Chỗ farm Relic?

Thảo luận trong 'Titan Quest' bắt đầu bởi Narnia, 27/4/08.

  1. Lucious

    Lucious Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phantom's world
    các bác dùng TQvault như vậy thì đâu gọi là farm relic/charm:-/,như vậy là hack game rồi còn gì...
  2. sparta301

    sparta301 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    kingdom of heaven
    Hack gì chứ:D Cái này đâu có ảnh hưởng nhiều lắm, nếu thiếu thì mới chơi vậy thôi. Bình thường đánh xmax hay farm boss rớt cũng khá nhiều mà.
  3. archangelx

    archangelx Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Ở Ai Cập thì tớ thấy Valley of The Kings (trong mấy cái mộ Pharaoh) và ở Giza (Trong Kim tự tháp và tượng Nhân sư) rớt ra khá nhiều relics, ko biết mọi ng` thế nào? :hug:
  4. sparta301

    sparta301 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    kingdom of heaven
    Tui cũng thấy vậy:D. Có lẽ tại ở đó có nhiều bọn undead và beastman:hug:
  5. Lucious

    Lucious Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phantom's world
    relic hay charm thì còn tùy loại nào mới nói được nó rơi ra nhiều ở đâu? chứ lúc mình cần loại này thì hàng đống loại khác cũng chả ăn thua ji
  6. archangelx

    archangelx Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Săn bọn beast thường ra khác nhiều relic (vì chúng nó ko mang đồ, ko rơi relic thì rơi gì :)))
  7. Nutac_2108

    Nutac_2108 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Fox River
    Bọn beast thì chỉ có charm chứ đâu mà relic :devil:, nhưng nói chung là kill mấy boss là nhìu hơn cả
  8. ChingRoarz

    ChingRoarz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chổ farm Relic là up ur ass đó biết ko?
  9. archangelx

    archangelx Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Tớ gọi chung là relic hết cho tiện (tại charm thấy giống bùa trong D2) :D:D:D
  10. gadaubet

    gadaubet Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    While most of the list is mine, there are some people who have contributed to it either by PM or in the previous topic. If you are one of those and want your name on it, I'll add a credits section. I'd do it of my own initiative but I'm lazy.

    Table of Contents:

    1. Monster Charms
    2. Bulk Farming
    3. Relic Farming
    4. Hades relics
    5. Where to get formulas
    6. Formula Info

    Bat Fang - Bats. Found in act 1 caves and Knossos (Parnassus caves has them for sure).
    Boar Hide - Boars. Ambross Farmlands has the highest concentration of them (it's the place where you get Chiron's quest) but might take time to get to. The area between sparta and Nessus has fewer boars but they're easier to kill and easier to get to.
    Demon's Blood - Dropped by euronymos, limos, orthus. Knossos palace has lots of them, and you can always hunt in the cave where you have to find that man's ring (first relic quest in greece). Farming inside Wusao Mountain (do the run between the telkine and the last rebirth fountain, killing all the magma sprites and wyrms) is probably more profitable if you can handle it.
    Diseased Plumage - Crows. Farm the area between Sparta and Nessus
    Hag's Skin - Harpies in Egypt. There are some in the area before you enter Giza.
    Lupine claw - Hyenas. There are some left of Thebes, and a lot of them on your way from Thebes to Memphis.
    Mechanical parts - Automatoi, traps. knossos has plenty of both. I recommend you start the run outside the actual palace since there are a lot of automatoi out there.
    Peng Claw - Peng. Great wall is packed with them.
    Pristine Plumage - Greece harpies. Second area out of Herakleion has them (past the maenad camp but before you cross the first bridge, it's easier if you flag the res shrine across the bridge as you don't have to go through the maenads to get to the harpies).
    Raptor Tooth - Raptors. Most mid-late act 3 green areas have them.
    Rigid Carapace - Insects. Farming giza for scarabs is the easiest way as far as I know.
    Saber Claw - Saber lions. Snowy areas in act 3. Ice caverns.
    Spectral matter - Sand wraiths. Farm giza for them.
    Turtle Shell - Turtles. Both Greece swamps and coast areas have them.
    Venom Sac - Spiders. Garden where olive tree branch and arachne are is full of them. Scorpions can also drop them, and a good chunk of them can be found between Rhakotis and the Rhakotis library (first area in Egypt).
    Vile Ichor - Worms, antlions. Lots of worms in the passage between Giza and Fayum.
    Viny Growth - Plants. Gardens of Babylon. Area between Jade Palace and Chang'an. Soronis Swamp in the Hades act also has its own selection of plants.
    Yeti fur - Yeti. Snowy act 3 areas. Ice caverns.

