Cập nhật & Thảo luận về các phần mềm Security-AntiVirus .

Thảo luận trong 'Kho lưu trữ' bắt đầu bởi Darkgamer, 15/1/06.

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  1. metropolis512

    metropolis512 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái crack của Spyware Doctor dùng thế nào thế hả bạn ơi !
    Chỉ cho mình với , cảm ơn trước !
  2. DocCuuKiem

    DocCuuKiem Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    ZoneAlarm Pro provides you with easy-to-use protection against spyware, hackers, and identity thieves.

    Goes beyond traditional PC firewalls to protect your entire PC from hackers, spyware, and other Internet threats.
    Blocks hackers from gaining access to your computer
    Automatically makes your computer invisible to anyone on the Internet
    Prevents spyware from sending your personal information across the Internet
    Protects your programs and operating system from malware

    Scans for and removes thousands of spyware traces from your computer.
    Automatically removes the most dangerous and useless spyware for you
    "Clears" legitimate monitoring software (such as cookies for Web sites you use frequently) so it doesn't get picked up in every spyware scan

    Provides your PC with real-time security updates and new attack protection capabilities.
    SmartDefense Advisor automatically adjusts your security settings for maximum protection against the latest spyware outbreaks
    DefenseNet keeps your PC security updated from the latest spyware and malware using information supplied by our ZoneAlarm user community
    See how it works

    Protects you from identity theft and online profiling.
    Prevents your personal data from leaving your computer without your approval
    Automatically stops pop-up ads so you can surf in peace

    Quarantines suspicious attachments to help defend against unknown viruses; automatically halts outbound messages to keep you from accidentally infecting others.

    Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats wherever you're connected—at home or on the road.

    System Requirements:
    Windows 98SE/ME/2000 Pro/XP. Pentium III 450 MHz or higher. 50MB of available hard disk space. Internet access. Minimum system RAM: 48MB (98SE/ME), 64MB (2000 Pro), 128MB (XP).

    Download :
  3. Hoa hậu

    Hoa hậu Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bạn nào cho mình cái keygen của Norton 2006 Premier nhỉ, cái Cd-key bị block rồi. Hoặc CD-key mới cũng được. Thx thx thx trước nhé
  4. DocCuuKiem

    DocCuuKiem Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    McAfee VirusScan Professional Edition v10.0.25


    Never go online without the latest anti-virus protection. Fast-spreading mass-mailing
    viruses, worms and Trojans like Mydoom, Bagle and Sasser can easily infect exposed
    PCs over dial-up or broadband connections, forward themselves to your email contacts
    and even help remote hackers hijack personal information.

    McAfee VirusScan Professional provides virus, spyware, adware, and spam protection,
    including preventing access to known "phishing" sites. With automated, daily updates,
    VirusScan Professional provides online security protection for up to two small business

    Download 17.8MB
  5. DocCuuKiem

    DocCuuKiem Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    McAfee Internet Security Suite v8.0.113.3


    The Internet has revolutionized the way you run your business including customer
    communications, marketing, transactions, and banking. Digital technologies have
    revolutionized the way you store important business, financial, and customer information.
    This very revolution has also made this information targets for viruses and spyware to
    rapidly transmit malicious code from one system to another, jeopardizing confidential
    business data and customer identities.

    McAfee Internet Security Suite prevents viruses, blocks hackers, identifies spam and
    protects your identity. Feel free to e-mail, IM, share pictures, bank, and shop online
    knowing your PC, documents, and personal information are safe from Internet threats.
    Best of all, automatic updates ensure you always have the latest protection.

    Download 25.5MB
    ************************************************** *******

    McAfee QuickClean v6.00.7.0


    Each time you use your PC, you accumulate unwanted programs, registry entries, files
    and folders. Over time, the accumulation of temporary files, altered shortcuts, lost file
    fragments, and personal information stored in registry files, cookies, and e-mails,
    consumes valuable disk space and exposes your identity.

    Proven security that revitalizes your PC, McAfee QuickClean provides easy-to-use tools
    that safely remove unnecessary programs and files, frees up valuable disk space, and
    securely removes files with personal information. Take control of your PC today, and
    make sure that your personal information is safely removed, while optimizing your
    computer's security and performance.

    Download 10.9 MB

  6. DocCuuKiem

    DocCuuKiem Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    McAfee VirusScan Home Edition v10.0.27


    Never go online without the latest anti-virus protection. Fast-spreading mass-mailing
    viruses, worms and Trojans like Mydoom, Bagle and Sasser can easily infect exposed
    PCs over dial-up or broadband connections, forward themselves to your email contacts
    and even help remote hackers hijack personal information.

