[City Building] Caesar III

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi funfunff, 12/10/04.

  1. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Thui có mấy câu hỏi nữa xong thì tự mò không thì mang tiếng suốt ngày spam ở đây :D
    1.Có ai biết Caesar III có tất cả bao nhiêu bàn không ?
    2.Có ai đã chơi đến bàn cuối cùng chưa ?
    3.Có map nào cho mình xây tất cả các loại công trình không ?
    4.Để lên các cấp nhà cực cao là large và luxury villa, cần diện tích 3 x 3, để lên cấp cao nhất là Palace cần diện tích 4 x 4 .Vậy làm sao xây được sao cho nhà dân có đủ đường đi lối lại, vườn tược, tượng đài, vòi phun nước,...và các công trình xung quanh ?
    5.Nếu trong một bàn có marble không cần dùng để buôn bán, cũng không cần cho nhà dân,chỉ cần để xây large temple và oracle thì lúc thừa làm thế nào ?
    6.Khi chụp screenshot của Caesar III thì là file 555, mở thế nào ???
    7.Làm sao để chống chó sói ?
    8.Làm sao đề đuổi cừu, ngựa,... hoang chèn vào đất xây dựng ?
    9.Ai có thể nêu TẤT CẢ các loại phước lành mà các thần ban cho nếu thờ tốt ?
    10.Ai có thể nêu tên tất cả các loại công trình trong Caesar III ?

    Cuối cùng, dành cho những ai chưa xem file Readme.txt trong thư mục của Caesar III

