Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2.5 build 3 - Thảo luận

Thảo luận trong 'Call Of Duty' bắt đầu bởi seifer819, 14/5/11.

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  1. Longvn1987

    Longvn1987 Legend of Zelda

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    Tận hưởng cảm giác imba cũng là thú vui đó chứ, về khoảng tube thi từ MW2 đã thế rồi mà. Nhưng mà để ý damage của control turret giảm đi thì phải, bắn mãi mới chết 1 thằng.
  2. TORRES 9

    TORRES 9 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Stamford bridge
    mấy bợn nào suốt ngày ôm cái COD 4 cũng fail lắm
  3. NeRo_In_Love

    NeRo_In_Love Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Hidden Place

    Hóa trang nhìn giống phết, kết nhất giọng voice của anh soap với price =)
  4. chika91

    chika91 Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Câu hỏi của bạn fail cũng chả kém :-<
  5. 101st|laggos113

    101st|laggos113 Persian Prince

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    Chuồng gà
    ta post bên topic chat thì ko con nào coi :-<
    lồng tiếng nv nghe như đấm vào tai , nhất là Price với Ghost 8-}

    @torres9: ừ ừ cứ thẩm với cái god game của các cậu đi =))
  6. meoquaithu2003

    meoquaithu2003 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Multi features cập nhật
    All maps from Spec Ops will be playable in Multiplayer.

    Resistance (Paris)


    Kill Confirmed - After you kill an enemy, you must pick up their dog tags to confirm the kill. You can capture a fallen teammate's dog tags before the enemy so that the kill won't count for their team. This is going to be the Anti-Camper gamemode.
    Capture the Flag
    Team Deathmatch
    Ground War
    Search and Destroy

    Primary Weapons:
    Assault Rifles:
    M16A4 (3 round burst)
    Type 95 (Hypothetically 3 round burst)
    ACR 6.8
    MK14 (Semi-Automatic)

    Submachine Guns:

    Light Machine Guns:
    L86 LSW
    PKP Pecheneg

    USAS-12 (full auto)
    KSG 12 ("double-barreled" according to in-game intel)
    SPAS-12 (pump action)
    AA-12 (full auto)
    Striker (semi-auto)
    Model 1887 (lever-action)

    Sniper Rifles:
    Barrett .50cal
    L118A (bolt-action)
    MSR (bolt-action)

    Riot Shield

    Proficiency Bonus: The more you use your weapon, the more you level it up and unlock proficiency.
    None - Because you're hardcore.
    Kick - Reduces recoil when firing.
    Impact - Bullets carry more damage through materials.
    Attachments - Two attachments can be added to a weapon.
    Focus - Reduced flinch when hit.
    Breath - Hold breath while aiming down the sights.
    Stability - Reduced weapon sway while aiming down the sights.

    Range - Increased range on submachine guns.
    Melee - Increase melee speed on submachine guns.

    Speed - Increased movement speed when using LMGs.

    Damage - Shotgun shells do more damage.

    Secondary Weapons:
    USP .45
    .44 Magnum
    Five Seven
    Desert Eagle

    Machine Pistols:

    M320 GLM

    Attachments: These are all the attachments in the game. Not all of them can be used on each gun.
    ACOG Sight
    Red-Dot Sight:

    Target Dot
    U Dot

    Holographic Sight
    Hybrid Scope/HAMR Scope
    Variable Zoom Scope
    Heartbeat Sensor
    Extended Mags
    Grenade Launcher
    Rapid Fire

    Blue Tiger
    Red Tiger
    Gold (After you max all the XP bars)

    Frag Grenade
    Semtex Grenade
    Throwing Knife
    Bouncing Betty - Proximity mine, 360° blast

    Flash Grenade
    Concussion Grenade
    EMP Grenade
    Smoke Grenade
    Trophy System - Protects you from projectile missiles.
    Tactical Insertion
    Portable Radar - Throwable

    Tier 1: You'll have to choose between faster flanks, faster kills after kills, ample ammo, avoiding air support, and marking enemies for teammates.

    Extreme Conditioning:
    Sprint longer distances
    Climb obstacles faster
    Sleight Of Hand:
    Reload faster
    Faster weapon swapping
    Reload ammo from bags
    Spawn with more ammo
    Blind Eye:
    Undetectable from air support
    Faster launcher lock on and extra damage to air support
    Explosive damage marks target on HUD
    Bullet damage marks target on HUD

    Tier 2: You'll have to choose between faster rewards, stealth, two weapons, quick ADS, and protection from explosives.

