Clan Elpy - Version 7

Thảo luận trong 'L2's Third Party' bắt đầu bởi Ivelin, 18/10/12.

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  1. BreakDowN

    BreakDowN Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Quay về crazy thôi hết ddos rồi. Sáng h bem nhiệt tình ko vấn đề j cả. Map antharas pvp đang xôm xD


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái l2deadline CC work => SK vs HK tốt Sps nữa đi CC xong chúng nó chửi riết quen tai :D
  3. Dze

    Dze Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    có thằng nào ks nick a ah?
    ngại down sys với tex quá :(
  4. Dze

    Dze Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    đang down H5 rồi chắc đêm nay đú được
    @bé SM chuẩn bị full set mage cho a đi nhé :D
  5. HeoAcubu

    HeoAcubu T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    topic giờ đâu giới hạn 100 page nữa mà lập cái mới sớm dữ
  6. Dze

    Dze Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    vì nó 102 page rồi mà =))
  7. HeoAcubu

    HeoAcubu T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    200 page cũng được nữa chứ 102 nhằm nhò gì :))
  8. Chipxxx

    Chipxxx Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đi học bận túi bụi 1 tuần lễ không có time nghĩ ngơi , tính thứ 7 lên giãi trí tí . Hỡi ôi , clan nay còn đâu , nhìn vào cái sever tenkai có mỗi 1 mình online muốn cắn lưởi . Giờ mấy bé lại lượn tại sever nào thế @+@ Ku toàn ơi tao chém mài


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    606 vô đú nè cần domi
    còn client freya mà down h5 chi ko bik ....chỉ down system vs texture là đc rồi, vào afk cả ngày cũng đc đồ ...
    đồ thì có full thì ....Em còn chưa full anh đừng kêu than :D
  10. Dze

    Dze Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    a down sys với texture rồi k đc crit đang down cilen H5 gần xong rồi


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    anh có xoá cái system của craze ko ..
    ko thì instal lại client ko cần phải down H5 ... nhìu người chơi = freya dc mà
  12. Dze

    Dze Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    xong rồi vote sv này có cần điền capicha k?

    - - - Updated - - -

    mà éo hiểu thằng nào hâm mộ ks cả name Dze của bé :((
  13. Ch4llenger

    Ch4llenger Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Middle of Nowhere
    Craze đến tối nay vẫn bị DDoS...Admin bó tay đợi nó chán thì nghỉ =.=
    Còn cái deadline ít pvp quá, cả đêm giờ nó online đông mà gom lại cũng chỉ tầm 2 party clan GreekWarriors (zerg), lẻ tẻ vài đứa clan khác. Với cả nó cũng không có balance, admin fix tùm lum con nào con nấy trâu vật vã. Đã trâu lại còn cho drain mob, pvp quanh chẳng ai chết... Con Leohart full set +6, ko pot, đi quanh drain mob cũng được Dominating (Không phải máy giật đứng hình thì cũng không chết đâu)... Vài bữa hết 7sign, có CP spam nữa thì sao mà giết =.=. Đề nghị kiếm cái khác đi...
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 20/10/12
  14. adena1b=220k

    adena1b=220k Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    O.o vừa join lại chuyển nhà hi vọng sever ổn định để chơi :T
  15. beNut

    beNut Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    DL không zui hả, kiếm cái khác đi các pé ui


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    svko bik tụi dagger sao ấy mage đánh nó 6xx-7xx nó dánh mình 5xx crit 900.... chừng nào dagger mới chết ...may lắm nó ăn mình nhờ lethal ....
  17. Dze

    Dze Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    bot 1h được khoảng 7k GM chắc bot 1 ngày full item với skill :D
  18. /<rat0s

    /<rat0s T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hé , có gì hót cho hóng với :))
    h5 thì cho 1 xì lót đê ;))

    - - - Updated - - -

    [spoil]Welcome to Lineage2 Cadmus x500 PVP High Five Server.

    General Info:

    Server Version: High Five part 5, OverWorld source.
    BETA Server on: 18 October 19:00 GMT +1
    Server start date: 19 October 19:00 GMT +1
    Site -
    Forum -

    Kain x500:

    EXP: X500
    SP: X500
    DROP: X1
    SPOIL: X1
    ADENA: X1
    QUEST: X1

    No Carrier:
    Enable No Carrier - on
    Min Time – 0 sec
    Max Time – 600 sec
    Default Time – 60 sec
    No carrier - when your game client crash your character will still be online as "NO CARRIER" you will be in party, can receive exp, damage etc.

