Bầu chọn cho tank farm tiền tốt nhất.

Thảo luận trong 'World of Tanks' bắt đầu bởi Kira Nakazato, 9/4/11.

  1. vailuable

    vailuable T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Pháo phục vu clan war là đúng rồi. Mình thấy trong 3 Tỉe 9 MT thì patton là bắn dễ lãi nhất vì tiền đạn rẻ + với khả năng gây dame và sniper tốt :D
  2. phamxuantungkth

    phamxuantungkth Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Các bác cho hỏi giờ con nào cày tiền ác nhất. Bắn no pre acc nhé. Thanks. Bình thường cày Su85 với PzIV thấy cũng ổn. Tầm 1 tiếng cũng được gần 100k cre. Kv với Kv-3 dạo này thấy kém kiểu gì ấy. Mà T29 gun nào cày tiền tốt nhất hả các bác. Thanks
  3. OrkHUnter

    OrkHUnter Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Heaven And Hell
    kv, su-85, m4 :-??
  4. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    nó cũng là con giết nhẹ nhàng nhất trong 4 con med tier 9
    muốn giết batchat cũng phải què quặt với nó do ăn nguyên drum đó là chưa kể chả may nó chạy mất sau khi nó xả hết drum @_@
    T-54 vẫn rất imba nếu vào tay lái có hạng bắn không cẩn thân bounce mất đạn như chơi thêm vào đó 1 vs 1 nó làm gỏi maus và E-100
    E-50 nếu chả may gặp nó đổ dốc thì bay 300-500 HP vì cú ram của nó là bt =.=" sau đó bắn tay đôi với nó thì heavy tier 9 có khi thua
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/1/12
  5. Frankies

    Frankies Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Đóng góp cho anh em một vài thông tin lấy được từ forum.worldoftanks.eu
    (Or how to play without premium account)

    Many players rush to high-tier tanks like IS or PzKpfw VI Tiger I. They usually find two main things: 1. battles become more challenging and tactical; 2. tank maintenance begin to draw credits from their pockets. After tier 7 maintenance become even more expensive. There are two ways out of this dilemma: buy premium account/premium tank or play low-tier tanks to earn credits. Of course there is a third method in WoT - get more in-game experience to keep your bills in check. But skill is something that you earn during battles (and if you can't play them because of repair bills - you can't get experience to rise your skills) and majority of players do not want to pay for premium account or premium tanks. This leave only one choice - play low-tier tanks. I review the most popular credit-farmers of Russian Server with little description and tips.


    Type: Light Tank
    Role: Scout
    Tier: Four
    Cred: 3000-20000
    Repr: 1500-2500
    Ammo: 35 (AP for VT-42) / 35 (AP for ZiS-8)
    This one is tricky credit farmer. It heavily depends on team to earn credits. Especially it heavily depends on team artillery and level of battle. This tank is not skill-friendly.

    Type: Medium Tank
    Role: Assault / Mid-game scout
    Tier: Five
    Cred: 4000-25000
    Repr: 1500-2500
    Ammo: 56 (AP for ZiS-4)
    Depending on level of battle you can use T-34 as assault tank or mid-game scout. ZiS-4 is great gun that can penetrate almost everything (of course it does not mean frontal armor of your enemies) you will meet in battles. This tank is not skill-friendly.

    Type: Heavy Tank
    Role: Line-breaker / Support
    Tier: Five
    Cred: 6000-45000
    Repr: 2500-4000
    Ammo: 270/280 (AP/HE for ZiS-6) / 810 (HE for M-10)
    Main credit farmer on Russian Server. It has great guns and decent armor. Depending on level of battle you can be major threat to enemy team or decent supporter for high-tier tanks. Use ZiS-6 if you know weak spots of enemy tanks. In battles with tier 7-9 tanks always move in second line and use HE against heavily armored enemies.

    Type: Tank Destroyer
    Role: Tank Destroyer
    Tier: Five
    Cred: 4000-30000
    Repr: 1500-3000
    Ammo: 270/280 (AP/HE for ZiS-6)
    Powerful and stealthy. Find a good spot where you are hidden and could inflict major damage to enemies.

