[Chat thread] Cung chúc tân xuân 2024

Thảo luận trong 'Total War' bắt đầu bởi vietanh797, 31/10/12.

  1. naq29

    naq29 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Không biết cái dự án T55M3 của VN giờ ra sao rồi nhỉ?
  2. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    tp Hồ Chí Min
  3. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Dẹp lâu rồi. Ít ra là theo các lão tự sướng bên comcom nói. Có khi định chuyển qua T90 thật =.=
  4. JediDarkLord

    JediDarkLord Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chaos of The Force
    Thấy hình nhà với lính nó ko nét bằng SC 2, ko biết là do mới dựng model vào thôi chưa bo góc hay sao nhỉ?
  5. lop pho 2

    lop pho 2 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Total war box
  6. choidep123

    choidep123 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    Middle Earth
    Cái này Pts hay làm gì đó chơ làm éo gì có ngoài thị trường :5cool_ops:
  7. JediDarkLord

    JediDarkLord Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Chaos of The Force
  8. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game thiết kế thế. Chơi rồi sẽ hiểu tại sao.
  9. naq29

    naq29 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Help! Mình đang cần patch6.pack, patch7.pack và patch_media.pack cho Napoleon TW. Ai có làm ơn cho mình xin.
  10. choidep123

    choidep123 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Middle Earth
  11. lop pho 2

    lop pho 2 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Total war box
    Vào cái link dưới lon coca trong bức ảnh kìa bác
  12. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

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  13. hugoking1

    hugoking1 Commander-in-Chief

    Tham gia ngày:
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    test avatar :6cool_sure: chúng tôi đang rất rất hạnh f uck :2cool_sexy_girl:
  14. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ^ clgt :4cool_doubt:

    ngẫm người mà nghĩ tới ta
    vừa đi vừa khóc vừa than đắng lòng


    PS: ai thấy hay thì rep ta cái XD
  15. Scipio Africanus

    Scipio Africanus Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thơ àh bác? Sao không thấy vần gì hết :3cool_shame:
  16. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xuất khẩu thành văn thôi chứ có ý làm thơ đâu

    BTW gửi cái này trên đây tối tính

    It’s morning. Kiyatam have himself waked up by his twin navis who shouted at him for half an hour.
    Kiyatam took his small breakfast while looked at his two navis whose holograms were sitting on the PET: “Morning guys!”
    “Morning Kiyatm-kun” the navi boys greeted him simultaneously
    “So how do you feel Planman?” The human asked
    “Completely ok and ready for anything” The smaller navi said
    The human turn to the other navi: “Well did you find something Commandman!?”
    “Nothing! I have to agree with you that we have to find info in the undernet” Commandman stated:
    “Hm…ok!” Kiyatam: “Anyway I want to check some other places as well. So we should divide ourselves.”
    Kiyatam stopped for a moment: “Uhm! Commandman you will go to the undernet, Planman…”
    “I’ll go with Commandman nii-chan!” Planman cut his operator’s sentence
    “Nah! I want you with me…” Kiyatam snapped while jacked in his navis to his computer: “But ok you may go with him! Have fun boys, Commandman take care your brother!”
    “OK! See ya!” Both navis smiled before disappeared from the computer’s cyberspace
    Awhile later the navis was able to infiltrate the undernet. Like always the undernet was an interesting (yet dangerous) place. Commandman and Planman literally fought their way through each level and leave some destruction wherever they went. However all they found was fragments rumors about Shade and Bass, some claimed Shade was a new kind of navis soldiers created by Bass! The other claimed Shade was Bass’s clone! While some claimed Shade is Bass girlfriend! Some more claimed Shade once have operator… In general these bits of information didn’t have much value.
    “Nah! They’re all useless! I’m bored with this info founding game!” Planman snapped boringly while charge his rifle: “Surely that female navi is good to keep herself mystery! D Rifle Charge Shoot!”
    “Be patient kid!” Commandman responded while plug out his sword which still stuck on the navi mark of a heel navi: “At least we found some useful things!”
    “Those aren’t interesting me Nii-chan!” Planman again snapped: “Anyway it’s fun to fight a long side you like this! Undernet is the interesting place”
    “Didn’t you just want to have fun here Planman!?” Commandman smiled while put his sword back: “But be patient bro. We’re almost there!”
    “Huh!?” Planman asked then realized they’ve traveled to the deepest place of the undernet, there’re no navi nor anything here, it’s like a wasteland filled by dark sand.
    Suddenly a voice appeared inside the navi: “What’re you doing here, at this forsaken place!?”
    “Can you hear that nii-chan!?” Planman shocked
    “Yes I am!” Commandman
    “Leave now strangers! This’s not your place!” The voice warned: “You have gone too far!”
    “I…I can’t locate the source!” Planman muttered while holding his rifle tightly.
    Commandman shouted back to the voide: “We are not intend to goes back now! We want to meet you!”
    “You’re brave indeed!” The voice responded: “To dare to come all the way here! Then you’re worthy to have a talk with me!”
    “Then you shall die! A painful deletion!” The voice responded strongly. Right after that a large hurricane of darkness rose up, surrounded the twin navis
    “Stay close bro, they’re coming.” Commandman shouted while put his brother to his back: “Calm down! We can go through this!”
    The wind died out soon and around the navis are a cycle of Bladia viruses, a huge number of them. “Bladia! No, I…I hate them!” Planman scream, he seem panicked
    “We have to destroy them all!” Commandman shouted again: “Calm down Planman! We can do this!”
    The two fought back to back again waves of Bladia. After a long and hard battle they managed to get out and deleted most of the viruses. Commandman panted while looked back at his brother: “You ok Planman!”
    “Hugh! Hugh! I’m fine!” Planman responded
    “We proved ourselves worthy!” Commandman shouted: “Now can we meet HIM!”
    The few remain Bladia silently disappeared in the darkness. Then suddenly dozens of light pillar appeared which lighted up the entire part of undernet.
    ???: “Well well well! What do we have here!? Two warriors who traveled all the way here!”
    “I bowl before you, my lord!” Commandman slightly bowed himself: “Bowl yourself Planman!”
    “Do it!”
    “So I wonder what brought you here…again!?” From the nearest light pillar a navi appeared
    “I hope to gain some of your advices you great!” Commandman answered: “Serenade, the King of undernet!”
    “What Serenade!!??” Planman shocked and look up, then he feel frighten which chilled him to the core: “Ugh…”
    “And why do you think I shall answer you!?” Serenade stated: “Instead of blast you to dust!”
    “Because it’s about the King of Darkness, Bass!” Commandman said
    “So did you come across him again!?” Serenade snapped: “And stop calling me lord, Commandman! Your only “lord” is your operator!!”
    “Well it’s complicated! And it’s about my brother!” Commandman look at his brother: “What’s wrong Planman!? You seem terrified!”
    “Ugh…So…this’s why you dragged me with you!?” Planman mumbled: “The light navi…so…strong…”
    “He’s a Dark navi! It’s seems his Dark element caused his fear! But he will get through it due to his pure soul!” Serenade softly stated while walk closer to Planman: “No need to fear, my friend!”
    Serenade put his right hand near Planman head and started to read his memory; the small green navi was virtually paralyzed by his fear to resists nor speaks.
    “I want to talk to you about that female navi!” Commandman said: “Who captured my brother!”
    “Done!” Serenade put his hand out of Planman who immediately collapsed into the waiting hands of his older brother: “Calm down little brother! It’s ok!”
    Planman panted: “I…I’m fine!”

