Blade & Soul - The Signature Eastern Fantasy MMORPG

Thảo luận trong 'Blade And Soul' bắt đầu bởi Quocdaicavt, 16/4/11.

  1. libikey43

    libikey43 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

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    Toàn phải xem trailer với bọn nó test mà không đc tự sướng chán thât :((

    Bài tổng hợp khá đầy đủ:-ss
  2. cutiot

    cutiot Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Bác làm bài tổng hợp chuẩn quá!! Không biết bao giờ gamer VN được thưởng thức bản OB đây!!! Video lại hâm nóng đam mê \m/
  3. Quocdaicavt

    Quocdaicavt Donkey Kong

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  4. doicatvn

    doicatvn Fire in the hole!

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    nhìn bộ đùi bọn nó mà phát khiếp , thon tý nữa có phải phê lòi không .
    thích nhất là Class Force
  5. LongStrife

    LongStrife Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Char nhìn ngon quá...Công nhận Outfit đẹp thật.
  6. 0din

    0din C O N T R A

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    hoho ai bảo bé hung hãn quá cơ, mà bé chém gió nghiều sao chỉ có 884 bài viết vậy....
    @longstrife là bé nào mà thấy nick quen quen.... chào anh chưa.
  7. azn

    azn Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thế là nhiều hơn em rồi.
    ah anh "hạc co" có tính chơi BnS ko?
  8. LongStrife

    LongStrife Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồi chơi IA L2 đó,tưởng ông quên rồi nên không dám chào =))
  9. Quocdaicavt

    Quocdaicavt Donkey Kong

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    Giới thiệu về hệ thống skills & training skills

    Dưới đây là một số thông tin về hệ thống skills & training skills (abilities) trong Blade & Soul. Ở đây sẽ nói chi tiết kỹ hơn để dễ hiểu về hệ thống training trong game, thực ra thì nó khá giống một số MMORPG mà mọi người từng chơi qua, chỉ khác là nó khá đa dạng nhiều hơn game khác.

    Hệ thống skills & training trong Blade & Soul được xây dựng nhằm tạo ra sự đa dạng ở mỗi nhân vật của từng người chơi. Khi nhân vật đạt mốc level 15, hệ thống training sẽ được mở ra, từ đây mỗi người sẽ có một hướng build khác nhau. Bắt đầu từ level này, mỗi lần up level là bạn có thêm training point, điểm này được dùng để mở khóa các advanced-skills (active lẫn passive tùy theo skill). Một ví dụ nhỏ như Summon Sword của Blade Master, khi học được skill này thì bạn mới chỉ summon được một sword, tuy nhiên bạn có thể học advanced-skills để nâng số swort lên 3~6 hoặc add thêm lightning vào sword khiến đối thủ bị stun khi trúng đòn.


    Khi nghĩ đến từ "cường hoá", "strengthen", "upgrade", v..v..hầu hết đa số đều nghĩ rằng damage hay animation, skill performance của skill được tăng cường. Nhưng ở đây có nhiều thứ mới lạ hơn, như thời gian parry lâu hơn, counter được đa dạng hơn (ví dụ thêm khả năng counter khi bị stun), cooldown nhanh hơn, tăng thời gian stun cho đòn đánh, hay mở ra những effect mới, combo mới, liên kết skill mới cho chiêu thức của mình. Nhìn chung hệ thống training system ở đây tăng cường toàn diện cho chiêu thức hơn là thiên về damage hay hiệu ứng đơn thuần.

    Một ví dụ thứ 2: Leap Stomp của KungFu Master có cooldown time là 12s. Nếu như tăng 1 điểm training cho Force Punch Combo thì sau khi sử dụng Force Punch, Leap Stomp sẽ được reset cooldown, ngoài ra còn có thể sử dụng Force Punch khi bị stun.