    Caesar III
    Version 1.0
    Readme File
    Thank you for buying Caesar III.  We are proud of our game, and confident that you will find many hours of enjoyment in it.
    This document contains last-minute information about Caesar III not found in the game manual or Help Files.  This file is more up to date than the manual and, in case of conflict, supercedes what is printed there.  
    This README file includes information that pertains to general issues and questions you may have concerning the game.  Should you experience any problems with Caesar III, please refer to this file for additional help on answering questions about the game and solving technical difficulties.
    Please visit us at www.Caesar3.com for up to date hints, tips, and message boards.
    If your technical difficulty is not addressed here, we suggest that you point your browser at www.sierra.com.  
    Click the Interact button at the top of the page, then choose Message Boards, then click Strategy and Simulations under Technical and Customer Support Boards.  You can often find an answer to your question simply by reading messages already posted there.
    --Caesar III Development Team
    Pentium 90
    4x CD-ROM
    16mb RAM
    Video card capable of 16bit at 640x480 
    Min Hard Drive space 150mb +(100mb) free for Virtual Memory
    Pentium 133
    4x CD-ROM
    32mb RAM
    Full install, plus +(100mb) free for Virtual Memory
    If you get a warning about Low Virtual Memory, please ensure that you have at least 100mb of free Virtual Memory 
    on your Windows System hard drive (drive C:\ on most computers), NOT the hard drive that Caesar III may be installed to.  Caesar III will run with less than 100mb free, but performance will suffer if you decide to play with less than is recommended.
    If you have any game slowdown or mouse problems, you should try to get the latest software drivers from your hardware manufacturer's Internet website.  Even new machines can ship with outdated drivers. 
    If you have not defragmented your hard drive recently, do so as part of resolving any problem. The more often you install and delete programs or data files, the more fragmented your hard drive becomes. Fragmentation exceeding five percent can cause delays or even crashes when the computer tries to read fragmented files or access virtual memory. You should defrag both the system drive that holds Windows, and whatever drive you installed the game to. 
    We tested Caesar III on a wide variety of computers to ensure its compatibility with various hardware configurations.  There are so many different hardware manufacturers, though, and so many different possible combinations of installed software, that every computer is unique in some way.  On some small minority of machines, that uniqueness might cause problems that we never even guessed at.
    If you experience difficulties running Caesar III, disable any terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSR's), 
    compression programs or crash protection programs, as these can interfere with the smooth operation of the game.  If you don't know whether you have any such programs loaded, press CTRL + ALT + DEL to bring up a list of all programs presently in memory. Highlight everything there except for Caesar III, Systray and Explorer, and click the End Task button.    
    -On a VERY SMALL minority of machines, the monitor can seem to get stuck on the last screen of the credits, or go black and appear locked up.  It hasn't.  You may have clicked too quickly through each animation, or just clicked too many times.  To fix this, simply refresh the screen by going to the desktop (ALT + TAB), and then returning to the game (ALT + TAB - again).  The next time you play, please click through all animations slowly and one at a time.  
    If a Help link (the small button in the lower left corner of a popup panel you see when you right-click on something in the game) takes you to the Table of Contents, that means no specific help is available for that topic.  Caesar III contains in-game help for everything that we thought people would have questions about, but it was not possible to provide help for every single game element or to disable the help button for those few items that don't have their own entries.  Scan the Table of Contents for related topics.
    Contrary to what the game manual says, the spacebar doesn't pause time. Use the "P" key to pause and resume the flow of time.  You cannot build or delete anything while the game is paused.
    When you have selected an overlay view, use the spacebar to toggle back and forth between the overlay you're looking at and whatever view you had previously selected (whether that was "normal" or some other overlay).
    		FUNCTION					KEY
    		Pause Game					P
    		Reduce game speed				[
    		Increase game speed			]
    		Scroll main map				Cursor keys
    		View normal map while in overlay	Space Bar
    		Return to last overlay			Space Bar
    		5 Overlays:
    			Fire					F
    			Damage				D
    			Crime					C
    			Problems				T
    			Water					W
    (Hitting the same key again, brings you back to the normal overlay)
    		12 Advisors:
    			Labor					1
    			Legion				2
    			Emperor				3
    			Ratings				4
    			Trade					5
    			Population				6
    			Health				7
    			Education				8
    			Entertainment			9
    			Religion				0
    			Finance				-
    			Chief					=
    (Hitting the same key again, brings you back to the city map)
    			Remember Map view location	Ctrl  + F1, F2, F3, or F4
    			Go to Map View location		F1, F2, F3, or F4
    			Cycle through (and view) legions	L
    F6 Windowed Screen (if your desktop supports the current game resolution)
    F7 			640x480
    F8 			800x600
    F9 			1024x768
    Career Game maps are not available in the Construction Kit, but you can replay these maps after you've played them once in the Career Game.  When you first enter a new assignment, the game saves the map as your rank.  Therefore, after you start the fourth assignment, in which your rank is Architect, an entry called "Architect" appears in your saved game list.  To replay the fourth assignment, simply load that saved game.  Don't delete these saved games, as they are the only way you can play Career Game maps individually without starting a new career.
    Sheep and Zebras inhabit some maps in the central and desert regions of the empire.  They seek to avoid contact with citizens and the artifacts of civilization.  You can't kill them, eat them or interact with them in any way other than trying to frighten them away by building something near them. 
    Contrary to the manual, the lack of a governor's residence does not limit the potential prosperity for a city.
    When you surrond a set of housing with a wall, the housing will disappear after several seconds. Use gatehouses to provide necessary access to the rest of the city map when fortifying residential areas. 
