Chuyển nhượng cầu thủ !

Thảo luận trong 'Hattrick' bắt đầu bởi ongbo, 7/11/04.

Trạng thái chủ đề:
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  1. Ginta

    Ginta Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác changtrailuumanh ơi
    thằng này bác có bán không vậy? sao tui vô không thấy bán

    Sven Bell (35361657)
    18 years, wretched form, healthy
    A sympathetic guy who is calm and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.
    Nationality: Deutschland
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 260
    Wage: 8 640 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: thanhlong
    Warnings: 0
    Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: poor Passing: wretched
    Winger: weak Defending: poor
    Scoring: solid Set Pieces: poor

    cả thằng này nữa

    Han Kam-Keong (39322875)
    20 years, passable form, healthy
    A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities.
    Speciality: Quick
    Nationality: Vietnam
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 130
    Wage: 5 200 dong*/week
    Owner: thanhlong
    Warnings: 0
    Stamina: passable Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: poor Passing: weak
    Winger: poor Defending: weak
    Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched

    nói giá mỗi thằng coi
  2. kiepconchi

    kiepconchi The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sven Bell (35361657)
    18 years, wretched form, healthy
    A sympathetic guy who is calm and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.
    Nationality: Deutschland
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 260
    Wage: 8 640 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: thanhlong
    Warnings: 0
    Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: poor Passing: wretched
    Winger: weak Defending: poor
    Scoring: solid Set Pieces: poor

    thang na`y khoan 1tr-1tr5 .....neu la quoc tich vn thi co le~ cao hon nhieu...
  3. cuimuc1974

    cuimuc1974 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tôi đang muốn bán thằng này, bác nào thích thì mua dùm tui.

    André Sardeira
    TSI = 1 350 , 18 years, inadequate form
    Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities [Head]

    Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous
    Playmaking: excellent Passing: poor
    Winger: wretched Defending: inadequate
    Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: passable
  4. changtrailuumanh

    changtrailuumanh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    trích Ginta: bác changtrailuumanh ơi
    thằng này bác có bán không vậy? sao tui vô không thấy bán

    vậy là bác định mua hah, nếu vậy thì tui đem lên bán chứ cứ đem khơi khơi lại bị mất tiền, kinh tế đang xuống mà nên không dám liều :D bác muốn tui để giá bao nhiêu ?
  5. SuperGa`

    SuperGa` Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Xing Chu-Eu (29623239)
    33 years, inadequate form, healthy
    A controversial person who is balanced and honest.
    Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Vietnam
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 320
    Wage: 5 800 dong*/week
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: passable Goaltending: wretched
    Playmaking: SOLID Passing: weak
    Winger: PASSABLE Defending: weak
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: inadequate

    Career Goals: 6
    Career Hattricks: 0
    League goals this season: 1
    Cup goals this season: 1

    Custódio Leoni (46236402)
    24 years, inadequate form, healthy
    A sympathetic guy who is temperamental and dishonest.
    Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Portugal
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 170
    Wage: 8 160 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: poor Passing: PASSABLE
    Winger: SOLID Defending: INADEQUATE
    Scoring: INADIQUATE Set Pieces: poor

    Delfín Leiva (36898142)
    30 years, inadequate form, healthy
    A pleasant guy who is calm and dishonest.
    Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Argentina
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 440
    Wage: 6 960 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: PASSABLE Passing: weak
    Winger: weak Defending: PASSABLE
    Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: inadequate

    Career Goals: 2
    Career Hattricks: 0
    League goals this season: 0
    Cup goals this season: 0

    Euclides Lopes Cunha (44682238)
    28 years, PASSABLE form, healthy
    A pleasant guy who is calm and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Brasil
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 110
    Wage: 7 920 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: SOLID Passing: weak
    Winger: weak Defending: PASSABLE
    Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak

    Career Goals: 1
    Career Hattricks: 0
    League goals this season: 1
    Cup goals this season: 0

    Falco Olivares (46516264)
    29 years, weak form, healthy
    A nasty fellow who is temperamental and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

    Speciality: Powerful

    Nationality: USA
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 400
    Wage: 7 920 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: disastrous Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: weak Passing:PASSABLE
    Winger: SOLID
    Defending: PASSABLE
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: SOLID

    Konstantin Glückert (47109269)
    26 years, poor form, healthy
    A controversial person who is temperamental and dishonest.
    Has poor experience and passable leadership abilities.