    Training Points có thể reset tự do, đương nhiên là dùng gold. Tùy vào số lượng điểm đã sử dụng mà số tiền reset tiêu tốn hơn. Nói chung là cũng không cao để tạo sự thuận tiện cho người chơi. Từ đây sẽ giúp gameplay đa dạng hơn, giống như trong CBT1 vừa rồi, ngay từ lúc đầu đã có sự khác nhau trong cách build của Blade Master (Combo Attack hay Counter Attack) hay KungFu Master (Combo Attack hay Evasion Attack)

    Số điểm training đạt được có giới hạn, tuy nhiên có rất-rất nhiều skill có thể học được, do đó đòi hỏi mỗi người chơi phải có hướng đi cho riêng mình. Trong CBT1 vừa rồi, bảng skills & training skills cho thấy được mức level / skills có thể đạt được là level 45, mặc dù NCsoft mới chỉ test đến level 20. Tức là còn rất nhiều điều phải khám phá.


    Hình: Số tiền reset bỏ ra phụ thuộc vào số điểm training đã dùng

    Sơ lược qua bảng skills & training skills

    Bảng skills & training skills gồm có 2 phần chính. Cột nhỏ ở bên trái chính là active skills mà bạn có thể học thêm advanced / training skills. Những active skills này thực chất là một trong số nhiều active skills nằm trong skills book (Bảng skills book và Bảng skills & training skills là khác nhau), nhưng những skill này ngoài việc cần mức độ level thì đòi thêm số điểm training yêu cầu phải có ở training tab để có thể học được. Hai cột còn lại hai bên chính là advanced-skills có thể học được khi đã học active skills cột nhỏ bên trái, nên nhớ một điều là không bắt buộc advanced-skill cùng dòng active skill nào là của active skill đó, mà có thể là skill liên kết hay phụ trợ thêm cho active skill đó nữa.


    Hình: Chiêu thức Aerial Escape của KungFu Master yêu cầu level 45 và 30 điểm ở training tab mới học được.

    List Training Skills của các Class

    Dưới đây là list và thông tin training skills của 4 class: Blade Master, KungFu Master, Force Master, Destroyer. Tuy nhiên, training tab của Destroyer trong CBT1 này là còn thiếu nhiều thông tin chưa được rõ, do đó chỉ biết được name (Eng trans từ KR) mà không rõ chi tiết. Phần thông tin skill của các class được giữ nguyên bản dịch Eng do ngôn từ khá đơn giản dễ hiểu và việc dịch ra là không cần thiết.


