hi ya , censy ^^. how are you doing ? how about your love ? did you sleep good ? i am so busy , so i cant reply you soon . same here , i also...
hello , how are you doing ? thanks for posting some in my profile , i am so busy , i want to write more ,but it is time to sleep here . sorry...
hello , how are you doing ^^? i am not lost , just so busy , i am really sorry for not reply you soon . thanks for posting some here , have a...
hello ,how are you doing ?^^ i wonder how can you know my name ?^^'. but , anyway , thank for posting some here ^^, and thank for sharing . i...
i am getting busy , sayonara ^^. ... in vietnamese : chao ban censy ^^. p/s: keep your mind , makenai de !
hom nay , ban da khoe tro lai roi sao . vay thi tot qua ^^. ban nen ngu , dung co thuc khuya , khong tot cho suc khoe dau . minh nghi la ban...
mm.. that is so bad , censy-san . you should sleep , that is not good for your health . did she say about broken up with you ? i think .. she...
hello , censy-san . how are you doing ? did you sleep last night ?
i see , i had read some topic ..and .. i understand you got problem ? right ? you asked about broken with your gf ? right ? no one never get...
cru-san, kyou ha isogashi desu ka .^^.
...... speak vietnamese ? ..but ... i cant type vietnamese so good . yes , she (your gf) always love you , so , pls keep your heart with her.^^....
then , good night you too, i dont know what time there now , but ..^^.. hope you will happy with your gf , i am sure she love you so much .^^.
hello , long time no see you too^^. i am getting busy and got some problems. good to see you today.
kyou ha ogenki , cru-san ? kyou mo ganbarimashou ne !^^.
chao ban shin^^. ban co ngu duoc khong , toi ngay hom qua ^^. tai sao ban shin khong ngu duoc vay^^. ....^^... cam on ban shin .. nhung ma ,...
mm.. a, minh doi avatar hom qua . bay gio sua lai roi ^^. ban di hoc ve roi ha ? hom nay ban co ban lam khong vay ^^. ban co met khong vay ?^^
thanks for liking my avatar ..then i have changed it back again^^'. mmm.. good night again ,ci-san.
you are amazing ,i am sure ^^. your thinking way is wise . very late here too , i done my homeworks , now , i will go to bed . talking with...
yes , that is the result of the education of my family , i need to be polite when talking or writting , even with friends ^^. he is great father...
oyasuminasai . kyou mo yoku neraremasu ne .^^. i came to a different world , i think i need to change talking way , .^^. sore ja ne ^^.
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).