    One less point for Pointstreak Rewards
    Assists count as .5 of a point
    Undetectable by UAV, Motion Sensor, Thermal and Heartbeat Sensor
    Unaffected by Counter-UAV & EMP, no red name or crosshair when targeted.
    Two primary weapons
    Second primary can have 2 attachments
    Faster aim down sights
    Faster animation of using equipment and throwing grenade
    More protection against explosives
    Immune to stuns and flashes

    Tier 3: You'll have to choose between finding traps, stealth, mobility advantage in a firefight, making sure your teammates kill a wounded enemy in hiding, and more concentrated hip-firing.

    Detect enemy explosives and tactical insertions.
    Louder enemy footsteps.
    Dead Silence:
    Your footsteps are silent
    No fall damage
    Move faster while aiming.
    Delay enemy Claymore explosions.
    Identify enemy targets at longer range.
    Longer hold breath.
    Steady Aim:
    Increased hip fire accuracy.
    Weapon is ready faster after sprinting.

    Strike Packages: Your Pointstreak Rewards. Now you can have a different set up for each class. You can now also level them up.
    Assault Strike Package: These killstreaks stack (you can use one to get another).
    3- UAV - shows enemies on the minimap.
    4- Care Package - Airdrop a random killstreak or ammo.
    5- IMS - The Intelligent Munitions System detects and eliminated enemy combatants.
    5- Predator Missile - remote control missile.
    5- Sentry Gun - airdrop a placeable Sentry Gun
    6- Precision Airstrike - Call in a directional airstrike.
    7- Attack Helicopter - call in a support helicopter.
    8- Strafe Run - Strafing run of 5 attack helicopters.
    9- Little Bird Guard (AH-6 Overwatch) - get personal air support from a Little Bird guardian
    9- Reaper - Lase missile targets remotely from the Reaper UAV
    10- Assault Drone - Air drop an Assault Drone (Mothafuckin' Tank)
    12- AC130 - Be the gunner of an AC130
    12- Pavelow - Heavily armored assault helicopter.
    15- Juggernaut - recieve advanced armor via carepackage.
    17- Osprey Gunner - Be the gunner of an Osprey delivering several care packages.

    Support Strike Package: These do not reset after you die
    4- UAV - Shows enemies on the minimap.
    5- Counter UAV - Temporarily disables enemy radar.
    5- Ballistics Vests - Deploy a bag of ballistic vests for your team.
    5- Airdrop Trap - Kill enemies with a booby-trapped airdrop crate.
    8- SAM Turret (Patriot Missile System) - Automated SAM turret that destroys aerial killstreaks.
    10- Recon Drone - Control a Recon Drone, targeting enemies for your team.
    12- Advanced UAV - Call in a Orbital Recon that shows the direction your enemy is facing.
    12- Remote Turret (TALON) - Toss a small turret and remotely control it.
    14- Stealth Bomber - Airstrike undetectable on enemy maps.
    18- EMP - Temporarily disables enemy electronics.
    18- Juggernaut Recon - receive advanced armor via care package. (Riot Shield & Radar)
    18- Escort Airdrop - An Osprey delivers and defends several care packages.

    Specialist Strike Package:
    2- Extra Perk of your choice
    4- Extra Perk of your choice
    6- Extra Perk of your choice

    4- Juiced - Move faster for a few seconds after spawning.
    5- Revenge - You'll see the position of the last enemy that killed you.
    4- Final Stand
    4- Martyrdom - Drop a live grenade when you die.
    6- Dead Man's Hand - according to the leak, you run around with C4 in your hand that can explode.
    5- Hollow Points - according to the leak, you get stopping power for 1 kill.

    Prestige Shop:
    Once you hit the maximum level (Portable Radar is unlocked at 77, but it could be 80), you can choose what kind of bonus you get for prestiging. Info on this isn't official but I assume its stuff like extra custom classes or changing the color of your clan tag. Nothing like extra weapons, etc. [/spoil]
    IW nó cho cái support class để làm bia đỡ tubes, launchers, streaks =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/9/11
  7. ng0n

    ng0n Donkey Kong

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    Bốn bể là n
    bất cứ cod nào, vào bắn thử xem ăn được ai không đã rồi hẵng kêu fail
  8. BBL2R

    BBL2R SPARTAN John-117

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    Ho Chi Minh City
    Clip coi hay đấy, hóa trang đúng là khá giống nhg đầu của Soap thì cạo hơi nhiều và mặt to hơn so với game. Tuy nhiên voice của Soap với Price như c** ấy.
  9. BUG a.k.a Rệp

    BUG a.k.a Rệp Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Ổ côn trùng
    Kì này chắc lại fail mất thôi =))
  10. Nanaya Shiki

