Đây không phải là topic về Onepuch-Man=))

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi My Final Heaven, 25/10/12.

  1. Mishael Dain

    Mishael Dain Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mặc dù cái công thức tên dài 4 chữ của đám Hero đôi khi hơi gây khó chịu nhưng phải công nhận những cái tên bọn dịch giả đặt khá đúng tính chất nhân vật, chứng tỏ rất chịu tìm hiểu. Đám ninja tên lặp dịch cũng tốt. Vẫn nhớ quả "Sonic siêu thừa (lol)" của Genos; rồi "Chả rán khô"; King tên chính thức là "Vương quyền vô địch" nhưng vẫn thường được gọi là "anh Vương", đệ Fubuki gọi ẻm là "chị Tuyết" ...
    DSK tuy không phải quá khủng nhưng là động lực để k0 ít hero tiến bộ:
  2. enragon_hl

    enragon_hl Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhầm, uncen thiếu gì gái xinh - có những em xinh không thể tin được. Gái cen xinh chẳng qua vì là nó cen thôi.
  3. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nói thì phải có dẫn chứng :4cool_doubt:

    tổ lái qua thằng lao tù vãi đái, về topic chính cái ... oh wait :-?
    unnameda4 and phanthieugia like this.
  4. Comic1xxx

    Comic1xxx Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Murata said DS would have destroyed the PPP monster (as strong as DSK) with a light touch.

    Với Darkshine thì demon từ tầm trung trở xuống chả khác gì mấy con quái cấp wolf với tiger chap vừa rồi, đụng nhẹ là chết=)).
  5. Trùm online

    Trùm online Godslayer Κράτος ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ CHAMPION Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đang đọc lại Vol 13. Mới phát hiện chi tiết thanh niên Ria Vểnh Mặt Vênh này:
    là đệ tử giỏi nhất của:

    Bên cạnh đó đọc tập này mới thấy Samurai tôn trọng Bang cỡ nào. Câu nào cũng là tán dương. Ngay cả chi tiết Bang đuổi sạch đệ tử rồi mới đi tìm Gà rù, mọi người đều nhận định là cụ sợ rằng đối thủ quá mạnh, tinh thần quyết tử, đây là lo hậu sự thì Samurai bảo là cụ quá nhân hậu, lo rằng sẽ nương tay với Gà và nó sẽ giết cụ.
    redclock thích bài này.
  6. gotei13

    gotei13 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ủa, có chi tiết nhắc đến việc 2 lão kia là thầy trò à
  7. BadPlayBoy

    BadPlayBoy Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Jav nó cen hay không là tùy vào nhà sản xuất. Quy định của Nhật là TẤT CẢ phim được bày bán ở Nhật đều phải cen, tuy nhiên có những hãng phim bán cho cả nước ngoài, những phim không cen là những phim được bán ra nước ngoài. Ngoài ra còn có các thể loại amateur tự quay rồi đăng lên mạng kiếm tiền tiêu vặt như kiểu bọn sexcam của Hàn ấy, làm chui thì nó có thể không cen nhưng nếu bị phát hiện thì sẽ bị phạt rất nặng. Mà đám amateur nhiều con vừa trắng vừa xinh như gái Hàn luôn, mà amateur nên chỉ đóng có vài phim và đ có tên, được một thời gian thì bị xóa.
    Để tìm phim vừa uncen vừa gái đẹp có nhiều cách nhưng đơn giản nhất là xem mấy cái clip hentai hoặc pỏn của nước ngoài, thỉnh thoảng nó sẽ có quảng cáo phim Jav uncen, bấm vào đó sẽ ra trang chuyên làm phim Jav uncen, rồi xem em nào vừa mắt thì bấm chuột phải chọn inspect xem link ảnh có thể sẽ có code.
    Ủa giao hoan đất trời đây là topic gì vậy? 8-}
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/8/18
  8. Scuderia_Ferrari

    Scuderia_Ferrari Tears of the Kingdom Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    khúc đấu bọn hhqv, lão Bom cũng bảo Bang quá tử tế mà, khi ổng rage lên thì sẽ khác :))
  9. quadan

    quadan The Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thánh tìm code có khác. Am hiểu vl :)).
  10. Comic1xxx

    Comic1xxx Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sonic grunting / training sound effects

    Sonic: I feel great! This is the most success I’ve had until now!

