[Chat thread] Cung chúc tân xuân 2024

Thảo luận trong 'Total War' bắt đầu bởi vietanh797, 31/10/12.

  1. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

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  2. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

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    Hàng mới nhặt đc

  3. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

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  4. iceteazz

    iceteazz Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

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    _ Có thể mình xem trường đoạn đó ko để ý chỉ nhìn em Mysticque, nhưng mà mình nghe 2 chỉ huy phe Vn nói ko phải là đồng chí ... mà là anh Chí ( tên thèng bị tóm là Chí ? ) và hắn cũng hoàn toàn ko mặc trang phục tướng lĩnh phe Vn dân chủ. Tiếp là xem cái thiệp mời nó đề là Vn cộng hoà ( rep of VN ) tức là chính quyền Nguỵ ở miền nam Vn. Trong phòng họp có cả 2 phe ngồi 2 bên ( phe Mẽo và cả phe Cộng Sản, Lx, TQ ) tức đại biểu cho các quyền lực toàn thế giới chứ ko chỉ phe cộng sản thì phải :)

    _ Mà nói chung là kệ nó =)) có mỗi đoạn tí tí thế thôi ko có gì đặc biệt.
  5. aragon0510

    aragon0510 SPARTAN John-117

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Kuopio, Finland,
    thớt mình có ai dân chuyên android ko vậy ạ
  6. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    0 chuyên lắm nhưng có việc gì?
  7. aragon0510

    aragon0510 SPARTAN John-117

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Kuopio, Finland,
    giúp đỡ thesis, đang làm về Bluetooth low energy trên android
  8. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tp Hồ Chí Min
    các bác cho hỏi , đang seed chục torrent game và anime , vừa mở torrent lên thì tự nhiên thấy trắng trơn ko thấy cái torrent nào nữa để seed mặc dù file vẫn nằm trong máy . có cách nào khắc phục ko
  9. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tp Hồ Chí Min
    ko bác nào biết giúp mình vụ torrent tự nhiên trắng xóa ko còn thấy seed file nào nữa à ?
  10. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thế tềnh iêu có share máy với ai 0? Nếu có thì chắc thằng kia xóa mất rồi.
  11. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Down đúng cái file torrent đấy về, chạy lại, nếu file download về rồi vẫn nằm nguyên đấy thì thường là cái app sẽ tự nhận và seed bt.
  12. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    Utorrent đôi khi lỗi bị thế cũng chả biết lí do nhưng mà nó bị thế 2 lần rồi cái gì down về thì vẫn trong máy chỉ có cái file torrent bị bay cmn mất ^:)^
  13. iceteazz

    iceteazz Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

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    _ Em chẳng seed bao giờ, thuộc thành phần ăn xong chạy nên ko rõ lắm =)) Nhưng mà dùng utorrent chưa bao giờ mất đường link torrent, chỉ mất data khi move sang chỗ khác của ổ đĩa thôi :|
  14. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tp Hồ Chí Min
    ai cũng như bác trên thì lấy đâu mà down torrent :cuteonion30: bị vụ mất file mấy lần rồi , mỗi lần như vậy lại lục tìm down file utorrrent về để seed tiếp nuôi acc ( torviet ko đủ ratio là ăn ban )
  15. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    muốn up thì phải có đường mạng tốt tí, ko thì xỉa tiền ra mua ratio cho nhanh.
  16. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ta thì toàn down về xong rồi seed trả lại bằng hay hơn rồi mới nghỉ, tuy nhiên với các file quá nặng thì down xong rồi chạy
  17. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Wibu Kingdom
    Đang tính ngồi viết 1 cái game novel thử xem như thế nào ?@_@?
    dự tính sơ bộ là phải làm map và factions đã rồi mới viết được =))
  18. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    Thử làm cái khung sơ bộ coi sao đây là dự kiến tạm bợ khi nào rảnh thì viết =))
    Sơ bộ
    Genre: VRMMO
    World: Super huge
    Map: Unknow =))
    Era: Medieval age + Fantasy
    Great Nations:

    - Eternal Empire
    + Main race: Human
    ++View upon other races: So-so
    + Capital: Romulus
    + Main Religions: Multi gods
    ++ Religions tolerance: Good
    + Economy(trading): Very good
    + Technology: Good
    + Military: Heavy Infantry focus, great logistic system allow reduce 15% supply cost, good at siege machines.
    ++Weakness: Bad cavalry, Infantry not good at dealing with cavalry, have no trust toward wizards but still employ some.
    + Location: Middle map

    - Greeco Cities Alliance
    + Main race: Human
    ++View upon other races: Good
    + Capital: Athens
    + Main Religions: Multi gods
    ++ Religions tolerance: Good
    + Economy: Good
    + Technology: So-so
    + Military: Heavy Infantry focus, good seafaring lead to 10% reduce in naval cost and +10% sea trade income, good at siege machines, good healer, 10% more militias in village and city when being siege, troops have unique skill based on area of recruitment lead to many specialists units.
    ++Weakness: lack heavy cavalry, bad farming-10% harvest, good nature people make it harder to recruit troops to war(+10% recruitment cost). Troops have unique skill based on area of recruitment make it harder to command them on battlefield(require 10% more intimacy or leadership to effective command them).
    + Location: Middle-East map

