Cập nhật & Thảo luận về các phần mềm Security-AntiVirus .

Thảo luận trong 'Kho lưu trữ' bắt đầu bởi Darkgamer, 15/1/06.

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  1. Tên truy cập

    Tên truy cập The Connoisseur Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Norton Anti Virus bạn vẫn chưa cảm thấy an tâm và thấy chán thì mình nghĩ bạn nên download BKAV của tác giả Nguyễn Tử Quảng đi , cực kì nhỏ gọn và nhẹ bộ nhớ . Người Việt Nam cương quyết dùng soft Việt Nam , nhỉ ^_^ :


    Bkav Home Edition


    Bkav2006 Home Edition là sản phẩm miễn phí, có nhiều tính năng ưu việt, đặc biệt là tính năng Tự cảnh báo (Auto Protect) trên tất cả các hệ điều hành Windows (9X, 2K, XP). Với tính năng này khi bạn nhận email, duyệt web, tải file từ mạng hay đưa các ổ đĩa mềm, CD, USB..vào máy, Bkav sẽ tự động phát hiện và xử lý virus nếu có

    Để tìm hiểu kỹ hơn về phần mềm này, mời bạn xem hướng dẫn sử dụng dưới đây:

    Tuỳ chọn

    Bạn có thể thiết lập các kiểu diệt virus : Diệt virus loại nào, trên thư mục nào , trên ổ đĩa nào, có sao lưu hay không. Việc tuỳ chọn sẽ cho bạn sự linh động trong khi diệt.

    Chọn ổ đĩa

    Chọn ổ đĩa A

    --------------Bạn chọn ổ đĩa mềm để chương trình quét cho đĩa mềm

    Chọn ổ đĩa C

    --------------Bạn chọn ổ đĩa cứng C để quét. Ổ C thường là ổ chứa các chương trình nên rất quan trọng

    Chọn nhiều ổ đĩa (các CheckBox)

    --------------Khi bấm vào mục này, chương trình sẽ liệt kê các ổ đĩa có trên máy. Bạn có thể chọn nhiều ổ đĩa để quét cùng lúc, kể cả ổ mạng. Số ổ đĩa tuỳ thuộc vào hệ thống của bạn. Bạn chọn các ổ đĩa bằng cách đánh dấu vào các ô vuông ở bên trái tên các ổ đĩa được liệt kê.

    Chọn thư mục

    --------------Chỉ quét riêng cho một thư mục nào đấy. Việc này sẽ tiết kiệm thời gian nếu như chỉ cần quét thư mục đó

    Chọn kiểu File :

    File chương trình

    --------------Bạn chọn quét các File thuộc loại File chương trình có thể chạy được trong Windows ( .exe, .com... ). Tuy nhiên, ngày nay có quá nhiều các loại Virus, nên chúng tôi khuyên bạn hãy chọn vào mục "Tất cả các File" để không bỏ sót một File nào.

    File văn bản

    --------------Bạn chọn quét các File thuộc loại File văn bản (.doc, .xls, .dot...). Tuy nhiên, ngày nay có quá nhiều các loại Virus, nên chúng tôi khuyên bạn hãy chọn vào mục "Tất cả các File" để không bỏ xót một File nào.

    Tất cả các File

    --------------Tuỳ chọn này không phân biệt loại File gì, chương trình sẽ quét tất cả các file. Bạn nên sử dụng lựa chọn này.

    Tất cả các Macro

    --------------Diệt hết tất cả các Macro, không phân biệt loại Macro nào. Vì vậy, những người có sử dụng Macro trong công việc không nên sử dụng chức năng này. Nếu bạn không chọn chức năng này thì chỉ những Macro nào mà chương trình phát hiện chính xác là đã bị nhiễm virus mới bị diệt. Nếu bạn là người không sử dụng Macro thì chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên sử dụng chức năng này. Nếu có nhầm lẫn, bạn có thể phục hồi lại bằng chức năng "Sao lưu trước khi diệt" ở dưới.

    Lựa chọn khác :

    Diệt không cần hỏi

    --------------Khi phát hiện được Virus, chương trình sẽ tự động diệt luôn mà không cần hỏi ý kiến người sử dụng. Nếu không chọn mục này thì khi phát hiện ra Virus đầu tiên, chưong trình cũng sẽ hỏi lại bạn về lựa chọn này. Nó thường được sử dụng trong tình huống máy tính nhiễm quá nhiều Virus, lúc đó người sử dụng sẽ không phải liên tục trả lời câu hỏi "Có diệt Virus này hay không?".

    Sao lưu trước khi diệt

    --------------Trước khi diệt virus trên file, thì các file nhiễm virus sẽ được sao lưu lại trong thư mực \Program Files \Bkav2006\Backup để đề phòng trường hợp rủi ro. Quá trình sao lưu sẽ không diễn ra khi dung lượng còn trống của ổ cứng chứa thư mục back up này nhỏ hơn 50MB. Sau 15 ngày, các file sao lưu này sẽ tự động bị xoá đi để tiết kiệm cho dung lượng ổ đĩa.