    Serenade maintained his floating form his eyes closing slightly "You want to know about Shade?" he asked before the two twin navis nodded their head as then panels of images appeared everywhere "Woah.." CommandMan muttered to himself before he focused on the lord of the undernet "Shade was created in a small town by a scientist named Dr. Sumato" he started as an image of a woman in glasses and looked to be of peace "Shade was created as a offensive navi to defend the lab from attacks, but the attacks so rarely happened..she started to delete her fellow navis and cause trouble" he said lifting his hand as an image of Shade battling a guard navi appeared but as Serenade moved his arm PlanMan flinched and shook.
    "Dr.Sumato took her navi home and reformed her to be her son Tshu's net navi, she was happy and so was her creator and new Operator.." he said having a small smile on his face bringing some calmness to PlanMan and CommandMan "However..Like the sands of my kingdom it is unforgiving as Dr.Sumato had died in a crash that had crippled not only her son but also his heart." a panel appeared of a darken out figure.
    PlanMan started to calm down "Despite the now horrid crimes her operator was doing she did nothing but stayed with him. until he appeared." Serenade said with a small frown as a video started to play, the scenery was that of a PC two navi's standing against eachother in combat "Take him down Shade!" a teenage male voice shouted before the first navi now known as Shade jumped at the second one the moved back tattered beige cloak made it easy to tell who it was, Bass.
    CommandMan and his brother watched as the battle was playing "Both sides refused to back down... That is Until rage overpowered Judgement" Serenade said sadly "Dark Buster Slot in!" the voice shouted before the buster on Shade's right arm appeared however it started to spark, PlanMan's eyes seemd to have widen for a moment at the sound of Shade giving out a loud scream of pain "She didn't give up not even through the pain of her coding being corrupted.." Serenade said as the video dropped.
    CommandMan looked down for a moment "But wait, Why did she join him if he was the reason that she got corrupted?" the golden navi asked his question seemed to be answered quickly "Why do you serve the humans?..Silence!..Your own operator has left you after corrupting your data..I said Shut up!...Tshu we need to retreat!..TSHU WE NEED TO RETREAT!...He's gone, he abandoned you to save himself. SHUT UP! Tshu Answer me! PLEASE!" the audio seemed to have staticed out, PlanMan seemed to be speechless for the most part and CommandMan was trying to collect this information and understand it Serenade however his eyes shot up "Earth Breaker!" a familiar voice shouted and slammed into the ground where Serenade once stood before he had jumped "Bass?!" CommandMan and PlanMan shouted but we're less but still surprised to see Shade there.
    "How dare you!" she shouted her left hand sparking with energy "I thought Earth Breaker was Bass's attack" PlanMan muttered to his brother "Me too. And Shade's crazy to think she could take on the Lord of the Undernet" CommandMan muttered in reply watching a blade form in her left hand "You call yourself a lord?! giving outsiders such information..IS FOOLISH!" Shade yelled taking a large swing at Serenade who for a moment looked surprised "Her rage..." holding back the attack he looked over to the two navis "You must leave this place now!" he commanded lifting up his free hand which opened the ground beneath the two navis and dropped them into the place they first appeared into the Undernet "We have to go back and help Serenade!" PlanMan yelled was was quickly held back by his brother "No, Lord Serenade can hold himself against someone like Shade, he's even fought Bass before." CommandMan said trying to convince his brother.