    That's why award-winning McAfee VirusScan-trusted by millions worldwide-
    automatically scans your email, attachments, shared disks and downloads, then
    immediately starts to clean or quarantine infections. Easy to download, install and use,
    McAfee VirusScan automatically checks for virus updates* whenever you connect to the
    Internet, so your protection stays up-to-date against the latest threats, including spyware.

    Download 10.3 MB
    ************************************************** ***

    McAfee AutoUpdate Architect v1.1.2

    McAfee AutoUpdate Architect software allows you to manage updates to your entire
    companys anti-virus software. The program creates and maintains an internal software
    repository where you define exactly which McAfee anti-virus software updates to
    deploy to the computers on your network. Using the McAfee AutoUpdate Architect
    software, you can configure an FTP server, HTTP server, or a UNC shared directory on
    your internal network to process all AutoUpdate requests from your network client

    Those client computers then retrieve their updates from an internal location rather than
    connecting directly to the McAfee web site. This reduces bandwidth consumption and
    allows faster update transfers. Task scheduling features allow you to retrieve the
    latest anti-virus software updates automatically from McAfee, and store them on your
    internal update server. Your internal update server can then deliver those updates to
    distributed repositories throughout your organization.

    McAfee AutoUpdate Architect verifies the authenticity and integrity of updates through
    the use of digital package signatures, to protect against unauthorized modification,
    tampering, or corruption.

    Download 5.49 MB

    @ = a
  7. DocCuuKiem

    DocCuuKiem Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    McAfee SpamKiller v7.0.23

    Proven security that blocks unwanted & malicious e-mail * Prevents identified spam
    from reaching your inbox * Protects you against known Phishing scams * Reports spam
    to Internet service providers and other authorities * Safeguards your identity by isolating
    e-mail scams * Updates automatically to protect against new threats McAfee SpamKiller
    allows you to regain control of the content reaching your inbox.

    It also protects your personal and financial information against known phishing scams by
    blocking access to known and potentially fraudulent identity theft websites.


    ************************************************** ************

    McAfee Wireless Home Network Security v1.0.124.1

    While Wi-Fi makes getting online easy and convenient, recent research indicates over
    60% of wireless networks are unprotected-leaving users vulnerable to identity theft and
    the loss of irreplaceable documents. Even networks that have other security
    mechanisms in place can benefit from the strong security offered by Wireless Home
    Network Security.

    Proven security that protects your home Wi-Fi network, McAfee Wireless Home Network
    Security provides industry standard, automatic protection against data theft,
    unauthorized network access, and broadband "freeloading" through an easy and
    intuitive one-click interface. Wireless Home Network Security encrypts your personal and
    private data as it is sent over Wi-Fi and blocks hackers from accessing your wireless


    ************************************************** *******

    McAfee Wireless Security v4.1

    With McAfee Wireless Security, the leading wireless network security solution, you
    can enjoy the convenience, cost-savings, and productivity enhancements that wireless
    networking allows.

    Wireless - without worries. A new era of wireless network security is being ushered in,
    and McAfee provides peace of mind by giving you:

    # Protection from business disruption.
    # Security from data theft.
    # 24x7 security vigilance.
    # Unlimited scalability.
    # An uncomplicated approach to wireless network and security administration.


    ************************************************** *********

    McAfee CleanBoot v1.0_SP1

    CleanBoot is intended for use where serious infection is suspected and where the
    above conditions apply. Under these circumstances we recommend that computers are
    disconnected from the network and CleanBoot used as soon as possible.

    CleanBoot provides an in-depth scan of the boot sector and all the files on the supported
    disk partitions. For this reason, CleanBoot may take some time to scan your computer so
    you must allow sufficient time for it to scan uninterrupted.


  8. DocCuuKiem

    DocCuuKiem Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    McAfee Installation Designer v8.2

    The ability to create custom installation packages, workstation deployment packages,
    and server deployment packages for users of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.

    The ability to create stand-alone customized installation packages, workstation
    deployment packages, and customized server deployment packages for users of
    McAfee Desktop Firewall 8.x.

    The ability to create customer installation packages and workstation deployment
    packages for users of McAfee AntiSpyware Enterprise 8.5sa.