    Wolves roam the northern reaches of the Empire.  They have an acquired taste for Roman flesh.
    If a granary is destroyed, any cart pushers travelling towards it will divert to an alternate granary or warehouse.  If there is no alternative destination, the cart pushers will stop and wait for a new working destination.  They may even wait in the ashes of the old building. If a warehouse is destroyed, any cart pushers travelling towards it will divert to an alternate warehouse or, if they are carrying raw materials, possibly a workshop.  If there is no alternative destination, the cart pushers will also stop and wait for one to be provided.
    There is no limit on the number of reservoirs that can be linked together by aqueducts. 
    To reward you for being one of those rare players who actually reads the README file, the Caesar III design team came up with these last-minute tips.  Those that duplicate hints given in the manual and the in-game help are especially important items that we felt couldn't be emphasized strongly enough. 
    Getting started:
    Plan your first residential area well.  You will need access to farmland, raw materials and water at a minimum.
    Keep your road network simple.  Intersections should be kept to a minimum and the roads as straight as possible.  Whenever walkers can turn the wrong way, they will (or so it seems!).
    Build and develop no more than two residential areas initially.  You may be biting off more then you can chew.
    Plan ahead when placing housing.  Leave space for service providing buildings such as baths, schools, clinics, etc.
    Advanced housing (large and luxury villas) needs 3x3 tile blocks. The most advanced housing (palaces) requires 4x4 tile blocks.  Don't cut off residential expansion with roads or service buildings in your best neighborhoods.   
    Housing will expand into gardens, but not statues.  If you want to cover tiles that you intend housing to expand onto later, use gardens.  If you want to control the rate at which housing can expand, use small statues (and demolish them when you want to let the houses grow).
    Think carefully before you place your farms.  A small area of fertile land will support more farms then you might think.
    Get a trade route started quickly.  The revenue gained is essential to maintaining a good growth rate.  As soon as your city's food supply is assured, check the Empire Map and find out what you can most profitably export.  Then, strive to get that industry producing goods before you worry about evolving your housing very far.
    Lower your taxes.  Tax revenue is too small to matter early in the game and the people resent them.
    Don't overdo gardens and plazas when your first build things. They can get expensive. Wait until you need to increase desirability and have some extra money.
    Build small low rent communities near areas where you are having labor problems.
    When creating residential areas, leave open spots for baths, libraries, clinics and other buildings that provide services or boost desirability.   
    Be sure to have a stockpile of housing evolution goods in both your markets and warehouses before trying to evolve to a housing type that requires the good. If you don't you just end up watching your housing evolve and devolve due to erratic goods supplies.
    Small insulae are the first building types where you can cover your wages with taxes (at a reasonable, 8% tax rate).
    An efficient city:
    Only one tile of a building that is 2x2 or larger needs water access in order for the entire building to have water access.  This applies to baths and housing.
    Build farms at the extreme edge of fertile land to maximize its use, especially on maps where farmland is scarce.  You can usually build farms where only one tile touches farmland, and sometimes where the nearest visible farmland is a tile or two away.
    Entertainers provide the same access walking to their venues that they provide when walking from their venues.
    Learn how to use the granary and warehouse special orders.  Creative use of special orders will greatly increase the productivity of industry and the profit potential of trade.
    Specialize warehouses in one or two commodities at most.  This makes it easier for you to control the flow of commodities, especially when you have to get them from one side of a large city to the other.
    Place docks near where trade ships enter the map.  Build one dock for each seaborne trade route that you open.
    Minimize cart-pusher travel time by building granaries near farms and markets near granaries.  Put workshops near their raw material suppliers, warehouses near the workshops, and markets near the warehouses. 
    If money is tight, don't worry about Neptune's wrath on assignments that have no fishing or seaborne trade.  You don't need to build him temples if he can't touch you.
    Fountains, markets and bath-houses all evolve as their property's desirability rises.  This evolution is graphical only, to help you see improvement in neighborhoods.  Their function doesn't change as they evolve.  
    The best defense is obviously a wall of towers -- all towers (except for a few gates). Ballistas can wipe out an army all alone. But still, have some armies on hand. It is best to have one cavalry (rapid reaction to slow down invaders if necessary), two legions (very effective but slow) and two or three javelin auxiliaries (long range attacks with some 
    speed added).
    The ultimate defense has your six armies go through a gate to confront your enemies outside the city. Line up the legions and cavalry up front, with javelins behind them; all of this just in front of the towers. Try to engage the enemy within range of your towers ballistas.  The legions have a better chance with ballistas covering them, and the ballistas 
    will survive longer with legions protecting them.
    Don't underestimate the enemy!  Try to build a new legion about every two years, until you have as many as you want.  This should give you the troops to handle the early attacks up until year 10.
    Save the game whenever you're warned of an impending attack.  If you lose your combat, you can revert to the saved game and build defenses where you know they're most needed.
    Ignore messages about overproducing food.  Too much food is a good thing, assuming that you have the labor for it.  If you don't, tell the Trade Advisor to turn some of your farms off temporarily, or have the Labor Advisor assign a lower priority to Food Production.
    If people are winding up for a good riot, decrease taxes.  Riot damage costs you more than the tax decrease does.
    Never let unemployment exceed 20%.  If you need to create jobs quickly, build extra hospitals.
  2. NoxiousRose

