Armoured Warfare-Cuộc chiến giữa tank hiện đại

Thảo luận trong 'World of Tanks' bắt đầu bởi The Iron Eagle, 27/5/15.

  1. thiensu922

    thiensu922 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đếu hiểu mỗi lần cầm BMD-2 đi PvE thua như chó, mm nó toàn bắt đi chung với mấy con giáp giấy, gặp bọn gà nó chết sớm như gì :2cool_hell_boy::1cool_choler:

    P/s Đậu xanh rau má, ko biết nói gì luôn 8-} có ai nhọ bằng ta ko ? Bắn 17 trận fail hết gần 1 nửa

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/11/15
  2. Ketra

    Ketra Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    1 góc Sài thành
    thanh niên bị nghiện T-54 cho hay :v
  3. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    sao ta chơi BMD-2 bá vãi =))))))))))))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/11/15
  4. thiensu922

    thiensu922 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    DPM ta cao hơn lão chim này :2cool_go: Thế mà vẫn nhọ. 22 trận thua 9....... :2cool_burn_joss_sti


    P/s Giờ mới phát hiện là dòng BMP mới là dòng có súng phang HE sớm hơn BMD :2cool_burn_joss_sti BMP-3 tier 6 là bắt đầu có 100mm rồi, mà con BMP-3M tier 7 phang đau hơn BMD-4. Moá lão chim sao ko tư vấn cho ta sớm :6cool_ah:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/11/15
  5. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    con BMD-2 bên EU ta solo dc trung bình 7600 DPB đấy, chơi bên NA lo chạy làm secondary nên nhường cho mi với thằng vịt bắn thôi =))))))

    còn elite thì dmg BMP-3M chẳng hơn BMD-4 đâu
    BMP-3M có dmg stock to hơn 1 tẹo nhưng mà súng kém chính xác hơn BMD-4, aim cũng lâu hơn
    và vì con BMD-4 lắp dc 3 cái retrofit buf dmg trong khi BMP-3M chỉ có 1 cái nên lắp đồ vào thì dmg con BMD-4 to hơn nhiều =))))))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/11/15
    ThunderboltM8 thích bài này.
  6. thiensu922

    thiensu922 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ờ vậy thì dc, vả lại con BMD-4 nhìn cũng đẹp hơn. Làm về chưa lão vào kéo ta. PvE mà cứ thua hoài bực cả mình. 31 ván win 19 fail 12 DPM 6k5 =))
  7. tqui22

    tqui22 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thấy mấy ông khen dòng BMD quá ráng cày thử xem sao :D
  8. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    thật sự mà nói ÀFV chỉ có dòng BMD đáng chơi
    Đã vậy dòng đó còn lấy dc 2 con tiẻ 8 nên sau này lấy dc 2 cái token 1 lúc để unlock 2 con xe 9 luôn
  9. thiensu922

    thiensu922 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tối qua vừa mua lại T-64. Móa hổm giờ chơi cứ mua rồi bán mua rồi bán, phá của hết 7-8mil mịa nó rồi :2onion16:. Tóm lại giờ 2 cái line cơ bản dễ chơi và đáng chơi nhất là line BMD và line T-90.
  10. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    good luck với 2 con T-72 =)))))))))))))
  11. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    con 72A chơi pve thôi thì ko đến nỗi, còn con 72 thì thôi convert hoặc đợi buff
  12. namnh01283

    namnh01283 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chắc chắn là phải buff chon con T-72, cái gì cũng sida sao đc, máu đá ít , súng cũng kém, giáp cũng ko có nốt :8onion6:
  13. Quay1995

