Dinh - Trào lưu tìm sugar mommy

Thảo luận trong 'Thư Giãn Express - Bản Tin Cuối Ngày' bắt đầu bởi Cha Thần Gió, 13/12/20.

  1. hinokage

    hinokage Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

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    Vị huynh đài đây thật ko bằng 1 góc Doãn đại hiệp, dù biết sai nhưng vẫn khiến nữ nhân lên tận đỉnh Hoa Sơn ... oh wait :4cool_oh:
    Ờ mày giỏi thích bài này.
  2. backieuphong84

    backieuphong84 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    **Cái Bang**
    Nữ nhân kia không phải là Tiểu Long Nữ :2cool_burn_joss_sti
    Ờ mày giỏi thích bài này.
  3. hnty

    hnty Wildly-Blowing, full service bao tiền phòng

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Grand Gaia
    Nữ nhân kia chính là Lông Nữ:2onion2:
    Cũng same same mà đại hiệp:3onion15:
    backieuphong84 thích bài này.
  4. backieuphong84

    backieuphong84 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    **Cái Bang**
    Tại hạ không giống họ doãn, họ doãn ở thế chủ động còn tại hạ ở thế bị đông.. máu không dồn lên não và biết điểm dừng:9cool_pudency:
  5. baotru

    baotru Đẹp trai nhất trại Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thực ra thì lòn cá heo khá là hấp dẫn mà =))
    68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 70 72 65 76 69 65 77 2e 72 65 64 64 2e 69 74 2f 7a 6b 72 66 69 32 72 39 79 77 70 34 31 2e 6a 70 67 3f 61 75 74 6f 3d 77 65 62 70 26 73 3d 64 63 34 62 35 38 35 65 32 65 38 62 35 36 37 64 38 31 34 65 36 33 64 32 37 61 35 35 63 34 61 36 64 38 62 64 39 62 34 37
  6. hnty

    hnty Wildly-Blowing, full service bao tiền phòng

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Grand Gaia
    Nhắm mắt lại là dc
    backieuphong84 thích bài này.
  7. May 3rd

    May 3rd Legend of Zelda

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    ứ nói ,các anh tha em
  8. JEmEL

    JEmEL Tự hào koo 1cm, 30 năm chỉ dùng để peepee Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    lỗi rồi
  9. Lockon44

    Lockon44 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    A Châu với A Bích đại hiệp cũng làm được cái gì đâu đòi lông nữ , chắc vị đó mà đẹp bằng các mẹ của Đoàn Dự chắc huynh đài thả hồn bay bổng vào chốn xa xăm .
  10. giangnam

    giangnam cái biệt hiệu Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nàng tiên cá có khi nào là thằng hoàng tử chịch con cá heo :-?
  11. Ờ mày giỏi

    Ờ mày giỏi Cháu ngoan bác Hồ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    F22Raptors thích bài này.
  12. baotru

    baotru Đẹp trai nhất trại Lão Làng GVN

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    bình thường mà, ta vào bình thường mà ta. Nếu ko xem được thì trách bản thân quá đen đi =))
  13. baotru

    baotru Đẹp trai nhất trại Lão Làng GVN

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    bonues đây là guide hướng dẫn sử dụng với dolphin nhé =))
    Yes, I am perfectly aware there are many kinds of sex fetishes out there. There are people who are aroused by feet, shoes, and even shoelaces. But dolphins ? Anyway, if you want to have sex with a dolphin (and who doesn't ?), this is the guide for you.

    Here is how to proceed :

    1. Where to find a dolphin ?
    Aquariums and zooz are out of the question : too many witnesses. You are instead advised to try to find a beach where dolphins live. You also need luck :

    Sometimes you just need to be in the right place at the right time. I have been extremely lucky on two occasions with wild dolphins, and my current mate is a dolphin who lives in the harbor of my resident city.

    And if the Coast Guard comes by, you're on your own.

    2. Pre-sex assessment of the situation

    First, you need to figure out 1. the gender of the dolphin and 2. figure out if the dolphin is aroused.