    NoxiousRose Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    1. không nhớ. nhưng ít thôi
    2. rồi. xong thì lên vua
    3. có. nhưng 1 số thứ phải làm quest mới có, vd cổng thành lớn
    4. bo đủ vườn. nhưng đừng. dễ sụp lắm
    5. thì cho váo ware và del cả ware
    6. chịu. và PTS CS edit
    7. ngay lúc đầu chỉnh speed chậm lại, quây từng quanh chúng, sau này kéo giáo ra phi
    8. tớ cũng muốn, nhưng chưa hiểu rõ cách chính xác
    9. có rồi mà. x2 lương - buôn biển tốt - cho hero - thêm tiền - thêm dân...
    10. vào web search đi pa

    P/S: ông cứ hỏi đi k ai bảo spam đâu
  3. TopGun

    TopGun Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    1. 12 màn
    2. Chắc ở đây có rồi ;))
    3. Có. Vào City Construction Kit =))
    4. Làm gì có cấp Palace nhỉ :-?. Hình như Palace là của governor.
    5. Phá Mable Quarry đi là xong >:)
    6. Chịu, toàn dùng print screen rồi save sang Paint.
    7. Ngay từ đầu vào, giảm speed của game, lấy tường xây chắn lối vào của nó, sau đó lấy Legionnaries ra làm thịt.
    8. Chịu thua. Bọn này còn khó chịu hơn là chó sói. :(
    9. Ok
    Ceres -> boosts the fertilizing of the crops
    Neptune -> urges the sea merchants to pay double money for ur city
    Mercury > unveils some goods in ur granary or warehouse
    Mars -> sends a spirit to watch over ur city
    Venus -> casts good mood to the city
    Có cần dịch ra không nhỉ ;))
    10. Chịu rồi, nhiều quá, để từ từ
  4. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đọc readme ở dưới đi bác ơi =)) Hoặc vô đây
  5. NoxiousRose

    NoxiousRose Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    có cái nhà 16 ô nhưng lên cái sụp ngay ;))
  6. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có thể tạo map trong Caesar III được nè, ghé qua đây thăm quan :Scenario Design. Cũng xin được giới thiệu trang web http://caesaralan.co.uk/, có nhiều cái hay phết .
  7. NoxiousRose