    Nạp lúc khởi động

    --------------Với lựa chọn này, Bkav sẽ được nạp ngay sau khi bạn bật máy. Bạn nên sử dụng lựa chọn này để đảm bảo máy tính được bảo vệ trong suốt quá trình hoạt động kể từ khi bật máy. Khi lựa chọn này được đặt thì chế độ tự cảnh báo (Auto Protect) sẽ được mặc định là bật khi bạn khởi động lại máy, cho dù trước đó bạn có thể đã tắt chức năng tự cảnh báo (Auto Protect).

    English Interface

    --------------Lựa chọn này sẽ chuyển ngôn ngữ hiển thị của giao diện giữa tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh.
  2. kappa

    kappa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thank các bác đã mất công tìm soft và keygen...
    Trùi ,tui có cái bitdefender 8,tìm bản mới wài không thấy,may mà vô đây thấy nên down liền... :D
    Thank các bác :D
  3. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    XoftSpySE 4.22.012


    ParetoLogic kompanija, besispecializuojanti programinės įrangos kūrime, apsaugos ir slaptumo srityje, siūlo Jums naujausią ir tobuliausią būdą kaip apsaugoti savo kompiuterį nuo šnipinėjimo modulių Internete. Programa XoftSpySE skirta ieškoti ir pašalinti visus žinomus kompiuterinius parazitus, kurie mažina kompiuterio greitaeigiškumą ir galimybes. Bet kuris, kas naudojasi Internetu, siunčiasi iš jo muziką, freeware ir shareware tipo programinę įrangą, yra pažeidžiamas Spyware. Asmeninė informacija, patekusi į negeras rankas, gali padaryti Jūs identifikavimo vagystės auka ir gali pavogti Jūsų kreditinės kortelės duomenys ar kitokia svarbi informacija. XoftSpy pilnai skanuoja Jūsų kompiuterį: atmintį, registrą, failus ir katalogus, gali nustatyti ir pašalinti iš kompiuterio nepageidaujamus Spyware, Adware, Malware, W32/Spybot, Pop-up Generators, Keyloggers, nepageidaujamų Toolbars, CWS, Trojans, Browser Hijacking ir kitų! Definicijų sąrašas virš 45.000 ir pastoviai atnaujinamas Internetu. 
    XoftSpySE was designed to scan the user's complete computer system to detect spyware parasites and quarantine the infected files for immediate protection.
    Key features of this software:

    - Complete PC scanning, including running processes, registry entries, files and folders 
    - Detects and removes: Adware, Spyware, Pop-Up Generators, Keyloggers, Trojans, Hijackers and Malware - 45,000 definitions and growing – one of the largest in the industry 
    - Automatic definition and feature updates 
    - Fast, powerful, and easy to use 
    - Comprehensive customer technical support 
    - Protects against identity and credit card theft 
  4. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Spy Emergency 2005 2.0.320


    Spy Emergency 2005 - galinga programa kovai su šnipinėjnačiais moduliais. Greitai nustato ir pašalina iš Jūsų kompiuterio visokius nevirusinės kilmės kenkėjus, patekusius iš Interneto, apsaugo nuo spyware, adware, malware, naršyklės startinio puslapio grobikų, distancinių administravimo priemonių, nepageidaujamų įrankinių, klaviatūros šnipų, šnipinėjančių "sausainukų", kenkėjiškų ActiveX komponentų ir kitokių "infekcijų". Gana greitai skenuoja atmintį, registrą, sisteminius failus ir pasirinktas direktorijas kietajame diske. Be to, yra tris prevencinės apsaugos realiame laike skydai (namų puslapio, atminties ir "sausainukų"), neleidžiantys kenkėjiškiems moduliams patekti į Jūsų kompiuterį naršymo Internete metu. Programoje yra skenavimo pagal tvarkaraštį funkciją, duomenų bazės automatinis atnaujinimas Internetu, galima keisti išorinį vaizdą, nereikalauja didelių kompiuterio resursų ir nestabdo naršymo. 
    Spy Emergency is anti-spyware software that fast and secure removes spyware and other internet infections from your computer. Spy Emergency protects you against thousands of infections, including:
    - Spyware; Adware; Malware; Homepage hijackers; Remote administration tools; ActiveX Components; Dialers; Scumware; Keyloggers; Trojans; Data mining software; Toolbars; Tracking cookies; Browser Hijackers/BHO's and many other types of internet parasites and infections. Spy Emergency supports resident shields for real-time protection and automatic infections database updates for better protection.
    Spy Emergency Features:

    - Support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera Browser 
    - Scan of your system memory
    - Scan of your registry 
    - Scan of your storage
    - System directory storage scan
    - Tracking cookies scan
    - Host file scan
    - VX2 complaint hijackers scan
    - Automatic LSP stack repair
    - Real-time memory and prevention shields that blocks spyware before it executes
    - Browser shields, including homepage shield
    - Tracking cookies shields
    - Life-time Automatic database updates 
    - News updates 
    - Individual spy restore functionality 
    - Keeplist 
    - Scheduling support 
    - Simple configuration 
    - Intuitive and clear user interface for spyware removal 
    - Handy Shell Extension Scanning 
    - Skin support 
    - Language support 
    - Life-time Technical support 
    and much more... 
  5. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    xp-AntiSpy 3.95-1