    Nanaya Shiki ミキ☆マイスター Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Theo mình thấy thì trông có vẻ cũng được.
    Mà bọn nó bảo không còn completed stealth class nhưng mình thấy vẫn build được ' 3'.
  11. chika91

    chika91 Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Dạ vâng, 1.Blind Eye, 2.Assassin, 3.Dead Silent.... Bảo sao ko sì teo :-s
    Không còn Mara, như vậy là hy vọng sẽ không còn knife-monkey :))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/9/11
  12. TORRES 9

    TORRES 9 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Stamford bridge
    haiz , =)) sao ko nhưng gặp bạn lông dài thì mình thua =))
  13. Silent Knight

    Silent Knight The Pride of Hiigara

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    Dark Space
    Bợn Torres có vẻ nguy hiểm quá nhỉ 8-> Người ta gọi là nhập gia tùy tục,thế mà cứ thích làm trò để ăn tạ cơ 8->
  14. Hiendaoduc

    Hiendaoduc ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Kì này rất là chăm chút đến anh nào feed nhiều nhỉ :)) Chết nhiều game còn chỉ cho mà bắn nữa :))

    Lại còn Overkill 2 primary weapon, chắc sẽ lòi ra các setting 2 khẩu AR/GL + Scav, hoặc Riot + primary, hoặc 2 launcher + Scav X_X
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/9/11
  15. Silent Knight

    Silent Knight The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dark Space
    Overkill có từ thời COD4 rồi mà =) Cơ mà ko có SP thì dễ chọn hơn =)

    Cuối cùng SOH Pro cũng đúng ý mình =)
  16. 101st|laggos113

    101st|laggos113 Persian Prince

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    Chuồng gà
    dc 2 cây bolt :x
  17. bang_gia

    bang_gia Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Xứ thiên đường
    Clip hay,hóa trang y trong game....................................................
  18. meoquaithu2003

    meoquaithu2003 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ho Chi Minh City
    ;))Update cho cái trên, nguồn:
    [spoil]Complete Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Details!

    What was Modern Warfare 3′s multiplayer like? How did it play?

    What you really want to know is how MW3 played, right? Well, after getting a good amount of hands-on time throughout the press-only day of CoD XP, and a few hours so far today, the best way to describe how Modern Warfare 3′s multiplayer plays is that it feels more like CoD 4 (the first game in the Modern Warfare series) than Modern Warfare 2 – which is exactly what the developers were aiming for with MW3. It feels like the child of CoD 4 and Modern Warfare 2 with all the B.S like Commando, OMA and the Nuke removed from Modern Warfare 2, and the gun skill focus and less “frantic” – for want of a better word – nature of CoD 4 left in. It shuns Modern Warfare 2 (to an extent) and builds up on the original Modern Warfare (CoD 4).

    It’s hard to put a finger on why it feel’s like a improved and updated CoD 4 in terms of game play. The map design, with a little less versatility and complexity, less spam from air support, a heavy focus towards gun skill and the revamped engine are probably some of the factors that play a part in the “back-to-basics feel” of Modern Warfare 3. It’s a less chaotic FPS than Modern warfare 2, which felt less like a FPS and more like a game that required you to dodge huge explosions and heavy fire from air support 90% of the time – or die over-and-over trying to take them down – and gunfight for the other 10%. Modern Warfare 3 feels the other way around. It’s mostly about gun-play.

    Strike Packages / Point Streak / Killstreak Rewards

    The one vastly different change in Modern Warfare 3′s multiplayer is Points Streak Rewards system, which is the new way of earning the Killstreak Rewards that we have become accustomed to in the previous four Call of Duty games.

    Modern Warfare 3′s new Point Streak system awards Killstreak Rewards based on many different in-game actions instead of just stringing together kills. Plants, defuses, captures, defends, assists etc etc all count towards earning your killstreak rewards.

    The rewards are now separated into three sections, or “Strike Packages”, of which you pick a Strike Package for each of your loadouts and three of the rewards from that package. The three Strike Packages are Assault, Support and Specialist, each of which offers unique rewards.

    The Specialist Strike Package, however, gives you additional Perks for racking up points as opposed to the Assault and Support Strike Packages which award you the “traditional” Killstreak Rewards. If you choose the Specialist Strike Package and rack up eight points you will have all of the 14 available perks in the Specialist Package (only until your next death)- which are the pro version.

    Your points don’t rest when you die. Respawn and continue building up your points. Yes, it sounds strange, but it works. This ultimately means that new players and bad players alike still have a chance to reach the higher Point Streak rewards should they rack up enough points over the length of the match. However, the Specialist Strike Package does reset on death.