    • Leg Slash: It recovers you from a knocked down state and slashes your sword against your opponent's legs.
    • Rising Slash: Whenever an enemy is stunned or on its knees you can send them flying up in the air with Rising Slash.
    • Evasion: By pressing the S key on your keyboard twice in rapid succession you move back 3m to evade the enemy’s attack.
    • Summon Sword: You instantly summon a sword which puts you in a Summoned Sword Stance.
    • Sudden Counter: You can counter an enemy’s attack while you are knocked down.
    • Sword Presence: A charge like skill which you can use while you are using Qing Gong or Qing Gong Jump.
    • Break Fall: You get out of Aerial state.
    • Train Parry: Reduces the cooldown of your Parry skill by 0.5 seconds.
    • Train Parry II: Increases the duration of parry by 1 second.
    • Train Parry III: When you are successful in a Parry, you gain 1 extra Sword Chi.
    • Train Charge: When successful in a Parry, cooldown for Charge is reduced by 2 seconds.
    • Train Parry IV: During Parry, your movement speed is increased by 50%.
    • Chi Sword Slash: Using your Chi Sword, you can attack an enemy within 3m range of you and also cause knock back.
    • Torso Stance: During the use of Parry, it enables the Parry skill to continue parrying multiple attacks during its channel time.
    • Sword Barrier: This skill can only be used during Parry state and will block any attack that comes from any direction.
    • Train Parry V: If you Parry an enemy within 0.5 seconds of the skill’s use it will cause a Parry Counter which puts your enemy in a stunned state.
    • Round Slash: This skill is enabled when you successfully Parry Counter the enemy’s attack. The skill will hit the enemy 4 times to charge 4 Sword Chi.
    • Aerial Assault: This skill will allow you to attack an enemy in an Aerial State.
    • Train Parry VI: When you are using your Parry skill, the parry will also protect allies that are behind you.
    • Summon Protection Sword: This Sword will protect an ally for one attack when used.
    • Sneak Thrust: The enemy will be pushed back 5m and also interrupt the enemy’s attack.
    • Train Summon Protection Sword: Summon protection skill can be used on an ally in Worn out / Burn out state.
    • Summon Guardian Sword: This skill can be used when you are in Summoned Sword state and this skill will protect any allies within 10m radius of the Blade Master for 5 second from any possible harm.
    • Train Full Moon Slash: When you are successful in a Parry, you can instantly use the Full Moon Slash skill.
    • Aerial Slash: Another skill that allows the Blade Master to attack an enemy in Aerial state.
    • Aerial Stomp: You can make the enemy fall hard on the floor in their aerial state to cause a downed state.
    • Train Kick: Reduces the Chi Sword cost by 1 point.
    • Train Kick II: Sword Gust will also cause a disoriented effect just like the Kick skill.
    • Train Thrust: You can now use Thrust while moving.
    • Train Thrust II: Applying Sword Chi to your Thrust, you will now thrust enemies in a frontal arc.
    • Summon Sword Lightning: A skill that can only be used during Summon Sword Stance, the summoned sword will take on a lightning presence which will fly towards the enemy and interrupt their casting for 8 seconds.
    • Train Thrust III: Reduces the Thrust casting time by 0.2 seconds.
