The following fleets are facing each other at 09-16 09:24:43, as it came to a battle: Attacker retired [xxxx] B.Ship 269 Defender sadel [xxxx] L.Cargo 6 H.Fighter 4 Cruiser 1 B.Ship 42 Recy. 1 Esp. Probe 9 Miss. 6 S.Laser 30 H.Laser 34 LS.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker retired [xxxx] B.Ship 269 Defender sadel [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 40357 Metal, 46.906 Crystal and 38.361 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 3.128.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 531.000 Metal and 274.200 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 8 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-16 12:17:53, as it came to a battle: Attacker retired [xxxx] B.Ship 509 Defender qcgoofball [xxxx] S.Cargo 1 L.Cargo 6 L.Fighter 110 H.Fighter 40 Cruiser 20 B.Ship 10 Recy. 10 Esp. Probe 17 Bomber 8 Dest. 3 Miss. 909 S.Laser 34 H.Laser 21 Gauss 2 Ion.C 17 S.Dome 1 LS.Dome 1 No Witty Comment Attacker retired [xxxx] B.Ship 506 Defender qcgoofball [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 15.919 Metal, 28.870 Crystal and 82.900 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 180000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 5.543.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 662.400 Metal and 340500 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 10 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-18 09:32:45, as it came to a battle: Attacker retired [xxxx] B.Ship 500 Defender Eltharion [xxxx] L.Fighter 1 H.Fighter 100 Cruiser 45 Esp. Probe 3 Sol. Sat 35 Miss. 100 S.Laser 260 Gauss 29 Ion.C 36 S.Dome 1 LS.Dome 1 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Attacker retired [xxxx] B.Ship 500 Defender Eltharion [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 59.342 Metal, 47.010 Crystal and 76.837 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 4.435.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 450900 Metal and 236.700 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 6 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
Mới raid được mấy chục trận , vô đây pót 1 ít cho bà con xem : -------------------------- The following fleets are facing each other at 09-18 20:12:32 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 3 1 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender Maxemelian (4:54:6) Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 0% Destroyed The attacking fleet fires a total of times with the power of upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb damage points The defending fleet fires a total of times with the power of upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 3 1 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender Maxemelian (4:54:6) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 2970 Metal, 1891 Crystal and 3299 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 0 Units. At these space coordinates now float 0 Metal and 0 Crystal. ------------------------------ The following fleets are facing each other at 09-18 20:12:32 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 3 1 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender Maxemelian (4:54:6) Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 0% Destroyed The attacking fleet fires a total of times with the power of upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb damage points The defending fleet fires a total of times with the power of upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 3 1 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender Maxemelian (4:54:6) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 2970 Metal, 1891 Crystal and 3299 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 0 Units. At these space coordinates now float 0 Metal and 0 Crystal. ---------------------------------------- The following fleets are facing each other at 09-18 20:24:17 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender ChaosCraft (4:61:6) Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 10% Type S.Cargo Miss. Number 1 1 Weaponry: 5 80 Shields 10 20 Hull 440 220 The attacking fleet fires a total of 6 times with the power of 532 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 16 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 2 times with the power of 85 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 10 damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender ChaosCraft (4:61:6) Type Miss. Number 1 Weaponry: 80 Shields 20 Hull 220 The attacking fleet fires a total of 6 times with the power of 532 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 20 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 1 times with the power of 80 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 10 damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender ChaosCraft (4:61:6) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 4741 Metal, 4741 Crystal and 817 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 6000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 600 Metal and 600 Crystal.
CR mới thổi , cầm vô bỏng tay đây # ############################ The following fleets are facing each other at 09-18 20:24:17 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender ChaosCraft (4:61:6) Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 10% Type S.Cargo Miss. Number 1 1 Weaponry: 5 80 Shields 10 20 Hull 440 220 The attacking fleet fires a total of 6 times with the power of 532 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 16 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 2 times with the power of 85 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 10 damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender ChaosCraft (4:61:6) Type Miss. Number 1 Weaponry: 80 Shields 20 Hull 220 The attacking fleet fires a total of 6 times with the power of 532 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 20 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 1 times with the power of 80 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 10 damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender ChaosCraft (4:61:6) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 4741 Metal, 4741 Crystal and 817 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 6000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 600 Metal and 600 Crystal. ########################## The following fleets are facing each other at 09-19 03:20:20 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 3 4 3 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender chemical brothers (4:38:9) Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 0% Destroyed The attacking fleet fires a total of times with the power of upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb damage points The defending fleet fires a total of times with the power of upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 3 4 3 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender chemical brothers (4:38:9) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 8095 Metal, 3010 Crystal and 1465 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 0 Units. At these space coordinates now float 0 Metal and 0 Crystal. ############################ The following fleets are facing each other at 09-19 03:22:53 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 3 4 3 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender dr sideburn (4:38:4) Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 0% Type L.Fighter Sol. Sat Miss. Number 1 1 2 Weaponry: 50 1 80 Shields 10 1 20 Hull 400 200 200 The attacking fleet fires a total of 10 times with the power of 863 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 51 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 4 times with the power of 211 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 46 damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 3 4 3 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender dr sideburn (4:38:4) Type L.Fighter Number 1 Weaponry: 50 Shields 10 Hull 400 The attacking fleet fires a total of 10 times with the power of 863 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 10 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 1 times with the power of 50 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 10 damage points Attacker nonstop (4:34:12) Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 3 4 3 Weaponry: 6.5 65 195 Shields 10 10 25 Hull 520 520 1300 Defender dr sideburn (4:38:4) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 5690 Metal, 3937 Crystal and 449 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 10000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 900 Metal and 900 Crystal.