    There are plenty of rewards to be had. Old staples like the Attack Helicopter and Precision Airstrike return. But a number of new rewards join the ranks too like the I.M.S (Intelligent Munition System), Little Big Guard and Assault Drone (among others).

    Modern Warfare 3 Point Streak / Killstreak Reward List
    Assault Strike Package

    Care Package
    I.M.S (Intelligent Munitions System)
    Predator Missile
    Sentry Gun
    Precision Airstrike
    Attack Helicopter
    Strafe Run
    Little Big Guard
    Assault Drone
    Pave Low
    Osprey Gunner

    Support Strike Package

    Counter UAV
    Ballistic Vests
    Airdrop Trap
    SAM Turret
    Recon Drone
    Remote Turret
    Stealth Bomber
    Juggernaut Recon
    Escort Airdrop

    Specialist Strike Package

    Recon Pro
    Slight of Hand Pro
    Blind Eye Pro
    Extreme Conditioning Pro
    Quickdraw Pro
    Blast Shield Pro
    Hardline Pro
    Assassin Pro
    Marksman Pro
    Stalker Pro
    Sitrep Pro
    Steady Aim Pro
    Dead Silence


    Modern Warfare 3′s Perks work just like they have in previous games – pick three and your done, complete related challenges to earn the pro version.

    Of course the developers, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer, have put a lot of thought in to Modern Warfare 3′s fifteen Perks over the development cycle, and they seem to be, from the time I’ve had with the game, very well balanced. Nothing stands out as “stupidly over powered” like OMA or Commando from Modern Warfare 2, for example, they’re gone. Even the game-ending kill, the Tactical Nuke – which I wasn’t a fan of – is no-longer.

    Modern Warfare 3 Perks List

    Recon Tier 1
    Standard: Explosive damage paints target on mapPro: + Bullet damage paints target on map
    Slight of Hand Tier 1
    Standard: Faster reload Pro: + Swap weapons faster
    Blind Eye Tier 1
    Standard: Undetectable by Air Support, Sentries Pro: + Launchers lock on quicker
    Extreme Conditioning Tier 1
    Standard: Sprint longer Pro: + Climb faster
    Scavenger Tier 1
    Standard: Resupply from dead bodiesPro: +
    Quickdraw Tier 2
    Standard: Faster aimingPro: + Recover from equipment and grenade usage faster
    Blast Shield Tier 2
    Standard: Increased explosive resistance Pro: + Resistance to flash/stun grenades
    Hardline Tier 2
    Standard: Killstreak 1 less kill Pro: + 2 assists count as 1 kill towards streak and deathstreak 1 less
    Assassin Tier 2
    Standard: Undetectable by UAV, portable Radar, Thermal and HB Sensor Pro: + Immune to CUAV and EMP, no crosshair/name when targeted
    Overkill Tier 2
    Standard: Pro: +
    Marksman Tier 3
    Standard: Identify enemy targets at longer rangePro: + Hold breath longer
    Stalker Tier 3
    Standard: Move faster while aiming Pro: + Delay enemy Claymores
    Sitrep Tier 3
    Standard: Detect enemy explosives Pro: + Louder enemy footsteps
    Steady Aim Tier 3
    Standard: Increased hip-fire accuracy Pro: + Weapon ready faster after sprinting
    Dead Silence Tier 3
    Standard: Pro: +


    Modern Warfare 3′s weapons feel like weapons do in Call of Duty games! Of course there is a wide variety of guns in the game, and as you’d expect they all feel that little bit different, but that same “CoD” feel is there when you pull the trigger. When it comes to recoil some kick more than others, but for the most part all of the guns are more than manageable. Nothing more than you’re used to in previous games.

    There’s always going to be the go-to gun(s) in Call of Duty games, though, and in this one it seemed to be the UMP 45 I died to the most. It was also the gun that a lot of the top players in the $1 million tournament were using. One guy from Optic was raping with it! The SCAR-L and G36 C were also popular. This may well change once the game is out and people are playing in masses, or if the developers do some more fiddling / balancing before launch.

    Quickscoping is well-and-truly back in Modern Warfare 3 (I got quickscoped in the at the end of a match, which of course was embarrassing watching the final kill-cam). Not being a sniper myself I can’t go in to any detail about how easy / hard it is in MW3, but people seemed to be able to pull off quickscopes with relative ease. Damn those pesky snipers!

    Interestingly, Modern Warfare 3′s weapons “rank up”. The more you use them, the better they get (less sway for example).