    Sonic: I’m in the best shape of my life!

    Sonic: it’s about time I defeat that guy

    Sonic: muheheheheh

    Sonic: just you wait, Saitama!


    Sonic: WOAAARGH

    Sonic: why?! Why can’t I beat you!?

    Saitama: just give it up already, will ya?

    Saitama: including this one, you’ve already lost to me a total of 4 times

    Sonic: ELEVEN TIMES!

    Saitama: eh? That many?

    Sonic: don’t tell me you don’t even remember our epic death matches!

    Saitama: well you’re always attacking me while I’m eating, of course I’m going to prioritize the food

    Sonic: I’ve left less of an impression on you than food?!

    Sonic: damn you…you’re not even having anything fancy! Focus on our battle you hear me?!

    Saitama: don’t you underestimate food, they are all created equal

    Saitama: slurp~ slurp~ gulp. Eh…it’s a little burnt…

    Sonic: stop talking while slurping noodles!

    Sonic: damn it, why should I loser to an cup-noodle-eating loser!

    Sonic: next time, I swear!

    Saitama: are you coming again?

    Saitama: I see, alrighty then

    Saitama: but I do have one condition if you want to fight me again

    Sonic: no way, is he going to set a time and a place for a proper showdown?

    Saitama: since you’re always here while I’m eating

    Saitama: how about you time your arrival right after I’ve added hot water?

    Sonic: don’t you dare imply you can finish me in 3 minutes!

    Sonic grunting

    Sonic: finally…I’m back to home base

    Sonic: these injuries are pretty serious …

    Sonic: this level of training is useless against Saitama

    Sonic: must I start from the beginning?

    Sonic: but…repeating these ordinary training methods over and over…

    Sonic: will that really lead me to victory?

    Sonic: slowly but surely, the continued defeats are making me lose my confidence

    Sonic: will my ninjutsu really become effective against him one day?


    Saitama: Sonic? Oh you’re that guy with the ninja name

    Saitama: Sonic Whatever

    Sonic: My name is not Sonic Whatever! It’s Speed-O’-Sound Sonic!

    Sonic: now that I think about it, he didn’t even remember my name

    Sonic: it’s even worse than not leaving an impression!

    Sonic: this anxiety…

    Sonic: I know there’s no chance of victory

    Sonic: but I just can’t let it go without winning at least once

    Sonic: what would others do in a situation like this?

    Sonic: faced with the overwhelming power of hornets, bees will unleash whatever little power they have in their stingers;

    Sonic: skunks and hedgehogs can overcome physical disparities using their abilities

    Sonic: yet here I am, challenging him with reckless abandon

    Sonic: if it’s him, if it’s Saitama…

    Sonic: what would he do differently?

    Wind blows

    Sonic: ah…that’s right!

    Sonic: if I were to become Saitama and live his life, maybe I’ll uncover his weakness, and the strategy to beating him!

    Sonic: I’m a ninja, disguising myself as another person is my expertise

    Sonic: first appearance

    Sonic: after carefully observing Saitama walking the streets from a distance, and gathering relevant information, I spent three days to recreate his outfit with identical material, color and size

    Sonic: humph, yellow jumpsuit, white cape, red gloves and boots…

    Sonic: alright, it’s perfect!

    Sonic: next the way he talks

    Sonic: that demotivating tone of voice that pisses me off to no end…

    Sonic: as well as his way of responding that screams “…

    Sonic: after practicing in front of a mirror, I have almost perfectly mastered Saitama’s speech pattern

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: eh? I can’t be bothered

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: so what?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: yeah yeah

    Sonic: alright, it’s perfect!

    Sonic: as for the face, all I have to do is put on a thin mask and add makeup, then wear a bald cap

    Sonic: the problem is expression

    Sonic: it’s next to impossible to mimic that idiotic, dead-eyed and non-human look

    Sonic: no matter how hard I practice, I always end up with a slightly more serious and reserved expression compared to the real thing

    Sonic: oh well, I’ll get better once I start living life as him

    Sonic: time to leave my home base and start living life as Saitama

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I am Saitama, I’m still a no-name B Class hero

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I want to achieve more results and become a high-ranked hero

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: that’s why I’m patrolling outside like this

    Sonic: no…this isn’t right

    Sonic: that guy would never take it so seriously

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I am Saitama. Ah…I’m hungry

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: anyone dropped any food?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: ah! Found some change! Lucky!

