chao ban , ban la ban cua shin phai khong ?^^ viet kieu ? .. minh khong gioi ..tieng anh ^^. rat vui vi da gap ban ^^.
chao ban shin , homnay ban cung khoe phai khong ?^^ thanh thuc xin loi ban , minh khong co thoi gian nhieu de noi voi ban . ban shin nho minh...
hello , ci-san . how are you doing ?^^ thanks for your kind words , i was so busy , i wanted to write more but i could not .^^ in vietnam is...
... cru desu ka ?^^ ogenki desu ka . ima, watashi ha sugoku isogashi desu kara , karada ha sugoku tsukareta . uchi he kaetta ra , hayaku netai...
hello censy . how are you doing ? just a little bit .. i am happy if you are feeling happy . sorry for late reply , i was so busy ^^. then ,...
yes , i watched it ^^, it is very cool ^^. the rest time finished , i need to back. it may be cold now in russia , right ? i dont know ..^^'...
censy , i am not good in english , but i hope you enjoy , a few second for rest time , now i need to back ^^. bye .^^. i am happy to help you...
mm.. karate . phai tap that nhieu , minh van con yeu lam ^^.
chao ban ^^. ban sap phai di thi roi ha ^^. ban co gang len nha , bao gio minh cung ung ho ban ca . chac chan la ban se thi tot thoi ma ^^....
chao ban shin , tap xong roi , bay gio nghi mot chut , vai phut nua phai tap tiep^^. bay gio chac la da den gio an trua roi phai khong . ban...
hi , censy ^^. i have explained the song to you . i also like this song ^^. have a nice day . i have a busy life now , then, dont be loose...
xin loi ban shin nha , mong ban dung buon --' minh phai di tap luyen , gap ban sau .
sorry , i need to trainning , if you dont mind, posting that song , if i have time , i will explain it to you . then , see ya ^^.
ban shin vua an sang xong roi ha^^. hom nay ban co khoe khong ? o ben nga bay gio la buoi sang phai khong ?
mm.. sou janai ^^. what is your song ? ^^.
ah , chao ban shin^^'. vay la ban shin phai khong , xin loi vi khong biet ^^'. ban di sang nga roi phai khong , ban co sao khong ? ban so cam...
hello , censy ^^ it is good that you are feeling better , and sleep better ^^. you can to be more adult after this , i think. i hope your love...
hello , may i ask who are you ?^^' why you know my name.. i think .. you are shin ? any way , thanks for posting here .i am really busy , sorry...
hello ,ci-san .^^ thanks for your reply , i cant reply you soon , bz i am getting busy , really sorry abou that. i want to write more , but it...
..konbanwa,cru-san^^'. hontou ni gomennasai ne , ima , sugoku isogashi desu kara ..reply de ha dekinai desu . gomen ne , cru-san ^^' doko mo...
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).