    Offline Trade:
    Offline Trade - on
    Min Level – 40 level
    Trade Name Color - gray
    Trade Price – Free
    Restore After Restart – on

    Oly Start Time - 18 GTM+1
    Class Game Min – 8 people
    Non Class Game Min - 8 people
    Team Game Min – 6 team
    Game Max Limit – 70 matches
    Game Classes Count Limit – 30 matches
    Game No Classes Count Limit – 60 matches
    Game Team Count Limit – 10 matches
    Olympiad Battles For Reward - 15 matches
    Olympiad Points Weekly – 10 points
    Olympiad 2 weeks period

    startup time 60 sec. retail like. retail like point calculation removed all rewards. added custom rewards. modified olympiad jewel and reward boxes.
    oly armor max +6
    oly weapon max +8

    reward box list
    olympiad ring - 5%
    olmypiad earring - 4%
    olympiad necklace - 3%
    olympiad jewel m.def set to +6 elegia jewel. duration 14 days.
    custom reward list (end of month):
    giant's codex
    giant's codex - mastery
    bless enchant armor S
    bless enchant weapon S
    bless enchant armor A
    bless enchant armor B

    Kain x500:
    NG Skill Chance – 25%
    NG Glow Chance = 20%
    Mid Skill Chance = 40%
    Mid Glow Chance = 60%
    High Skill Chance = 55%
    High Glow Chance = 80%
    Top Skill Chance = 75%
    Top Glow Chance = 100%
    Base Stat Chance = 5%

    Enchant (Normal, Crystal and Blessed):
    65% - Normal Scroll Rate
    75% - Blessed Scroll Rate
    100% - Crystal Scroll Rate
    Safe Enchant - +3
    Safe Enchant FullBody - +4
    Max Enchant - +20
    Armor Over Enchant HP Bonus Limit - +10
    50% - Attribute Stone Rate
    40% - Attribute Crystal Rate


    Kain x500:
    Maximum Slots For No Dwarf – 120 slot
    Maximum Slots For Dwarf – 150 slot
    Maximum Slots For Quests – 100 slot
    Warehouse Slots For NoDwarf – 150 slot
    Warehouse Slots For Dwarf – 150 slot
    Maximum Warehouse Slots For Clan – 200 slot
    Max Pvt Store Slots Dwarf - 7
    Max Pvt Store Slots Other - 5
    Max Pvt Manufacture Slots - 25

    Hopzone & Topzone Vote Reward – on
    .getreward command ingame after you voted.
    vote system connects through lameguard so it cannot be cheated.
    vote reward list will be added a bit later.

    Auto Loot - on
    Auto Loot Individual (command .cfg)
    Auto Loot From Raids - off
    Allow Shift Click – on
    Death Penalty Chance – 10%
    Non Owner Item Pickup Delay - 15 sec
    Remove Skills On Delevel
    Pet Inventory Limit – 12 slot
    Skills Chance Min – 10%
    Skills Chance Cap - 90%
    Destroy Dropped Item After – 5 minutes
    Allow Others Withdraw From Clan Warehouse - on (leader command .clan)
    Buff fLimit – 24 slot + 4
    Dance & Song Limit – 12 slot
    Use Item Broker Item Search - on

    Kain x500:
    Auto Learn Skills - on
    Auto Learn Forgotten Skills - off
    Allow Dualbox - on
    Full Buff (alt+b)
    Global GK (alt+b)
    Max Sub Level - 85
    GMshop - various items

    In farming zone, you will find 3 kind of monster - solo mob, party mob and raid boss. each got different drops and rates.

    Squad Skill - Only clans who owns fortess or castle can gain thoose skills

    Epic Bosses and Instances

    Epic Bosses will have 30 minutes random respawn time. Instances will be up on exact time.

    You can check instance cooldown with /instancezone command.

    Frintezza Instance

    72 hours cooldown. 18 players.

    5-10 bless enchant armor S - 80%
    2-6 bless enchant weapon S - 60%
    8-15 Giant's Codex - 80%
    4-10 Giant's Codex - Mastery - 80%
    600-1000 golden apiga - 100%
    Frintezza's Necklace - 30%
    Frintezza's Cloak - 100%

    Freya Instance

    72 hours cooldown. 18 players
    6-12 bless enchant armor S - 80%
    3-7 bless enchant weapon S - 60%
    10-20 Giant's Codex - 80%
    5-13 Giant's Codex - Mastery - 80%
    700-1300 golden apiga - 100%
    Freyas Necklace - 30%
    Blessed Freyas Necklace - 10%
    Freya's Cloak - 100%

    Zaken Instance

    72 hours cooldown. 9 players
    3-6 bless enchant armor S - 80%
    2-4 bless enchant weapon S - 60%
    5-10 Giant's Codex - 80%
    2-7 Giant's Codex - Mastery - 80%
    400-800 golden apiga - 100%
    Zakens Earring - 30%
    Blessed Earring of Zaken - 10%
    Zaken's Cloak - 100%

    Seed of Infinity

    12 hours cooldown. 9 players. buffs on.
    droplist (each boss)
    1-3 bless enchant armor S - 80%
    1-2 bless enchant weapon S - 60%
    3-7 Giant's Codex - 80%
    1-3 Giant's Codex - Mastery - 80%
    200-400 golden apiga - 100%


    12 hours cooldown. 9 players. buffs on.
    droplist (last boss)
    2-4 bless enchant armor S - 80%
    1-3 bless enchant weapon S - 60%
    2-8 Giant's Codex - 80%
    3-7 Giant's Codex - Mastery - 80%
    300-800 golden apiga - 100%


