GTA: Vice City Stories (06) Takin' Out the White Trash | D.I.V.O.R.C.E. | To Victor, the Spoils [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Takin' Out the White...
GTA: Vice City Stories (05) Got Protection? | Marked Men | When Funday Comes [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Got Protection? - Được Bảo Vệ? 04:39 Marked...
GTA: Vice City Stories (04) Fear the Repo | Waking Up the Neighbors | O, Brothel, Where Art Thou? [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Fear the Repo - Nỗi Sợ...
GTA: Vice City Stories (03) Boomshine Blowout | Truck Stop | Shakedown [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Boomshine Blowout - Bom Cồn Phát Nổ 07:54 Truck...
GTA: Vice City Stories (02) Conduct Unbecoming | Cholo Victory [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:36 Conduct Unbecoming - Không Đủ Tư Cách 11:17 Cholo Victory...
GTA: Vice City Stories (01) Soldier | Cleaning House [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 02:15 Soldier - Quân Nhân 08:29 Cleaning House - Dọn Dẹp Nhà
GTA: San Andreas (40-End) End of the Line [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 06:16 End of the Line - Phía Cuối Con Đường
Nhiệm vụ Riot (Bạo loạn) dựa trên cuộc bạo loạn diễn ra năm 1992 ở Los Angeles. "Vào ngày 29 Tháng Tư năm 1992, ở ngã tư đường Florence và...
GTA: San Andreas (39) Grove 4 Life | Riot | Los Desperados [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Grove 4 Life - Grove Mãi Mãi 09:18 Riot - Bạo Loạn 14:59 Los...
GTA: San Andreas (38) Cut Throat Business | Beat Down On B Dup [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Cut Throat Business - Công Việc Cắt Cổ 09:30 Beat Down On...
GTA: San Andreas (37) Vertical Bird | Home Coming [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Vertical Bird - Máy Bay Lên Thẳng 12:38 Home Coming - Về Nhà
GTA: San Andreas (36) Breaking the Bank at Caligula's | A Home in the Hills [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Breaking the Bank at Caligula's - Vét Sạch...
GTA: San Andreas (35) Saint Mark's Bistro | Millie Perkins [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Saint Mark's Bistro 10:34 Millie Perkins
GTA: San Andreas (34) Madd Dogg | Freefall | High Noon [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 01:13 Madd Dogg 05:47 Freefall - Rơi Tự Do 14:09 High Noon - Chính Ngọ
GTA: San Andreas (33) The Meat Business | Misappropriation | Fish in a Barrel [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 The Meat Business - Buôn Thịt 11:09...
GTA: San Andreas (32) Up, Up and Away! | Intensive Care [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Up, Up and Away! - Cất Cánh Bay Đi 14:37 Intensive Care - Tận...
GTA: San Andreas (31) Dam and Blast | Cop Wheels [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Dam and Blast - Đập Nước Và Thuốc Nổ 11:01 Cop Wheels - Xe Cảnh Sát
GTA: San Andreas (30) Architectural Espionage | Key to Her Heart [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Architectural Espionage - Gián Điệp Kiến Trúc 08:31 Key...
GTA: San Andreas (29) You've Had Your Chips | Don Peyote [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 You've Had Your Chips 07:39 Don Peyote
GTA: San Andreas (28) Green Goo | Fender Ketchup | Explosive Situation [Vietsub] [MEDIA] 00:00 Green Goo 09:12 Fender Ketchup 14:12 Explosive...
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