    NoxiousRose Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    ặc ặc ông nghiên cứu ra cả vụ này nữa à
    quả thực tôi nghiền trò này lắm mà cũng không mò mẫm cái phần creat map
    cao thủ. à. ông đăng ký đúng ngày SN của tui đó. 18/4 ;))
  8. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Hi, hôm nay lại tìm ra một cái cực kỳ hay ,không biết mọi người có chưa, những ai chưa biết thì : Update-Caesar III : Download here
    Chú ý :Đây là bản patch sửa lỗi và bổ sung cho Caesar III chính thức từ Sierra ( nhà phát hành Caesar III ) .Để biết thêm thông tin,xem qua file readme.
    Lưu ý cực kỳ quan trọng trước khi download :
    1.Khi cài đặt bản patch này thì phải tắt hết các chương trình đang chạy đặc biệt là Internet Explorer vì rất dễ gây lỗi .
    2.Bản này không nên sử dụng cho những ai chơi bằng Crack ( đã chép crack ) vì có thể gây lỗi game ( tui đang chơi bằng đĩa không dùng crack, dù mỗi lần chơi phải nhét đĩa vào nhưng còn update được hehe...:D )
    Caesar III
    This is the readme for version of Caesar III. It contains information on new game features and bug fixes made from version It also contains a section on changes made in the game after the manual went to press.
    The update is contained in a self-extracting executable named c3up11.exe . After downloading, run the executable and follow the on screen instructions.
    * There is now a warning when the building sprite limit is reached. A very large city can reach the maximum number of buildings allowed by the game. When the limit is reached, any new construction attempted results in a brown 'hole' appearing where the building should have been built. A warning has been added that indicates that the maximum has been reached.
    TIPS FOR GETTING AROUND: Aqueducts, gardens, walls, and roads(plazas) do NOT count in the limit. All other buildings do. Try replacing statues with gardens. Try to find buildings that are not being used or are not necessary and delete them. Each 1x1 house counts as a buildings, so try to create more 2x2 houses. Try deleting a whole subdivision and rebuilding it to be more efficient. 
    * The governor's name will no longer be reset to 'The New Governor' or take the name from a previous game when changing games or maps. This will work from any new saved games (not old ones.)
    * There is no longer a charge for building plazas on top of plazas. 
    * Governor's palaces and oracles no longer state that they have poor access to labor (they need no workers.)
    * Buildings can no longer be carried between maps by selecting a building to construct and not deselecting the building before changing maps. Buildings not available in a scenario could be built this way.
    * There is a warning when housing is built to far from a road (more than 2 squares).
    * There is a warning when housing is cut off from the 'Road to Rome'. The map view is centered over the houses that will soon disappear due to being cut off. The delay before the houses disappear has been increased.
    * In certain cases housing with two different, unique road accesses would disappear due to lack of 'Road to Rome' access when only one of the road networks it touched lacked 'Road to Rome' access. This has been fixed.
    * Prefects passing by a fire that they have not been assigned to will now stop and fight the fire. The possibility of fires in the desert has been reduced a little.
    * The combat strength of prefects has been increased some.
    * A trade city no longer wishes to buy zero fruit per year in the Caesarea scenario. Marble can now be imported in the Damascus scenario.
    * The number of places where docks and wharves could be illegally placed has been reduced. Placing these structures in certain locations would result in an inappropriate 'Low bridge is blocking access' message. In fact terrain features (islands generally) were blocking ship access to a structure.
    * Building walls adjacent to a ramp will no longer corrupt the ramp (make the ramp disappear).
    * Warehouses requesting a good will no longer take the good from another warehouse that is requesting the same good.
    * A Market trader will no longer return to her market when the market's food stocks are exhausted but the market still has goods (pottery, furniture, oil, and wine.)
    * Occasionally granaries or warehouses can become 'linked' to other granaries or warehouses. Changing special orders of one building changes the special orders of the other. Now saving and reloading the game will unlink the buildings and reset one of the buildings to its default state (all accepting.)
    * The prosperity report of the Rating advisor could sometimes incorrectly state that 'Prosperity is rising' when that was not the case. This has been fixed.
    * Goods that the emperor requests now come out of warehouses that are 'requesting' that good last.
    * When sending requested goods to the emperor, a confirmation box pops up with a check and 'X' button for confirming or canceling the dispatch. The 'X' now correctly cancels the dispatch.
    * Gatehouses can now be built upon plazas without graphically corrupting the gatehouse and making the gatehouse impossible to delete.
    * Market buyers would sometimes try to buy a good from a nearby warehouse that they could not reach (lack of road connection). The market buyer would then disappear immediately after exiting her market. Buyers will now only try to go to warehouses that they can reach.
    * Cohorts would not return to their fort when using the 'Return to Fort' button on the cohorts right click panel when their formation was set to 'Mop up'. Cohorts will now return to their fort.
    * A bug was fixed where a gladiator's school was attempting to send gladiators to an amphitheater that was not road accessible. These gladiator's schools would then not send gladiators to buildings that were road accessible.
    * Scenario win conditions set using the map editor now display correctly when choosing the map in the City Construction Kit. Formally win conditions would appear even if the condition was turned off.
    * Scenarios built with winning or losing time win conditions would display the remaining time in red text on the game screen. This text has been made more aesthetic. 
