█ FALL 2023 █ ONE PIECE "Never End" ▶Final Saga Begin:Egghead Arc ◀ Netflix Live-action (31/08/2023)

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi re_code_v_x, 21/12/11.


Bao lâu nữa SH vào New World? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  1. < 10 chap

    38 phiếu
  2. 10 - 20 chap

    16 phiếu
  3. 20 - 40 chap

    21 phiếu
  4. 40 - 50 chap ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

    10 phiếu
  5. > 50 chap, Oda chém gió ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

    178 phiếu
  1. Zeitgeist 1.0

    Zeitgeist 1.0 You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Cái này là do 2 double issue liên tiếp là số 4-5 và số 6-7 nên số 6-7 sẽ có leak sớm hơn bình thường. Năm nào cũng thế mà, cần gì phải nghe nói.
  2. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Rutilus Ala
    cuối tuần này không biết có ra chap mới sớm không :-?

    btw, 4-koma Oda-sensei vẽ mừng giáng sinh:

    credits: redon & Aohige


    ông già nô en đổi quà lấy đồ ăn à =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 24/12/13
  3. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

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    Hà Nội
    lâu lắm mới thấy thánh Bug 8-> vẫn phong độ và nhọ như ngày nào 8->
  4. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Rutilus Ala
    spoiler chap mới ^^


    mới có 2 bức hình (from kaze)

    edit: text from sandman

    [spoil][What happened!?]

    Barto "I didn't see it..."
    Sabo "That was very fast!! I've heard the rumor..."

    Last panel [Wait... someone is about to stand up!!][/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/12/13
  5. rongdoVN

    rongdoVN Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

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    TS-Pri GameVN
    hình như cả thằng Burgess cũng nằm sấp @@
  6. doconga

    doconga Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

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    Đâu mà, sabo thay luffy vào vòng sau còn đây vẫn là vòng bảng của thằng caven mà :5cool_sweat:
  7. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    đây là bảng D mà Burgess liên quan gì, Barto với Sabo nói chuyện ở khung bên phải đứng xem kìa :5cool_sweat:
  8. KNIGHT Light

    KNIGHT Light Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đấy là thằng khác, vì Burgess nó nhất bảng A
    cả bảng D nằm hết, ko biết lại có nv nào xuất hiện đây. Từ đầu cứ tưởng Rebecca hay Cavendish thắng
  9. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

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    Hà Nội
    đoán đê hê hê ;)) có khi được giới thiệu trong đây rồi cũng nên ;))
  10. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Rutilus Ala
    summary đây ^^

    [spoil]summary from T◆PdVGPI5gh. in 2ch

    - D block
    - Suleiman vs Rebecca
    - Suleiman was exiled as a war criminal although he worked for his own country.
    - Suleiman sympathizes with Rebecca, who is also hated by people.
    - Rebecca tells him that she want to live with the toy soldier even if everyone hates her.
    - 30 fighters survived.
    - Fighting Lion is defeated by Orlumbus

    - Toy soldier disappeared at the dark trade port of under world.
    - According to Leo, toy soldier went to the palace to defeat Doflamingo.
    - When they success the SOP operation, Doflamingo will relax his guard.
    - Usopp takes command of the SOP operation to knock out Sugar with reluctance.

    - Usopp was found by the guard of Doflamingo family, but dwarves tear off the possesions of the enemies. Leo and another dwarf give him a finish blow.
    - Usopp and Robin take the clothes of the fainted enemies. Usopp and Robin are heading for the executive building.

    - At junction lift.
    - This lift is connected with Palace, Toy house and port of trade.
    - Toy soldier gets on the lift hiding himself.
    - At the lift, subordinates of Doflamingo are talking about the fight between Franky and Senor Pink.
    - Toy soldier attacks them with some Tontattas.
    - Toy soldier avoids bullets and sword easily.
    - Toys soldier trained Rebecca very strictly. Rebecca called it "domestic violence".
    -Rebecca didn't want to fight and want him to protect her, but toy soldier trained her because toy will be broken someday.
    - At Colosseum, many strong fighters are knocked down.
    - Barto "What? I couldn't see..."
    - Sabo "That was very fast... I've heard the rumor..."
    - Someone is about to stand up

    end of chapter[/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/12/13
  11. The_Angel