    Download Eng

    aža pagalbinė programėlė (net nebūtina instaliuoti), skirta vartotojams, norintiems maksimaliai kontroliuoti savo kompiuterį. Programa pati analizuoja Windows konfigūraciją ir padeda greitai atjungti nereikalingus paslėptus Windows XP servisus ir nustatymus, sustabdyti įtartinus procesus: pilnai išinstaliuoti Messenger, uždrausti siųsti pranešimus Microsoft kompanijos serveriams, integruotą Windows autentifikavimą, automatiškai instaliuoti kodekus ir įvairius atnaujinimus, siųsti duomenis apie Jūs į Internetą, uždrausti integruotą ugniasienę, Security centrą, "balionų-suflerių" rodymą, Java scriptą, ActiveX kontrolę, ZIP funkcionavimą, pagreitinti Windows išsijungimą ir daug kitų... xp-AntiSpy labai paprasta naudoti: užvedus rodyklę ties pasirinkta funkcija, apatiniame interfeiso lange pamatysite paaškinimą, kam ji skirta. Be to, programą galima valdyti "karštais" klavišais, yra du režimai: standartinis ir parodantis servisų aktyvumą. 
    The xp-AntiSpy is a little utility that lets you disable some built-in update and authentication 'features' in WindowsXP. For example, there's a service running in the background which is called 'Automatic Updates'. I don't know what this service transfers from my machine to other machines on the internet, especially the MS ones. So I play it safe and disable such functions. If you like, you can even disable these functions manually, by going through the System and checking or unchecking some checkboxes. This will take you approximately half an hour. But why wast time when a little neat utility can do the same in 1 minute? This utility was successfully tested by lots of users, and was found to disable all the known 'Suspicious' Functions in WindowsXP. It's customiseable, but comes up with the Default settings, which are recommended. 
    [B]Changes in Version 3.95:[/B]
    - The program now offer 2 modes, the 'Standard' and the 'Accessible' mode. In the latter it is possible for blind and color-blind people to get access to the xp-AntiSpy. 
    - Now, the most important functions can be executed via shortcuts, which are: 
    Ctrl + Space -> Apply the made settings. Equivalent to the 'Apply Settings' button. 
    Ctrl + 1 -> Select the profile 'Standard' 
    Ctrl + 2 -> Select the profile 'Suggested' 
    Ctrl + 3 -> Select the profile 'Windows Update' 
    Ctrl + 4 -> Select the profile 'System Default'
    Ctrl + Return -> Open the dialog for user-defined profiles 
    F2 -> Set mode 'Standard' 
    F3 -> Set mode 'Accessible' 
    F5 -> Refresh view 
    - Fixed misc bugs which appeared on specific systems
    - Reengineered the installer script. (Many thanks to Milan Bast for his useful contributions!!)
  6. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    F-Secure Internet Security 2006


    Today viruses spread rapidly over the Internet causing widespread damage to computer users. Home users are no exception to this. If you are connected to the Internet, it is essential to protect your PC against computer viruses and hackers trying to find "open doors" in your system. F-Secure Internet Security 2006 includes award-winning antivirus software, as well as an easy-to-use personal firewall. Furthermore the product can filter unwanted spam from your email and, with the help of the parental control feature, block access to websites with questionable content. 
    Key Features

    - Protects your computer against viruses, worms and rootkits 
    - Includes real-time protection against spyware 
    - Protects your computer against hackers 
    - Helps you stay free from spam e-mail 
    - Protects your children against unwanted Internet content 
    - Includes a web surfing time lock for children 
    - Application Control 
    - Easy to install and use 
    - The fastest protection against new virus outbreaks 
    - Security news 
  7. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Spy Kill Deluxe Edition 3.1


    Deluxe Spy-Kill is an advanced adware, spyware, malware, virus, memory and registry scanner for all 32-bit versions of Windows and Windows NT. Also included is a popup blocker for Internet Explorer and active monitoring support, offering live protection against malwares. 
    If you connect to the internet, you are vulnerable to spywares that can infect your computer without you even knowing. Do you have popups while surfing the internet? Then you probably have spyware on your computer. Did you have an antivirus program installed and running on your computer? Well, you are still not protected against spywares, antivirus programs do not stop the infection from adware and spyware. Did you know spyware can be sending vital information saved on your computer to computer hackers? Spyware works by installing itself on your hard drive then sending your surfing history, data you input into online forms, and vital other information to unwated sources. 
    The All New version of Deluxe Spy-Kill is one of the easiest and fastest ways to sweep your hard drive of adware and spyware available on the web. With advanced features like Active Monitoring you can rest assured that your computer will be free of future unwanted spyware.[/CODE
    [B]The new version of Deluxe Spy-kill has these improvements[/B]
    [CODE]- IP2Ip Spam protection, 
    - Ignore List 
    - Home page Hijacking feature, 
    - New double scan engine
  8. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    WinGuard Pro 2006 6.0.8


