I am going to be home for the New Year as per tradition - a non-negotiable social convention which I have conditioned myself to drearily dread....
Thank you censy. If I had any of my prescription left, I would just be able tell myself to man up and move on but then depression hit like a brick...
Hey guys, how is life treating you all? I have spent the last few days pent up in a room, reading voraciously out of boredom and desperation. And...
Fuck, I am leaving the day after tmr. Do you play Dota? Censy? Maybe somehow you just like to be yelled at in general?
Maybe since this place is pretty much dead, I should use it as my personal trash can
fuck off, my boy censy is go touch yourself in an unholy way please
Get off my lawn, you whippersnappers!
Cảm xúc như kiminozo lúc anh kia ngủ với chị này ko Mà ra torrent chưa share với
I am in HCMC for a week. Who wants to hang out?
Welcome to the club, amigo
it's simple past tense, the verb here is to be and done is past participle acting as adjective while talking is gerund
better get used to it, that bastard has no common decency
And pipi spectacularly bailed on you guys :D Coz he was getting pussy whipped =))
I am living in Hanoi atm That might change very soon though
à đấy là ông bạn AVAVT trên gamevn đấy, k0 phải tôi đâu :))
I would have gone to that event if i had been living in hcm
Which civiliZed society doesnt have a phallic monument?
fuck the D i want the double D
damn i want to go to that event but no one to go with fml
like it matters at this point anyway
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).