    “But niichan she has….” Planman tried to protest
    “He doesn’t need our help!“ Commandman cut his brother’s words: “Also we will have to fight our way through all those levels again to get there. It’s simply unnecessary and impossible for us!”
    “…” Planman silenced

    “So no go back at least for now” Commandman softly muttered while put his hand on Planman’s shoulder: “…you’re cold and still shaking! Does contact with Serenade affected you that much!?”
    “Don’t worry! I’m fine! I known I don’t have to fear him but…” Planman shyly stated: “…I don’t known why? Maybe it’s because I can’t estimate his power! You see I never have the same feeling like that!”
    “OK! It’s my fault! I should have warned you” Commandman smiled: “Times to goes home!”
    “Dun wanna!” The dark navi shock his head: “Nya nya nya! I wanna be here some more!”
    “It’s late now!” Commandman tried to convince his brother again: “You seem tired! Be good and listen to me!”
    “Nya nya nya!” Planman protested: “You have to repay for scared me like that!”
    “Nah! How about I treat you a drink or ice cream kid?” Commandman sighted
    “It’s sound good! I accept your apology!” Planman smiled
    “He he he catch ya! I’ll treat you AT HOME!!” Commandman laughed
    “EH!?” Planman shouted: “NO FAITH!”
    “Too late!” The golden navi laughed even louder: “We’re going home now! Or I’ll be a true bully and drag you with me!”
    “No! You’re as bad as Kiyatam-kun!” Planman sobbed: “I…I’m gonna cry!”
    “No use to me kid!” Commandman grasped his brother shoulder and both navis logged out!
    The sun was forced down as the moon started to raise at it's peak Sci-Labs was suddenly under attack but when the navi's got there nothing was taken but signs of electricity burns marked the floors.
    As the morning raised PlanMan alone received an email the writer's name was in static and glitched out it had read how he needed to get into Sci-Labs as an agent and reply to the email with a report of the break in, confused PlanMan pulled some strings and managed to get inside Sci-Lab and looked at the damage.
    Energy still radiated off of it a sudden explosion went off making PlanMan turn his head towards it as one of the normal navis shouted off "Darkloids!" before it was forced to log out the darkloids seemed to be skinned once again after HeelNavis but what was completely off about them was the navi mark it looked familiar, similar to Shade's but still different.
    "You know the drill, get the data and delete the source And everyone who opposes!" the largest one shouted as what seems of been an endless amount of Darkloids, Dr. Hikari was having trouble getting hold of his son as PlanMan struggled to try to take down the sea of Darkloids while in attempt to get hold of his brother and operator but through the battling and static he couldn't get a word or signal.
    "Wolf Rush" a familiar voice shouted as two large cyber wolf heads appeared out of no where deleting the few Darkloids that were causing a pile on top of PlanMan stumbling up he gave a small snarl of a sort "You!" he shouted upon seeing it was Shade, Shade pulled out her blade and walked towards the waves of Darkloids "Wolf Sword" she calmly said before starting to slash at them.
    PlanMan shook his head and started to fire off shots at the darkloids now lowering the numbers of the darkloids, a blue blur had appeared armed with a cyber sword slicing down Darkloids as much as possible the blur was known as Mega Man who became back to back to Shade "Did Bass send you?" he asked "Don't get in my way." Shade replied before bounding back into the mass of Darkloids.

  17. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

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    Cũng thấy lạ là 0 tay nào vào comment cái post trên của mình hết nhỉ?
  18. hugoking1

    hugoking1 Commander-in-Chief

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    cái truyện 'Rock the no penis boy' ấy à ? tl;dr :6cool_sure:
  19. Scipio Africanus

    Scipio Africanus Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bác nói để tính sau chứ có biết cái giề đâu mà comment.:8cool_tire:
  20. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    1, too small viewership 2, your writing wast that interesting.

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