    • Train Thrust IV: Reduces the Sword Chi cost by 1 point.
    • Train Rising Slash: When you successfully Parry Counter, your Rising Slash cooldown resets which will let you follow it up instantly after the Parry Counter.
    • Train Rising Slash II: If you use the Rising Slash skill behind your enemy, even without the stun / downed state it will still cause the enemy to go in to Aerial State.
    • Counter Ambush: You will move behind a target within 3m of you.
    • Train Summon Sword Presence: When you use this skill, it will put you in a Summoned Sword state which will allow 3 ~ 6 swords to be summoned.
    • Summon Sword Flurry: This can only be used during Summon Sword State and will attack one enemy 4 times within 8 seconds.
    • Train Full Moon Slash: Each time you cast the Full Moon Slash the cast time will be shortened by 0.5 seconds.
    • Ambush: This move can only be used during Quick Draw (Battojutsu) stance. Ambush will quickly approach an enemy and stun them for 1 second; Ambush also shares the same cooldown as the Charge skill.
    • Train Summon Sword Presence II: You will be able to attack enemy with the Summon Sword Presence while your target is aerial, stunned or knocked down.
    • Train Summon Sword Presence III: Summon Sword Presence will now attack multiple enemies.
    • Summon Sword: Retrieval You retrieve your summoned swords which were attacking its enemies and pulls those enemy towards you. Get over here!
    • Summon Sword: Berserk This skill can only be used during Summoned sword state and will do AOE damage around the selected target with 3 summoned swords.
    • Quick Draw Stance: Once you use the Full Moon Slash skill, you will enter a Quick Draw stance. You cannot parry during Quick Draw stance but instead you will gain a 5% increase in Critical chance and 50% damage increase in all critical attacks. You also can use Quick Draw stance related skills which will disorient your targets.
    • Train Half Moon Slash: Your Half Moon Slash will inflict a 20% damage reduction debuff for 8 seconds upon the targets hit by the skill.
    • Quintuple Slash: You attack the enemies around you 5 times.
    • Chain Rising Slash: You can send up to 5 stunned enemies up in the air, causing them to enter an Aerial State.
    • Summon Sword: Explosion You can only use this skill during Summon Sword stance and it will cause 3 Summoned Swords to explode and cause an AOE stun.
    • Train Half Moon Slash: Half Moon Slash inflicts a 2 second long knock back.
    • Flash Slash: You preform a quick high speed dash and slash across your enemy.
    • Thunder Flash: You will be able to use Thunder Flash.
    • Train Flash Slash: Those hit by Flash Slash will get on their knees.
    • Train Chain Rising Slash: When you use the Thunder Flash skill, the cooldown for Chain Rising Slash will be reset.
    • Aerial Quintuple Slash: You can slash multiple enemies in Aerial State.
    • Train Leg Slash: Leg Slash will cause a 3 second long knock down.
    • Train Leg Slash II: Leg Slash will effect enemies within a 3m cone of the Blade Master.
    • Train Flash Slash: The range for Flash Slash decreases but the attack power increases to compensate.
    • Train Flash Slash II: Flash Slash will always cause critical strike.
    • Train Full Moon Slash: When the Blade Master causes a critical attack, Full Moon Slash becomes an instant cast.

