Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Momodora - Moonlit Farewell: 06/02/25 [MEDIA] [IMG] --- Dead Dragons: 13/02/25...
Laika - Aged Through Blood: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- (N64) Ridge Racer 64: Available now [MEDIA] --- Okayu Nyumu - Opening movie: 27/02/25...
Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Arcade Archives - Warrior Blade: Available now [MEDIA] --- Mandragora - Whispers of...
Turbo Overkill: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Snezhinka - Sentinel Girls 2: 13/02/25 [MEDIA] --- Piczle Cross - Rune Factory: 20/02/25 [MEDIA]...
Cuisineer: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Tap Wizard 2: Available now [MEDIA] --- Parallel Experiment: Coming 2025 [MEDIA] --- Sultan’s Game:...
ENDER MAGNOLIA - Bloom in the Mist: Available now [MEDIA] --- A Rite from the Stars - Remaster Edition: 30/01/25 [MEDIA] --- Freddy Farmer:...
Ravenswatch: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Big Buck Hunter - Ultimate Trophy: 11/04/25 [MEDIA] --- Windswept: Coming 2025 [MEDIA] --- Synth...
Sword of the Necromancer - Resurrection: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land - Game...
Symphonia: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Fly Corp: 30/01/25 [MEDIA] --- Echoes of the Plum Grove: 13/02/25 [MEDIA] --- Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days...
STAR WARS: Episode I - Jedi Power Battles: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- (SNES) Fatal Fury 2 (SNES) Super Ninja Boy (SNES) Sutte Hakkun: Available...
Guilty Gear Strive - Nintendo Switch Edition: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Squab: 31/01/25 [MEDIA] --- The Hundred Line: Last Defense Academy...
Blade Chimera: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- While Waiting: 05/02/25 [MEDIA] --- Ninja Five-O: 25/02/25 [MEDIA] --- Adventures of a Cat in...
Starlair: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Accolade Sports Collection: 30/01/25 [MEDIA] --- Tayutama - Kiss on my Deity: Spring 2025 (worldwide)...
Alchemist - The Potion Monger: Available now [MEDIA] --- Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos: 28/01/25 [MEDIA] --- Mirage - Ignis Fatuus: 18/04/25...
8 Bit Adventures 2 - Free DLC + Physical Edition trailer: Available now [MEDIA] --- Afterlove EP: 14/02/25 [MEDIA] --- Eldrador Creatures -...
Ocean Keeper: Available now [MEDIA] --- Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero - Demo available now: 30/01/25 [MEDIA] --- Sanrio Characters Miracle...
Tales of Graces f Remastered: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Laika - Aged Through Blood: 30/01/25 [MEDIA] --- Rune Factory - Guardians of Azuma:...
^ Bên nữ thì bổ sung tóc Pyra, Mythra, Nia; còn bên nam theo hình ảnh đã công bố mới thấy thêm kiểu của Taion. Chắc còn phải có thêm mấy kiếu của...
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD: Launch trailer [MEDIA] --- Arcade Archives - Escape Kids: Available now [MEDIA] --- Ninja Issen: 20/02/25...
Garden of the Sea: Available now [MEDIA] --- Tomb Raider IV-V-VI Remastered – Meet the Bosses:14/02/25 [MEDIA] --- Everhood 2: 04/03/25...
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