█ FALL 2023 █ ONE PIECE "Never End" ▶Final Saga Begin:Egghead Arc ◀ Netflix Live-action (31/08/2023)

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi re_code_v_x, 21/12/11.


Bao lâu nữa SH vào New World? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  1. < 10 chap

    38 phiếu
  2. 10 - 20 chap

    16 phiếu
  3. 20 - 40 chap

    21 phiếu
  4. 40 - 50 chap ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

    10 phiếu
  5. > 50 chap, Oda chém gió ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

    178 phiếu
  1. [A]thena

    [A]thena C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Thế là Rebecca cũng giống ViVi à ? xuất thân hoàng tộc,trải qua biến cố > gặp anh Lù vào giải cứu :))
  2. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rutilus Ala
    Luffy và đồng bọn lúc nhỏ ;))

  3. eragon041990

    eragon041990 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Những cảnh trong tấm hình này là có thật trong truyện không bác ? Sao Luffy lại xịt máu mũi khi nhìn Nami còn trơ trơ khi nhìn Boa ? Không lẽ tác giả mâu thuẫn chính mình,hay là Luffy thích Nami ? :5cool_still_dreamin
  4. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Oda giải thích là có Usopp bên cạnh thì Luffy mới bị nhiễm bệnh xịt máu =))
    colorspread đẹp :9cool_sweet_kiss:
  5. _Rain_

    _Rain_ Ame no Shinryū「高貴の」 CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

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    Làng Vũ Đệ
    mình nghĩ nguyên do là ở đầu ti. Khi nhìn ngực con gái mà đầu ti hồng thì mình rất có hứng, còn đầu ti nào bị thâm quá thì mình lại chả có cảm xúc.
  6. KNIGHT Light

    KNIGHT Light Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Oda nói trong SBS là do Usopp ở cạnh nên Luffy mới xịt máu mũi :2cool_sexy_girl: nhưng mà cái SBS hay troll lắm, có khi Oda bị bắt bài nên nói thế, ko biết có ý nghĩa sâu xa gì ko :-?
  7. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Rutilus Ala
    Summary của Aohige ^^

    Sai notices Ideo, Kelly, and Boo falling to their pit.
    Tank Repanto approach Ricky, and tells him I've had this feeling all along...are you not.. my majesty, King Riku?
    Ricky takes his helm off. He looks like Heihachi from tekken but with a cupid mayo baby hair on the forhead.
    Riku Doldo the third, former king of Dressrosa

    Tank bursts in tears, rejoicing to see his king alive.
    Tank's disloyalty to Doflamingo was because he was royal to the Riku royalty.
    Riku guessed Tank was looking after Viola's safety all along, and that he would never question his loyalty.

    King Elizabello comes over and hugs Riku, glad to see his old friend alive.
    Riku helped out his nation many times, and Elizabello is tired of all the warfare in the neighboring nations after Riku's disappearance.
    Sai says there is someone benefiting greatly from all the war in the region.
    Doflamingo is making a fortune off by manipulating the war from behind,and selling weapons to all sides.
    Even their home nation of Ka no Kuni is caught in the wars.

    Sai and his group were sent by the king of Ka, to investigate and destroy the weapon smugglers.
    He blames Riku for losing his head and allowing Doflamingo to become a king for all the wars in the region.
    To this Dagama agrees, telling his king that even though Riku was a friend in the past, they should alienate from him.
    Enraged, Tank tells Riku he doesn't know the truth that transpired ten years ago.

    Riku stops Tank, but Tank tells him he's a soldier loyal to your majesty.
    Many gladiators stands up and announce that they are soldiers of Riku as well.
    Some of the toys stands up with them.
    Many soldiers and toys kneel before their king.

    Hack, hidden from others, communicates with someone on a small Den Den mushi.
    He reports that with such a huge pit underground, there may be more hidden secrets here.
    The person on the other side of the communication acknowledges, and tells him to continue his recon.

    Just then, a blob of slime stretches down, and snags Sai away.
    Shortly later, Sai is turned into a monkey toy.
    Trebol gives him orders.. "Do not harm humans" "Obay the Family", now head to the factory.
    Sai is conscious, but cannot not disobey the orders, and his body moves on its own...

    Meanwhile in Colosseum
    Luffy is cheering on Rebecca, and tells the TV to show her more instead of Cabbage.
    He heads to a better spot to see the fights, but before that he chats with the gladiators there.
    He tells him how he though this country was fun and happy, but seeing them, that doesn't seem like the whole truth.
    The gladiators tell him how this nation exist both light and dark, and the losers are thrown in the darkness.
    If you take out the trash (losers) of course the country will look clean and bright.
    Luffy tells him it reminds him of the country he grew up in.