    • Chul-San-Go: An all body attack that pushes enemies away from the Kung-Fu Master.
    • Rising Kick You can kick an enemy up in the air when they are disoriented / stunned.
    • Twin Tiger Punch: This skill will cancel the target’s guard by pushing the enemy back.
    • Landslide: A skill that will stun nearby enemies.
    • Aerial Take Down: You can now use your submission skills in the air.
    • Fist Dancing: You move like you are dancing around a target and attacks multiple times.
    • Aerial Escape: A method to escape your aerial status as well as attacking those nearby.
    • Force Punch Combo: If you use Force Punch your Leap Stomp cooldown will reset.
    • AOE Force Punch: Force Punch now hits more than 1 target that is in front of the Kung-Fu Master.
    • Train Force Punch: An enemy targeted by Force Punch will be stunned while those in the AOE effect of Force Punch will be knocked back.
    • Guard Break: You can use Guard Break instead of Twin Tiger Punch to put the enemy in a disoriented state.
    • Flare: Instead of Landslide, you can use Flare which will make your foes disoriented.
    • Rampage: Instead of Fist Dancing, you can use Rampage which will let you use Fist Dancing in a chained manner.
    • Resistance: If you get hit during a stunned, disoriented or knocked down state you will gain 1 fighting spirit.
    • Leg Sweep: The knocked down effects of Leg Sweep skill will now last 4 seconds.
    • Train Stomp: When you use Stomp skill, you will gain 2 Fighting Spirits.
    • Somersault Kick: Can only be used when you are knocked down and will recover you from a knocked down status as well as sending your enemy flying up in the air.
    • Ambush Landslide: When successful in a counter or block, you can instantly use Landslide.
    • Train Triple Kick: When you use Triple Kick against a disoriented enemy, you will deal critical damage.
    • Flare Triple Kick: When you use Triple Kick on a target effected by Flarel, it will deal Force Damage as well as extending the status effect time by 2 seconds if the target is knocked down, disoriented or stunned.
    • AOE Leg Sweep: Leg Sweep now affects targets in a frontal arc.
    • Train Basic Combo: Punch, Strong Punch and Tornado Kick will give you 1 extra fighting spirit.
    • Train Pressure Point: If you or other players attack an enemy affected by Pressure Point status they will gain 10% of their energy. (Sword Chi, Fighting Spirit, Rage and Chi)
    • Train Leap Stomp: Your Leap stomp will gain you 2 Fighting Spirit and if successful against an enemy casting, you will put them in a disoriented state.
    • Train Explosive Fist: If you hit the target that is Casting or behind the target you will put them in a disoriented status.
    • Power Strike: You hit the enemy in the back and send them flying.
    • Stun Power Strike: If you hit a disoriented target with Power Strike, you will also stun them.
    • Tactical Offense: Every critical strike will give you 1 Fighting Spirit.
    • Pressure Point: Hitting a disoriented target in a vital spot to make them enter the Pressure Point status.
    • Emergency Force Punch: You can now use Force punch during the disoriented effect.
    • Elbow Strike: Increases the stunned time caused by Elbow Strike.
    • Revenge: You can use Revenge when successfully evading an attack.
    • Train Revenge: You will gain 2 Fighting Spirit when using Revenge.
    • Train Side-Step: When you successfully side step out of the enemy’s attack you will gain 1 Fighting Spirit.
    • Windmill Kick: Gets you out of downed status and attacks enemies around you.
    • Ambush Power Strike: A skill that can be used after successfully blocking or evading an attack to put the enemy in a disoriented state.
    • Choke: You can use Choke during Takedown to stun the target.
    • Train Arm Bar: You can now use another Takedown skill after successfully using the Arm Bar skill.
    • Aerial Escape Takedown: When you use Aerial Escape, you will not only escape the aerial state, but also takedown your opponent.
    • Leap Takedown: Leaping towards an enemy and taking down your opponent.
    • Train Jump Kick: When successful in Jump kick, you will gain 1 Fighting Spirit.
    • Aerial Kick: A skill that enables you to attack an enemy in an Aerial State.
    • Train Counter: When successful in Countering within 0.8 seconds of the channel, you will cause the target a 4 seconds long stun.
    • Aerial Stomp: You can stomp an enemy in the air.
    • Aerial Teamwork: When a party member attacks an enemy in Aerial status, they will gain 10% of their attack resource. (Fighting spirit, Rage, Sword Chi and Chi)
    • Aerial Jump Kick: A skill that lets you jump kick an enemy in an Aerial State.
    • Train Counter: When countering a Force Attack in Concentrate mode, you will counter the same elemental force you blocked off.
    • Ambush Chul-San-Go: Chul-San-Go’s cooldown is reduced to 8 seconds and cast time is reduced to 0.8 seconds.
    • Train Takedown: When you use Takedown on a knocked down target, your chance to cause a critical strike is increased by 5%.
    • Sneak Takedown: You can use takedown on an enemy from behind.
    • Train Headbutt: When you use Headbutt, the damage you take Is increased but you gain 1 extra Fighting Spirit.
    • Pound and Pummel: A combo attack you can use on an opponent after you preform a takedown.
    • Turn the Tides: When you escape from a Takedown, Chi Leech or Dominate, you will be able to use Turn the Tides which will allow you to Takedown an enemy.
    • Train Teamwork: When a party member attacks an enemy that has suffered a Takedown preformed by you, they will gain 10% of their energy.
    • Immunity: You are immune to immobilizing status effects when you are in a Takedown state.
    • Train Counter: After successfully countering an attack and using the instant Explosive Fist, you will add another second to the stun caused by Counter.
    • Train Counter II: Your Counter will now last 1 second.
    • Train Counter III: When you counter a normal attack, you will gain an additional fighting Spirit.
    • Interrupt: If you successfully hit a casting target with Twin Tiger Punch you will gain 1 Fighting Spirit and cause a 4 second stun.
    • Ambush Twin Tiger Punch: Twin Tiger Punch cooldown will be reduced by 1 second.
    • Concentration: You dodge all incoming attacks in this mode.
    • Train Concentration: Every time you dodge in Concentration mode, you gain 1 Fighting Spirit.
    • Train Concentration II: You are immune to immobilizing status effects during Concentration mode.

