Call of Duty: World at War (08) Blood and Iron [Vietsub] [MEDIA]
Call of Duty: World at War (07) Relentless [Vietsub] [MEDIA]
Call of Duty: World at War (06) Burn 'em Out [Vietsub] [MEDIA]
Call of Duty: World at War (05) Their Land, Their Blood [Vietsub] [MEDIA]
Call of Duty: World at War (04) Vendetta [Vietsub] [MEDIA] Màn 4: Nợ máu. (Màn chơi được lấy cảm hứng từ bộ phim Enemy At The Gates).
Call of Duty: World at War (03) Hard Landing [Vietsub] [MEDIA] Màn 3: Hạ cánh khó khăn.
Call of Duty: World at War (02) Little Resistance [Vietsub] [MEDIA] Màn 2: Cuộc kháng cự nhỏ.
Lần trước làm phụ đề cho game đua xe, nay quay lại thể loại bắn súng. Lôi game cũ ra làm, coi như hoài cổ vậy. :(game) Call of Duty: World at War...
Need for Speed: Carbon - (27-End) Silverton - FINAL BOSS: Darius - Stacked Deck [Vietsub] [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (26) Silverton - Canmor Downs [Vietsub] [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (25) Silverton - Starlight Strip [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (24) Silverton - Silverton Refinery [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (23) Silverton - Shady Pine [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (22) Silverton - Infinity Park [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (21) Silverton - Diamond Hills [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (20) Silverton - Neon Mile [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (19) Fortuna - BOSS Race: Wolf - TFK [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (18) Fortuna - Palmont University [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (16) Fortuna - Ocean View [MEDIA] [SPOILER] Need for Speed: Carbon - (17) Fortuna - Hills Borough [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Need for Speed: Carbon - (15) Fortuna - South Fortuna [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).