    As Luffy leaves, Barto finds him. *bursts into tears of joy*

    At the flower garden:
    The elder explains their history. The Tontatta faced extinction every time they encountered humans in the past.
    But the king of Dressrosa at the time, Donquixote, offered them resource and safety in return for small amount of labor.
    But in truth, it was a slave system. Enslaved, the Tontattas were locked underground and abused.
    Due to their slave work, the people of Dressrosa flourished in wealth.

    But after the "Void Century" all changed. A new king appeared in Dressrosa. King Riku.
    Riku found out about the Tontattas, cried, and apologized to them for all the cruelty.
    He promised them that they can take any resource they need for survival from his country, he'll simply chalk it up to "fairies did it".
    Thus the fairy legend was created in Dressrosa.

    Riku royalty were generous rulers. They were never very wealthy, but always helped others in needs, including neighboring nations.
    But the the 800 years of ties with Riku and the Tontattas were broken 10 years ago when Doflamingo, the descendant of the Donquixotes took the throne. He plans to reenact the terrible history of the past. He's already claimed 500 Tontattas, including the elder's daughter princess Manshelly.

    Hearing their tale, Usopp riles up for a battle, while Franky sheds tears for them.
    Robin asks why the girl on the screen is being jeered on by the crowd for being the granddaughter of Riku then?
    The toy soldier explains that the King lost the favor of his people 10 years ago, but they don't know the truth of what transpired.
    The king was trying to protect his own country the whole time. Doflamingo tried to rid all the Rikus at the time, but he took Rebecca and fled. But at last they've been caught and now she's an exhibition at the Colosseum...!
    He couldn't protect her mother, but he'll protect Rebecca and King Riku's trust with all his life.
    Usopp asks him exactly who are you?

    The soldier replies that although she wouldn't remember him after he's been turned into a toy, he is the true father of Rebecca.

    End of chapter.[/spoil]

    RAW: http://imgur.com/a/h3gPM#0
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/10/13
  8. dante0077

    dante0077 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    New World
    Không lẽ đầu ti Boa bị thâm à ?
  9. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    gái gần 30 mà ko thâm cũng lạ :4cool_baffle:
    lúc còn làm slave cho tụi chính quyền chả lẽ đẹp thế lại ko bị rape ?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/10/13
  10. rongdoVN

    rongdoVN Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

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    TS-Pri GameVN
    bị tụi thiên long hội rape nên thâm :3cool_nosebleed:
  11. Katori Itto

    Katori Itto Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Bọn nó coi nô lệ như dog nên chắc ko rage Boa đâu, có khi Boa vẫn còn zin ấy chứ :">
  12. sothink

    sothink Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giờ mới để ý vụ tuổi tác. Boa đã 31 rồi :4cool_oh:
  13. ngothanhtung1990

    ngothanhtung1990 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Nơi chỉ có mình ta
  14. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    milf cái gì, dự là vẫn còn zin [-X
  15. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rutilus Ala
  16. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

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    under ground
    kỳ này xong 1 vương quốc luôn rồi \m/ lính quốc vương cũ vẫn còn nhìu \m/ war thôi \m/ , mỗi lần gặp anh fan cuồng mắc cười vãi =))
  17. KNIGHT Light

    KNIGHT Light Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đồng minh của SH đã có thêm liên minh của bác Riku, quả này R,I.P Dodo và dòng họ Donquixote :2cool_burn_joss_sti
    nghi vấn lão người cá là gián điệp của DoDo :-?
    p/s bonus Cover Vol 72
    [spoil][​IMG] [/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/10/13
  18. [A]thena

    [A]thena C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Hy vọng trận này hoành tráng tý,vụ này coi bộ nhiều quân tham gia đây..
  19. dream_me

    dream_me Donkey Kong

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    Lão người cá chắc không phải gián điệp đâu . Là nhà báo thì đúng hơn
  20. Nocturnal+5

    Nocturnal+5 C O N T R A GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sau chap này thì có thể khẳng định Doflamingo hay ít nhất là dòng họ Donquixote là thiên long

    Tuy nhiên sao Oda lại vẽ Doflamingo lúc bé thì nghèo rách rưới trong khi Law thì như công tử nhà giàu và nguyên nhân nào khiến Dof phải quay lại Dress Rosa cũ, tại sao Dof hồi nhỏ rách rưới như thế mà giờ lại được chính quyền bảo kê kinh khủng thế.

Chia sẻ trang này