    The_Angel Lão Làng GameVN Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Có vẻ như đó là Suileman hay Fighting Lion win :8cool_amazed:
  12. QuaiVatToTBung

    QuaiVatToTBung Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

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    A Deep Hole
    dự là fighting lion :)), có mỗi nó khác khác xíu.
  13. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

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    Hà Nội
    theo summary thì bé sư tử đã nằm, theo hình thì Suileman cũng nằm nốt :))
  14. KNIGHT Light

    KNIGHT Light Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    cả bảng D có 138 người lúc sau còn 30, mấy nv đc giới thiệu đa phần nằm hết Có khi lại là nv ẩn nào đó cũng nên :-?
  15. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Nơi ở:
    Rutilus Ala
    summary của Aohige ^^

    [spoil]Chapter 733 What the soldier wants

    Slayman vs Rebecca
    Slayman was the hero of the Battle of Diaz, but was disgraced as war criminal.
    He wanders the underworld as a killer, spiritless and deathly.
    He loved his country, and all of his killings in the war for his country.
    He asks how Rebecca feels in her situation, it must be painful to continue to breath air in this country for her.
    Rebecca answers that she doesn't mind the pain, or who hates her, as long as she gets to live with the soldier.

    Meanwhile, Ohrumbus defeats Agyou the Lion with this whip.
    Cavendish, Damask, and Mummy still stands in the ring.

    Meanwhile in the underground port
    The soldier left leading a few Tontatta members, his mission is to defeat Doflamingo once the Operation SOP is successful.
    Tontattas ask Usopp to lead them in the Operation SOP. The factory is across the port, and the in the center is the command tower where Sugar should be hiding.

    The Family's goons find Usopp, but the "fairies" strip them whole in an instant.
    Two of the Tontattas knock the goons into the ground with "Tontatta Combat" Tail Hammer, using their tail like a hammer.
    Every one of the Tontattas are superhumanly strong, and realizing that, Usopp takes up the mantle to lead them.
    No wait, go ahead of me! lol

    Many of the Donquixote family goons head to the lift connecting the ground level and the factory level.
    They're heading up to join the fight against Franky. The bosses promised them extra pay to whoever takes him out.
    The soldier, hiding in a crate in the lift, tells the Tontattas to stay here, and he'll take over the lift.
    Jumping out, the soldier engages the goons. They immediately recognize him, and tries to take him out - but the solder moves at lightning speed, taking them out single handedly.

    Short flashback to the soldier training Rebecca.
    She complains at the harshness of the training as abuse, but he tells her that human instinct is far more powerful than she realize.
    She doesn't want to train anymore, and tells the soldier to protect her instead, but he realizes his toy body may not last forever.
    The goons ask him what he wants, and he replies... a nation of peace where his child can grow in happiness. And for that, he demands they return Dressrosa to hands of the Riku royalty.

    Meanwhile, in D-block...
    All the gladiators are knocked to the ground.
    Sabo comments on the incredible speed, and that he had heard about it in the rumors.
    (doesn't address pronoun specifically, so can't tell if he means "he" or "she")
    Rebecca, Cavendish, Oorumbus, Slayman, Mummy, Damask, are all on the ground seemingly unconscious.
    But someone is getting up before the dust even settles... who is it?

    Chapter end[/spoil]

    RAW (from kaze): http://imgur.com/a/euUgt#0

    btw, Naruto ra rồi thì chắc hôm nay sẽ có OP chap mới luôn ^^
  16. tuan_hopeless

    tuan_hopeless Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Rebecca nằm luôn thì ai sẽ cứu ông nội đây :9cool_too_sad:
  17. OPBC

    OPBC Fire in the hole! ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rutilus Ala
  18. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

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    under ground
    nhìn thì ko giống bị haki bá vương làm ngất xỉu . lại hóng tiếp :6cool_beat_shot: Franky chưa show gì nữa :6cool_beat_shot:
  19. Zeromus

    Zeromus Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lang thang trên mạng tình cờ vớ đc cái này, có lẽ nào 8-}

  20. Onikage

    Onikage Mayor of SimCity ✟ Grim Reaper ✟ Tàu ngầm GVN

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    có khi nào là thằng shichibukai cuối cùng chưa xuất hiện ko nhỉ :))

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