Báo danh - thảo luận AE chơi FIFA 12 PC bản quyền!

Thảo luận trong 'FIFA Soccer' bắt đầu bởi Cyentruk, 20/7/11.

  1. Cyentruk

    Cyentruk Legend of Zelda

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    Bỏ mệ zồi, vậy mua key còn hơn!
  2. hienkhanh_becks

    hienkhanh_becks T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Thấy bên Play-Asia bán rẻ hơn có hơn $40. Ở US bán tới $59.9, Origin tính ra cũng cỡ giá đó :))
  3. Cyentruk

    Cyentruk Legend of Zelda

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    Nói thêm cho ae rõ hơn.

    Chơi trên EA server chia làm 2 dạng chính.
    Solo và Team

    - Solo: (Head to Head). 2 người sẽ chơi với nhau trực tiếp qua giao thức Peer to Peer không qua Server của EA. Như vậy là y như chơi trên GR, càng gần nhau càng tốt. --> Ae cùng ở VN chiến với nhau tốt.
    - Team: Online Team Play, Pro Clubs. Mọi người chơi sẽ kết nối với 1 Server trung gian của EA. Chính vì thế, khi chơi Team muốn mượt thì chỉ nên gồm những người chơi trong cùng 1 vùng - Đông Nam Á chẳng hạn. Nếu trong đó có 1 anh Châu Âu lọt vào, đến 1 ngưỡng nào đó có thể gây lag cho cả Team thì EA sẽ tự disconnect anh đó ra.

    Về cơ bản là thế. AE có thể đọc thêm ở đây.


    Hi all,

    We’ve done a lot of work to change things up and improve the overall experience, and we’re pretty excited about what you’ll make of it. However, we’re also keenly aware that the experience you had with FIFA 11 wasn’t the best in a few areas.

    So we thought it would be a good idea to post here and give you a deeper view on the issues we’ve looked to address and the things we’re doing to try to make FIFA 12 online the best experience possible. Needless to say a lot of what we’ve been focussing our attention on for FIFA 12 is based on the continuous flow of feedback from our fans. And for that, thank you. Keep it coming!


    Probably the most common comment we receive concerns servers. Whenever any kind of connection issue occurs, for anyone, the natural response is to point at the ‘servers’ and ask for them to be ‘fixed’. Of course, it’s never quite as simple as that and there are a number of causes for connection problems. Sometimes that’s to do with our own servers, sometimes it’s down to external factors we can’t control.

    If you’re playing online head-to-head matches, they are peer to peer. That means we determine your location and match you up with another user based on a variety of factors. Once connected everything is direct between both players. If disconnections occur during a head-to-head game, this is probably due to a connection problem for one of the two players outside of our control, or because one of the players has disconnected or interrupted their connection deliberately.

    However, Online Team Play (OTP) and Clubs are a different story. It’s fair to say we didn’t have the best year in terms of stability for OTP and Clubs and we’ve worked hard on making that better for FIFA 12.

    For this type of gameplay, in order to keep you and everyone synced up and connected, everyone connects to a central server – just like in 1st person shooters. As you play, you send information up and down from the server. What makes this system great is the slowest person doesn’t add lag for everyone else, as it would in peer-to-peer games. However, on the flip side, if your connection can’t ‘keep up’ with everyone else, there is a threshold where you may be disconnected. This may be due to your ISP, router, or connection, but in many cases it can also be due to someone simply being further away from the server than everyone else. For example, if I have British mates and join their club, our game will likely connect to a European server. In this case, all of my actions need to travel from Vancouver to Europe and back throughout the game. You’ll have better Pro Clubs experiences by joining clubs in your relative regions.

    That’s one side of it. The other side is on us. For FIFA 12 we have spent a lot of time looking at our code for OTP and Clubs in order to improve the reliability of your connections to the game. We decided that was probably more important to you than anything else we could do.

    So here’s a few bullet points to explain what we’ve been working on:

    Testing, testing, and more testing. We’ve done much more testing in other regions of the world, using differing connection strengths. In particular, we’ve had groups continuously working on that in Argentina, the UK, and obviously here in Vancouver. We’ve also done a lot more wireless specific testing, brought in better load testing for our servers and kicked off early pre-launch testing on our final, live servers.

    Better tools: We’ve now got much better tools to help us debug issues in both gameplay and online code. One problem that can occur with gameplay (rather than online code) is the dreaded desync. This is where a very specific event in an online match somehow becomes interpreted differently by different people’s local games. When this happens, a disconnection will occur. It’s a complicated thing and affects any game with online modes, but when it happens in Clubs we know it can be very frustrating. We’ve spent a lot of time using our new, improved tools to unearth these gremlins and sort as many of them out as we possibly can for FIFA 12.

