Từ bài viết của lanhdiendiemla Yu-Gi-Oh! R Được xuât bản lần đầu tiên vào ngày 21-4/2004 bở một nguyệt san của Shueisha là V-Jump, tuy vây đến nay vẫn chưa có sự giải thích rõ ràng nào về chữ " R" ở tiêu đề, nó có thể là "Reverse", "Revolution", "Rebirth", hoặc là 'Retold" Truyện được sáng tác bởi Akira Itou, một người đã tham gia vẽ tranh cho bản Yugioh đầu tiên, và được giám sát bởi Takahashi để đảm bảo vẫn giữ nét đặc trưng của yugioh nguyên bản. Trong Yu-Gi-Oh! R, con nuôi của Pegasus là Yakou Tenma lập kế hoạch bào thù Yugi Mutou vì đã đánh bại cha mình, sau khi nhìn thấy máu trên những quân bài và nghĩ Pegasus đã tự sát khi thua trận. Kế hoạch bắt đầu Tenma lợi dụng lúc Kaiba ở Mỹ để chiếm lấy công ty Kaiba, sau đó bắt cóc Anzu Mazaki ép Yugi và Katsuya Jonouchi tham gia vào kế hoạch RA của Tenma ( đấu với những duelist chuyên nghiệp). Seto Kaiba và em trai của mình là Mokuba cúng tham gia vào kế hoạch này để giành lại công ty Hiện giờ maga yugioh R mới ra đên vol 3 :tập 27 vào tháng trước , nên còn nóng hổi, và vì thế nên chưa có bản EN mới chỉ có bản JP nhưng đối với fan Yugi chân chính thì đó không phải là vấn dề lớn, xem hình cũng tốt chán rồi phải không !
Episode 1: An Evil Shadow Jaaku Naru Kage Release: 04/21/2004 Available:V-Jump Vol. 06/2004 Translating: Jpop - Janime " legend of new duel has finally started " The battle scene when Yugi was dueling against Malik at the final round of Battle City is being played on screen. A mysterious guy in a shadow, who is watching the screen, picks up a card with Pegasus J. Crawford picture. He calls Pegasus "My master", saying that everything is going to start. He also refers to Yugi, a person who took everything from him and Pegasus, and ensures that Yugi must pay them back... At Kaiba Corporation head office, the computer system is being hacked, so many officers have to declare emergency level "Danger". One officer tells another to inform Kaiba in America at once; however, even communication access line is cut off. The KC main computer has been accessed and taken control more than 70% by a hacker. Therefore, Isona tells his officers to cut power supply to stop the system immediately. An officer reminds Isona that cutting the power supply will affect entire duel system running around the world because functions will become disorder. Anyway, they have no choice and time left to argue to a consequence. Therefore, the power supply is turned off. Yet, everybody is surprised because the system hasn't been cut off yet. Then there is an image of a long hair guy who looks like Pegasus appears. This mysterious guy is an illusion, claiming that it is too late to process anything. Now Kaiba Corporation has been under I2's control ( I2 = Industrial Illusion = Pegasus J. Crawford's company). He looks at KC's main computer with Solid Vision which is the core of the company, Duel Link Cyber System. He has planned this process for his master to give punishment to Yugi in the name of god. Tenma Yakou After school in a classroom, Jyonouchi calls Yugi, who is looking outside, to join him and goes home together also with Anzu and Honda. While Yugi is leaving his table, he hears a sound calling his name "Mutou Yugi". So he turns his face back and asks who is calling his name. When Jyonouchi turns back to ask Yugi what is going on, he sees a body of the mysterious guy appear from the table into the air. Jyonouchi is very shocked and he screams with scare. The mysterious guy greets Yugi, saying that it is his extreme pleasure to first meet the duel king. Both Yugi and Jyonouchi wonder what the real appearance of the mysterious guy is. So the mysterious guy introduces himself that "I am Tenma Yakou from I2". While Jyonouchi claims that he doesn't know what I2 means, his friends remind him of Pegasus's company that creates M&W game (Magic and Wizard - an old name of duel monster game). Honda says how Jyonouchi dare forget the battle at Duelist Kingdom of Pegasus. It seems that Jyonouchi has already forgotten everything, he, therefore, asks what happened to Pegasus after Duelist Kingdom. Honda replies him that nobody knows what has happened to Pegasus since then. There is no trace or information about this at all. Then Tenma challenges Yugi a duel, claiming that it is time for the duelist to get up. The loser will receive a punishment from god. Also, he tells Yugi that he will wait for him at the roof top of the school and Yugi can't avoid this duel, no matter what. After that, Tenma's body disappears slowly by moving through the ceiling despite of people's amaze. While everybody is getting shocked to what he or she have just seen, Yugi tells his friends to go to the roof top first. Moving up to the roof top of Domino school, people see that Tenma has been waiting for them there. Tenma says that "It is time to duel!". Yugi asks Tenma whether it is true that Tenma's body, in fact, doesn't exist here. Hearing that, Jyonouchi asks Yugi whether Tenma is a ghost. Yugi thinks that Tenma should be an illusion created by solid vision. Then Tenma is impressed by the duel king's intellect. He also provokes Yugi to accept this duel to keep the title of the duel king. Showing a card, Tenma adds that this card will make Yugi unable to run away. While Jyonouchi is getting mad for Yugi, Yugi stops him and changes into Yami Yugi. Yami Yugi accepts Tenma challenge while Jyonouchi tells him to be careful to this guy. Then the duel between Tenma and Yugi begins. At another place, Tenma's real body is in a solid vision system. He smiles a bit and thinks that Yugi hasn't understood the real meaning of the punishment from god yet. The divine punishment will come from Yugi's own gods, Osiris, Ra and Obelisk, called Evil Deities (Shashin). When the game starts, Yugi sacrifices three magnet warriors (The duel starts from this main point. It doesn't start from the beginning) to summon The Sky Dragon of Osiris (Osiris No Tenkyuu Ryuu). While everybody looks very glad to Yugi's great play, Tenma still smiles awfully. Yugi lets it destroy Tenma's monster at once. Also, he tells Tenma to show the key card that Tenma said previously. So Tenma agrees to follow Yugi's request. He plays a magic card, Silent Death (Moku Suru Shisha), which allow him to resummon a monster from his cemetry in an defense mode. As a result, Tenma resummons his destroyed monster into a defense mode. Now, he has three monsters on his field, sacrificing three of them to summon The Devils Avatar (10/?/?). Suddenly, there is a big dark ball coming out above the field. Everybody wonders what it is. Devil Avatar, incarnation of god, is resurrected here now. Then the black ball is broken out into a form of dark Osiris. Yugi is very surprised by what he is seeing... http://download.yousendit.com/DF594B6C4133BAF1 thank anh quý và cò tuyết vì bài viết này,anh yugifan cho lên chú ý nhé
To Lâm 9p : hỏi ngoài lề 1 chút hiện giờ có biết trên hệ máy PC thì bản Yu-Gi-Oh nào la mới nhất không ý tôi là các bản của game Yu-Gi-Oh ! ấy bạn có thể trả lời nhanh nhất giùm tôi được không
cái này tui biết lâu rồi mà tui cũng có đọc rồi không hay cho lém nó đang phat hành bên Nhật nên tui đọc ko hết,chỉ đọc qua thôi thấy không hay.Anh em nào có nhu cầu đọc tui share cho nghen không thì thôi