chào` mừng DAL về S.E.A

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi cafepho, 14/8/07.

  1. yeucanxa

    yeucanxa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Khói =,=
    ai bít sv dow đến giờ nào của vn mình ko ..... chán chán .....
  2. cafepho

    cafepho Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    do hero chưa đủ thôi , chứ nếu full hero thì game balance í mà =.=
  3. Darkspeckear

    Darkspeckear Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    quên rồi
    sever down lâu wa' ::(
  4. syvil

    syvil Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    tớ vẫn nghĩ hero Dark mạnh hơn, nhưng hiện giờ trình anh em nhiều người chưa cao, tính ra đủ sức cầm Balo hiện giờ anh em Việt chỉ có khoảng 5 người
    mọi người cố gắng lên đi >.<
  5. Darkspeckear

    Darkspeckear Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    quên rồi
    tôi là một trong 5 người đó:cool:
    @syvil: - rep tớ cái nào:hug::'>:x
  6. syvil

    syvil Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    down đến 5h chiều mai, muahahahahaha
    theo tớ biết thì ngoài bác cafepho, bác gkp, canabis,intel với tớ thì chưa thấy ai cầm balo xịn cả. Giờ thêm darkspec, vậy là 6 người ;;)
  7. RedRuby

    RedRuby Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy World
    hero dark tui thấy mạnh hơn là do skill nó ngon hơn skill bên light :-s
  8. Darkspeckear

    Darkspeckear Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    quên rồi
    nhưng nói gì thì nói chứ tôi thấy char tank sói bên light là vô địch , không có char tank nào mạnh hơn đc nó, bất kỳ char nào đứng đối đầu với nó chỉ có nước ngất thôi......
    ps : mẹ ơi ,nhờ bác syvil - rep thì bác ấy lại +:((....bắt đền đi...:((:((:((
  9. TopDog

    TopDog Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hero light mạnh hơn chứ, thằng cưỡi con ngựa, rồi con sói, rồi con nhỏ hunter cầm súng, mấy đứa đó đi chung với nhau phê lắm à. Thằng cưỡi ngựa có chiêu add damage, khi full đồ và bật chiêu đó lên thì damage xanh của nó cộng hơn 600 damage, cái đó chưa kể damage trắng, tuy nó giảm độ chính xác thì cứ mua item cộng hit vào, hiện giờ game có tới 2 item vừa cộng damage khủng vừa cộng hit thì khỏi sợ hụt ^^. Còn con sói với con hunter đi chung, gặp bên kia thì hóa giải bình chống phép của nó rồi thay phiên chơi ulti :)) thì cực phê, chưa kể chiêu lốc xoáy của bác cưỡi ngựa bên lìght nữa. Bị ulti xong bên dark chưa kịp hoàn hồn thì bị em mage bên light cho thành heo ụt ịt hết.^^
  10. RedRuby

    RedRuby Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy World
    lấy con asiz bên dark tank với con đó tốt chán :>
    light thấy lợi hại nhất là lobelia nhưng mà hơi khó chơi...
  11. Darkspeckear

    Darkspeckear Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    quên rồi
    thế sao hôm trước tank với tôi toàn chạy thế...:p
  12. RedRuby

    RedRuby Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy World
    tại vì sau ông có 2 đứa đang chạy đến tui lại hết Z chạy là vừa ;;)
  13. GKp

    GKp Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Server bảo trì khi nào mở lại mọi người, đọc thông báo của nó không hiểu gì hết.
  14. RedRuby

    RedRuby Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy World
    mở server lại vào ngày 22/8/2007 lúc 18h PM (GMT + 8h)
  15. LoveBoAFE

    LoveBoAFE Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    AFF Champions 2008
    giờ VN là GMT+7 vậy là 17h VN tức 5h chiều ngày mai :D
  16. yeucanxa

    yeucanxa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Khói =,=
    Mai mới được chơi ah .... nản quá ngồi nhà buồn chẳng biết làm gì .... vào TBV đấm nhau bõ tức vậy ........................
  17. RedRuby

    RedRuby Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy World
    mai là có map mới mà hinh như tui biết là map mới này ko có sword với shield như map cũ =((
  18. GKp

    GKp Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nguồn: forum DAL, tác giả: Jung
    Tiếng anh tệ quá nên không dịch được, mọi người chịu khó đọc tiếng anh vậy, ai có lòng thì dịch luôn cho anh em.