    ith WinGuard Pro 2006 you can password protect your programs, windows and web pages in one easy to use program! What's more, there is also encryption for your personal files and folders. It offers an all-in-one security solution for your computer. With extra features to lock the desktop, boot keys, task keys, blocking software installations and internet access. WinGuard Pro 2006 comes in a Free and Premium edition.
    - Disallow all types of programs and windows 
    - Over 20 built-in programs or 30 if using Premium 
    - Add your own programs for locking * 
    - Block software installations * 
    - Lock Boot Keys (using addon) * 
    - Lock files and folders using encryption 
    - Lock Internet downloads to help prevent viruses 
    - Lock Zip files, Desktop, Task Keys and setup multiple users 
    - It's Free, no adverts, nag screens or spyware 
    - Works alongside your firewall, anti virus programs such as Zone Alarm and Norton AntiVirus 
  9. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    SpyRemover 2.50 / RegDoctor 1.55 / SpyStopper Pro 4.40

    SpyRemover 2.50
    RegDoctor 1.55
    SpyStopper Pro 4.40

    Protect Against Spyware. Strengthen Your PC Security. Is someone stealing your information from your PC? Is your browser home page hijacked? Are you in danger of identity theft? Are you being spied on? Is your Internet activity being watched and tracked?
    SpyRemover Protects Against Spyware and Strengthens Your PC Security:
    - Detects and removes all types of intrusive devices such as spyware, adware,hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans, tracking devices, hacker tools and others. 
    - Powerful, yet easy to use for even the casual PC user. 
    - Offers the most comprehensive spyware definition database. 
    - Built-in auto-updating engine makes updating of the database easy. 
    - Real time protection automatically monitors PC for unwanted spyware. 
    - Enhanced detection and removal engine improves on the thoroughness, accuracy,speed, and efficiency of detecting and removing spyware. 
    - A must-have tool for your Internet security. 
    Automatically fix Windows registry problems and improve system performance. Stop computer crashes. Is your computer running slow? Are you experiencing computer crashes or windows error messages? Do you want to improve your system performance and stability? If you are answering yes, then you very likely need to clean up your Windows registry. 
    SpyStopper Pro
    Blocks spyware and adware to protect you from being profiled and tracked in real time. Deliver instant alerts for detected intrusive devices. When you are online, you may be monitored or tracked without your knowledge or explicit permission. Hackers and advertisers may use intrusive devices to gain access to your information and invade your privacy. SpyStopper Pro is designed to block those devices in real time and is the best choice for prevention.
  10. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    G Data Anti...worm 1.009.0146

    Lenkų programinės įrangos kompanijos G DATA Software nemokamas instrumentas Jūsų kompiuteryje ieškoti ir naikinti daugelio rūšių virusus, trojanus, interneto kirmėles: Mytob, Mydoom, Beagle, Netsky, Sasser, Blaster Zafi, Mabutu, Startpage ir daug kitų. 
    Removal tool detects and removes many worms, trojans and backdoors: Mytob, Mydoom, Beagle, Netsky, Sasser, Blaster Zafi, Mabutu, Startpage and many others. 
    P/S : Cũng chẳng bít Soft nào chống Popup hiệu quả nữa Super GB thử down mấy cái Soft của anh Dark Gamer xem ::) .
  11. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    TTC lâu lắm ko gặp ngoài Yahoo .


