eyes were bright with humor and warm from their earlier lovemaking.


    He looked surprised. Whatever he was expecting, that wasn’t it. “Can you be a little more exact?”

    She smiled and leaned into him, allowing her lips to briefly touch his. “Not really. I guess I’m just feeling rather……. bemused.”

    His eyes twinkled. He was happy, for the first time in a long time, he was completely content with life. “Bemused?”

    Chun Li laughed and rolled onto her back. “I don’t really know what I feel. It’s been a while since I’ve woken up with a guy beside me. Much less a guy that just had me falling all over him only an hour before.”

    His lips curled to a smile. “Should I be flattered that you enjoyed yourself so much so that you can no longer think clearly?”

    She giggled like a teenage girl and briefly wondered what happed to the agent that took out one of the most ruthless streetfighters in the world. “Who knew the guy Bison wanted so much would be like a big kid at heart?” She looked at him. It was the first time she’s really seen him relaxed. “You’re happy.” She was surprised. It never really hit her until that moment. She’s never seen him so completely at ease.

    He leaned over her, trapping her lips with his own for a moment. “Yes, I am.” He looked at her with those intense eyes that spoke so much with just a look. She was beautiful, and not just physically. He would be happy staring at her doing just about anything. Though watching her take pleasure from his body was definitely better. “How about I get you some dinner?”

    “How about we get cleaned up first?”

    “Another shower?”


    He grinned and got up so fast that it startled her. Lifting her easily, he headed toward the stairs. “I can’t think of a better idea.”


    He stood in the middle of his former command post. “How much can we salvage?”

    “Not much, my lord.” The little man was shifting foot to foot. “The US military forces and Interpol did quite a thorough job.”

    Bison’s lip curled ferociously. “How wonderful for them!”

    “Urh……. The good news is we still have the data collected from the fighters.” The doctor removed several desks from his pocket. “Our earlier calculation on Ryu’s fighting potential was wrong. Judging by the last fight…..urh……. he may be somewhere in the five thousand range.”

    “Where is Vega?”

    “Infirmary, my lord.”

    Bison turned his vicious little eyes on the doctor. “Why?”

    The little doctor cleared his throat, not quite sure what to say now. “It would appear that we have underestimated the fighting potential of Ms. Chun Li.”

    His eyes turned red hot then ice cold. “Are you saying that she defeated him?”

    “Not only did she defeat him, she damaged his face. Vega’s psyche has been shattered with the scarring of his prized possession.” The doctor looked at the big man before him. “I might add that Balrog has been captured by Interpol due to an unauthorized attack on Chun Li.”

    “Let him rot in jail then.” Baison turned his back on the damage of the control post. “I want the Egyptian base online by the time I get there. We will make that our new command. Find me Chun Li and Ryu. I will have them both. Ryu as my right hand man, and Chun Li…… as my slave.”


    “Okay,” Chun Li placed the chopsticks down and looked at him with a pout. “How is it that I’ve spend a fortune on cooking classes and can’t boil water while you spend years in the middle of nowhere but cooks like a professional chief?”

    He shrugged his big shoulders. “You pick things up.”

    She wrinkled her brows. “’You pick things up?’ This is so embarrassing.”

    Hiss eyes were a light twinkling brown as he leaned over on the table and held her hand. “Only one of us needs to cook for us to remain alive.”

    She rolled her eyes. “You’re going to spoil me.”

    “I think not.” He picked up the dishes and headed for the sink.

    “Don’t even think about doing the dishes!” Chun Li called as she stood up. “You cook, I wash.”

    Ryu frowned at her over his shoulder. “You should be resting. Wounds do not heal overnight.”

    “I’m fine.”

    “Rest in the living room. I’ll be done in a few moments.”

    “I said I’m fine.” She grabbed the sponge out of his hand and nudged him aside with her hip. “You did the cooking, it’s only fair that I wash the dishes. And I won’t hear no.”

    He leaned back against the counter and folded his arms over his chest. It would be pointless to argue. He watched quietly as she soaped the desks and toweled dry everything. “You were saying something about being spoiled.”