The following fleets were facing each other on 09-20 02:44:06, as it came to a battle: Attacker nhan [xxxx] L.Fighter 1.667 Defender MrTin [xxxx] S.Cargo 1 L.Cargo 124 L.Fighter 8.232 H.Fighter 10 Cruiser 87 B.Ship 882 Col. Ship. 1 Recy. 163 Esp. Probe 26 Bomber 1 Sol. Sat 2 Dest. 5 Miss. 249 H.Laser 5 Ion.C 8 S.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker nhan [xxxx] Destroyed Defender MrTin [xxxx] S.Cargo 1 L.Cargo 124 L.Fighter 8.228 H.Fighter 10 Cruiser 87 B.Ship 882 Col. Ship. 1 Recy. 163 Esp. Probe 25 Bomber 1 Sol. Sat 2 Dest. 5 Miss. 249 H.Laser 5 Ion.C 8 S.Dome 1 The defender has won the battle! The attacker has lost a total of 6.668.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 17.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 1.503.900 Metal and 501.600 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 20 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
bác em tin và nhân tối ngày chờ moon ko thì lùm sao lên pts nổi qua gala 6 làm ăn với em đi . 2 bác chỉ cần spy có fleet và atk tụi nó ko biết save fleet ỏ ninja gì đâu . bên này có tụi dor + 6 mem của tụi nó lại trong 1 SS có over 3000 BS hà crash thoải mái
Nghe cũng được đấy... nhưng 8 cáu colony của tui xây mine tốt hết rồi.. bỏ đi thì tiếc, vả lại không biết đủ deut lên đây không nữa
hì ông em_tin mà bay lên được tui tài trợ 2Mil deut liền (mai mốt crash xong trả lại )nhưng mà nếu muốn tồn tại thì phải on liên tục vì tụi Dor tập trung có 1 gala 6 mà dường như tất cả fleet và mem của tụi nó . Tui vừa tiếp cận colony là bị tụi nó ACs đánh liên tục ^^ . bác emtin đọc xong thì del 2 bài này đi vì 2 bài này đâu phải là combat
Tụi Dor tui canh cả tuần nay roài . Bọn nó thằng left trễ nhất là 12h trưa . và tới chiều bọn nó mới on lại theo giờ VN tùy đứa . Có đứa 2 3 ngày mới on nhưng được cái là bọn nó đông ko tiếp cận được
Dark Revenge là ai vậy ta là hugo boss phải ko vậy ??? The following fleets are facing each other at 09-24 07:11:55, as it came to a battle: Attacker godblessyoutt86 (3:57:13) Weapons: 100% Shields: 100% Hull Plating: 100% B.Ship 229 Defender Neo Kefka (3:64:9) Weapons: 90% Shields: 90% Hull Plating: 80% L.Cargo 12 L.Fighter 23 H.Fighter 47 Cruiser 27 B.Ship 10 Recy. 4 Sol. Sat 25 Miss. 200 S.Laser 100 H.Laser 10 Gauss 4 Ion.C 12 Plasma 1 S.Dome 1 LS.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker godblessyoutt86 (3:57:13) B.Ship 227 Defender Neo Kefka (3:64:9) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 51.484 Metal, 37.984 Crystal and 47.613 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 120000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 3.285.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 444.900 Metal and 235.800 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 6 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-26 03:38:35, as it came to a battle: Attacker Elf [xxxx] B.Ship 150 Defender Cale [xxxx] L.Cargo 28 B.Ship 23 Sol. Sat 10 Witty Comment Attacker Elf [xxxx] B.Ship 150 Defender Cale [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 75.000 Metal, 6.404 Crystal and 143.595 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 1.736.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 326.400 Metal and 194.400 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 5 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
trận thứ 2 trong chiến dịch tàn sát bọn Dor đang nắm giữ gala 6. cuộc chiến tàn khốc và ác liệt nhầm giánh quyền kiểm soát lãnh thổ phía tây . ( tui ở cuối gala nên là phía đông . tụi nó ở đầu nên là phía tây ) TThe following fleets are facing each other at 09-26 03:43:49, as it came to a battle: Attacker Elf [xxxx] Cruiser 136 B.Ship 143 Defender al capone [xxxx] L.Cargo 20 H.Fighter 4 Cruiser 6 B.Ship 13 Recy. 2 Esp. Probe 25 Sol. Sat 35 Miss. 1 S.Laser 30 H.Laser 16 Gauss 8 Ion.C 12 S.Dome 1 LS.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker Elf [xxxx] Cruiser 128 B.Ship 143 Defender al capone [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 23.331 Metal, 180977 Crystal and 112.591 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 216.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 2.035.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 289.200 Metal and 180300 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 4 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-26 15:20:36, as it came to a battle: Attacker Elf [xxxx] B.Ship 293 Defender christianses [xxxx] L.Cargo 10 B.Ship 4 Recy. 3 Sol. Sat 50 Witty Comment Attacker Elf [xxxx] B.Ship 293 Defender christianses [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 182.435 Metal, 18.703 Crystal and 150738 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 508.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 75.000 Metal and 77.400 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