    • Evacuation: You quickly back step out of the enemy’s reach.
    • Frostbite: A skill that is enabled when your Frost Palm critically hits a target. Frostbite will hit your target 5 times in a rapid succession.
    • Multi Palm: You fire 3 Chi bolts at a target during Qing Gong dash or jump.
    • Seal: A skill that disorients a target in Chi Leech state.
    • Life Leech: You drain the life out of the Chi Leeched target and recover some of your own.
    • Train Chi Leech: You can now move around and fire Frost and Fire Palms during the period the target is in Chi Leech state.
    • Chi Net: You drag multiple enemies near your target.
    • Ignite: In a frontal arc, you can explode all targets affected with your Tinder effect; however it requires a Flame Palm to critically hit first.
    • Train Ignite: Those affected by Tinder will have an added Tinder Explosion effect.
    • Train Ignite II: Explosion will reset the cooldown of Exploding palm.
    • Train Flame Explosion: Adds tinder effect.
    • Tinder Spread: You spread the target’s tinder effect to nearby enemies.
    • Train Tinder Spread: 20% chance to add +1 tinder to nearby enemies.
    • Flame Lotus Field: Switches the Flame Lotus Finger to Flame Lotus Field. Flame Lotus Field creates a fire like effect on the ground that explodes after 10 seconds.
    • Train Exploding Palm: Adds tinder effect to targets.
    • Train Exploding Palm II: Reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
    • Flame Explosion: Circular AOE spell that will damage all nearby enemies.
    • Train Flame Explosion II: Adds aerial effect.
    • Flamethrower: You fire a continuous flame in a straight line.
    • Train Flamethrower: Increases the effect so that it hits the target twice.
    • Laser Finger: Switches the Eternal Flame skill with Laser Finger. This skill will penetrate through any target in front of the Force Master.
    • Train Hell Fire: Adds tinder effect.
    • Train Flame Lotus Finger: Every second the target will be damaged by 10% of your attack power.
    • Train Exploding Palm III: Adds a disorient effect.
    • Eternal Flame: You continuously fire out Flame Chi to deal damage to nearby enemies.
    • Train Eternal Flame: You have a 15% chance to add the Tinder effect.
    • Train Chi Leech: You will now be able to use Exploding Fist or Freeze Palm while you have a target affected by Chi Leech.
    • Heat Wave: Switches your Flamethrower with Heat Wave. You create a fire trap on the ground. At any moment you want you can make the target within the trap become disoriented.
    • Infernal Palm: You fire a Flame Chi to deal massive damage.
    • Train Infernal Palm: Reduces cast time by 0.1 second.
    • Train Infernal Palm II: When you critically hit with Flame Palm, you can instantly cast Infernal Palm.
    • Train Infernal Palm III: Infernal palm will hit other enemies near the target.
    • Infernal Spirit: Switches Infernal Palm with Infernal Spirit. You create a massive flame on the ground to deal AOE damage and also cause Knock down effect.
    • Train Freezing Palm: Reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
    • Train Freezing Palm II: 50% of the damage dealt will restore your health.
    • Subzero Palm: You damage an enemy with subzero temperatures and also cause frozen status.
    • Train Subzero Palm: Also causes frozen effects to enemies near the target.
    • Chi Barrier: You create a Barrier made out of Chi to reduce damage received by allies nearby.
    • Train Chi Barrier: Your Chi Barrier absorbs 20% more damage.
    • Guardian Barrier: You switch your Frost Prison with Guardian Barrier. The Guardian Barrier will create a frost shield around your allies and absorb damage.
    • Chi Pull: Switches Float with Chi Pull. This skill pulls nearby allies towards you.
    • Train Evacuation: Reduces cooldown by 1 second and increases the back-step distance by 4m.
    • Train Evacuation II: You can escape out of immobilizing effects, except Chi Leech, Dominate and Takedown.
    • Frost Flake: Switches your Frost Finger with Frost Flake. You create a frost trap on the ground and can activate the trap whenever you want to cause a root effect to enemies within the trap range.
    • Snow Flower Palm: You can instantly cast Snow Flower Palm when you critically hit with Freezing Palm.
    • Absolute Barrier: You encase yourself in a strong ice block, which protects you from any type of damage. You can break it at will and escape.
    • Train Absolute Barrier: When you get attacked by elemental chi while in this mode you will reflect the Chi back.
    • Train Absolute Barrier II: It protects your ally from 1 incoming attack.
    • Train Shockwave: Add knock back effects to frozen enemies.
    • Frost Finger: You destroy the target’s frozen effect to deal damage and freeze other enemies nearby the target.
    • Train Frost Finger: Increases the freeze spread radius by 20%.
    • Frost Storm: You deal an AOE chain damage to enemies near the target.
    • Train Frost Storm: Increases the number of chains by 1.
    • Train Absolute Barrier III: When you destroy the Barrier at your own will, you will cause freeze effects to nearby enemies.
    • Train Absolute Barrier IV: When you get attacked by Force Chi during Absolute Barrier, you absorb 20% of the damage towards your Chi energy.
    • Train Frost Palm: Adds a 10% chance to add frozen status towards enemies with Frostbite status.
    • Finger Destroy: Destroys the Frozen status on the target and deals damage to enemies nearby.
    • Train Finger Destroy: Adds frostbite effect.
    • Train Multi Palm: Adds frostbite effect.
    • Frost Field: Switches Frost Storm with Frost Field. You create an icy ground to slowdown enemies within it and if the target spends 2 seconds on the icy field, it causes knock back effect.
    • Train Life Leech: Increases power of the skill by 20% and life leech rate by 30%.
    • Train Frost Palm II: If the target blocks or parries your Frost Palm, your freezing palm cooldown resets.