    Sonic: alright, it should be more like this

    Sonic: speaking of, parading around in this outfit…

    Sonic: how should I put it…it’s rather embarrassing…

    G: sensei! So you’re here!

    Sonic: eh…what’s with this guy? Haven’t I met him somewhere?

    G: we should have left at the same time after receiving reports of the monster sighting

    G: I didn’t see you at the scene and thought maybe you got lost again

    G: I have already dispatched the monster

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: aaahhh…is that so…so that’s how that went…

    Sonic: accosted by Saitama’s acquaintance all of a sudden…

    Sonic: further proof that my disguise is perfect…

    G: huh? Is there a problem? Something feels off…

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: non….nonsense, everything is normal

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: eh…you…what’s your name again?

    G: eh? Saitama sensei, have you forgotten my name?

    G: I am Genos, your…

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: oh that’s right! Genos, it’s Genos isn’t it? My bad, my bad!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: a monster hit me in the head just now, my memory seems a bit scrambled

    G: aaah! A monster that could damage Saitama sensei to such an extent…

    G: how could this be!? This is a major crisis!

    G: what exactly happened to the monster?

    G: have you defeated it?!

    G: just what kind of being was it…

    G: I want to verify the body, just to make sure

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: heh…about that…

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I used my proud technique: full-power crotch punch

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: it was badly hurt and ran off into the mountains

    G: the mountains is it? Okay, I’ll go chase it down and finish it off right now

    sound of Genos blasting off

    Sonic: whew, fooled him. Glad that’s over

    Sonic: but this is not enough

    Sonic: I can’t just low-key live his life without a purpose

    Sonic: I must imitate its every aspect in order to better understand him

    Sonic: and in order to understand Saitama, I must learn about his relations with other heroes, as well as engage in hero activities from his point of view

    Sonic: alright, time to march into the very heart of my enemy!

    Sonic: hmph, so this is the Hero Association HQ?

    Sonic: the security at the entrance is too lax. Infiltrating is not a problem for a ninja like myself

    Sonic: so, will I uncover the key to Saitama’s secret power here?

    Atomic Samurai: hey you, what are you doing here?

    Sonic: hm?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: ah…I heard I was needed at the HQ for urgent business, so I came

    Atomic Samurai: needed…at the…HQ…for…urgent…business? Someone like you?!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: ooh, I haven’t introduced myself

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: how do you do, my name is Saitama, pleased to meet you

    Atomic Samurai: argh…what? Are you implying this is the first time we met?

    Atomic Samurai: you, I’ve wanted to tell you this before: you’re such a weirdo

    Sonic: tsk, it’s another acquaintance!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: a…ah! If it isn’t the old man!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: you got a different vibe going today, I didn’t even notice you!

    Atomic Samurai: don’t give me that attitude just because Silver Fang likes you

    Atomic Samurai: you might catch a beating, kiddo

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: huh? Just who do you think will be delivering that beating?

    Atomic Samurai: what’s that? You want a pick a fight with me?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: oh excuse me, did I let it slip?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: the way you said it, sounds like you think you’re stronger than me, old man

    Atomic Samurai: hmph, I don’t know where a B-Class hero could possibly get all that confidence…

    sound of swords clashing

    Sonic: argh! That was fast! I didn’t even see him drew his sword!

    Sonic: this guy, he’s no joke!

    Atomic Samurai: you need a reality check. I’ve seen too many who gave up their lives so easily.

    Sonic: tsk, you’re pretty fast with a sword, but if I get serious, no sword slashes in the world can catch me…

    Tatsumaki: wait a minute! Why on earth is the B-Class baldy here?!

    Tatsumaki: wasn’t the summon only meant for powerful heroes?

    Atomic Samurai: seems like he was called here as well

    Tatsumaki: haaa?! Why do I have to go to battle with someone like this?!

    Sonic: what’s this kid’s problem?!