    1) Abbreviations, Hotkeys
    2) Lil tips
    3) Heroes + Skills
    4) Items
    5) Attributes
    6) Basics
    7) Hero strats
    8) Maps

    If you guys can think of anything You want to know about just post here and i'll update (:


    Tower = Tower duh
    GK = Gate Keeper
    Lord/King = Vampire King/Lord
    Fort = Fortress
    Rush = Just go attack towers at start
    Anti = AntiMagic
    AOE = Area of Effect
    Dispel = Items that dispel
    True = Truesight
    Ulti = your 'R' skill
    Creeping = Attacking NPC mobs
    DOT = Damage Over Time
    AS = Attack Speed
    MS = Movement Speed
    Str = Strenght
    Int = Intelligence
    Dex = Dexterity
    ATR = Attack Rating = Accuracy
    Def = Defence
    Att = Attack
    Feeders = People who give others kills
    Feeding = The Act Feeders

    q w e r = skills
    1 2 3 4 5 6 = item slots
    f1 f2 = personal slots
    f3 = select hero
    f4 = select summons
    T = trace hero
    spacebar = camera to hero
    arrow keys = scroll map
    c = combination list
    v = shop
    Z = your life saving teleport back to sanctuary
    F = auto combine for laziness
    D = manual combine for time wasting


    Lil Tips:
    - Right click on an item in inventory, and then pressing 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 on the keyboard will allow the item to be placed in the slot immediately, saves alot of time.
    - Anti [​IMG] > All skills cept for a selected few that ignore the spell immunity
    - Dispel [​IMG]> Anti
    - If you have stealth mode... just stay in it.. fun to ambush people even if they have True Sight
    - True Sight allows you to detect enemy stealthed units... so far only Goddess Ring [​IMG] and Ring of Protection [​IMG] and Ring of PRotection Legend [​IMG] have it.
    - On the very left hand side of your screen there are your team hero portraits: Green = HP remaining..
    - On the right side of the portraits there is an "Ulti Bar" as i like to call it.. it shows how much of the Ulti your teammate has until it is ready to be used.. When it is ready it will start to flash (:
    - Yo. You know those Chimeara's that fly around like gigantic bees that took steroid pills? They explode and do damage to you when they die so use an antimagic pot to negate it.
    - Reflect damage only works on Creeps. So quit your Reflect Damage Item Builds -_-
    - When Terabellum is in werewolf mode and turns back into normal mode there's a 1-2 second duration where he's placed in that spot and can't do anything, so run ahead of him (:
    - AntiMagic potion -> Scroll of Town Portal = Loveable Combo
    - Left ctrl + Click = Look at enemy stats and items
    - Dont' go attack build unless you know what you're doing, cause you'll get nuked to death by mages.
    - When equipping items hp/mana is handled as a percent. For example; if you have full life at 3100 base hp, and you add Iron Mail ( +1000 hp ) your hp remains full. This is very useful to keep in mind as potions regenerate at a flat rate and not by a percentage. By removing all equips and healing to full capacity and then re-equipping, you can save potions and a good deal of time. Of course only use this tactic when you feel you are in a safe enough location and when it would be quicker than a trip back to sanctuary.



    Heroes are split into 4 categories... Vampires, Hunters, Mages and Werewolves
    Vamps have greater vision during night
    Hunters have greater vision during day
    Mages have greater MP Regen
    Werewolves have greater HP Regen

    Sidenote: Day Night intervals are 6 minutes. I think. Need to check on that

    Dark Hero List

    Light Hero List

    A little key i'm going to use next to the skill names
    Activation Skill = Skill that is activated and will stay activated until deactivated.
    Instant Skill = Skills that occur without aiming of the Mouse
    Click and Strike = Skills that require a target to be clicked on
    AOE = well. AOE lol
    Straight line AOE = Straight line AOE. mmm very literal. lol
    Passive = Passive
    Warp = Warp/Blink/Tele
    Summon = Click on an Area, and the summoned units will be summoned there
    Buff = Activate to buff yourself for a certain amount of time
    Debuff = Activate and debuff an opponent that was targetted

    Indepth Hero Check Out
    Dark first...cause the game is called Darkness and Light. So dark first (:


    Balohan, Lord of Ice, Strength Melee Hero

    Preferred Build : Tank.
    Summary: Balo... as we all like to call it i think, is more of a hybrid than most strength heroes. Having all skills being nukes or damaging magic, Balo can also kill and tank at the same time, unlike his vampiric cousin Asiz. Who's only fat and is literally cannon fodder.