    She grinned at him and dried her hands. “Fair play has always been a rule in my house.”

    Nodding with understanding, he pulled her over to him with one arm. “I can live with that.”

    She wrapped both arms around him and leaned into his chest. “Hey, did Ken say anything to you before we left?”

    Ryu’s lips twitched with amusement. “Why do you ask?”

    “I saw the two of you talking in the conference room while I was taking care of the paper work for vacation time. Guile said that Ken wanted a few words with you before we left. Director Perlman said that it was a good for me to get away for a while. I think he’s been afraid of a lawsuit cause this was job related.”

    “The hazard of the job.”

    She grinned. “That’s what I said.”

    They stood there in silence for a few moment before she nudged him.

    “You didn’t answer me.”

    “I was hoping you would forget.”

    “Not a chance in hell.”

    He tilted his head and thought it over. “He said for me to relax and enjoy myself.”

    She looked up at him with knowing eyes. “And……”

    The smile that bloomed on his face confirmed her suspicions. “And if anything was to happened, there are condoms in the nightstand of the master bedroom.”

    She rolled her eyes in vexation. “Damn him, I knew it.”

    “You did?”

    “That look he gave in my apartment, like the cat the just ate the canary. And he was just a little too eager to off this place for us. Good fighter he may be but subtle he is not.”

    “Ken would be disappointed to hear that.”

    “And you?” She looked at him.

    He smiled and gave her a quick squeeze. “Hardly.”

    “Really?” she mused and allowed her hand to play with the muscles on his back, dipping slowly lower until she could feel the sudden tightening of his buttocks. “Not ever a little regret of not having this big beautiful house all to yourself where you can meditate and practice all you want without having to look after me?”

    His eyes glazed over as her hand moved into the waistband of his pants, playing with the muscles without any distraction from his clothing. “Not even a tiny bit.”

    “How generous of you.” She murmured as she watched him try to relax with her hand slowly moving toward the front of his hips. “Not all guys are as generous as that you know.”

    “I know.” He opened his eyes suddenly and looked down at her with such intensity that she gasped. If ever a man’s eyes were on fire, it would surely look like this. “What do you Chun Li?”

    Her eyes were wide as she gazed into his. “You. I want you.”

    Ryu’s hand moved slowly toward her waist. “You are still weak from you fight with Vega. You have yet to recover from our earlier….. meeting. You should be resting.”

    Her lips warped into a smile. “Are you trying to convince me? Or you?”

    He took a deep breath and backed her slowly toward the kitchen island. “Both.” Lifting her up by the waist, he sat her down on the cold tiled surface. “If you don’t want this, tell me now.”

    “And if I say no?” her voice held that slight teasing tone that had captured his attention when they rushed into her apartment to save her from the rather brutal advances of Balrog.

    “I would suffer for the rest of the night.” He shrugged. “And I would need another shower, a cold one this time.”

    She looked him in the eyes. “Well, aren’t you glad that I’m going not going to say it then?”

    “Yes.” He leaned in so quickly that Chun Li nearly jumped in reaction.

    His mouth devoured hers, his lips moved over her mouth in an attempt to eat her whole. She was so beautiful, so soft. Their shower together had left him craving more, needing more. He’s never felt more alive, never this free. The teasing ways she talked, touched, kissed, it set his blood on fire and made him want so much more. It gave him hope, gave him something more to dream about other than the next challenge.

    Her arms came around his neck, holding him to her. He smelled so wonderful, his eyes so brilliant that it shamed firelight, moonlight, and starlight all alike. His strong hands help on to her waist, firmly but gentle, allowing her to control this intimate kiss that raised both their temperatures. He was breathtaking kind and thoughtful.

    He tasted the wine she had with her dinner; it paled in comparison to the intoxicating favor of her. She was all golden honey, but infinitely better. The soft sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips gave him the opening he needed to explore the wonders that the powers that be have given her. Perfection in human form.