    To do the first, you need to look at their head (males have a fatter, rounder head), or on the dolphin's belly, between opposite the dorsal fin and the tail. The male has two larger slits, and the female has one large slit and two small mammary slits.

    Figuring out whenever your prospective mate is aroused is also relatively straightforward. The male will sport a long erection that would make most men jealous ("anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose", we are advised). The dolphin's penis is also prehensile and flexible, and you can wrap it around your arm. It is not mentioned if the dolphin likes to have his penis wrapped around some dink's arm. On the other hand, the female's genitals will become pink and swollen, and she may nuzzle against you.

    Also, I still can't believe I am writing about having sex with dolphins. This is what being an Insolitologist is all about, folks.

    Q3) What do I do if a dolphin wants to mate with me?

    A3) Accept, if possible!

    3. Having sex

    A male dolphin's member is roughly S-shaped, tapered at the end. If you are in the water with them, it is best to support the dolphin on his side, just under the water, with one hand, and handle him with the other. Male dolphins, I find, tend to prefer the base of the penis to be gently massaged and squeezed, as well as gently rubbed along it's length.

    Due to the size of a dolphin's member, the best you can do with a male dolphin is to masturbate him. Missionary position or anal sex are both out of the question. Also, be careful : when those things shoot, they shoot. Remember what your mom told you about trains and get out of the way.

    The female dolphin can be either masturbated or fucked, depending on your gender. Roll the dolphin gently to her side, belly towards you, and prop yourself on an elbow to stay face-to-face with her. At this point, my brain is already beginning to rebel against what I'm reading, so I'll let the author do the explaining for me :

    Once comfortable, though, females initiate a series of muscular vaginal contractions that rub the entire length of your member. They may also thrust rhythmically against you, so enjoy the experience while you can, since you will rarely last longer that a minute or two. Just prior to her climaxing, she will up the speed of her contractions and thrusts. It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, they have timed their orgasm to mine. Whether they do this consciously or not, I do not know, but it is a great feeling to have two bodies shuddering against each other at the one time.

    One thing to note. Whether you masturbate or mate a fin, male or female, always spend time with them afterwards. Cuddle them, rub them, talk to them and most importantly, show them you love them. This is essential, as it helps to strengthen the bond between you.

    In conclusion, good luck, and if you have a baby with a dolphin, don't forget to tell someone other than the National Enquirer.
    o0puppyo0, F22Raptors and hnty like this.
  14. backieuphong84

    backieuphong84 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    **Cái Bang**
    Thực tế nó không như mình tưởng tượng đại hiệp ạ, mà có đẹp như mẹ của nhị đệ Đoàn Dự thì tại hạ cũng sẽ dừng lại thôi con chim cho phép nhưng lí trí thì không :4onion40:
  15. ryan2714

    ryan2714 Idol dzú bơm Silicon ớ ớ Lão Làng GVN

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    inbox địa chỉ với nv đi :2cool_sexy_girl:
  16. StuWolf

    StuWolf Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

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    Silvermoon City
    too much internet for a life time...
    Hakbit and Ờ mày giỏi like this.
  17. Bigboi808

    Bigboi808 Trùm Tâm Hự...Á á Hự... Ớ ớ

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    là tý cơm trắng cho bớt mặn:4cool_hungry:
  18. Shadowless

    Shadowless C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đm, các bạn đi khám thận xem coi chừng sỏi thận mợ hết rồi :5cool_sweat:
    Ờ mày giỏi thích bài này.
  19. hanglomwa

    hanglomwa Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vừa vừa 2 phải thôi. Xấu quá thì tắt đèn. Mồm hôi thì đánh răng. Tắm rửa xức dạ hương thay quần áo mới. Vú xệ bảo nó nằm ngửa là vừa tay.. Etc

    Để gái đó vác khoái lạc song châu chạy thì quả thực là vô đạo đức. Mất dạy
  20. Bé Thùy mạnh mẽ

    Bé Thùy mạnh mẽ Bé Thùy Horny

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