    - Heaven Kingdom
    + Main race: Human
    ++View upon other races: Bad
    + Capital: Jerudan
    + Main Religions: Pious
    ++ Religions tolerance: very bad
    + Economy: Good
    + Technology: Good
    + Military: Heavy cavalry focus, very good at siege machines, Priest can grant Holy power and protection.
    ++Weakness: lack light cavalry, feudal system lead to somewhat ineffective command system, No wizard allow, healer crossing their land can be branded as infidel.
    + Location: South

    - Dukedom of Messina
    + Main race: Elf(Wood Elf and High Elf)
    ++View upon other races: Bad(Absolutely hate Dwarf) but due to different in intelligence, they respect knowledgeable people or skillful archer(still hate dwarf =)))
    + Capital: Jerusalem
    + Main Religions: Elf
    ++ Religions tolerance: So-so(depend on individual)
    + Economy: Normal
    + Technology: Good
    + Military: Archer focus, great at ambush and fighting in the woods, great wizard, great healer.
    ++Weakness: Lack heavy infantry and heavy cavalry, have low population
    + Location: West

    Therandia Kingdom
    + Main race: Dwarf
    ++View upon other races: So-So(Absolutely hate Elf)
    + Capital: Harigram
    + Main Religions: Dwarf
    ++ Religions tolerance: So-so(depend on individual)
    + Economy: So-so
    + Technology: Great
    + Military: Great at both defend and attack siege, have the best technology allow them make guns and cannon for siege, also best heavy armor
    ++Weakness: no wizard and lack cavalry, tend to defend their mountain land without much expansion.
    + Location: North

    Eastern Empire
    + Main race: Eastern Barbarian(the top power belong to human race)
    ++View upon other races: So-So
    + Capital: Bassylon
    + Main Religions: Sun god
    ++ Religions tolerance: So-so
    + Economy: Good
    + Technology: So-so
    + Military: The best cavalry army in the world, good naval
    ++Weakness: weak infantry since they use a lot of slaves in army(just don't look down on the Royal guard, they aren't just some normal slaves) and not really good at siege.
    + Location: East

    Western Tribes Federation
    + Main race: Western Barbarian
    ++View upon other races: So-So
    + Capital: Brundare
    + Main Religions: Shamanism
    ++ Religions tolerance: So-so
    + Economy: So-so
    + Technology: bad
    + Military: Their infantry fighting power is great, great population and they are warlike society so it make easier to recruit (-15% recruitment cost)
    ++Weakness: lack armor(due to technology) and really bad at siege(again technology), troops is hard to command effective(need to be their champion or having 20% more leadership)
    + Location: West

    Minor Factions:
    +Orc tribes: Locate in the South West those tribes is similar to the western barbarian but even bloodier. Their fight for championships often end with all but one person survive. They enjoy killing more than fighting and their breed rate is insane so if they aren't often fighting among themselves the Human may not live long.
    +Dark Elf tribes: Once they are the Elf but enslaved in the far northern land of Eastern Empire. After many bloody rebellions they finally gain their freedom with a temporary truce sign with the empire. But now they have their back facing the mighty Heaven Kingdom which clearly looking for expand their land and the truce with the empire is no guarantee for their safety. Specialize in magic they hold equal power in wizard compare to the High Elf but the desert land they live on force them take on the life on the horse back.
    + Dragonia tribe(Location unknow): rumors that they having the power to transform into Dragon
    + Black Legions(Location unknow): Back when the Eternal Empire have almost full control of the known world they send 10 of their Legions in expeditions but only 2 return. Rumor said that out of 8 missing Legion, 6 became the Black Legions which now are undead. They think that the Empire send them to death and took a vow that one day they will return and have their revenge not just toward the Empire but to all the livings that have abandoned them.
    +Vikings: They was the descendant of the 2 Legions that didn't return to the Empire. Now living on the far northern island they become pirate and mercenary that feared by many.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 20/4/15
  19. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ^ thêm faction này 8->


    - Grand Chiefdom of Va La
    + Main race: Human
    ++View upon other races: kinda tolerance
    + Capital: Loa Fortress
    + Main Religions: Multi gods yet mostly ancestors
    ++ Religions tolerance: bad (they're fanatic)
    + Economy(trading): good
    + Technology: bad
    + Military: Naked fanatic formed the bulk of the army led by Berserker warriors and supported by Screaming Woman, Ancestor Druid, Tribal repeater crossbowman and Forest Elephants
    ++Weakness: Almost no cavalry (beside elephants), weak again cavalry, lack technology, lack armor, ill discipline
    + Location: South East
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 20/4/15
  20. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    Các cụ bá quá không cho vào game VRMMO nổi =)) hơn nữa ta không hiểu biết về châu Á lắm nên mới cố tình chọn EU based

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