    Speciality: Powerful

    Nationality: Deutschland
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 290
    Wage: 7 920 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: weak Goaltending: wretched
    Playmaking: SOLID Passing: wretched
    Winger: weak Defending: poor
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: inadequate

    Thằng này chỉ có 150K

  6. changtrailuumanh

    changtrailuumanh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    sao lại toàn là lão tướng không vậy bác, có em nào trẻ hơn không, tui đang định tăng cường hàng phòng thủ mà mấy em này hơi bị cao niên, chắc không dám đụng vô quá
  7. SuperGa`

    SuperGa` Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    A` quên đội tôi là Heaven & Hell o III.2 co ai muốn mua thằng nào thì cứ vào đội coi thử .
  8. SuperGa`

    SuperGa` Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hàng thủ tôi cũng có đấy tuần trước mới bán 2 em xong.Mà bác changtrailuumanh nick yahoo là gì vậy có thể cho biết được không
  9. changtrailuumanh

    changtrailuumanh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    nick yahoo và AIM của tui đều là changtrailuumanh cả, như vậy cho tiện lợi để dễ nhớ đó mà :D, còn của bác là gì ?? Khi nào rảnh thì chát tí nha

    DRAGOONVNVN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đội của tôi có 2 thằng cầu thủ trẻ cần bán nếu các u thích thì có thể mua :
    Thomas Fjällstedt (28490479)
    19 years, passable form, healthy A nasty fellow who is tranquil and honest.
    Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities.
    Nationality: Sverige
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 790
    Wage: 8 400 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: dragonWarrior
    Warnings: 0
    Stamina: inadequate Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: excellent Passing: poor
    Winger: weak Defending: poor
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor
    Seto Kheng-Ling (47200552) 19 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is calm and upright. Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.
    Nationality: Vietnam
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 980
    Wage: 6 313 dong*/week
    Owner: dragonWarrior
    Warnings: 0
    Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor
    Winger: solid Defending: inadequate
    Scoring: weak Set Pieces: wretched
    Tôi bán như vầy được chưa .......
  11. thieulamtu

    thieulamtu Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Do cần tiền gấp để đá cup vì vậy tui phải bán thằng tiền đạo trẻ đi ,bác nào có lòng tốt thì mua giúp để tui có tiền đầu tư tiếp.

    Huang Choon
    TSI = 1 410 , 18 years, weak form
    Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Technical]

    Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous
    Playmaking: weak Passing: poor
    Winger: poor Defending: wretched
    Scoring: excellent Set Pieces: passable

    Th8àng này train được 3 tuần rồi tiếc là nó hơi già rồi chứ không thì chắc cũng được 20 triệu.Tui đặt giá 7.000.000 đ thôi.

    Tan Choong
    TSI = 930 , 20 years, excellent form
    Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities [Technical]

    Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous
    Playmaking: wretched Passing: wretched
    Winger: poor Defending: wretched
    Scoring: solid Set Pieces: wretched

    Còn thằng này thì sắp nên rồi chắc cao lắm chỉ khoảng 2 tuân thôi đặt giá 1.500.000 đ thôi

    Wu Chien-Hui
    TSI = 100 , 18 years, weak form
    Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Powerful]

    Stamina: poor Keeper: disastrous
    Playmaking: weak Passing: wretched
    Winger: inadequate Defending: wretched
    Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: poor