    She shivered in delight as his lips moved slowly from hips to cheek to ear. He drew the lob into his mouth, suckling gently on it, dipping his tongue into her ear, allowing her hear the sound of his panting breath as became more aroused by the simple taste of her. She tugged at his shirt until he moved away long enough for her to pull it over her head, leaving all the wonderfully golden skin to her touch. He then attack the beating pulse at the base of her throat, feeling it hammer away under his tongue as he licked his way around her collar.

    Her skin was so wonderfully warm, so soft, so unlike his own. His hands went slowly up, into her still damp hair, cupping the back of her head, angling it to expose so that he had better access to her neck, to all that wonderful skin that he wanted to savor. Her hands were slowly moving her his own skin, feeling the texture of it. He was sure she had no idea what kind of sweet torture it was for him to feel her clever hands move slowly over his body. He was either in heaven or hell.

    The insistent beeping for the phone had them both groaning in frustration. Ryu was tempted to simply ignore the annoying thing and carry Chun Li upstairs where he can make love to her for the rest of the night. Chun Li was tempted to throw the damn thing out the window.

    Unfortunately, they both knew the threat of Bison was there.

    Reaching over, Chun Li flipped the mobile phone one. “This had better be good.”

    “Well it’s nice to hear your voice as well, kid.” Guile sounded much too cheerful for someone Chun Li was having murderous thoughts of.

    “What do you want Colonel?” She was trying to keep the note of annoyance out of her voice. Which was not easy since Ryu has yet to let go of her. Big distraction when trying to have a conversation.

    “Bison’s been spotted.”

    “Bison?” Chun Li exchanged looks of anticipation with Ryu. “Where?”

    “At his old base. We’re guessing that he’s trying to salvage what he can there and move to another location.”

    “Are you guys mobilizing?” She wrapped her leg around Ryu’s waist when he tried to move away so not to ease drop on her conversation in military matters. It got the effect she wanted, which was for him to stay and listen, but it also brought Ryu’s still erect manhood toward the apex of her legs, a place he certainly wanted to be right now. The result was a sudden upshot of hormone levels in both bodies. Fortunately, they both still had their pants on.

    “The troops are being scrambled now. Unfortunately, the brass thinks we won’t get there in time. But we might be there to stop them from taking off with too much stuff.”

    “Are Ryu and I being recalled?”

    “No. You two need to rest up. Get some R & R.” (Rest and Relaxation)

    Her eyes twinkled at Ryu. “Are you sure?”

    “Yeah, you haven’t healed properly from your last assignment involving Bison. We’ll call you if we have anything more.”

    “Okay then. Signing off.”

    “Talk to you later kid.”

    The click of the phone was accompanied by a sense of nervousness. Bison was truly alive and on the move again. It was not a good sign.

    “Are we headed back?” Ryu asked quietly since he only caught her side of the conversation.

    “No, we are to rest and relax. They’ll call if they need us.”

    He nodded with understanding.

    She wrapped her arms around his neck once again and brought him in closer than before. “So, where were we?”t
  2. nghia_acqui

    nghia_acqui Mario & Luigi

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    Ông Thái Sơn ôi ! Tụi tui đâu phải là dân Tây...hic...ông hãy dịch ra rùi viết dzô phải hay hơn ko . Nếu cần ông tìm thêm vài hình ảnh minh hoạ nữa rùi post dzô box đánh giá đó . Nếu hay anh Việt Nguyễn sẽ đưa bài viết của ông ra trang chủ...
  3. FFLeader

    FFLeader The Warrior of Light

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    Nếu là bản tiếng Anh thì bác ko phải post lên nữa đâu. Bởi vì game SC2 tôi có đầy đủ cốt truyện và đã post lên đây 1 lần rồi. Tôi tưởng bác yêu thích SC2 hoặc 1 game nhất định thì post lên để mọi người cùng đọc chứ giờ có lẽ ko phải thế.
    Trên này những người thạo tiếng Anh ít lắm nên bác đừng post lên kiểu này tiếp làm gì mất công mấy bác kia lại phải mỏi tay .............vì câu bài
  4. brigandine

    brigandine Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    NGU CẢ ĐÁM!!!!!


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