    F-Secure Internet Security 2006 6.12 Build 90


    F-Secure® Internet Security™ - asmeninio kompiuterio kompleksinės apsaugos programų paketas, skirtas apsaugoti jį nuo virusų, hakerių, spamo ir kitų pavojų Internete. Pakete yra penki pagrindiniai programiniai moduliai: antivirusas, ugniasienė, anti-spam, anti-spyware ir tėvų kontrolės elementai. F-Secure Internet Security visus modulius (išskyrus anti-spyware) - antivirusą, ugniasienę, įsibrovimo prevencijos modulį, elektroninio pašto skanerį ir integruotą virusų apsaugos duomenų bazės atnaujinimo modulį apjungia į vieną kontrolės centrą, kuris užtikrina labai patogų ir efektyvų centralizuotą programos valdymą. 
    - Antivirusas vykdo pastovų sistemos monitoringą, efektyviai skanuoja gaunamą/siunčiamą paštą, staigiai blokuoja virusų atakas. Atlieka automatinį virusų nustatymą ir jų pašalinimą iš sistemos, kasdien atsisiunčia atnaujinimus iš žinomos F-Secure's virusų mokslinio tyrinėjimo laboratorijos. 
    - Ugniasienė kontruoliuoja visus paketų perdavimus tarp kompiuterio ir Interneto, programas besijungiančias prie Interneto, registro modifikavimą, turi kelis Interneto trafiko kontroliavimo režimus: nuo visiško Interneto sujungimo uždarymo iki visiškai nekontroliuojamo. 
    - Anti-Spyware (Lavasoft's Ad-Aware Professional analoginė versija) saugo Jūsų asmeninį slaptumą ir šalina nesankcionuotai įsibrovusius į sistemą šnipinėjimo modulius. 
    - Tėvų kontrolės modulis apsaugo jaunus vartotojus nuo nepageidaujamo kai kurių puslapių turinio Internete. Programnis priedas gali būti taip sukonfigūruotas, kad blokuotų Interneto puslapius reklamuojančius seksą, prievartą, ginklus, vaistus, lošimus biržose ir t.t.
    - Anti-spam, naudojantis Bejeso filtravimo technologiją ir fone dirbantis programinis priedas, rūšiuoja gaunamus elektroninio pašto laiškus į "juodą" ir "baltą" sąrašus. Modulis taip pat gali aptikti pfishing atakas iš žinomų Interneto tinklalapių. 
    - Anti-Dialer - apsaugo kompiuterio modemą nuo jo prijungimo prie brangiai apmokamų susijungimų, kai nepageidaujant vartotojui, tai bando atlikti kitas asmuo nuotoliniu būdu. 
    - F-Secure® Internet Security™ pasižymi labai patogiu valdymu iš sistemos trėjaus ir mažų kompiuterio resursų naudojimu.
    F-Secure Internet Security 2006 is a suite of utilities designed to protect your PC from hackers, viruses, spam and other Internet nasties. It contains five main pieces of software: antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-spam, a firewall and parental controls. With the exception of the anti-spyware, a re-branded version of Lavasoft's Ad-Aware Professional, all of the suite's utilities are integrated into one easy-to-use program.
    F-Secure Internet Security 2006 provides the best virus protection, protecting your PC around the clock. It combines automated virus discovery and removal, with daily automatically updated virus protection from F-Secure's world-renowned virus research laboratory. An integrated personal firewall stops hackers from breaking into your computer and lets you keep your private data to yourself. 
    - Anti-Spyware Protect your privacy and remove secretly installed spying software from your computer. The software is based on the Ad-Aware technology of Lavasoft. 
    - Parental Control Parental Control protects young Internet users against inappropriate content on the network. The software can be configured to block Internet pages that reference to weapons, drugs, hate, gambling and sex (with option to completely disable). 
    - Anti-Spam Anti-Spam filters unsolicited email based on a Bayesian filter and the use of blacklists. The software can also detect pfishing attacks if they originate from a known spam site. 
    - Anti-Dialer Anti-Dialer prevents the computer modem of calling expensive pay-per-minute service numbers while the machine is switched on but not in use. 
  12. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Acronis Privacy Expert Suite 9.0 Build 1429


    Acronis Privacy Expert Suite užtikrina kompiuterio apsaugą nuo šnipinėjančių programinių modulių (priskiriamos labiausiai pavojingų programų grupei), parazitinių programų, agresyvių reklaminių modulių (lėtina kompiuterio darbą ir nukreipia vartotoją į nepageidaujamus tinklalapius), klaviatūrinių šnipų (leidžia piktadariams fiksuoti ir užrašinėti Jūsų spaudomus klavišus), programų, automatiškai pasijungiančių prie telefoninių linijų, keičiančių naršyklės įrankines ir kitos kenkėjiškos programinės įrangos. Slaptos programos įsiskverbia į sistemą, renka Jūsų asmeninius duomenis ir persiunčia juos piktadariui. Tuo būdu svetimi žmonės gali užvaldyti Jūsų slaptažodžius, kreditinių kortelių numerius, Jūsų lankomų internetinių resursų informaciją ir kitus svarbius asmeninius duomenis. 
    Acronis Privacy Expert Suite yra ne tik efektyvus instrumentas kovoje su šnipinėjančiom programom. Pakete yra optimalus instrumentų rinkinys, užtikrinantis Jūsų asmeninių duomenų apsaugą ir saugumą:
    - Valo naršymo Internete pėdsakus;
    - Valo darbo su kompiuteriu pėdsakus;
    - Garantuotai valo visą informaciją iš Jūsų seno kieto disko;
    - Naikina failus be galimybės atstatyti su tam skirtomis programomis;
    - Yra nepageidaujamų savaime iššokančių langų blokatorius;
    - Šalina informaciją be galimybės atstatyti aštuoniais patikimais informacijos naikinimo metodais. 
    Acronis Privacy Expert Suite provides you with the proactive, real time protection against spyware parasites, rootkits, adware, keyloggers, trojan horses, hidden dialers, browser hijackers, and other malicious programs. Keyboard loggers enable criminals to record the keystrokes on users' computers. Aggressive adware slows down your PC performance and delivers unexpected web search results. Hidden spyware programs you even do not know about penetrate your system, collect your personal data, and transmit it over the network. This information may include:
    * Passwords 
    * Credit card data 
    * Details of your computing and web surfing activity 
    * Other valuable data 
    Acronis Privacy Expert Suite is not only an anti-spyware solution. It delivers the best value on the market with the must-have security and privacy tools:
    * Internet clean-up: protect your Internet privacy removing traces of your surfing;
    * System clean-up: eliminate traces of your system activities;
    * Disk clean-up: securely destroy all the data on your old hard disk;
    * File shredder: make your deleted data unrecoverable by undelete or unerase utilities;
    * Pop-up blocker: stop unwanted pop-up ads;
    * Data destruction methods: wipe out all data without possibility to recover through the use of 8 powerful data destruction methods.
  13. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Spyware Doctor™ for Windows

