Cheat Code - Granted Wish allgod - God Mode for You and Team allammo - Unlimited Ammo easy - Easy Difficulty ewww - Enemies Die
Cho tro sewer shark Trước khi chơi , tìm Exterminator hoặc beach bum level , sau do ấn A+C+start khi cái credit bắt đàu. Trò chơi sẽ tiếp tục với...
còn nếu game dã co khả năng cheat rồi thì làm thế này 1) Go to the game to which you want to add the cheats. 2) Press Circle to add a new cheat...
cheat code breaker ne 1) Go to the game selection screen 'Select Cheats' from the main menu. 2) Press Circle to add a new game, edit the...
Cheat ne! When building a deck, press R3 than enter the code for a card. Ancient Tree Of Enlightenment - EKJHQ109 Aqua Dragon - JXCB6FU7...
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