    Sonic: is Saitama regularly being made fun of by little kids like this?!

    Tatsumaki: you want to join me on an operation, then get in the S-Class first!

    Tatsumaki: you, the power difference between us….do you not have a fucking clue?!

    Sonic: w…what?!

    Sonic: does she mean she’s even stronger than Saitama?!

    Sonic: no that’s not right. I’ve heard that professional heroes need to manage their popularity

    Sonic: as powerful as Saitama is, his hero ranking must have been affected by his average looks and uncouth behavior

    Sonic: that’s why he’s only a B-Class hero, right?

    Sonic: in contrast, despite being weaker, she must have exploited her childish cuteness to obtain overwhelming popularity and ascend into the ranks of S-Class heroes

    Sonic: what a cruel industry

    Tatsumaki: to sum it up

    Tatsumaki: I don’t care if it’s a collaborative battle plan, or whatever other battle plan

    Tatsumaki: including a B-Class hero is unforgivable

    Tatsumaki: get the hell out, now!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: hey, old man, as proud heroes, should any of us be subject to such humiliation?

    Atomic Samurai: Tatsumaki doesn’t care, you had better just listen to her and leave

    Sonic: damn these guys…

    Sonic: since I’m roleplaying Saitama, I’ve got no choice but to leave

    Sonic: but don’t think I’ll let it slide if I run into any of you out there!

    Tatsumaki: just hurry up and leave already

    Sonic: shut up, stupid!

    Tatsumaki: haaa?!!

    Atomic Samurai: what are you doing?! You’re gonna get killed! Get out of here now!

    Sonic: Smokescreen Shuriken!

    Atomic Samurai and Tatsumaki coughing

    Tatsumaki: where the hell did the smoke come from?

    Tatsumaki: hey you! Wait a second!

    Atomic Samurai: just like a ninja

    Sonic: tsk, damn you, Saitama!

    Sonic: it’s all his fault, from the very beginning!

    Sonic: damn it! Instead of understanding him, all I’ve done is accumulate a ton of resentment!

    Sonic: what a terrible experience it’s been so far, I might as well give up on the disguise!

    Sonic: if I keep going, it would bad for my physical and mental health

    Kid: mom, that crazy guy in a cape shouting at the sky

    Mom: look away

    Mom: even though that guy is a professional hero, his career never took off the way he intended

    Mom: he’s destined for a hopeless future, and he’s expressing his anger

    Kid: oh I see

    Kid: I would never want to become a hero like him!

    Sonic: argh!

    Sonic: is this how the public treat low-ranking heroes?

    Sonic: Saitama looks like a brainless idiot

    Sonic: but maybe he’s suffering deep down

    Mom screaming

    Mom: no! Let go of my child now!

    Civilian: it’s a monster! The monster has taken the child!

    Civilian: it’s dangerous! Run! It’s coming this way!

    Sonic: hm?

    Monster: I’m the one who got pushed over the edge by screaming kids and loud music in public, Angry Grandpa! (T/N: the original Japanese マジギレ means “really pissed/disgusted” in an old grumpy sort of way, I think)

    Monster: I’m gonna teach all the kids around here a lesson in manners!

    Monster: and make sure none of them never try to do whatever they want again like it’s a game!


    Civilian: le…let go of the kid now!

    Monster: shut yer trap!

    Kid: mom! I’m really scared!

    Mom: s…someone! Please save him!


    Monster: hahahahaha, it’s useless!

    Civilian: ahh! It’s hopeless! The police are no

    Đòn đánh của 1 sah lớp C còn mạnh hơn súng nhiều lần(dù là hạng 1)

    Sonic không thể nhìn thấy đường kiếm của atomic samurai:)).

    Sonic có thể trụ được 1 lúc với quái dragon(né là chủ yếu=))).

    Sonic dần dần có sự tôn trọng đối với Saitama:D.
    zorroa3 thích bài này.
  11. gotei13

    gotei13 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ơ, copy thiếu à.
    chẳng nhẽ a tài xế lặng thầm mạnh thế sao:7cool_waaaht:.
    thế những thằng sah dùng súng rank cao thì là thế nào:4cool_doubt:.
  12. BadPlayBoy

    BadPlayBoy Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Súng của bọn cao cấp là súng đã được hiệp hội độ rồi chứ sao. :4cool_doubt:
  13. KNIGHT Light

    KNIGHT Light Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bản nguyên hình của Fubuki trong phần mục lục của tập 17 OPM, hàng chính chủ của Murata.