    • Gale: A skill that puts the Destroyer in a Fury state after the use of this skill.
    • Iron Wall: You can now use the Iron Wall skill
    • Firework: You can now use the Firework skill.
    • Falling Star: You can use the the Falling Star skill.
    • Clash: You can now use the Clash skill.
    • Leg Chop: You can now use the Leg Chop skill.
    • Tow: You can now use the Tow skill.
    • Train Thunder Strike: You can ignore the target’s counter.
    • Train Thunder Strike II: You can put the enemy in a disoriented state.
    • Tremor: You can now use the Tremor skill.
    • Train Tremor: You can use Tremorl at any target within a 12m radius.
    • Explode: You can use the Explode skill.
    • Low Gale: You can use the Low Gale skill.
    • Train Low Gale: If you hit the target that is knocked back, you will extend the knock back duration by 1 second.
    • Tornado: You can use the Tornado Skill.
    • Fury Storm: You can use the Fury Storm skill.
    • Train Fury Storm: After you use the skill, for 0.6 seconds you deflect all incoming attacks.
    • Train Fury Storm II: Even if the target parries the attack, you can still attack them.
    • Train Fury Storm III: You can ignore the enemy’s counter and attack with Fury Storm.
    • Fury Dominate: You can use the Fury Dominate skill.
    • Train Fury Dominate: If you use this behind the target, you can dominate the target.
    • Train Destruction: You disorient the target.
    • Train Destruction II: You deal 10% more damage to knocked down enemies.
    • Train Tackle: If you hit the target from behind, you stun them for 3 seconds.
    • Train Falling Star: When you hit the ground, you stun all enemies within a 3m radius.
    • Joint Kick: If you evade an enemy’s attack you can use the Joint Kick skill instantly.
    • Train Leg Chop: If you hit a target, Leg Chop will reset the cooldown of Firework.
    • Train Tow: If you use this skill behind an enemy, the enemy gets knocked down.
    • Train Judgment Combo: If you critically hit, you will gain 30% more Rage.
    • Train Stomp: If you critically hit, you will gain 30% more rage.
    • Slam: You can now use Slam.
    • Train Slam: When you hit the ground, you knock down all enemies within a 3m radius.
    • Train Power Strike: You knock an enemy 12m back.
    • Train Leg Chop II: If you hit a disoriented target, it will stun them.
    • Train Tow II: If you successfully tow an enemy, your dominate cooldown resets.
    • Revenge Strike: You can use the Revenge Strike skill.
    • Train Iron Wall: You can channel Iron Wall for 4 seconds.
    • Train Iron Wall II: You gain 5 rage every time you successfully block.
    • Iron Wall Tackle: You can use the Iron Wall Tackle skill.
    • Train Iron Wall Tackle: If you hit an enemy while they are casting, you can stun them.
    • Train Iron Wall III: You can move while channeling Iron Wall.
    • Iron Wall Reflect: You can use the Iron Wall Reflect skill.
    • Train Dominate: Your Dominate skill lasts 8 seconds.
    • Train Dominate II: You can dominate knocked down opponents.
    • Train Iron Wall IV: Your Iron Wall cooldown is reduced to 14 seconds.
    • Shield Slam: You can use Shield Slam skill.
    • Train Shield Slam: You cancel the enemy’s guard and put them in a disoriented status.
    • Protect: You can use the Protect skill.
    • Train Protect: While in Protect mode, the Destroyer deflects all attacks.
    • Train Headbutt: Headbutt deals less damage but stuns the enemy.
    • Upper Kick: You can now use the Upper Kick skill.
    • Train Upper Kick: Your Upper kick will cause the enemy to be in Aerial state for 2 seconds.
    • Train Upper Kick II: When the skill hits the opponent, your slam cooldown will reset.
    • Train Dominate: You can dominate enemies within 4m range.
    • Meat Shield: You can use the Meat Shield skill.
    • Train Meat Shield: When you block an attack from an enemy with your Meat Shield, you can instantly use the Clash skill.
    • Smackdown: You can use the Smackdown skill.
    • Train Smackdown: You stun all foes affected by Smackdown for 3 seconds.
    • Train Smackdown II: Foes hit by Smackdown will bounce up in the air and be put in an aerial state for 2 seconds.
    • Train Clash: You throw the dominated foe and hit an enemy within 8m of you.
    • Train Clash II: If you use the skill on an enemy attacking your party member, you can stun them.
    • Rescue: You can use the rescue skill.
    • Emergency Rescue: You can use the Emergency Rescue skill.