  9. svelisitt

    svelisitt Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhờ mấy anh kiếm dùm em mấy cái key mới của Counter Spy nhá,key của em nó báo là hết hạn gòi.Thanks!
  10. Hoa hậu

    Hoa hậu Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Uh? bác Doccuukiem co keygen cho Norton không? Hồi down về nó cho key chạy được nhưng bi giờ bị lock rồi. Không lẽ chưa có??
  11. Chopper

    Chopper Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Melbourne VIC
    Bác xài 2005 à? nếu vậy thì dùng cái crack dưới đây nhé, sau đây là cách crack
    Dùng file Keygen, bấm generate để tạo số serial number.
    - KHÔNG KẾT NỐI VÀO INTERNET nhưng bác cứ chọn:"product activation and select - activate now"
    - Bấm 2, 3 lần thì sẽ thấy thông báo là :" Connect server fail"
    - Bạn sẽ được đề nghị đăng ký qua đt và sẽ có 1 dãy số đt phía trên bên phải màn hình
    - Mở file keygen ra 1 lần nữa. Copy từng nhóm số của dãy số điện thọai vào ô dành cho phần đăng ký qua đt của file keygen.
    - Bấm nút unlock, Bạn sẽ có số registraion. Copy dãy số này vào chương trình. Bấm finish. Bạn dẵ đăng ký thành công :-)

    Bác xài version nào, nếu 1.57 thì down cái dưới kìa

    Các file đính kèm:

  12. So_No_Mi

    So_No_Mi Follow_Your_Heart Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    NaGaSaKi citY
  13. Ke_ban_kem

    Ke_ban_kem Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    toi va thang ban toi dung bìtdefender 9 deu bi quet mat toi file cua he dieu hanh . moi khi vao may no lai bao loi thieu fle gi gi ko nho nua vi toi da cai lai win con thang ban toi thi ko vao dc win no chi dung bitdefender con tui dung them zone alarm (tuong lua ) + bitdefender + spy doctor
    theo phong doan cua toi thi bitdefender da quet mat file he dieu hanh theo cac ban thi the nao ah ai co chuong trinh diet virus gi tot ma ko lo quet mat file cua he dieu hanh ko chjo link dơn va key cac thu lluon nha xin chan thanh cam on
  14. Chopper

    Chopper Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Melbourne VIC
    Bác thử xài AVG thử xem, tui xài nó mấy năm nay có bị gì đâu, free, đăng ký dễ và xài được thời gian rất lâu. Vào đây mà download http://grisoft.com/doc/10/lng/us/tpl/tpl01 , cách đăng ký xem trong đó luôn
    Đã có tường lửa của WinXP SP2 rồi thì cần gì xài tường lửa khác chi cho nặng, Anti spy thì đã có Win defender của Microsoft rồi, an toàn tuỵêt đối
  15. Ke_ban_kem

    Ke_ban_kem Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Avg tuyệt vời
    bác đọc thế giới vi tính chưa nó đứng tận thứ 10/ 10 lận (tức bét bảng)
  16. Chopper

    Chopper Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Melbourne VIC
    Ko bít thì đứng wa 1 bên mà nghe đi cu, đừng có bon chen, so với các chương trình diệt virus lớn khác phải trả tiền thì AVG free làm sao sánh bằng, nhưng nếu muốn tìm 1 chương trình diệt virus free tốt nhất, xài lâu nhất thì lựa chọn tốt nhất là AVG, còn bác nào bít chương trình nào tốt hơn thì post lên giới thiệu anh em bít chứ đừng như chú nhóc này ngồi ngòai mà chọt vào sẵn câu bài như thế nhé
  17. So_No_Mi

    So_No_Mi Follow_Your_Heart Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    NaGaSaKi citY
    -Đã là phần mềm thuộc dạng fRee thì khi sử dụng đừng nên kêu ca chi!Vì mình không bỏ tiền ra mà vẫn được sử dụng thoải mái...
    -Hầu hết phần mềm free chỉ có 1 số pro thôi,chứ nếu muốn dùng soft ngon thì phải chơi theo kiểu crack thôi!
  18. superGB

    superGB Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    SNM nói đúng đó bạn à, mình dùng crack chứ có gì đâu , dùng mấy cái avtivirus như Bit hay KAV... chịu khó crack hay cho nó ăn seri 1 phát là mình có thứ bảo vệ cái PC thân iu rồi mà ^^
  19. Ke_ban_kem

    Ke_ban_kem Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    crack dung de lam gi ma phai dung free ha???????????
    tha ko dung gi nhiem nang thi restore co phai hon ko
  20. Chopper

    Chopper Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Melbourne VIC
    #>:) Nói như mấy bác thì chắc ai cũng bít dùng crack chắc, có những người có bao h bít crack là gì đâu, sao mấy bác trong này thích cãi quá hả? Còn nữa, bộ cái AntiVirus nào cũng crack được à? có những chương trình còn lâu mới crack được. Thôi tui chỉ bảo cái AVG là 1 chương trình free chất lượng tốt trong những cái antivirus free khác, xài lâu, nếu 1 mem nào hỏi chương trình free nào chất lượng thì tui giới thiệu cái này, chỉ 1 vấn đề này thôi có đúng ko, chẳng liên wan gì đến chiện dùng crack hay ko, ko muốn cãi nữa nhé! :cool:
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