cho hỏi cái có bạn nào dùng mạng MegaVnn mà đang train Ge K2 ko ,tui đang dùng mà sao lag loạn xà ngầu cả lên chứ 1 chút là delay 1-2s có lúc lag đến nổi đi ko dc log out dô lại thấy cả nhóm chết queo làm nản ko mún chơi....Những lúc ấy nhớ lại câu nói của một bạn trong 4rum gamevn :"GIANG HỒ HIỂM ÁC KO BẰNG MẠNG LAG BẤT NGỜ"::) thịt là thấm thía
áo lvl 100 server tui cũng bán cỡ 150m mà có thèm mua đâu wakaka. Cái paygate mua GP của thằng SGE chuối quá nên giờ hết hứng thú farm vis :'> vào game chỉ có raidboss, pvp, săn con Avalanche Apprition với Black Magic stones trong Ice Tower thôi :'>
3 thằng lure mob đánh chứ có solo đâu mà khó, chủ yếu là đánh cho vui chứ trong đó có drop weapon armor gì đâu, đang ráng kiếm 40 cục để lên tầng 2 xem có gì trên đó ^^
gà roài mob tầng 1 trong đó solo thì không được chứ 2-3 thằng đánh là okie, có cath là tốt nhất ^^ đây là info từ IAH forum + phần dưới tui bổ sung thêm cho ai chưa biết thì đọc Quote from IAH forum Hey guys, I bet many of ya ever wondered what's in there yes? Even though some factions have managed to enter, none of the screenshots (assuming if they had taken any) have ever been shown. So now I shall reveal to you by the form of screenshots to satisfy your curiosity. *Note to forum mods* - Because I hope more people get more information of this elusive dungeon, please leave it in the General section if you can. :o 1F of Ice Wizard Tower, quests are needed to be able to access the other levels. For now, it's an impossible task and as for how many levels are there in Ice Wizard Tower, even I have no idea... Our harsh battle, took like so many VETS just to take down a single mob. And yes, they aren't afraid to spam skills... There were only two kinds of mobs in 1F: Heck they make even lvl 84 elites look like paper.. :rolleyes: And yes, expect hard hitting Ice attacks, they're weak to Lightning though. And presenting the babes...they're actually devils who look like our female stock fighter but with more revealing outfits, pointy ears and a nice cut on the hairstyle. Ugly elbum... And yes there were more weapon wielding beauties unfortunately I didn't capture them all (I swear I saw a advance garde vak!!). And those equipment they're using are our future lvl 100 elemental series equips. Most of which you can get via the Katovic snowfield quests. ==================================================== How to enter Ice Wizard Tower - U have to complete all Katovic Snowfield Q, hardest part is kill Avalanche Apparition (a.k.a Jack Frost ) to get Red Jewel Fragment. Can find A.A at Snowfield of Ice Wizard Tower. - After finish all Q go here to open the gate.(1 ppl open gate all can go in :cool:) Some info - Need 40 Black Magic Stone to open the gate at center (F7) - Drop Black Magic Stone into Seled Crystal to open gate, each Sealed Crystal require 10 Black Magic Stone =.=" - Black Magic Stone only drop from Elbum, and each Elbum protected by 5 guardian (Glacial Vakyrie) :eek: so careful when kill him if u got less than 4 family - If u keep Black Magic Stone in inventory will get this "buff" >.< Will update when i got more info hehe