    Crack : Attack File

    Spyware Doctor Tools:
    - Spyware & Adware Scanner
    - Keylogger Guard
    - Popup Blocker
    - Phishing Protector
    - Real Time Protection
    - Browser Guard
    - Spyware Cookie Guard
    - Malware Immunizer

    Features of the registered version:
    - Detect and remove spyware, adware, malware, trojans, keyloggers, spybots, adbots and trackware 
    - OnGuard runs in the background to monitor and protect your PC from browser infections and tracking cookies 
    - Immunize your system against more than a thousand known web-browser hijackers (BHO) and ActiveX threats 
    - Real-time protection including defense against known phishing attacks, popup blocking and malicious site guard 
    - Intelligent and deep scanning options allow you to thoroughly check your PC for Malware infections 
    - Receive frequent live updates to detect and guard against new threats 
    Good set of features but not very reliable - the program missed many adware components during our review, which were immediately detected by 2 other scanners (Ad-Aware, Spy Sweeper) that we ran after Spyware Doctor claimed a complete cleanup. By performing a fast detection at Windows start-up you will be alerted with a list of the potential threats identified. 
    Did you know that every keystroke, every website and conversation can be recorded or monitored by people or companies that may have installed software on your PC, typically without your knowledge? Learn more about the importance of removing spyware with our Spyware Showcase. 
    When you consider the amount of valuable personal information stored on your PC, including credit card and banking details, personal e-mails and documents, shopping and browsing habits, the risks of having software intruders become obvious. Known consequences of spyware and adware include identity theft, computer problems, slow Internet access, changed homepage and favorites, and excessive numbers of pop-up adverts. Anti-virus software and firewalls do not fully protect your system against the majority of spyware and privacy threats. Spyware is commonly bundled with software downloads, attached to e-mails, or transmitted through networks so it can appear to be legitimate software, but once installed it can be nearly impossible to detect and remove without the help of a dedicated spyware removal tool like Spyware Doctor. 

    Các file đính kèm:

  14. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

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    Real Spy Monitor 2.47


    Real Spy Monitor - šnipinėjančių programų šeimos atstovas, kuris užrašinėja visus kompiuterio vartotojo veiksmus į LOG failą, po to kai Jūs paliekate kompiuterį. Pasinaudodami šia programa galite kontroliuoti savo vaikų ar sutuoktinio naudojimąsį kompiuteriu, išsiaiaškinti ar kas iš bendradarbių nesinaudoja Jūsų kompiuteriu be Jūsų žinios ir nevagia iš Jūsų kompiuterio informacijos. 
    Programa seka: visus kompiuterio klaviatūra įvedamus simbolius, paleistas programas, atidaromus dokumentus ir kitus langus Windows sistemoje, lankomus web puslapius, periodiškai fotografuoja darbastalio ekraną, seka gaunamo/siunčiamo pašto turinį, įskaitant MSN/HotMail, Yahoo! Mail, įrašo pokalbius vedamus IRC protokolu, įskaitant AOL/ICQ/MSN/AIM žinučių perdavimo programas. Sukauptą informaciją programa gali persiųsti elektroniniu paštu arba FTP protokolu.
    Worried about how your PC is being used? Want to keep tabs on your children, spouse, employees? Need to Prevent your children or employee from some application or web sites? Real Spy Monitor is the full solution for you. 
    For example, you can use Real Spy Monitor to: 
    - Monitor Keystrokes typed, Websites visited, Windows viewed, Program executed, Screen snapshots, Files/Docs accessed.
    - Log Internet Chat conversation including AOL/ICQ/MSN/AIM Instant Messengers
    - Spy Web Mail Content including MSN/HotMail, Yahoo! Mail
    - Prevent your children or employee from some application or websites that include special keywords.
    - When you left your your PC, Record your PC actions and send them through Email delivery at set times. 
  15. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

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    Trend Micro AntiSpyware Enterprise Edition

