The regret, I do not understand vietnamese But I indeed come from China 我的确来自中国 希望可以成为朋友
我是中国安徽人,那天没事在google搜索时无意间发现这个论坛的,恩……对这里很好奇 ___________________________ 汗……论坛好像显示汉字有问题呢,我是在google搜索到这里的,可惜看不懂越南语
大家好,我来自中国 今天才发现这里,感觉很好…… 喜欢游戏动漫,希望能和大家成为朋友
Hello, I come from China, My hobby is ACG The hope can become the friend with everybody
Hello, I come from China, likes playing the game very much The hope can become the friend with everybody
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