    Immortal Throne only:

    Tortured Soul - First couple of levels of the Tower of Judgement is packed with those poisonous monsters that drop them.
    Spiny Shell - Crabs, Hades beaches.
    Hydradon Skin - Hydradons, Ixian woods, near the waterfall.
    Crystal of Erebus - Do the five crystals quest, you can only get one complete charm per difficulty level per character. They are all found in Hades's palace. Two of them are on the path right before Hades so don't go hunting for them.
    Furies' Heartblood - Furies. The Salt Flats and Elysium have plenty of them.
    Albino Spider Web - Albino spiders. Cave of whispers (where you get the mirror of psyche). The last rebirth fountain before Hades also takes you through a group of them on your run.

    Bulk Farming

    These are areas you can farm for multiple types of relics. It's usually more efficient overall than just aiming for a specific one.

    Area between sparta and Nessus: Diseased Plumage and Boar hides.
    Knossos: Demons' blood, pristine plumage, bat fangs, mechanical parts.
    Parnassus Caves: Venom sac, Bat fang, Demon blood.
    Pyramids (Giza waypoint): Rigid Carapace, Spectral Matter, Vile Ichor
    Thebes to memphis (Don't need to go back all the way to memphis. IIRC, there are mostly crocodiles there): Lupine claws, demon's blood.
    Snowy Asia areas: Saber lion claws, Yeti fur.

    Farming Relics:
    Telkines are your best bet. I haven't done much testing in Hades but I'd assume Charon works too. On my last Typhon run he dropped 4-5 asian relics (in IT), so I'm thinking he may be a faster way to get Asian relics than the telkine.

    New IT Hades relics:

    Chill of tartarus - Adds cold damage (not %) and slows down enemies. For weapons.
    Persephone's TearAdds a large ammount of reduction to damage from undead (not %). For jewellery.
    Iron Will of Ajax - Adds stun resistance and a small % health increase. For armor.
    Cunning of Odysseus - % intelligence. Headgear only.
    Shade of Hector - Defense and dodge missiles. Shields only.
    Thanatos' Blade - Small % of total damage. weapons.
    Rage of Ares - Small % chance to do a lot of damage and skill disruption. For bracelets.

    If I missed something, let me know. If you want anything added to the list, post it in here and I'll update it. If you want your name on it, also post here.

    Where to get formulas?

    Gamebanshee has a list of all the formulas in the game, so I won't reprint it. The list can be found here:
    Titan Quest @ GameBanshee

    Where a particular formula will drop can be recognised from the creation cost.

    Lesser Artifacts:
    Normal: 75 000
    Epic: 150 000
    Legendary: 500 000

    Greater Artifacts:
    Normal: 300 000
    Epic: 500 000
    Legendary: 750 000

    Divine Artifacts:
    Normal: N/A
    Epic: 1 000 000
    Legendary: 2 000 000

    So if you're looking to farm a specific formula, look up its description on gamebanshee, check the price, then farm a boss in that particular difficulty level.