    Bài viết gốc lấy từ Bài viết được dịch từ bản Eng trans của Blade & Soul Dojo và những thông tin mà người viết xl ra.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/5/11
  10. kaka753951

    kaka753951 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hic cdo9c5oc5 hướng dẫn mà càng ghiền, ước gì có acc chơi...
  11. libikey43

    libikey43 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    game chủ yêu là bao tay vũ khí thôi chứ quần áo chỉ làm ngoại trang bảng skill kinh khủng thật nhưng mà toàn dun dun zế zế thì tăng sao nhỉ :-?


    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    An Giang
    Đọc các list skill đau cả mắt zzzz

    Hình skill lại bé, đọc list mà chả biết dc skill nào là icon nào @@
  13. mrthienvuong

    mrthienvuong T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    phố cổ Hà Nội
    có vẻ như tên skill và nội dung đi theo thứ tự từ trên xuống dưới , rồi từ trái qua phải theo icon trong hình :-s
    nhưng xem vẫn hơi bị rối mắt :-<
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/5/11
  14. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Em đếm xem có đủ 300 skills cho ta thoải sức kết hợp ko ?;))

    CHIKIRI Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    các bảng skill ở đây có giống trong C9 khi mà chỉ vào skill nào thì sẽ có 1 đoạn video biểu diễn skill đó lên không nhỉ.Như vậy cũng khá tiện lợi hơn nếu phải đọc bằng chữ Hàn.
  16. Quocdaicavt

    Quocdaicavt Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mới chơi game lần đầu hay sao mà đòi hỏi nhiều cái hài vãi thế mấy khanh. MÒ ĐI !!!
  17. cutiot

    cutiot Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhìn mà loạn hết cả mắt!! @_@!!!! Game này công phu thật!!!
  18. ZEROntq

    ZEROntq Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    skill nhiều vl
    kiểu này chắc test mệt nghỉ X_X
  19. Des__

    Des__ Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái summons sword được có 8s thôi nhỉ :( . Sao ko để lâu lâu tí treo đấy cho đẹp :( .
  20. libikey43

    libikey43 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đọc hết bảng skill đau mắt quá :(

    chắc vừa chơi phải vừa có ng dịch hộ quá :))

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