    Modern Warfare 3 Weapons List
    Assault Rifles

    TYPE 94
    ACR 6.8
    MK 14




    L86 LSW
    PKP Pecheneg


    USAS 12
    KSG 12
    SPAS 12
    AA 12
    Model 1887

    Sniper Rifles

    Barret .50 cal

    Machine Pistols

    FMG 9
    MP 9


    USP .45
    .44 Magnum
    Five Seven
    Desert Eagle


    M320 GLM
    RPG 7


    Throwing Knife
    Bouncing Betty


    Flash Grenade
    Concussion Grenade
    EMP Grenade
    Smoke Grenade
    Trophy System
    Tactical Insertion
    Portable Radar

    Riot Shield



    Red Dot Sight
    Rapid Fire
    ACOG Sight
    HAMR Scope
    Holographic Sight
    Extended Mags

    Death Streak Rewards

    Remember those Death Streaks that were introduced in Modern Warfare 2 that “rewarded” you with a special ability after dying a certain amount of times in a row? Well, they’re making a return in Modern Warfare 3 and there is even more of them, six to be exact, and a couple of them you’re going to be upset about; Martyrdom and Final Stand.

    Modern Warfare 3 Death Streak Reward List

    Juiced – Faster sprint for a short amount of time (4 deaths)
    Revenge – Reveals the position of the enemy who killed (5 deaths)
    Final Stand – COMING SOON (4 deaths)
    Martyrdom – Drop a live frag grenade on your next death (4 deaths)
    Dead Mans Hand – COMING SOON (6 deaths)
    Hollow Points - COMING SOON (5 deaths)


    Only three of the 16 multiplayer maps that will launch with Modern Warfare 3 were playable at XP. All three were very well designed – one being a small map, another a little bigger, the third larger still. There wasn’t too much versatility in the maps when it came to the buildings, although the terrain offered a number of vantage points overlooking portions of the map. They seemed to be a little less complex than Modern Warfare 2′s, although not too simple. Overall the three that were playable were all well thought out and designed.

    Spawns seemed to be a problem with some of the people that I spoke to. I didn’t think they was that bad, though. Not as bad as Black Ops’ was at launch anyway (but they got fixed pretty sharpish.)

    Modern Warfare 3 Maps List

    Dome - a derelict Cold War-era desert radar command bunker.
    Exchange - battle it out in the New York Stock Exchange.
    Plaza 2

    Game Modes

    All the usual game modes are included in Modern Warfare 3 but one new game mode called “Kill Confirmed” – a brand new mode to the series – was very refreshing and offered a whole new twist on the game.

    The idea behind it is that when you kill an opponent he drops a set of dog-tags. OK… here’s the twist! That kill doesn’t register on your teams total until you or a team-mate runs over / collects those tags (confirms the kill). But, and here’s another twist, a member of the other team can collect those tags too (denies the kill). If this happens the kill doesn’t count / register on your teams total.

    The concept makes for some very interesting dynamics. You find yourself sticking in packs so you can help collect dog-tags for your team mates kills and also collecting the tags of fallen team-mates – rendering the kill useless. Covering your team-mates also works well in this mode so that if he gets killed you can kill the person who killed him and collect both sets of tags, negating your team mates death and collecting / confirming a kill for your team. Mini-fights also break out over the dog-tags that have been left on the map, whether that be tags of team-mates (red) or tags of enemies (gold). When a team reaches a certain amount of collected dog-tags or has the most when time runs out, they win. The whole thing works very well as a twist on TDM.

    Full game mode list coming soon

    Prestige Shop

    Modern Warfare 3 goes one step further when it comes to rewarding you for hitting that prestige button when you reach the maximum level. When you prestige you get taken to the Prestige Shop when to choose what you want to be rewarded with for prestiging.

    Extra Custom Class
    Reset All Stats
    Double XP
    Double Weapon XP
    Unlock Gear
    Challenges 1
    Challenges 2
    Challenges 3
    Title And Emblem 1
    Title And Emblem 2
    Title And Emblem 3[/spoil]
    Video về create a class
    Cận cảnh strike packages
    Ko hiểu rõ cái specialist strike package lắm :-?, chẳng lẽ lên max thì dc 6 perk x_x
  19. BUG a.k.a Rệp

    BUG a.k.a Rệp Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Ổ côn trùng
    Còn cái Quick Draw pro đấy =))
  20. Nanaya Shiki

    Nanaya Shiki ミキ☆マイスター Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái support strike package không reset khi bị kill tức là 1 map chỉ được dùng 1 lần thôi à :-?...
    Thêm nữa là giờ hình như không có hit marker nữa mà phải lắp perk Recon mới có :-?...
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/9/11
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