    Quay1995 Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thêm quả aim time nữa, nản kinh khủng ...
  14. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    Chieftain, Challenger 1 sẽ dc buf pen và dmg
    T-72 và T-72A sẽ dc buff giáp
    M1 Abrams và M1A1 sẽ bị nerf máu nhưng bù lại weakspot gunnersight bị sửa lại chỉ ăn 50% dmg thôi thay vì 100% như trước
  15. thiensu922

    thiensu922 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Challenger 1 giờ mà vào PvP bảo đảm ăn hành như cờ hó luôn =)) Gặp bọn MBT cùng cấp thì lạy
  16. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    gặp con XM1 ko thôi đã như gặp god rồi 8-}
  17. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    con Ramka 99 hạ nòng ncl........ống phóng tên lửa thiết kế ngu dek tả dc............chỉ cần dốc 1 tẹo là tên lửa bay cắm mẹ xuống đất............Hèn gì ngoài đời dek thằng nào thèm mua cũng phải.....
    Con Ramka 99 chơi có cảm giác tệ hơn hẳn BMPT Terminator.....Con BMPT Tẻminator kia hạ nòng dc 8 độ... Chả hiểu sao con Ramka 99 sao còn có 5 độ....Cận chiến với MBT ở chỗ nhấp nhô là thôi khỏi hạ nòng bắn dc nó.......
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/11/15
  18. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    HE ATGM của con Ramka 99 chơi tếu vãi =))))))))))))))))
  19. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    Warrior- best tier 8 AFV
  20. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    Tên Little Soldier bán Challenger 1 là sai lầm rồi =)))))))))))))))))
    • Tier 6-8 MBTs have received a pass to make HE less effective against them from the front. This might result in changes to armor feel, but for the better. Remaining MBT tiers will be adjusted in the next patch.
    • Any vehicle with both a gunner’s sight and laser rangefinder can now stack these upgrades together. They used to affect min and max accuracy separately, but now they both change overall accuracy, albeit at a slightly smaller value when they are both on the same vehicle. This update was applied to the following vehicles: BMP-1, FV101 Scorpion, M60, T-62, Wiesel 1
    • Retrofits and Vehicle Technology Upgrades now add a flat vision bonus, rather than a percentage. A 10% bonus to spotting has been converted to a 40 meter bonus instead.

    The BMP-3M is an odd case. It has good spotting range and HP for an AFV, but its unusual handling and lack of camouflage make it tricky to utilize as a traditional AFV. In telemetry, it's performed relatively well, but it lacks a real niche. We've made some significant tuning improvements to retool the BMP-3M as a hybrid AFV/brawler by further increasing its hit points, improving its autocannon damage, and improving its accuracy. We'll continue to pay close attention to see if these changes have made it perform too well or if they prove insufficient to make the vehicle compelling to play.

    • Hit Points increased from 1430 to 1560
    • Stock autocannon AP damage increased from 78 to 88
    • Upgraded autocannon AP damage increased from 86 to 92
    • Stock Autocannon HE damage increased from 59 to 66
    • First Upgraded Autocannon HE damage increased from 62 to 69
    • Second Upgraded Autocannon HE damage increased from 65 to 71
    • ATGM reload time decreased from 12.9 seconds to 11.76 seconds
    • Autocannon accuracy spread per shot decreased by about 20%
    • Turret movement bloom rate decreased by about 20%
    • Hull traverse accuracy bloom rate decreased by about 20%
    • Movement accuracy bloom rate decreased by about 20%
    Challenger 1

    The Challenger 1 has been performing below expectations. While it does have strong armor, its weak points, low penetration, and lower HP than the Abrams, coupled with lower speed, have made it perform below par. To help bring it up to par, we've bumped its penetration up to levels more comparable to other MBTs of the same tier and increased its hit points, which we feel will give the Challenger 1 the necessary resilience needed to be an excellent brawler. Additionally, we've significantly buffed the frontal sides of the turret and hull enough to bounce some MBT shells, along with strengthening the driver's sight weak point and removing the gunner's sight weak point.