    Download Full

    Trend Micro kompanijos Anti-Spyware Enterprise Edition programa užtikrina Jūsų įmonės kompiuterių saugumą nuo nesankcionuoto prisijungimo prie informacijos, blokuoja realiu laiku šnipinėjančias programas, kurios gali teikti asmeninius duomenis tretiems asmenims. Skirtingai nuo kitų analogiškų programų, Trend Micro Anti-Spyware, naudodama euristinę analizę, garantuoja galingas spyware identifikavimo galimybes dar prieš jų patekimą ir pilną valymo technologiją įmonės stacionariuose ir nešiojamuose kompiuteriuose bei serveriuose , užtikrinant visišką nepageidaujamų šnipinėjančių modulių likučių pašalinimą ir užkertant galimybę žalos padarymui. Trend Micro Anti-Spyware greitai skenuoja, atlieka aktyvų monitoringą ir saugo nuo spyware atakų realiu laiku, turi naršyklės ir kompiuterio istorijos valymo vienu spragtelėjimu funkciją (laikinųjų failų, cookies, “trackware” failų), efektyvią naršyklės "grobikų" (CoolWebSearch) šalinimo funkciją CWShredder, valymo metu sukuria rezervines kopijas ir vėliau gali atstatyti pašalintus failus, dažnai atsisiunčia atnaujinimus apie naujus spyware modulius. Enterprise Edition versija turi centralizuoto valdymo ir administravimo funkcijas. 
    Trend Micro Anti-Spyware Enterprise Edition is a standalone anti-spyware solution that protects client/server environments with superior spyware detection, cleanup, and restoration supported by true enterprise-class management. It stops spyware from installing by actively monitoring file downloads. And it uses an industry- leading spyware database and an effective heuristic set to scan and clean clients quickly with no end-user disruptions. A highly efficient spyware database and heuristic rule set scan and clean clients accurately, with a small footprint. It is the only product that includes Trend Micro CWShredder to eradicate CoolWebSearch browser hijackers. Centralized management eases administration and deployment while supporting large organizations needs for scalability at multiple levels. Anti-Spyware Enterprise Edition is compatible with major enterprise desktop security products.
    Trend Micro is the only vendor with gateway-based blocking and agent-less clean up of any client or server to ease deployment and management. It blocks inbound spyware from entering your network and prevents infected clients from sending sensitive data back through the Internet. Clean up of any client or server is automatically initiated at the desktop or gateway.
    Features of Trend Micro Enterprise Anti-Spyware:
    - Detects and blocks incoming spyware at the Web gateway 
    - Automates cleanup of spyware on servers, desktops and remote laptops 
    - Detects and blocks outbound spyware communications 
    - Prevents users from browsing web sites that harbor malicious spyware 
    - Eases management and reporting 
    What's New:
    - Real-time spyware protection prevents spyware from being installed, run, or saved on protected PCs and servers
    - Supports Trend Micro Control Manager
    - Updated with the latest scan engine (version 3.0)
    - Automatically discovers unprotected PCs on the network
    - Supports secure connection (HTTPS) to the Web console for increased security
    - Supports IIS for serving the Web console under Windows systems that have IIS installed
    - Supports automatic updates for socket-mode clients
    - Web console interface enhancements
    - Improved error-resolution guidance, now suggests ways to resolve errors when they occur
    - Now provides manual updates of spyware definitions from the Summary screen
  16. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ashampoo AntiSpyWare 1.02


    Ashampoo AntiSpyWare - gali nepertraukiamai saugoti realiu laiku nuo visų pavojingų kenkiančių programų, galinčių pakenkti Jūsų kompiuterio sistemai, dirbant Internete. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare įdiegta nauja pažangi technologija ir specialūs parazitinių programų šalinimo programiniai įrankiai. Programa sukurta remiantis esančiomis žiniomis ir sprendimais, kaip kovoti su kenkiančiomis programomis, apjungiant su intelektualia naujausia strategija ir algoritmais - visa tai užtikrina konkrečią apsaugą prieš šnipinėjančias ir kitas kenkėjiškas programas. Pažangi euristinė skenavimo ir analizavimo sistema gali nustatyti ir blokuoti naujas ir nežinomas grėsmes anksčiau, nei jos sugebės pakenkti. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare sugeba identifikuoti naršyklių grobikus, šnipinėjančias programas, reklaminius modulius, interneto kirminus, trojanus, klaviatūros šnipus ir net ypač pavojingus “rootkits” klasės kenkėjiškus modulius. Tai naujos kartos malware tipo programos, kurios įkrauna į sistemą nematomus operacinėje sistemoje modulius su administratoriaus teisėmis, todėl jie Windows sistemoje gali veikti kaip virusai ir būti neidentifikuojami antivirusiniais skeneriais ir antispyware programomis. 
    Programa gali startuoti su Windows, automatiškai atnaujinti duomenų bazę, turi "nustatyk ir pamiršk" funkciją, atlieka monitoringą realiu laiku ir automatiškai blokuoja kenkėjus, turi startuojančių su Windows programų ir sistemos procesų valdymo modulius, savaime iššokančių langų blokavimo funkciją, valo naršymo internete liekanas, moka sunaikinti failus neatstatomai. 
    Ashampoo AntiSpyWare protects you against much more than 280,000 security threats. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare can monitor and protect your computer continuously. A little background program checks every suspicious file for potential hazards before it is opened, making it impossible for Trojans to install themselves on your computer. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare is a brand-new tool. Building on existing solutions combined with intelligent new strategies and algorithms it provides exceptional protection against spyware and other malware. Its advanced heuristic search and analysis system can actually identify and block new and unknown threats before they can do any damage.
    Ashampoo AntiSpyWare can even identify the presence of highly--dangerous "rootkits". Rootkits are the latest threat, and one of the worst. They can hide Trojans, spyware, adware and viruses completely, making them invisible even to virus scanners. Ashampoo AntiSpyware can even identify this extremely dangerous new breed of malware.
    Features and tools:
    - Comprehensive protection: Guards you against hijackers, dialers, spyware, worms, adware, Trojans, key loggers and even rootkits 
    - Set it and forget it: Activate the AntiSpyware Guard and automatic updates and relax in the knowledge that you are well protected round the clock 
    - Automatic cleaner and real-time monitoring of the entire system 
    - Daily signature updates: Daily updates of the “signatures” for identifying known threats for maximum safety 
    - Protection against unknown threats: Advanced heuristic analysis identifies and blocks unknown threats on the basis of their behavior 
    - Quarantine: Put suspicious files in quarantine to protect yourself without having to delete them completely – they may be harmless 
    - Multilingual user interface: Run the program in your own language 
    - Rootkit Detector: Can identify the highly-dangerous new “rootkits” that can even hide malicious software from virus scanners 
    - AutoStart Manager: Identify and disable unwanted auto-starting programs 
    - System Processes Monitor: Check running processes and stop them if necessary 
    - Internet Cleaner: Delete all traces of your surfing trail 
    - File Wiper: Permanently delete files and folders 
    - IP Spam Blocker: Stop annoying popup spam on your desktop
  17. dacam60