    144 hours cooldown. 27 players. buffs on.
    10-15 bless enchant armor S - 50%
    6-12 bless enchant weapon S - 50%
    10-20 Giant's Codex - 60%
    10-15 Giant's Codex - Mastery - 50%
    1000-1700 golden apiga - 100%

    Ant Queen lvl 85
    ring of Queen ant - 80%
    1000-1500 golden apiga - 100%
    2 Crystal Scroll Armor S - 100%
    1 Crystal Scroll Weapon S - 100%
    72 hours respawn time

    Orfen lvl 85
    earring of orfen - 50%
    500-800 golden apiga
    48 hours respawn time

    Core lvl 85
    ring of core - 50%
    200-500 golden apiga
    48 hours respawn time

    Baium lvl 85
    Ring of Baium - 100%
    800-1400 golden apiga - 100%
    2 Crystal Scroll Armor S - 100%
    1 Crystal Scroll Weapon S - 100%
    72 hours respawn time

    Antharas lvl 85
    Earring of Antharas - 100%
    1000-1500 golden apiga - 100%
    2 Crystal Scroll Armor S - 100%
    1 Crystal Scroll Weapon S - 100%
    96 hours respawn time

    Valakas lvl 85
    Necklace of Valakas - 100%
    1500-2000 golden apiga - 100%
    2 Crystal Scroll Armor S - 100%
    1 Crystal Scroll Weapon S - 100%
    96 hours respawn time

    Baylor lvl 85
    Baylor's Earring - 100%
    300-500 golden apiga - 100%
    48 hours respawn time

    Beleth lvl 85
    Ring of Beleth - 100%
    800-1300 golden apiga - 100%
    2 Crystal Scroll Armor S - 100%
    1 Crystal Scroll Weapon S - 100%
    144 hours respawn time


    Castle sieges will be in every 2 weeks - Sunday, on 18:00 GMT+1 and 21:00 GMT+1

    Siege winner clan leader will get 300 Blue Eva. with Blue Eva you can purchase blessed enchant scrolls from GM Shop.

    Castle dungeon cooldown will be 48 hours. last boss will drop 20-50 Blue Eva with 100% chance. Bosses lvl will be 85.

    in Fortress, you will be able to farm KAs. with KAs, you will be able to buy

    Talismans - 20 KE
    S Grade Shirt (SA) - 50 KE
    S Grade Belt (SA) - 50 KE
    S Grade Bracelet - 50 KE

    in GM shop.

    fortress NPCs droplist

    guard droplist: 1-2 KE
    minister droplist: 50-80 KE
    general droplist: 60-100 KE
    captain droplist: 100-150 KE
    archer droplist: 80-120 KE
    supporter droplist: 70-110 KE
    commander droplist: 200-300 KE

    Usefull Commands:
    /olympiadstat - show your and others people olympiad stats
    .time or .date - show server time and date ingame
    .dressme - you can change look of your armor and weapon on your character
    .clan - clan leader can allow other clan members receive items from clan warehouse
    .password - allow you to change your account password
    .repair nickname - When your character stuck (won,t be able to use soe, ressurect etc.) u can log on another character within your account and use command eg. ".repair Mrs.Storm"
    .hellbound - information about hellbound (actual level etc.)
    .online - acutal online players

    .whoami - shows your statistics

    Team vs Team every 1 hour.
    15 randoms locations waiting for you
    5 Apiga for the winners.
    Fight will last for 10 minutes in case of draw both teams will recieve 3 apiga.
    Kills in a row will give be announced on the screen ( Double Kill, Killing Spree, Rampage, Unstoppable, Dominating, Godlike, Legendary, Arena Master, Best Player)

    Town invasion once every day.
    To win, you have to kill the RB in order to weaken the vortexes, which are located at the entrance of the Giran.", "Destroying the vortexes, mobs will spawn much less frequently.
    After the destruction of all the vortoxes, the main RB will spawn, Killing the main boss, you will be able to destroy the last vortex, which is located in the temple of The Einhasad Temple. If the defense of the town is successful - you will be rewarded, otherwise you wont get anything. Loads of rewards are waiting for you from this event

    Not enough PVP??....Sick of all day farming??...Then the Arenas is for YOU.
    All you need is to FIGHT and defeat your enemy,winner takes all.

    All diferent types of arena fees ( adena, apiga) , the biger the fee the biger the win the more powerful the enemy.
    Be the best and win your Fortune and Fame here!!

    Other Information:

    every clan with 15+ players will be rewarded from start.

    15 players - 6 lvl clan, 10 000 rep
    25 players - 7 lvl clan, 20 000 rep
    35 players - lvl 8 clan, 40 000 rep, 2000 GA
    50 players - lvl 10 clan, 100 000 rep, 5000 GA[/spoil]
  19. skidrow180

    skidrow180 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thôi mình cứ pvp tạm bên craze khi nào ae tìm đc sever ngon thì vào ^^
  20. lacoz89

    lacoz89 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hnay 20-10 thằng điên ddos bên craze nó đi chơi với gái rồi nên sv lại ngon :))
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