    • Stock AP penetration increased from 342 to 377
    • First AP upgrade penetration increased from 360 to 396
    • Second gun stock AP penetration increased from 360 to 405
    • Second gun upgraded AP penetration increased from 368 to 423
    • Increased frontal hull sides from 80 to 275
    • Increased frontal turret sides from 176 to 330
    C1 Ariete

    When evaluating the Ariete we found its side armor to be performing below what players should expect from a tier 8 MBT. As a result, the appliqué armor package on the Ariete has had its effectiveness more than doubled and we've buffed the sides of the turret, allowing the vehicle to better resist shells against the tank's hull and turret sides with the armor package on. The front of the turret also received a small armor buff, which included removing the gunner's sight weak point, allowing the vehicle to be more effective in hull down positions against other Tier 8 vehicles. The goal is to allow it to be a mobile scrapper, but still allow players to find opportunities where it won’t be as easily penetrated.

    • Increased both appliqué packages’ armor from 100/80 to 250/250 for the turret and hull
    • Upgraded vehicle side armor from 120 to 200
    • Upgraded frontal spaced armor from 300 to 400
    Dragon 300-90

    • Added smoke grenades as an upgrade option
    FV101 Scorpion

    Once the fiercest vehicle in Armored Warfare, the mighty Scorpion has fallen upon hard times. While its agility is still exceptional, the soft stat modifiers that were used to bring the Scorpion into line when it was over performing have no longer proven necessary in light of the changes to High Explosive rounds. With that in mind, we've made some improvements to the Scorpion to bring it back in line.

    • Vision range increased from 333 to 370
    • Cooldown per shot decreased from 6.67 seconds to 5.93 seconds
    • Added smoke grenades as an upgrade option
    Leopard 1A5

    The Leopard 1A5 is performing below standards for the tier. We've given it significant buffs to targeting time and accuracy on the move to make it superior to the earlier vehicles in the same line in those regards, as well as a boost to damage.

    • Targeting Time decreased from 2.9 seconds to 2.5 seconds
    • Hull traverse accuracy bloom rate halved
    • Turret yaw bloom decreased from 0.15 to 0.1
    • Stock AP damage increased from 294 to 317
    • First AP upgrade damage increased from 309 to 332
    • Second AP upgrade damage increase from 340 to 348
    • Stock HE damage increased from 177 to 190
    • Upgraded SC damage increased from 406 to 435
    Leopard 2

    The Leopard 2 had too many weak points from the front that could be capitalized on and so we've made adjustments to several key areas. The Leopard 2 still retains the critical weak point found on the driver's hatch, but the top portion of the upper glacis has had its armored bumped up enough to have a better chance at deflecting high penetration shots. Additionally, the turret ring's armor has been massively increased (before it was bugged to have little armor) in order for it to have a better chance at deflecting high penetration shots rather than being easily penetrated by auto-cannons. A large sliver of the lower glacis which was easily penetrable before has also been removed, as has the gunner's sight weak point. Combined, these changes will provide the Leopard 2 much greater frontal survivability.

    • Increased the top portion of the upper glacis armor from 100 to 150
    Leopard 2AV

    • The Leopard 2AV's gunner's sight weak point has been adjusted in order to better resist shots against similar tiered vehicles, although it will still remain a weak point against higher tiers.

    Our previous M60A2 changes were a step in the right direction, but we still feel the M60A2 has a ways to go before it can excel as a high firepower brawler. To better improve the M60A2's intended play style, we've increased its standard round damage significantly, reduced its ATGM reload time and decreased the amount of time it takes to zero in on a target. The M60A2 remains inaccurate, which helps ensure that it retains its role as a close-range monster, rather than letting it be an overpowered sniper.