    Skill Build:
    Frost Spine, -> Frozen Blood.... Get Ice Age when available, get Northern Wind Echo only when you have to...

    Skill Overview:

    Balohan Q Skill "Northern Wind Echo" Activation Skill
    Do NOT. I repeat DO NOT KEEP THIS ON. Unless you have infinite mana hacks. -_-;
    Only use this if you're running away and there's an annoying ajax on your tail, or your'e chasing someone.

    This skill is an activation skill so it'll leech the living out of your mana... and you know Strength heroes can't bare to lose their mana unless you're asiz.. cause you rarely use your Mana -_-

    Other than the fact that you use it to run/chase. It decreases enemy Movement speed and their defence.. Together if yuo have a Lien that's stalking with you, your enemies defence will plummet to all time lows (:

    Balohan W Skill "Frozen Blood" Passive
    Very very lovely. Aura that does 100 damage per second at lvl 5 (: Enough said. very lovely.

    Balohan E Skill "Frost Spine" Click and Strike, Straight Line AOE
    Your basic nuke for the lord of ice. Very good aginst runners, very good for creeping. Although the stun duration might be short and the range a bit short, it's still good to take down opponents into your attack range (:

    Balohan R/Ultimate Skill "Ice Age" Click and Strike, AOE
    This damages buildings, pwns NPC units and slows heroes down with a DOT affect. Very useful in sieging buildings and just owning groups of clustered heroes (:

    Belerop, Ranged Int Hero

    Preferred Build: HP + Speed... Cause Bele's HP and Speed are horribly low

    Skill Build: Mana Leak and Rotten Shadow, get Mana Refractor when you can but leave it at lvl1, and then always get Alter of Ritual when possible.

    Belerop Q Skill "Rotten Shadow" Summon
    Whoaaa Walking Corpses of Doom. However they're bugged, you can't kill with them lol. Wonderful against anything that's slow or doesn't move, preferably used on buildings (:

    Belerop W Skill "Mana Leak" Click and Strike
    Your wonderful Skill that does 1.5k Damage and sap alot of Mana at lvl 5.. I think. Anyway your daily average mage nuke with a mana burn. wonderful stuff (: Good to KS with too ;)

    Belerop E Skill " Mana Refractor" Buff
    Whoaaaa Spell Immunity very very very nice. Enough said. Wonderful against Mages since they can't dispel it. WHICH IS EVEN MORE ECSTATIC. I love it. You'll love it. So pwn with it (: And run away from melee heroes that hurt like Ajax ):

    Belerop R/Ultimate Skill "Alter of Ritual" AOE, Click and Strike
    Wow this is absolutely wonderful, IGNORE SPELL IMMUNITY, 3 shots of scary damage. And an absolute building wrecker. <3 to you.

    Oh Btw. Belerop is horribly slow. horribly horribly horribly slow. He's wearing a prom dress for crying out loud. It's expected ):
  19. syvil