  14. g190

    g190 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thí chủ Bad PlayBoy có thể inbox mình vài đường code mở rộng tầm mắt không :2cool_misdoubt:
  15. Nguồn Tia Sáng

    Nguồn Tia Sáng Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Súng của bọn SAH chắc là mạnh hơn hàng quân đội nhiều.
  16. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Trận vây bắt Garou nó đứng xả 10 phút nát bét cả môi trường xung quanh đó. Súng nào làm được vậy =))
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  17. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    súng của hh hay súng của metal knight chế :))
  18. Nguồn Tia Sáng

    Nguồn Tia Sáng Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Súng của thằng kia là 20mm, là loại Pháo gắn trên máy bay....
    Và địp mẹ nó cầm bằng 1 tay !
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  19. BadPlayBoy

    BadPlayBoy Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Không. Đã chỉ phương pháp rồi thì tự thân mà tìm chứ ai hơi đâu dọn tới tận miệng, đẹp hay xấu còn tùy vào thẩm mỹ mỗi người nữa, nhất là phán Jav toàn xấu Uk toàn đẹp lại diễn tốt thì chắc hẳn là gu khác nhau rồi. :7cool_feel_good:
    Mấy thằng anh hùng hạng C còn mạnh hơn cả người thường, thì thằng hạng A cầm pháo 1 tay có gì lạ. :1cool_byebye:
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  20. Comic1xxx

    Comic1xxx Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Civilian: le…let go of the kid now!

    Monster: shut yer trap!

    Kid: mom! I’m really scared!

    Mom: s…someone! Please save him!


    Monster: hahahahaha, it’s useless!

    Civilian: ahh! It’s hopeless! The police are no match for him!

    Civilian: someone call the heroes! Why aren’t the heroes here?!

    Mumen Rider: huaaaa!

    Mumen Rider: everyone! Please let me through!

    Civilian: ah! That is…!

    Mumen Rider: a rider of justice, Mumen Rider, reporting for duty!

    Civilian: it’s Mumen! Mumen Rider is here!

    Civilian: thank God!

    Kid: save me, Mumen Rider!

    Mumen Rider: monster, let go of the child, I’ll be your opponent!

    Mumen Rider: Justice Tackle!

    Civilian: the kid is freed!

    Kid: mama!

    Mom: ah! Thank God, thank you so much!

    Mumen Rider: this is your opportunity to escape, run!

    Civilian: Go Mumen Rider, go!

    Monster: what’s with this guy, he’s so popular among kids

    Monster: I’ll crush their dreams!

    Monster: hyaaa!

    Mumen Rider: Justice Punch!

    Monster: damn you! Go to hell you scum!

    Mumen Rider: Justice Kick!

    Monster grunts

    Monster: damn it, he’s tough!

    Mumen Rider: killer move: Justice Crane High Kick!

    Civilian: awesome! Mumen Rider beat him!

    Monster: tsk

    Sonic: that monster…seems like he’s still got an ace up his sleeve

    Sonic: I don’t think the hero noticed that

    Mumen Rider: he-aaaah! Now for the coup de grace, Justice….

    Monster: killer move: furious outburst punch!

    Civilian: whoa! Mumen Rider…

    Civilian: what was that punch? There’re even holes on the ground!

    Monster: hahahahahaha, did you see that?

    Monster: by accumulating frustration, I can unleash limit-breaking power in an instant!

    Monster: now, the annoying hero is no more

    Monster: time to beat up some kids! Hahahahaha!

    Mumen Rider: Justice Crash!

    Monster: what?! What is…

    Sound of explosion (Sonic’s Shuriken)

    Monster: wwaaaaahhh!

    Mumen Rider: the monster has been taken care of, everyone rest easy!