    Type: SPG
    Role: Support
    Tier: Five
    Cred: Up to 30000 (confirmed by Ildyria)
    Repr: 1800-2500
    Ammo: 810 (HE for ML-20)

    Type: SPG
    Role: Support
    Tier: Six
    Cred: Up to 36000 (confirmed by Ildyria)
    Repr: 3800-4200
    Ammo: 1586/1200 (HE/AP for B-4)
    SU-14 became tricky money-maker after patch 0.7.0 where WG increased cost of top gun shells. As long as you are good artillery player you will earn enough credits to cover repair, cost of shells and get a sizable amount to spare. For others it's better to choose something else.

    Type: SPG
    Role: Support
    Tier: Six
    Cred: Up to 50000 (is not confirmed)
    Repr: Unknown (for me)
    S-51 became tricky money-maker after patch 0.7.0 where WG increased cost of top gun shells. As long as you are good artillery player you will earn enough credits to cover repair, cost of shells and get a sizable amount to spare. For others it's better to choose something else.

    Type: Tank Destroyer
    Role: Tank Destroyer
    Tier: Eight
    Cred: Up to 50000
    Repr: Unknown (for me)

    Object 704
    Type: Tank Destroyer
    Role: Tank Destroyer
    Tier: Nine
    Cred: Up to 50000
    Repr: Unknow (for me)


    PzKpfw IV
    Type: Medium Tank
    Role: Support
    Tier: Five
    Cred: 5000-30000
    Repr: 2500-3500
    Ammo: 109/98 (AP/HE for KwK 42 L/70)
    The most balanced tank in tier five. It has decent armor, speed, traverse and gun. Use your accurate gun and decent maneuverability to your advantage. Snipe from afar and support you high-tier teammates. Be prepared for annoying traverse bug (patch 0.6.7. - confirmed; patch 0.7.0 - fixed).

    StuG III
    Type: Tank Destroyer
    Role: Tank Destroyer
    Tier: Five
    Cred: Up to 20000
    Repr: 1800-2500
    Ammo: 109/98 (AP/HE for StuK 42 L/70)
    StuG III has a good mobility (speed and traverse alike), small frame, great camo value and decent gun. The main problem of newbie StuG III players is that they use it like SU-85. They have some shared tactics but in many cases StuG III player must use his TDs mobility. Additionally I highly suggest to have platoon with SU-85 or KV-2-152: your friend will inflict massive damage while you'll finish them.

    Type: SPG
    Role: Support / Tank Destoyer (in critical situations)
    Tier: Five
    Cred: 5000-27000
    Repr: 3500-4500
    Very agile for SPG. Hummel can fire and change positions very fast. But like any artillery piece it need some time for aiming and somebody for scouting. Use your mobility for TD-tactics in dangerous situation.

    VK 3601 (H)
    Type: Medium Tank (patch 0.7.1)
    Role: Assault Tank / Support
    Tier: Six
    Cred: Up to 22000
    Repr: Unknown (forgot)
    Ammo: 109/98 (AP/HE for KwK 42 L/70) / 252/252 (AP/HE for KwK 36 L/56)
    Since after patch 0.7.0 KwK 41 L/58 konisch is gold-ammo only you must choose between KwK 42 L70 and KwK 36 L/56. First one is good for some sniping but you'll lack damage that sometimes needed in life-or-death situation where RoF is minor importance. If you prefer aggressive play style than KwK 36 L/56 is better choice for you.

    JagdPz IV
    Type: Tank Destroyer
    Role: Tank Destroyer
    Tier: Six
    Cred: Up to 24000
    Repr: Unknown (for me)
    Ammo: 109/98 (AP/HE for StuK 42 L/70)
    Many of JagdPz IV players (that I know) use StuK 42 L/70 gun. They said that 6 mm difference in penetration is border line between win and lose. They usually play it in platoon with M36 Slugger for greater spotting distance and protection from flanking (turret of M36).


    M4 Sherman
    Type: Medium Tank
    Role: Support
    Tier: Five
    Cred: 4000-20000
    Repr: 1500-2500
    Ammo: 83 (HE for SPH M4L23)
    Even after introduction of new HE-mechanics in patch 0.7.0 M4 Sherman armed with 105-mm SPH M4L23 is good money maker. If you liked to brawl in your M4 Sherman you almost wont see any difference in earned credits. For those who liked to snipe with it (there are many players who like to snipe with derp guns in WoT) it will be based on pure luck.