    Better matchmaking: A lot of the problems people have experienced with FIFA 11 comes down to people being inappropriately matched for games. FIFA 12 will include improved matchmaking to prevent less than ideal matchups. Additionally, we have moved authentication and matchmaking servers (what we call ‘central’ servers) to Europe now, which will mean logging in and navigating online screens should be much snappier for most people.

    Cheating and Glitchers

    FIFA 11 was also a bad year for people finding loopholes, exploiting them, and causing problems for others. They included:

    People using the ‘Flag Glitch’ to cheat their way up leaderboards.

    Using ‘super teams’ in ranked play.

    Working around base console security to access and change their Virtual Pro data.

    Intentionally causing disconnects in Clubs with the ‘Trigger Glich’.

    The good news is we have put in place fixes for all these issues for FIFA 12.

    The caveat, of course, is that whenever millions of people compete at something like FIFA, there will always be those people out there who think it’s worthwhile trying to cheat. They’ll work hard to figure out what exploits may exist, and doing so spoil the experience for everyone else. It’s the nature of the beast, every modern game has to deal with the same thing, and deal with it we will.

    We will be closely monitoring the community once FIFA 12 launches and throughout its lifetime, but more than that – we have also built better tools for reviewing and punishing known cheaters.
  4. nneo

    nneo Legend of Zelda

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  5. Cyentruk

    Cyentruk Legend of Zelda

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    Để mình tìm hiểu thêm xem sao. Mục đích fake ip để vào đc trang Origin India là chỉ có giá giảm thôi phải không nneo?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/8/11
  6. nneo

    nneo Legend of Zelda

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    uhm, còn entropay là để bypass cái billing check
  7. Cyentruk

    Cyentruk Legend of Zelda

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    Khổ nhờ, mình có Credit Card của HSBC mà order trên Origin éo đc, bực ko tả. H thì đã làm cái ACB debit rồi, active paypal rồi, h chỉ cần nạp tiền vào thẻ Debit là xực thôi. Tuy nhiên ae ở đây đang muốn mua đĩa để sưu tập. Hehe.
  8. huyluan2011

    huyluan2011 Youtube Master Race

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    Nếu vụ mua đĩa có vẻ không ổn thì mua key trên Origin thôi bác Cyen.... i follow u.... à mà lúc đang ký trên Origin có phần Country không có Việt Nam vậy điền nước nào ta?
  9. kill_9999

    kill_9999 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    vậy là sao nhỉ??sao đủ giá hết vậy...bây h chỉ mua key thôi àh :-?
  10. champion2010

    champion2010 Donkey Kong

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    mua key đi mấy bác ơi :((..............
  11. james1984

    james1984 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Mua key mà giá mềm tí chắc mình cũng làm 1 cái để chiến cho vui.Chứ từ ngày đá GR không biết manage mode là gì.Mà FIFA 12 không mà đá với com không thì chán chết
  12. hienkhanh_becks

    hienkhanh_becks T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Có Việt Nam mà .........................

    Còn đây là nguyên văn Origin chat với tui khi tui hỏi về vụ xuất bản đĩa DVD cho FIFA 12 PC

    " It appears that on the Origin store that may be the case at this time, but we do not have final word yet if it will only be digital
    But normally there is a physical copy available for those who can not purchase online"
  13. kill_9999

    kill_9999 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    vãi thiệt,h chỉ mua key thôi :(...nản ghê !!!!
  14. hienkhanh_becks

    hienkhanh_becks T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Đã vừa thử fake IP vào Origin Ấn Độ ... giá của FIFA 12 là Rs.999.00 ... không biết tính ra là bao nhiêu tiền :">
  15. Seba

    Seba Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    dzì rẻ vậy bác 999 rupee = 22usd
  16. Zedlist

    Zedlist C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình đang sống tại US đây và hiện nay mình chưa tìm được nơi nào có thể pre-oder đĩa hết.
    Tình hình này giống như FIFA 11 năm trước, hầu như cũng không nơi nào có đĩa. Chỉ bán key và dowload online thôi.
    Còn nếu bạn muốn mua đĩa ship về các bạn cỏ thể tìm các trang web của Anh.
  17. lamhoaicho

    lamhoaicho T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    trời ! còn bên châu âu thì thoải mái đặt trước :D
  18. huyluan2011

    huyluan2011 Youtube Master Race

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    Lúc mình check out nó xố thanh Country ra như vậy...
    Vậy giờ điền thế nào ta???
  19. Cyentruk

    Cyentruk Legend of Zelda

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    Chính xác đó, của mình cũng không có Vietnam, làm sao Becks có Vietnam đc thế?, hay là fake ip để vào Origin khác?
  20. nneo

    nneo Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    fake ip singapore thì sẽ có vietnam, giá fifa 12 trên đó khoảng 47$

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