    People cheering

    Mumen Rider: it’s all thanks to you, you got me out of a pinch there

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: don’t mention it

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: you are working really hard

    Sonic: I couldn’t care less about the safety of heroes

    Sonic: but right now, I’m the B-Class hero, Saitama

    Sonic: in order to approach his state of mind

    Sonic: I must act like a hero

    Mumen Rider: Saitama kun, I’m still doing everything within my capacity as a C-Class

    Mumen Rider: have you being showing your talent after becoming a B-Class hero?

    Sonic: oh, so this one is also an acquaintance

    Sonic: surprisingly, Saitama has quite the network skills

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: eh…yeah, I guess…

    Mumen Rider: heh, good to hear!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: are you always fighting these battles by the skin of your teeth?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: a small mistake and you might lose your life you know

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: to be honest, I don’t think you’re fit for…

    Mumen Rider: I’ve known this for a long time

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: huh? Then why do you do it? The pay for C-Class is awful, and you don’t get much respect

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I really don’t understand why you’re putting your life on the line for so little…

    Kid: Mumen Rider!

    Mumen Rider: hey little brother! Is everything okay?

    Mom: I can’t thank you enough, Mumen Rider!

    Mom: come over here son, now what should you say?

    Kid: yes! Thank you very much! I want to become a hero too!

    Sonic: hmph, stupid kid, only cares about appearances

    Mumen Rider: heh, that hero over there helped me a lot you know

    Mumen Rider: it’s all thanks to him that we’re able to protect everyone

    Sonic: eh?!

    Kid: what’s his hero name?

    Mumen Rider: he doesn’t have a hero name yet

    Kid: I see! Thank you! Bald brother in a cape!

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: a..ah…

    Mom: eh, thank you so very much

    Mom: I will cherish your kindness for the rest of my life

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: d…..don’t mention it…

    Mumen Rider: well then, looks like I can still move, let’s contact the Association so they can come and collect the monster

    Mumen Rider: let’s go drinking sometime, Saitama kun

    Mumen Rider: oh right, weren’t you going to ask me something just now?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: no…it’s nothing. See you around

    Sonic: living life as the hero Saitama for one day, made me understand one thing:

    Sonic: the reason why he would continue being a hero, despite the lousy pay and constant humiliation

    Sonic: nevertheless, I am no closer to understanding where he got his strength

    Sonic: maybe that can only be uncovered through battle?

    Sonic: Saitama battles monsters on a daily basis

    Sonic: true monsters that are in a completely different league compared to the one early today

    Sonic: hm?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: found you, you’re the monster Energira, aren’t you?

    Monster: yes?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: when I was at the Hero Association, I stole their top secret documents

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: and obtained information on a powerful monster hiding in Z-City’s uninhabited zone

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: S-Class heroes Tatsumaki and Atomic Samurai are coming to eliminate you

    Monster: what are you on about? Why are you telling me all this?

    Monster: who the heck are you?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I am hero Saitama

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: I got here before they did, so I can defeat you by myself

    Monster: hahahahahaha, I thought you had something important to say

    Monster: but a fodder hero such as yourself, do you really think you stand a chance against me?

    Monster: do you know my disaster level?

    Sonic, mimicking Saitama: it’s dragon isn’t it? So what?

    Monster: you really are clueless, aren’t you?

    Monster: haa!

    Sound of energy beam/explosion

    Monster: oops, I was only going to scare him a little with my beam

    Monster: did I evaporate him by accident?

    Sonic:: Exploding Shuriken!

    Sonic: a monster with limitless energy stock

    Sonic: and the ability to compress said energy and emit them from its hands

    Sonic: had I not known this beforehand, that would have been dangerous

    Sonic: nah, with my abilities, I should be able to defeat it even in a blind encounter

    Monster: hehehehehe, you’re not half bad

    Sonic: what? He’s not hurt at all?

    Sonic: did he deflect the Shuriken with his beams?

    Sonic: in that case…I’ll fight him in close quarters!

    Monster: oooh! What unstoppable speed! I can’t imagine you’re just a fodder!

    Monster: in that case, I’ll use this

    Monster: haaa!

    Sonic: whoa! Argh!

    Sonic: it managed to blow everything in the surroundings away!

    Sonic: close quarter is not an option!

    Monster: it’s about time I end this fight and go into hiding

    Monster: as strong as I am, fighting Miss Tatsumaki is still far too risky

    Sonic: tsk, I can’t believe I got pushed this far

    Sonic: is Saitama fighting monsters on this level every day?

