mm... you went to bed ? ^^. chuc ban shin ngu ngon giac , hi vong ban co the ngu duoc toi nay .^^.
thanks for your kind words . i always feel happy when reading it . .. i never lose my heart , i want to win my weak heart .^^. yes, i know my...
konbanwa,cru-san ! ..... mem to iu no ha , member no koto desu ka .^^. .. mou sabishkunai desu yo .. cru-san ha shinpaishinai ne .^^. mou...
i am really sorry , ban shin . .. um .. dont feel boring .. we will talk .. a litle . i forgot some homeworks .. i am doing it now . i am happy...
today , i was so busy , so i am sleeping .^^. .......soon , shin , you will know ....^^...
you will go soon ? .... it will be sad for me, bz you are friends . but we still can talk .. sure .. love .. someday , you will know that ...^^..
we are friends ^^. good night , shin.
......i know you are joking . but ..i just ... i am ok ,..i just respect 'love'.^^.
......................................... are you joking , shin^^. love ? just friends ? right ? .....................dont make me...
hello , khue san,ci -san !^^. how are you doing ? thanks for your kind words , i feel so happy when reading . ... my normal life is just normal...
今日 も 楽しい 日 ですか。 とですか? それとも、 どうですか?^^・ 今週 、私 は 忙しい ですよ、 でも、 一緒に 頑張ります ね。! では、 また ね。 あ、忘れた、きのう、よく寝られましたか。
chao ban shin . ngay hom qua , nhieu viec lam , ve den nha , minh cam thay met lam , nen di ngu som .. xin loi ban shin nha . cam on ban chuc...
kuray ? ^^. bi cup dien ? ngay moi vui ve , kurayami san . khong sao , lan nao cung duoc ma , kim se cho ma ^^. cam on ban da noi rang day...
kyou , watashi ha totemo genki desu yo . cru-san mo ogenki desu ka . all my post in your box giao luu ngoai ngu , you can deleted it , the truly...
ah , sou desu ka . tada , ano uta ? ha omoshiroi to omoimashita , dakara... ma, gomennasai iwanai de , anata ha warukunai desu kara , atashi ha...
ah , minh phai thuc som , minh day luc 6 gio sang . noi tieng viet de thuong ? ..hay la , noi tieng viet khong chuan ^^. minh ..khong bam duoc...
anata mo ,kyou ha tanoshimi ne .
ohayou gozaimasu . i see someone asked to translation the letter, so i explained ỉt . i though no one explain it , so i done it . i am really...
こんにちわ、グエンさん! 今日も 頑張りましょうね。^^。
ohayo gozaimasu , cru-san ! kyou mo ganbarimashou ne !^^. have a nice day !.
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).