    Type: SPG
    Role: Support
    Tier: Five
    Cred: Up to 30000 (is not confirmed)
    Repr: Unknown (for me)

    M4A3E8 Sherman
    Type: Medium Tank
    Role: Support
    Tier: Six
    Cred: 4000-35000
    Repr: 2500-4000
    Ammo: 56 (AP/HE for 76 mm Gun M1A2)
    Second-line "Run'n'Gun" tank. M4A3E8 is good support tank. Follow your main attack force and flank enemy defense lines while enemies disturbed by your allies. Both 76-mm Gun M1A2 and 105-mm SPH M4L23 (after patch 0.7.0) acceptable for it. Just do not forget to maneuver a lot since you have no armor.

    M4A3E2 Jumbo
    Type: Medium Tank
    Role: Support
    Tier: Six
    Cred: Up to 25000 (is not confirmed)
    Repr: 2500-4000
    Ammo: 56 (AP/HE for 76 mm Gun M1A2)

    M36 Slugger
    Type: Tank Destoyer
    Role: Support
    Tier: Six
    Cred: 4000-35000
    Repr: 3500-4500
    Ammo: 255 (AP/HE for 90 mm AT Gun M3)
    My favorite fun tank. Decent gun, decent speed and decent armor (front one at least). Your 90-mm AT Gun M3 can penetrate almost all tier 8 front armor with good aim (even the infamous Type 59 sloped armor) and side armor of any tier 9 tank except IS-4 (which is tricky sometimes).

    This list is not complete but I simply lack experience on other credit-farmers.
  6. StormAndFire

    StormAndFire C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hừm mấy con số ở trên không chính xác cho lắm....

    đa số toàn lấy max và min nhưng bình thường chả bao giờ bắn được max cả, đó là chưa kể đến chuyện thắng thua nữa...
  7. KQHA0051

    KQHA0051 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    T-34-85 đi, lãi tầm 15k là bình thường, trận nào bắn trúng nhiều nhiều tí thì được 30k, trừ tiền sửa tiền đạn cũng lãi 20~25k rồi. Trận hoành tráng nhất mình bắn được là 41k. Tất nhiên là ko có pre. []==[]
  8. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    nói chung là tank tier 5-6 kiếm tiền khá nhất trong game rồi, kiếm tiền dc nhiều hay ko là do điều khiển tốt đến mức nào
  9. Jamen

    Jamen Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)
    Giờ chỉ có M6 với KV farm tiền ,nhưng vẫn có cảm giác KV không farm nhiều tiền bằng con M4 Sherman.
  10. embengoc

    embengoc C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chắc chắn thế. Lắp derp gun vào và 15~20k/trận thôi :-"
  11. worldoftank

    worldoftank Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nhớ có lần thằng Dev bảo là tier6 kiếm tiền ngon nhất mà.
  12. zFisher

    zFisher NeveR Ending CreatioN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    gấp 2 tier 5 nếu win và shoot nhiều :|
  13. blak

    blak Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Con pre tank T14 kiếm tiền được không các bác nhỉ? Bác nào dùng rồi cho mình xin ý kiến với '@^@|||
  14. unreal2005

    unreal2005 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    tp HCM Q.10
    ;)) giáp tạm so với cùng tier, súng cùi đừng hỏi, gặp Tier6 là chuẩn bị tinh thần đắp chiếu, dc mỗi cái máu trâu và cơ động trong tier5 thôi, kiếm tiền cũng tàm tạm (vì premium nên sửa rẻ, bắn dc tiền nhiều hơn so với xe thường)
  15. Jamen

    Jamen Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)
    Vote 1 phiếu cho T29 ,giáp trâu ,súng khỏe mà còn sửa rẻ ,ôi thôi trận nào cũng có tiền o|^_^|o
  16. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    giáp T14 tốt hơn T-34, chỉ có cái chậm với súng cùi
  17. meoquaithu2003

    meoquaithu2003 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Cho tớ hỏi cây derp gun m4 là cây 76mm hay 105 mm vậy?
  18. OrkHUnter

    OrkHUnter Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Heaven And Hell
    Trc kia gánh nặng tiền nong đè vòa toàn bộ xe :|, sau mua đc cháu 59 nhẹ nhàng hẳn, tnak pre có khác 8->
  19. manhkhuong

    manhkhuong Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    105mm HE .
  20. Jamen

    Jamen Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)
    Cúng tiền thì nhẹ chắc rồi :::^^:::

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