    * 4 new Difficulty levels have been introduced (in addition to the original.) Difficulty can be changed through the options menu at any time. (Difficulty level is not stored in a saved game. It is a global game setting, so you must change the difficulty manually any time you load a saved game where you want a different difficulty.)
    The Difficulty levels change the following:
    Starting cash, rescue loans, and tax income:
    Very Easy - 300%
    Easy - 200%
    Normal - 150%
    Hard - 100% (original setting)
    Very Hard - 50%
    Starting favor and mood(happiness) settings:
    Very Easy	80	70
    Easy		70	60
    Normal		60	50
    Hard		60	50
    Very Hard	50	40
    Wolves are not as strong at lower difficulty levels. Enemy invasion strengths have been scaled to difficulty level.
    * God events can be turned off and on at any time through the options menu. Gods will not bless or curse you while this is off. The gods opinion of you works normally, they will still become angry at you (see the religion advisor) but will not do anything about it. Temples are still needed for housing evolution and for increasing the city's culture rating. 
    * Saved games can now be deleted from within the game. Use the Delete game option under the File menu.
    * The 'Home' and 'End' keys are now hot keys for rotating the map.
    * Wolves now show up as black pixels on the radar map.
    * Military units and towers can now be used to kill sheep and zebras.
    * A market buyers now indicates what item she is going to buy in her right click panel.
    Information about Caesar III along with many answers to problems can be found at www.sierra.com or www.caesar3.com. A map/assignment editor is also available for download from those sites.
    This documents that changes in Caesar III that happened after the manual went to press. This is for the US version of the manual.
    Pg. 16: There are 10 levels (promotions) after the Citizen rank.  The Emperor Advisor shows the correct pay levels.
    Pg. 16: Also note that should you slip in and out of debt several times, Favor is not penalized for each time, but your prosperity will suffer if you can't maintain a positive balance.
    Pg. 19 & 45: Elevated terrain is not more desirable.  Note that since aqueducts can not cross ramps or rocks, water availability will be very limited on raised ground.
    Pg. 26: Citizens normally walk on roads, but may cut across gardens, rubble, or the parade ground of a fort.  If this becomes a problem, small statues can be built to block entry to gardens.  Forts are highly undesirable, and should be built away from housing if at all possible.  Rubble is also undesirable, and should be cleared as soon as possible.
    Pg. 27: No dwelling can draw water from a river or lake.  Wells are needed, at a minimum.
    Pg. 29-30: Trade should be an early consideration, and some trade should be underway well before your city reaches 1000 people.  You don't need to build a dozen workshops at once, but build enough trade facilities that you can staff adequately and open trade routes early.
    Pg. 38: If your own military cohorts have a chance of defeating Caesar's legions, by all means fight!  If you give up, you'll be arrested, and if you lose the battle you'll be arrested, so why not try?  While Caesar's legions will wait for one year outside your city gates, they will attack if you attack them (including ballistae or sentry attacks!).  You only need to raise your Favor to 35 in that year to prevent an invasion.
    Pg. 63: It is suggested to set "Security and Fire Prevention" as top priority in the Labor Advisor in order to keep riots under control.  This should be done under "Prefectures" since "Security and Fire Protection" does not exist.
    Pg. 72: Some maps that have waterborne trade do not have flotsam. Waterways that aren't rivers (coastline, inner harbors) do not have flotsam but can still be utilized for sea trade. 
    Pg. 75: The manual states that it takes three cartloads of timber to build fishing ships.  No timber is required.
    Pg. 80: Schools educate 75 children each, not 50.  
    Pg. 108: Governor's residences only have desirability affects. Ignore everything else about paying from personal savings, and effects on prosperity
    Pg. 119: "Request Food" is now "Getting Food." "Maintain Level" is now "Getting Goods." Both have the effect of having the inherent warehouse/granary cart pusher go out and get the requested items to bring back.
    Pg. 136-7: Reservoirs do NOT need labor and hence do not receive orders from the labor advisor. Aqueducts CAN intersect and cross each other. Aqueducts have no effect on desirability.
    Pg. 142: Towers need to be placed on a double thick wall (four-square unit).
    Pg. 144: Gatehouses do NOT need road access.
    Pg. 145: Soldiers do NOT draw their pay from the treasury or have any effect on anything (except enemies).
    Pg. 146: Barracks try to collect 4 cartloads of weapons to keep on hand.
    Pg. 166: The Commerce: Labor overlay is now the Risks: Problems overlay.
    Pg. 184: The space bar does not pause the game, the 'P' button does. You cannot build anything while the game is paused.
    Building Summary Table errors (pg. 201-212)
    Academy: 	Cost = 100
    Aqueduct: 	Desirability effect = 0, can link any number of reservoirs together
    Bridge, Ship: 	Minimum length = 5 tiles
    Dock:		Engineering building
    Fountain: 	4 laborers needed
    Gatehouse: 	No road access, no laborers, cost =100
    Governor's Residences: No laborers and no prosperity effect
    Granary: 	Cost = 100
    Hippodrome:	Laborers = 150
    Hospital:	Cost = 300
    Military Academy: Cost = 1000
    Mission Post:	Is an education structure
    Oracle:		Cost = 200 + 2 units of Marble
    Reservoir:	No laborers
    Shipyard:	Engineering building
    Statues:	These have no effect on prosperity.
    Statue, Medium:	Cost = 80
    Status, Large:	Cost = 150
    Temple, Large:	Cost = 150 + 2 units of Marble
    Well:		No laborers
    Wharf:		Engineering building
    Cái này hay, có thêm chức năng delete saved game tại chỗ và chọn độ khó ( mức độ khó như bản 1.0 tương ứng với bản 1.1 lần này là hard, vì vậy ai muốn độ khó như cũ thì chọn hard ) .Sửa lỗi và bổ sung thì có trong readme ở trên .
    Ai thấy cái này có ích thì cộng rep nhé ::)
  9. NoxiousRose

