.. i dont understand what you said ..but if you mean , you want to know ' yamanai ame' meaning is : YAMANAI AME : the rain which does not stop .:)
here is one of my favoured movie after princess mononoke .. it has 2 parts , and here is part 1 , take a look if you have time ^^. it is sad story...
i am fine too ^^. you are pupil ? , i may a little bit older than you ^^.i am college student now ^^' . 11 class is ... high school student or ..
thanks for your kindness words , you are wise man ^^. my friends always say they love to see when i am smiling , so i really dont like the sad...
how are you , shin . i wonder you are college student now ?^^.
your song is great , i love to listen it so much ^^. i dont know about vietnamese music but i think your guitar skill is good , i am sure about...
umm..kono uta ga suki desu kedo .. ii uta to omoimasu .. cru-san ha omoishiroi hito desu ne^^, watashi no koe janai desu yo ^^' .' american joke'...
cru-san ogenki desu ka . ^^/ . sabishi desu ne , cru-san to hanashitai desu kedo ne , jikan ga nai kute , amari atte nai desu ne ^^. demo, mata...
i really want to read your mail , shin ^^. but , it is ok , dont worry .. i am fine , and how about you ? you are happy on these days . i like to...
i remember the frist time i met you , your talking way made me know you are kindness person .^^. i am fine , as always .. how about you ? . i dont...
hello, how are you doing ? , do you have something that is good on these day .^^/ i am really sorry that i could not reply you soon ,and i hope...
i cant see your mail , shin .. where is it gone .
thanks for reading : oyomi ni natte kudasaimashite arigatou gozaimasu .
ah , sou desu ka . kurushii itte , nani ga kurushii desu ka . ichido de mo yomitai na ...^^..
dung yahoo ?? i am sorry but what do you mean ..,shin ^^' i dont use that email .. i am really sorry .. my email : sugarbunny67@yahoo.com . if...
about number .. HOUR : MINUTES DAY MONTH 1 ichi ji 1 ip...
yes , it is not so good to ask ' how old are you' in japan .^^'. 'oikutsu desu ka ' is good way to ask ..than '... nan sai desu ka .' here is...
i am sorry that i could not online so often to talked with you , shin ..-_- minh cung nho ban shin nhieu lam ..^^.. my email >>...
i am not feel good , my health is not good ..-_-' .. i am sorry .. ban shin co khoe khong ?^^. i ll try to write ..bz shin like that..o^^o..but ,...
soudesu ka , ma ii desu kedo n e^^. watashi ha betonamugo ga ' heta' da shi ^^' . sou ie ba , ' TRUYEN KIEU ' itte ha nandeshouka .....watashi no...
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).