GTA: Liberty City Stories (03) A Volatile Situation | Blow Up 'Dolls' | Snappy Dresser | Big Rumble in Little China [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 A...
GTA San Andreas: Diễn Viên Lồng Tiếng [MEDIA]
GTA: Liberty City Stories (02) Smash and Grab | Hot Wheels | Bone Voyeur! | Don in 60 Seconds [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Smash and Grab - Cuộc Cướp...
GTA: Liberty City Stories (01) Slacker | Dealing Revenge | Snuff [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 04:17 Home Sweet Home - Ngôi Nhà Thân Yêu 07:38 Slacker - Kẻ...
GTA: Vice City Stories (22-End) Over the Top | Last Stand [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Over the Top - Trên Cả Mong Đợi 10:10 Last Stand - Chốt Chặn Cuối
GTA: Vice City Stories (21) In the Air Tonight | Light My Pyre [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 In the Air Tonight 14:27 Light My Pyre - Thắp Sáng Giàn...
GTA: Vice City Stories (20) Domo Arigato Domestoboto | So Long Schlong [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Domo Arigato Domestoboto - Cám Ơn Domestobot...
GTA: Vice City Stories (19) Burning Bridges | Blitzkrieg Strikes Again | Lost and Found [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Burning Bridges - Cây Cầu Cháy...
GTA: Vice City Stories (18) Steal the Deal | The Exchange | Farewell to Arms [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Steal the Deal - Nẫng Tay Trên 09:37 The...
GTA: Vice City Stories (17) White Lies | Where it Hurts Most | Kill Phil: Part 2 [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 White Lies - Lời Nói Dối Vô Hại 06:16...
GTA: Vice City Stories (16) Home's on the Range | Purple Haze | Taking the Fall [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Home's on the Range - Xử Lý Việc Nhà...
GTA: Vice City Stories (15) The Colonel's Coke | Kill Phil | Say Cheese [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 The Colonel's Coke - Thuốc Của Đại Tá 08:37 Kill...
GTA: Vice City Stories (14) Turn On, Tune In, Bug Out | Accidents Will Happen [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Turn On, Tune In, Bug Out - Bật Lên, Dò...
GTA: Vice City Stories (13) Unfriendly Competition | High Wire [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Unfriendly Competition - Cạnh Tranh Không Thân Thiện...
GTA: Vice City Stories (12) Blitzkrieg | The Mugshot Longshot | Hostile Takeover [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Blitzkrieg - Cuộc Tập Kích 05:28 The...
GTA: Vice City Stories (11) Snitch Hitch | From Zero to Hero | Brawn of the Dead [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Snitch Hitch - Kẻ Chỉ Điểm 07:20 From...
GTA: Vice City Stories (10) Caught as an Act | Leap and Bound | The Bum Deal [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Caught as an Act - Lật Tẩy Vở Kịch 03:42...
GTA: Vice City Stories (09) Havana Good Time | The Audition | Money for Nothing [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Havana Good Time - Havana Tốt Lành 07:04...
GTA: Vice City Stories (08) Nice Package | Balls | Papi Don't Screech [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Nice Package - Gói Hàng Tế Nhị 05:42 Balls - Bi...
GTA: Vice City Stories (07) Jive Drive | Hose the Hoes | Robbing the Cradle [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Jive Drive - Chuyến Đi Tào Lao 06:38 Hose...
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