    Còn thằng này thì khuyến mãi,không tính tiền.
  12. Gameover1999

    Gameover1999 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tôi thấy mấy cầu thủ việt nam sao mà đắt giá giữ vậy lũ nhủ tiền luôn ................
  13. changtrailuumanh

    changtrailuumanh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thường thì cầu thủ có quốc tịch của những nước có ít đội tham gia sẽ có giá cao hơn. Bởi vì nếu những nước đó nhỏ, thì cầu thủ sẽ có nhiều cơ hội hơn để gia nhập đội tuyển quốc gia, và khi gia nhập đội tuyển quốc gia thì kinh nghiệm sẽ tăng nhanh hơn = giá trị cao hơn. Vì lý do được gia nhập đội tuyển quốc gia nên các cầu thủ này mắc hơn nhiều.
  14. Gameover1999

    Gameover1999 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đúng như u nói đó cầu thủ chỉ Pass mới 17 tuổi mà bán được với giá 6 triệu là ngọt nước rồi..............
  15. voiconakl

    voiconakl Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Johannes Andreasson (26405308)
    20 years, solid form, healthy
    A pleasant guy who is calm and upright.
    Has disastrous experience and disastrous leadership abilities.

    Speciality: Quick

    Nationality: Sverige
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 650
    Wage: 8 880 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Hai Duong
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: solid Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: poor Passing: passable
    Winger: excellent Defending: poor
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: wretched

    3,5 tr đi anh em, thằng này đá wing tốt, train wing được 2 tuần rồi, tui bán để nâng cấp len formid các bác ủng hộ

    Raz Luz (46197205)
    19 years, passable form, healthy
    A nasty fellow who is fiery and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

    Speciality: Technical

    Nationality: Israel
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 440
    Wage: 8 670 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Hai Duong
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: excellent Passing: passable
    Winger: wretched Defending: weak
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor

    em này bán 5 tr, coi như lấy lại vốn đầu tư, tui mua mới có 2 tuần, ko tập Pm nên bán
  16. ASAngleUnited

    ASAngleUnited Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    sao hoả
    tui cũng có 1 thằng thủ môn mới train lên, bán kiếm tiền để nâng cấp đội hình
    Peter Nilsson (31408095)
    20 years, weak form, healthy
    A pleasant guy who is calm and dishonest.
    Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Sverige
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 4 200
    Wage: 33 600 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: AS Angle United
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: poor Goaltending: excellent
    Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous
    Winger: wretched Defending: disastrous
    Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: poor

    Career Goals: 0
    Career Hattricks: 0
    League goals this season: 0
    Cup goals this season: 0

    Transfer list: Keeper

    Deadline: 22-11-2004 at 11.35

    Asking price: 1 500 000 dong*
  17. thecong

    thecong Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  18. kama_s_utr

    kama_s_utr Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thằng này tui vừa pull xong , vẫn còn nóng hổi . Đặt giá khởi điểm là 1.450.000 đồng , bác nào có nhu cầu train tiền đạo thì vào tham khảo nha :

    Lu Xue (47703186)
    18 years, passable form, healthy
    A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Vietnam
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 640
    Wage: 6 602 dong*/week
    Owner: NTUU FC
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: wretched Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: weak Passing: disastrous
    Winger: weak Defending: inadequate
    Scoring: solid Set Pieces: wretched

    Deadline: 23-11-2004 at 03.05

    Asking price: 1 450 000 dong*
  19. SuperGa`

    SuperGa` Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Juri Eykelkamp (46800508)
    19 years, passable form, healthy
    A pleasant guy who is temperamental and honest.
    Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

    Nationality: België
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 040
    Wage: 8 560 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: excellent Passing: wretched
    Winger: inadequate Defending: weak
    Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: inadequate

    Đang đặt giá 2,2 triệu

    Berti Mertens (40069419)
    27 years, weak form, healthy
    A sympathetic guy who is balanced and dishonest.
    Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

    Nationality: Deutschland
    Total Skill Index (TSI): 960
    Wage: 9 120 dong*/week including 20% Bonus
    Owner: Heaven & Hell
    Warnings: 0

    Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous
    Playmaking: solid Passing: wretched
    Winger: solid Defending: poor
    Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: disastrous
  20. Gameover1999

    Gameover1999 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chà có vẻ buôn bán được ghê.............
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