Thong tin game moi 20/12

Thảo luận trong 'Hotgame Shop' bắt đầu bởi phuongnamcom, 21/12/03.

  1. phuongnamcom

    phuongnamcom Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    BEYOND GOOD & EVIL 3cd (game duoc binh chon)
    ANITO Defend a land enraged 2cd
    TOON TWISTER 3D (game cho tre em)
    The EntEntE BattleFields (dan tran stratery)

    Gamé truoc ngay 20/12---------:

    Armed and Dangerous 2cd
    Spell Force 2cd
    Deus Invisible War 2cd
    Euro Club Manager
    Turok Evolution 2cd (san khung long)
    World Championship SNOOKER 2003
    Lost City Adventure (game thieu nhi)
    V-Rally 3 (dua xe 2cd)
    The Threat 2cd
    Total Club Manager 2004
    Cac vong them cho Warcraft III 2cd

    GAME PHONE (tap hop cac game-ringtone-logo moi, hay cho cac loai DTDD doi moi)
    TERMINATOR 3 RISE MACHINES (ke huy diet 3)
    Prince of Persia: THE SANDS of TIME 2cd
    Disciples II The Rise of the Elves 2cd
    NBA live 2004 2cd (bong ro EA Sport)
    EMPIRES Dwan of the Modern World 2cd (Activision) (Game hay)
    Magic BattleGrounds 2cd (giong Eherlords)
    Gala cuoi CD#13 (hai kich VCD)
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 3CD (choi Golf, EA Sport)
    BIONICLE 2cd (Action, Adventure, Robot)
    Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon 2cd (game hay, tim duong, di canh)
    Desert Thunder (ban xe tang)
    Dungeon Siege: Legend of Aranna 3CD (di canh giong Diablo - hinh anh dep)
    War of the Ring (dan tran chien luoc)
    Massive Assault (dan tran, The Gioi Game gioi thieu)
    Big Rigs Over the Road Racing (dua xe)
    Chaos Legion 2cd (CAPCOM)
    Pro Evolution Soccer 3
    Silent Hill 3 5CD (ma giong Resident Evil)
    XIII 4CD (Action)
    Starwar Jedi 4CD

    Need For Speed Underground (Need for Speed 7) 2cd
    Championship Manager 2003/2004 (Eidos)
    Silent Storm (game bao PC World gioi thieu) 2cd

    Robin Hood : Defender of the Crown full 2cd
    Curse the Eye of ISIS (cua Wanado duoc xep hang)
    Lord of Ring: Return of the King 3cd (cua EA. duoc xep hang)
    Harry Potter: Quidditch cup .Game duoc cac ban mong doi nhat!
    Worm 3D 2cd. Cua hang SEGA vua phat hanh tiep theo Worm Party, Amamgedon
    RailRoad Tycoon 3 2cd. Game xay dung tau hoa, duong sat, dieu hanh he thong duong sat.
    Takeda. Dan tran kieu Shogun

    FiFa 2004 2cd (ban tieng Anh)
    Call of Duty 2cd (game hay duoc binh chon)
    Etherlords II 2cd (game hay duoc binh chon)
    COunter Strike Zero Condition 2cd
    Chrome 2cd (game hay duoc binh chon)
    Warlords 4
    Hidden & Dengerous 2 3cd
    Best games 2003 vol 7 (Partrician III, Robin Hood Defender of Crown, Paradise Cracked, Navyseal2, Removal Man)
    Best games 2003 vol 8 (sinbat, Warlord 4, Freestyle BMX, v.v...)
    Best games 2003 vol 9 (Crusader quest for power, Antholog, Celerity DeathMatch, Age of Mythology titan, v.v..)
    Pokemon 86 in 1
    COunter Strike cu~ 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.6, 6.8, 7.0, 7.1, 1.0 1CD
    UFO Aftermath (game duoc binh chon tai
    Sinbat - legend of seven sea
    Relax games collection 1
    COMMANDOS III full 3CD (biet kich - game cuc ky hay)
    The SIM Makin's Magic 2CD disque additionel
    MAX PAYNE 2 2cd(action, 3D shooting, giong Halflife)
    ONCE UPON KNIGHT 2CD (dan tran xay thanh)
    The TEMPLE of ELEMENTAL EVIL 2cd (giong Diablo)
    Best games 2003 vol 2 (Nascar 2004, NHL 2004, Midnight club 2, spyhunter)

    Harry Potter: Quidditch cup
    Worm 3D 2cd
    RailRoad Tycoon 3 2cd
    Takeda (dan tran giong Shogun)

    FiFa 2004 2cd (ban tieng Anh)
    Call of Duty 2cd (game hay duoc binh chon)
    Etherlords II 2cd (game hay duoc binh chon)
    COunter Strike Zero Condition 2cd
    Chrome 2cd (game hay duoc binh chon)
    Warlords 4
    Hidden & Dengerous 2 3cd
    Best games 2003 vol 7 (Partrician III, Robin Hood Defender of Crown, Paradise Cracked, Navyseal2, Removal Man)
    Best games 2003 vol 8 (sinbat, Warlord 4, Freestyle BMX, v.v...)
    Best games 2003 vol 9 (Crusader quest for power, Antholog, Celerity DeathMatch, Age of Mythology titan, v.v..)
    Pokemon 86 in 1
    COunter Strike cu~ 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.6, 6.8, 7.0, 7.1, 1.0 1CD

    Phuong Nam
  2. Keilyna

    Keilyna The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đỉnh Gió Hú
    COMMANDOS III full 3CD mình rất thích game này nhưng sao mà kiếm quá trời luôn gnười ta nói là hết dissc rồi pohải đợi khoảng một tháng nữa mới có bạn có không ??mình cần mua

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