    NoxiousRose Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
  10. HoaHồngĐộc

    HoaHồngĐộc Lang Thang Trong Quá Khứ

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mộ Gió
    archi cũng mon men vào mấy cái trại rau à ;))
    tôi thấy ông chơi chưa nhiều C3 này mà nghiên cứu ác thế
    mà ông có chơi mấy cái game mô phỏng khác như RCT không ?
  11. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ai thế nhỉ sao tự nhiên lại nói linh tinh thế ?
  12. NoxiousRose

    NoxiousRose Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    clone của tôi đó
    tôi thấy ông cũng chui vào mấy cái trại rau rep
    lại rep tùm lum cho mấy con clone
    chết cười =))
  13. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ui bà con cô bác ơi em mới reinstall cái Caesar III và thiếu mấy cái file :
    Ai có nén vào Winrar và gửi cho em nha. Thanks.
  14. zemetch

    zemetch Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    ặc ặc trên GVN làm gì có ai có
    cái này là do ngay từ nguồn đĩa đã thiếu rồi
  15. Sulbul

    Sulbul Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    hay là encode mấy file wav khác save name như vậy nhét vào thử coi
    vì tôi thấy nó chả ảnh hưởng gì tới game cả
  16. HoaHồngĐộc

    HoaHồngĐộc Lang Thang Trong Quá Khứ

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mộ Gió
    mà archi ở nước nào vậy ?
    gần malay à ?
    bữa nào giao lưu cái nhỉ
    ông chọc chạch nhiều quá
    nói thật tôi chả bao giờ để ý đến sound của prefecture
  17. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    :)) trời đất :)) Ai ở Malay hả giời :)) Em ở Việt Nam nè anh Rose :))
  18. archimede

    archimede Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thắc mắc thắc mắc thắc mắc ! Cái getting goods trong warehouse ( hoặc getting food - Granary ) có tác dụng gì ?
  19. NoxiousRose

    NoxiousRose Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    có tác dụng cho việc phân bố sản phẩm
  20. zemetch

    zemetch Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Hoa Phượng Đỏ
    nghĩa là khu chợ thì ngay khu dân, tất nhiên xa kho công nghiệp
    mà ware thường đặt ngay khu công nghiệp
    vì vậy ta sẽ đặt 1 ware ngay gần chợ
    getting những thứ dân sử dụng (gốm bàn ghế dầu rượu...)
    khi đó ware đó sẽ luôn luân chuyển cho đủ cái ware
    mà nhớ đừng cho 2 cái gần nhau getting
    nó đưa qua đưa lại hoài chóng mặt
    tương tự như vậy ware gần Dock cũng getting những mặt hàng buôn qua biển sẵn đi

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