    Sonic: at this rate, I’m not going to make it!

    Monster: well then, farewell!


    Sonic: heh, I’m still alive

    Sonic: what exactly happened?

    Saitama: someone’s fighting monsters in a place like this?

    Saitama: that’s pretty rare

    Monster: ooo! You’re still standing and talking after taking my energy beam. Who are you?!

    Saitama: I’m a hero

    Saitama: that explosion blew away all the ingredients for my hotpot

    Saitama: that’s absolutely unforgivable

    Monster: tsk, get ready for an even more intense gift from yours truly!

    Monster: haaaaaa!

    Sonic: in your dreams!

    Sonic: Explosion Shuriken!

    Monster: what?! What an annoying fellow!

    Saitama: aha? Why are you here? Are you fighting this monster?

    Sonic: eh…looks like I lost my mask and bald cap in the explosion

    Sonic: that no longer matters!

    Sonic: Saitama, you must prevent this guy from accumulating energy

    Sonic: I’ll hold him off with Shurikens

    Sonic: you attack him at your own pace!

    Saitama: oh, okay

    Monster: hyaaaaa!

    Sonic: eat this!

    Saitama: eh…are you sure you want me to beat him?

    Sonic: hurry up damn it! I can’t hold him off for long!

    Saitama: got it

    Monster: eh...h…hold on, this is, ah…


    Sonic: whew, no way, fighting together with you…I never thought this day would come

    Saitama: together? Eh, not really, I would have been fine by myself…

    Sonic: you…seems like you have a lot to deal with too…

    Saitama: eh? What do you mean?

    Saitama: also, what’s with the cape? Do you want to become a hero too?

    Sonic: nope. No such plans

    Sonic: by the way, Saitama

    Sonic: your weakness, I think I might have found one

    Saitama: ha?

    Sonic: I don’t know if I could beat you with it, but the day will come, when I will end your life with my own two hands!

    Sonic: make sure you’re ready!

    Sonic: see you around!

    Saitama: huh? Hey! What’s my weakness?

    Sonic: you’ll know soon enough…

    Saitama: I kinda know why he’s working so hard, but what exactly is that guy doing?

    Atomic Samurai: what happened here?

    Atomic Samurai: you! What are you doing here?

    Saitama: eh...who are you again?

    Atomic Samurai: this is the second time we’ve met today, stop acting like a fool

    Atomic Samurai: answer my question, what are you doing here?

    Saitama: I’m trying my best to salvage the ingredients for my hotpot

    Atomic Samurai: isn’t that the powerful monster lying over there?

    Atomic Samurai: what happened? Did you kill it?

    Atomic Samurai: wasn’t it supposed to be really powerful based on the information?

    Saitama: I have no idea what you’re talking about

    Tatsumaki: hold on a second! Baldy? What are you doing here!? Unbelievable?! Who told you to act by yourself?!

    Saitama: eh, here we go again with this one

    Tatsumaki: this was a special task entrusted to myself and Atomic Samurai, that’s why I took exception to it!

    Tatsumaki: how dare you beat it before we got here!? You’re bald for crying out loud!

    Tatsumaki: also how did you know the location?! Also isn’t the monster way too weak?

    Tatsumaki: what’s with you?! Why are you even bald?

    Saitama: nah, I have no idea, I didn’t about hear anything

    Tatsumaki: how is that even possible?!

    Tatsumaki: also you, do you remember what you said to me this morning at the HQ?

    Tatsumaki: you do, don’t you?! I bet you do!

    Tatsumaki: unforgivable! You baldy! Light bulb! Rice grain!

    Saitama: not really

    Tatsumaki: egg! Ball! Bean!

    Saitama: hold on a sec!

    Saitama: the weakness Sonic was talking about…is this it?

    Saitama: that bastard! Did he just pretend to be me so he could drag my name through the mud?!

    Sonic: heh, I’ve had enough of playing hero

    Sonic: seems like the only way to beat him is to continue honing my skills as a ninja

    Sonic: that said…

    Sonic: as long as he’s fighting monsters

    Sonic: I will not attack him.

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