    Formula Info

    Bluesky went through the trouble of compiling this, so I'll put it here for easy reference:

    So, here are the all Arcane Formulae, categorized by level and dificulty mode, so you will now where to farm for them (Normal, Epic and Legendary)

    Lesser Formulae in Normal Mode

    Deathrattle - Lvl 5
    Molten Orb - Lvl 5
    Scroll of Oneiros - Lvl 5
    Wraith Gurad - Lvl 5
    Amber Flask - Lvl 10
    Pale Moon - Lvl 10
    Shroud of Eternal Night - Lvl 10
    Star Heart - Lvl 10
    Chaos Cube - Lvl 15
    Leafsong - Lvl 15
    Skyfire Pendant - Lvl 15
    Touch of the Fool - Lvl 15
    Cinderbolt - Lvl 20
    Razor Claw - Lvl 20
    Song of the Serpent - Lvl 20
    Soul Shiver - Lvl 20
    Bloodrage - Lvl 25
    Crystal Tear - Lvl 25
    Sunstone - Lvl 25

    Lesser Formulae in Epic Mode

    Dark Core - Lvl 35
    Earthen Tallisman - Lvl 35
    Emerald Quill - Lvl 35
    Jade Idol - Lvl 35
    Phylactery of Shadows - Lvl 35
    Spirit Blight - Lvl 35
    Ebony Globe - Lvl 40
    Nexus of Insanity - Lvl 40
    Raven`s Shadow - Lvl 40
    Summoner`s Tottem - Lvl 40
    Tome of Transfiguration - Lvl 40

    Lesser Formulae in Legendary Mode

    Effigy of the Panther - Lvl 45
    Etheral Veil - Lvl 45
    Maiden`s Kiss - Lvl 45
    Silver Heart - Lvl 45
    Thunderfist - Lvl 45
    Tongue of Flame - Lvl 45

    ================================================== ====

    Greater Formulae in Normal Mode

    Book of Dreams - Lvl 25
    Druidic Wreath - Lvl 25
    Soul Prism - Lvl 25
    Eye of Heavens - Lvl 30
    Fury of the Ages - Lvl 30
    Shadow Veil - Lvl 30

    Greater Formulae in Epic Mode

    Dragontongue - Lvl 35
    Effigy of Skyfire - Lvl 35
    Kingslayer - Lvl 35
    Lion Heart - Lvl 35
    Sphere of Eternity - Lvl 35
    Blood Gem - Lvl 40
    Crimson Viper - Lvl 40
    Final Breath - Lvl 40
    Hand of Gaia - Lvl 40
    Hearth of Earth - Lvl 40

    Greater Formulae in Legendary Mode

    Arcane Mirror - Lvl 45
    Conqueror`s Mark - Lvl 45
    Elemental Rage - Lvl 45
    Glorybringer - Lvl 45
    Symbol of the Polymath - Lvl 45
    Tyrant`s Fist - Lvl 45

    ================================================== ==============

    Divine Formulae in Epic Mode

    Blood of Ares - Lvl 50
    Crescent Moon of Artemis - Lvl 50
    Crosier of Osiris - Lvl 50
    Demeter`s Bounty - Lvl 50
    Knot of Isis - Lvl 50
    Might of Hephaestus - Lvl 50
    Poseidon`s Net - Lvl 50

    Divine Formulae in Legendary Mode

    Eye of Ra - Lvl 55
    Golden Eye of Sun Wukong - Lvl 55
    Ikon of Zeus - Lvl 55
    Lyre of Apollo - Lvl 55
    Marduk`s Tables of Destiny - Lvl 55
    Morpheus Dreamweb - Lvl 55
    Sigil of Bast - Lvl 55
    Star of Ishtar - Lvl 55
    Talisman of the Jade Emperor - Lvl 55
    Thot`s Glory - Lvl 55
  11. cloudovi

    cloudovi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bác nào có cái Arcane Formular "Eye of the Heavens" cho em với đánh mãi ko đủ để ghép cái của nợ này.
  12. ltkandy

    ltkandy Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bạn này đào mộ ghê thế. Topic tận 2 năm trước còn đào lên được ;))Lần sao cần xin đồ thì vào topic Trade đồ nha bạn.

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