góp vui anh em chút hehe The following fleets are facing each other at 09-28 07:49:54, as it came to a battle: Attacker godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] B.Ship 567 Defender Titus [xxxx] L.Fighter 140 H.Fighter 60 Cruiser 15 B.Ship 45 Recy. 10 Esp. Probe 110 Bomber 5 Sol. Sat 2 Miss. 200 S.Laser 100 H.Laser 10 Gauss 10 Ion.C 10 S.Dome 1 LS.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] B.Ship 565 Defender Titus [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 254.282 Metal, 99.323 Crystal and 88.932 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 120000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 6.144.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 993.000 Metal and 517.200 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 15 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets were facing each other on 09-28 10:56:10, as it came to a battle: Attacker thaptusat [xxxx] L.Fighter 1.477 Defender godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] S.Cargo 157 L.Cargo 111 L.Fighter 2.563 H.Fighter 1002 Cruiser 76 B.Ship 665 Col. Ship. 1 Recy. 213 Esp. Probe 86 Bomber 18 Sol. Sat 10 Dest. 6 Miss. 181 hix moon là thứ xa xỉ phẩm T_T Attacker thaptusat [xxxx] Destroyed Defender godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] S.Cargo 157 L.Cargo 111 L.Fighter 2.559 H.Fighter 1002 Cruiser 76 B.Ship 665 Col. Ship. 1 Recy. 213 Esp. Probe 72 Bomber 18 Sol. Sat 9 Dest. 6 Miss. 178 The defender has won the battle! The attacker has lost a total of 5.908.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 38.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 1.332.900 Metal and 449.100 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 17 % 3 Missile Launcher could be repaired. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-29 08:12:31, as it came to a battle: Attacker Luffy [xxxx] L.Cargo 6 L.Fighter 600 B.Ship 30 Defender Galiphile [xxxx] L.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 37 B.Ship 2 S.Laser 65 LS.Dome 1 Viet Rules Attacker Luffy [xxxx] L.Cargo 6 L.Fighter 593 B.Ship 30 Defender Galiphile [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 64.324 Metal, 66.810 Crystal and 49.856 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 28.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 558.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 72.600 Metal and 34.200 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-29 09:08:28, as it came to a battle: Attacker godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] B.Ship 130 Defender C-3PO [xxxx] S.Cargo 8 L.Cargo 8 L.Fighter 75 H.Fighter 34 Cruiser 15 B.Ship 10 Recy. 4 Bomber 4 Witty Comment Attacker godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] B.Ship 130 Defender C-3PO [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 26.530 Metal, 24.902 Crystal and 19.387 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 2.137.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 429.900 Metal and 211.200 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 6 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
The following fleets are facing each other at 09-29 10:53:31, as it came to a battle: Attacker godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] B.Ship 270 Defender Scalp [xxxx] L.Cargo 7 L.Fighter 60 H.Fighter 9 Cruiser 30 B.Ship 35 Recy. 2 Esp. Probe 12 Sol. Sat 34 Miss. 60 S.Laser 60 Gauss 15 Ion.C 25 S.Dome 1 *** nothing special *** Attacker godblessyoutt86 [xxxx] B.Ship 267 Defender Scalp [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 25.275 Metal, 58.641 Crystal and 29.809 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 180000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 4.421.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 724.800 Metal and 360000 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 10 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----