    syvil Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    làm quả hướng dẫn cho anh em thích Darkness, dựa trên chút kinh nghiệm ít ỏi bản thân :D
    thứ nhất là về Balo
    thằng Balo này cực hay, tấn công thì xông pha giữa vạn quân, thoái lui thì như thành đồng vách sắt bảo vệ đồng đội, lv 8-10 đã tank được creep lv 14, skill khủng, uti mạnh, xứng đáng là đệ nhất anh hùng trong game.
    Anh em sử dụng Balo thì chú ý là tuyệt đối không được e ngại kẻ địch, làm sao cho chúng nó nhìn thấy mình là phải run sợ ;)
    cái Northern Wind Echo này, tớ nâng ngay khi nào có thể, khi sử dụng thì nháy Q, tức là bật lên rồi tắt đi ngay, như vậy không tốn mana mà enemy vẫn chịu effect khoảng 2-3s, mai tớ sẽ test cụ thể xem effect chỉ duy trì phần slow hay cả phần giảm def. Cái này cực tốt đó, khi farm creep thì bật lên creep nhanh chết hơn. Khi tấn công thì đối thủ slow 20%, trừ con sói với con Ajax, con Peiah thì ít đứa chạy được lắm. Lúc rút lui bật cái này lên cũng khiến quân địch chậm lại, bật thêm antimagic pot thì gần như untouchable.
    cái Frozen blood này cũng cực tốt, aura damage, nhưng tớ nâng nó sau Northern wind echo với Frost Spine
    Frost Spine, mạnh, có effect stun + slow, đánh theo hàng dọc :D
    hàng khủng nè, Ice Age, giết người đốt nhà đều tốt, effect slow tốt cho quả uti bồi tiếp theo của Belerop :D
    Balo nếu chọn tướng thì tớ mua cái Vamp Belt trước để hồi máu, sau đó lên Combat Boot, rồi giáp + 1000 máu với cái Holy Shield, lv 15 + với lượng máu và def khá tốt thì mới up item cộng damage
    def cao máu nhiều Balo có thể tank creep nếu ko có Asiz
    vì khỏe nên có thể chạy vào thành truy sát hero bên địch được
  20. GKp

    GKp Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lien, Ranged Int Hero (trong các hero mình khoái nhất bé này, chác tại vì bé xinh nhất, I love Lien)

    Oh oh Lien, my goddess of dark heroes. :X Anyway back to the guide

    Preferred Build: HP + Attack

    Skill Build: Soul Drain + Soul Blind, get summon revenant when possible, leave Soul Weathering to the end.

    Lien Q Skill "Soul Drain" Click and Strike
    Sounds cool doesn't it. Well it is cool. Ignore's spell immunity, Burns opponent mana to heal your own HP. Also you can heal your teammates at the cost of their Mana being burnt :/ Very good to heal yourself haha (:

    Lien W Skill "Soul Blind" Click and Strike
    Wow, This is wonderful, 1.5k damage with 3 second stun, it's basically 1.5k damage + a free normal attack hit from your staff. or maybe 2 Wonderful against Runners and good for KSing too.. hehehehhee

    Lien E Skill "Soul Weathering" Passive
    Aura that reduces enemy unit Defence... Don't know why a mage would carry a spell like this when all you need to do is nuke... oh well.. :/

    Lien R/Ultimate Skill "Summon Revenant" Summon
    Summon a Revenant that's just a wonderful as Lien. Except there's a catch... being the strongest summon and all.... you can't control it. Yes. Lol at it. But Lol more at your enemy when they're getting owned by it.

    Revenant's make OH SO WONDERFUL tanks when you get a mage team. They have decent high amount of HP and quite a bit of Defence, also they back a punch and an AOE that slows units down (: However if someone attacks the revenant it changes it's target to the thing that attacks it... very annoying if you're opponent is smart ):

    Stinger, Melee Dex Hero

    Whoa it's Stinger :o
    The Dark equivalent of an Ajax as they both have scary attack :o

    Preferred build: SOME people like to boost the attack even more and go crazy attack, but you become food for nukers... So i like to go HP Defence. up2u about this one.

    Skill Build: Unholy Strength all the way, even out between Dark Sprint and Seizing Rake, get Unholy Grounds where possible

    Stinger Q Skill "Unholy Strenght" Passive
    Whoahowahowahoaa Passive that boosts your Attack. Wonderful. Enough said.

    Stinger W Skill "Dark Sprint" Click and Strike, Straight Line AOE
    Okay, this baby is used to do anything a Frost Spine or Windy Flare would do, EXCEPT for the fact it teleports you to the spot you click, meaning it's a teleport AOE nuke. Very good for runners.

    Stinger E Skill "Seizing Rake" Click and Strike, Debuff
    Another Ignore spell immunity skill Oh Em Geeee D:
    However it only decreases speed of heroes lol. Good against Runners though.