    dacam60 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    CHương trình mới: vừa diệt virút, vừa tường lửa, vừa diệt spy... Nói chung là nhiều công năng.
    WinAntiVirus Pro 2006


    - Unlimited Firewall
    - Popup Blocker
    - AntiSpyware
    - CPU Friendly Performance
    - Virus Real-Time Scanner
    - Automatic Updates
    - Heuristic Scan
    - Prevents Network Viruses
    - Free 24/7 Email Support
    - Free 24/7 Toll Free Phone Support
    WinAntivirus 2006 Pro Features
    Trang chủ: http://www.winantivirus.com/
    Size: 12.0 MB

    Download Full Retail:
  18. Susubi_2005

    Susubi_2005 C O N T R A

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    Chài Dacam Post trước mình cái này mất rùi , may mà vẫn còn lại 1 cái Post lên :D .



    Spyware Terminator - nauja ir kol kas nemokama programa, skirta efektyviai apsaugoti Jūsų kompiuterį nuo įvairių nevirusinės kilmės kenkėjiškų programų, įskaitant šnipinėjančius ir reklaminius modulius, klaviatūros šnipus, trojanus, naršyklių grobikus ir pan. Programa lengva naudotis, ji turi greitą ir efektyvų skenavimo variklį, gali dirbti užprogramuotai pagal tvarkaraštį, saugiai šalina failus su galimybe juos atstatyti, ir svarbiausia, turi apsaugą realiame laike. Tai yra, Jums dirbant kompiuteriu, seka ir saugo registrą, sistemos failus ir servisus bei interneto naršyklę nuo pakeitimų be Jūsų leidimo. Spyware Terminator automatiškai Internetu atsisiunčia duomenų bazės atnaujinimus. 
    Spyware Terminator is a FREE, easy-to-use and effective spyware remover providing real-time protection against spyware, adware, keyloggers, trojan horses, browser hijackers and other malware threats. Spyware Terminator protects your computer through powerful real-time protection shield, advanced system scanning and keeping found spyware in the safe quarantine.
    Program Highlights:
    - Effectively Protects Your Computer from Spyware 
    - Safely Store Quarantine Detected Spyware
    - Easy to Use, Easy to Setup
    - Manual & Scheduled Scans Keep Your Computer Spyware-Free
    - Automatically Download Updates that Keep Spyware Terminator Current
    Basic Program Features:
    * Free 100% Real-Time Protection is included in Spyware Terminator basic version – an essential function most other applications charge you extra for. Effectively remove spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, home page hijackers and other malware threats.
    * Safe Quarantine. Suspect files found during the scan are moved into Quarantine. Spyware Terminator prevents them from functioning and causing further damage to your computer. You can review and choose to permanently remove suspect files or safely store essential files.
    * Easy to Use. Spyware Terminator lets people of all skill levels detect and eliminate spyware. If you remove a program by mistake, you can easily put it back.
    * Manual & Scheduled Scan. Scan your computer manually or schedule an in-depth scan to be performed on a regular basis. The scan process runs in the background so that you will not be disrupted while working on other tasks.
    * Automatic Update Downloads. Spyware Terminator can be set to automatically download updates, ensuring the most effective protection for your computer.
  19. -[^_^]-

    -[^_^]- Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Tui có crack nà nhưng ko biết làm sao mà zonealam của tui đang xài tự nhiên lại báo lỗi và ko cài lại đc nửa cho nên =_="
  20. dacam60

    dacam60 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Windows Defender Beta 2, phiên bản này đã bẻ khóa và không còn bị Microsoft kiểm tra ắc ti nữa. Đây là chương trình diệt spyware, malware rất mạnh, tiền thân của nó chính là Microsoft AntiSpyware.

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