At 01-19 13:50:19, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([7:176:4]) Weapons: 140% Shields: 110% Armour: 120% L.Cargo 200...
At 01-13 14:04:19, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([9:80:7]) Weapons: 140% Shields: 110% Armour: 120% Type: L.Fighter...
gop vui chao nam moi At 12-31 17:04:43, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([9:80:7]) Weapons: 130% Shields: 110% Armour: 120%...
cung hi.tran nay lon nhat U40 den thoi diem nay len board nao:hug:
biet ma`.nhung no on ngay sau khi danh.thay no mua recyler nen ko pm bembem.con gan 400k metal thui.:D
Your 453 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 9.060.000. At the target, 6.423.200 metal and 3.029.200 crystal are floating in space. You...
At 12-16 16:24:04, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([7:176:4]) Weapons: 120% Shields: 110% Armour: 120% Type: S.Cargo L.Fighter...
At 11-25 23:10:52, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([7:176:4]) Weapons: 120% Shields: 100% Armour: 110% Type: L.Fighter...
At 11-21 17:23:33, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON (<7:176:4>) Weapons: 110% Shields: 100% Armour: 110% Type: Battleship...
At 11-20 18:50:05, as it came to a battle: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([7:176:4]) Weapons: 110% Shields: 100% Armour: 110% Type: Battleship...
no co bao nhieu tau.thang pejolt do.biet no of gio nao hem ^_^.
At 10-18 22:23:44 the following fleets met in battle:: Attacker GA CON LON TON ([7:198:13])...
xin dc cai acc cua thang ban.cung dang o tren so 7.lam miner thui.7:170
ko. co dau.dua o tp dua o binh duong ma. dau co chung ip dau. huhu.thoi chac doi 41 ra lai gap lai ba` con
bi ban roi.huhu. trade cho thang ban 1 chiec lc full moi tap choi.vay ma bi coi la chat GM nan ni no voi.^_^.dau kho thiet.
len 400 tan sat may con ga` :D The attacker has won the battle! He captured 18.908 metal, 5.903 crystal, and 3.431 deuterium The attacker...
anh antharas scan thang 2:198:12 dum` em voi. esp lv 4 roi ma ko thay j`.thx anh
troi` nguong~ mo. wa' di anh ay' gau' wa';;) . ___________Auto Merge________________ . troi` nguong~ mo. wa' di anh ay' gau' wa';;)
con` 2 phut nua wanh thi no on.hix. lo~ roi` dap lun. dc chut crystal an ui At 09-19 15:37:16 the following fleets met in battle:: Attacker...
mihn xin vao alliance roi add voi nha
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