    • Damage for both HE rounds increased by 17.5%
    • Non-ATGM HEAT round damage increased by 12.5%
    • Targeting Time decreased from 3.3 seconds to 3.0 seconds
    • ATGM reload time decreased from 16.67 seconds to 14.29 seconds
    M1 and M1A1 Abrams

    The M1 and M1A1 have both proven to be consistently dominant in their tiers due to a combination of their high health, excellent armor, superior vision versus other MBTs and good mobility. We feel that the strong frontal armor of the Abrams is an iconic feature, and thus we've chosen not to adjust that at this time. Instead, we've reduced its HP values to be somewhat closer to the other MBTs of the same tier. The M1 and M1A1 will still feature above average HP, but they will no longer be as dominant as before. With this change, we expect these vehicles will remain very strong and we will continue to evaluate them to see if these changes were sufficient enough to bring them in line with other equal-tier MBTs.

    • M1 HP decreased from 2475 to 2235
    • M1A1 HP decreased from 2845 to 2570

    The OF-40 is performing below average on the EU server and about average on the NA and RU servers. While normally this wouldn't be enough of a problem to warrant stat adjustments, we recognize that the OF-40 doesn't feel like a fun upgrade from the Leopard 1, and we've given it some quality of life improvements to make the experience of playing it feel more rewarding.

    • Targeting Time decreased from 2.9 seconds to 2.7 seconds
    • Hull traverse accuracy bloom rate halved
    • Turret yaw bloom decreased from 0.15 to 0.1

    While our last set of changes was a step in the right direction, the RDF-LT is still performing poorly compared to the Stingray and VFM. We've given it a minor increase to firepower as well as some more significant improvements to targeting time and accuracy on the move.

    • AP damage increased from 216 to 246
    • SC damage increased from 270 to 308
    • Targeting Time decreased from 2.7 seconds to 2.2 seconds
    • Movement bloom rate decreased from 0.25 to 0.2
    • Hull traverse bloom decreased from 0.75 to 0.5
    • Turret yaw bloom decreased from 0.11 to 0.055

    To bring the vehicle's weak points in line with the T-72A, the armor in the upper left portions of the cupola, the flat area of the sight and the roof of the vehicle have been increased to better resist high penetration shots. Given the easily penetrated lower glacis, the player should be rewarded more for protecting it with a strong turret, although the T-72 will still have several locations that can be breached with careful aim.

    • Remodeled cannon mantle section to more accurately deflect shots

    A full adjustment of the T-72A's turret armor was done due to the vehicle under-performing across the board, making it significantly better armored than before. Affected areas include the upper left section below the cupola, and the roof. The gun mantle and the lower areas to either side can still be penetrated by equal-tiered or higher tanks, but the vehicle should now be able to hull down more successfully even against higher tiered opponents.

    • Remodeled cannon mantle section to more accurately deflect shots

    Similar to the T-72, we felt the T-80 required additional armor around the upper left portions of the cupola, the flat area of the sight and the roof in order to increase the tank's resistance against high penetration shots and solidify the rest of the t-series as having high armored turrets with weaker bases.

    • Remodeled cannon mantle section to more accurately deflect shots
    SPG Support Shells

    We have updated the behavior for smoke shells so that the deploy effects occur sooner as well as reduce the time it takes for affected players to be obscured by the smoke. Also, we have updated the visual effect for the illumination rounds when they directly impact a surface before they are able to deploy in the air.

    • Vehicles will now have auto-repair and auto-resupply of ammunition enabled by default, consumables will still require players to enable auto-resupply
    • Tracked vehicles will now have new VFX playing to show when they begin slipping on various surfaces.
    • Updated and corrected the visuals of the following vehicles: M109A6 Paladin, Swingfire, BMD-1, B1 Centauro, Challenger 1, Leopard 1, Leopard 1A5, Taifun II, C1 Ariete, Palmaria
    • Fixed the UI information (incorrect module values shown to player etc.) for the following vehicles: Chieftain, M1A1 Abrams, XM800T, 2S3 Akatsiya,
    • Reduced the camouflage penalty for firing for the FV438 Swingfire
    • Begleitpanzer 57 now can fire AP rounds with 2nd and 3rd gun upgrade

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