    Stinger R/Ultimate Skill "Unholy Grounds" AOE
    Wow Another ignore spell immunity. This time it DOES DO damage. Wow @_@
    Deals %based damage for each second and slows you down. Very very very annoying ): But not annoying for the caster of course (:

    Asiz, Melee Str Hero

    Your fat hunk of meat that will tank anything and kill nothing. nuff said.

    Preferred Build: HP DEFENCE

    Skill Build : Wild Instinct, Vampiric Eye.... Beast Call sucks and Beast Cry doesn't work.... dots. -_-

    Asiz Q Skill "Wild Instinct" Passive
    Omg wonderful giveyou like +120 Defence at lvl 5.. very wonderful.

    Asiz W Skill "Beast Cry" AOE
    This doesn't work in DALSEA for some weird weird reason. -_-
    Supposed to increases enemy attacking speed making them attack slower... do you catch me drift? lol High A.S = Bad

    Asiz E Skill "Vampiric Eye" AOE
    For most of you noobs, you think vampiric eye leeches opponent HP and refills yours. YOUR WRONG. you got deceived by the name.

    However, it acts more likel a campfire where it heals peopel in it's healing radius.. kinda like the healing totems in WoW.

    Asiz R Skill "Beast Call" Buff
    Probably the worst Ultimate skill so bad i didn't even put the Ultimate in the SKill Name. -_-

    Increases Defence, Decreases Evasion.. That's what it says in the skill description HOWEVER...

    You lose 40% accuracy...


    Veron, Ranged Dex Hero

    Hunter of Darkness.... Pwn you from Stealth.

    Preferred Build: HP ATtack

    Skill Build : Shadow Cloak and Four Cards max asap, get Inferno Stone when possible ignore Stone Curse until the end

    Veron Q Skill "Stone Curse" Click and Strike

    you cage em, right. well. they can't touch you and you can't touch them.


    Veron W Skill "Shadow Cloak" Buff
    Very very nice, Bonus attack when attacking in stealth mode, and 100% hit, NO MISSING. You also get a side boost of movement speed +20

    Veron E Skill "Four Cards" Buff
    This buff rocks your socks. I'm serious, but it does eat at your Mana quite a bit since yuor'e a Dex hero and not an int hero ):

    Veron R/Ultimate Skill "Inferno Stone"
    Semi-Ignore Spell Immunity. The Stun part of this spell Ignores spell immunity, However the damage part doesn't. Anyway you can see the Stone fall from a mile away so it's easy to activate anti-magic before it lands. Also lag makes it worse seeing as it doesn't do the damage until it explodes... lag delays the explosion.

    Anywho, good against noobs who don't antimagic (:
    Vài điều cần biết về lv của boss (nhất là khi bạn theo Dark), chắc mọi người cùng biết boss bên Dark yếu hơn so với boss bên Light vì thế hãy nghĩ đến việc làm cách nào tăng lv cho boss của mình.

    Deity Battle tips Info:
    Deity battle (Battle at end of time limit). Do not die here, I don't care if you have to sit back and be MIA (Missing In Action) the whole battle, just don't die here, if your death raises the enemies deity lvl you probably just cost your team the game. And all your teammates will hate you, despise you, never play with you, and soon the whole DALSEA soceity will learn to hate you and kill you and ban you from rooms.

    Haha exaggeration (: Just don't suicide please -_-

    Deity Level - What you do through out the course of the game effects what lvl your deity will be at the end of game time. Unfortunately after so many patches no one is exactly sure how the deity lvl is calculated. As it stands lvl 6 is the maximum level for a deity. Some believe that destroying buildings and GKs both raise deity lvl, I'm not sure if this is true. I believe the deity levels are based on a tiered system.

    Destroy tower = lvl 1
    Destroy all GKs = lvl 2
    For each sub-area of base's barracks that are destroyed +1 lvl
    For each sub-area's defense towers destroyed +1 lvl
    Every 15 kills +1 lvl (this is just speculation)
    Every 15 deaths -1 lvl (this is just speculation)
    Kills in Deity presence +1 lvl per every 3 kills (originally I hate believed this to be a number based on team now, now I feel confident it is a set number of 3)
    I do not believe killing fortress actually adds a level to deity.

    Nguồn: forum DAL

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