Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of The Lions(PSP)

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi 0oBeowulFo0, 20/8/08.

  1. joedeng

    joedeng C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    SaiGon Central
    Các bạn có thể hướng dẫn chi tiết hơn vè phiên bản mới này trên PSP không ? phiên bản này có giống trên PSP không hay là nên chơi trên PS1 trưốc rồi mới chơi trên PSP ?
  2. wanderer

    wanderer Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bản này main character có thể thành dominated class , bản PS1 chỉ có special character là có class riêng ngon , hồi xưa thích mấy cái class knight đặc biệt lắm ;))

    Mà game ra lâu rồi , giờ mới phải bàn à , cloud bản này mạnh khiếp ra:))
  3. joedeng

    joedeng C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    SaiGon Central

    Mình nói thiệt nha mình có chơi nhưng chơi theo kiểu mì gói ăn liền không có biết hết bí mật của nó . cho nên mình mới hỏi các bạn là những bí mật có giống những bí mật trong FFTT trên PS1 hay không ? hình như nó đổi tên hết trên PSP phải không ? vì đang đọc bài hướng dẫn thấy giói thiệu lung tung không biết phải chơi từ chương mấy nữa . nếu đi một mạch thì dễ nhưng vì có đồ chơi nhiều quá với lại cứu các nhân vật thì rất là hay . cho nên là phải đi từ đâu mới đúng . nếu bạn là chuyên gia chơi rồi thì có lời khuyên nào cho mình không ? với lại là phải cứu tifa ở đâu ? để lấy được đò cho nó dễ , nhiều quá thấy nó nhức đầu gì đâu
  4. Sharius

    Sharius SPARTAN John-117 GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    * Two new crossover characters have been added as party members: Balthier, from 
    Final Fantasy XII, and Luso, from the forthcoming Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 
    2 (try saying that two times fast!).
    * Additional subquests and accompanying battles have been added to Chapter IV.  
    In addition to the mission to recruit Balthier, there are also the new Agrias's
    Birthday, Disorder in the Order, and Lionel's New Liege Lord quests.
    * Two new jobs are available for all characters: Dark Knight and Onion Knight.
    * Two multiplayer modes have been added.  One allows you to compete against 
    other player's team.  The other has you team up with another player to clear a 
    variety of special missions.  Both are playable only over an "Ad Hoc" (i.e.: 
    local) connection -- no Internet play, sadly.
    * Key story scenes are now illustrated with cel-shaded animated cutscenes and 
    (in the English version) voice acting, instead of the in-game cutscenes and CG 
    movies of the original.
    * There are a number of new story scenes and battles added to the main 
    storyline, including:
      - Loffrey recruiting Wiegraf near the end of Chapter II.
      - Delita traveling with Ovelia at Zeirchele Falls, also near the end of
        Chapter II.  This scene also involves a new story battle.
      - Ramza's meeting with Luso in Chapter III and the battle to rescue him.
      - As assasination attempt against Ovelia near the end of Chapter III.
        There's a new Delita battle here as well.
      - Delita demonstrating the blade-of-grass whistle to Ovelia soon after the 
        beginning of Chapter IV.
      - A battle against Argath at Limberry Castle in Chapter IV.
      - An additional battle against Cletienne in Dorter on the way back to Eagrose
        in Chapter IV.
    * The maximum roster size has been increased by 8 (from 16 to 24), to allow
    you to add Luso and Balthier to your crew without having to kick out any of the
    other story characters.
    * Many abilities now cost more JP to learn.
    * Job prerequisites have been changed--specifically, some jobs now require the 
    prerequisite jobs to be leveled up to a higher level.  Additionally, the amount
    of each JP to reach each job level (except job level 2) has also been
    increased.  In other words, jobs require much more JP to unlock!
    * The Speed of some abilities has also been changed.  Some abilities (mostly
    Summons, plus a few Time Mage abilities and the Mystic's Petrify/Induration) 
    now take longer to charge.
    * The sword techniques used by Meliadoul and Orlandeau can now still damage 
    enemies even if they don't have the relevant piece of equipment.  This means
    that these abilities can now damage monsters as well.
       In fact, using these abilities against a character not equipped with the 
    relevant item (including monsters) *increases* the damage dealt.  The specific 
    amount varies by ability:
      - Crush Armor - bonus is user's Physical Attack stat times 5
      - Crush Helm - bonus is user's Physical Attack stat times 4
      - Crush Weapon - bonus is user's Physical Attack stat times 3
      - Crush Accessory - bonus is user's Physical Attack stat times 2
    * New pieces of equipment have been added.  A few are obtainable in the single-
    player game as Balthier's initial equipment and from the Agrias's Birthday
    quest; the rest can only be found by completing the multiplayer missions.
    * The quest to recruit Cloud is immediately after completing Fort Besselat (and
    the other prerequisite subquests).  In the PSone version, this quest could not
    be done until substantially later--after defeating Adrammelech.
    * It's no longer possible to steal any of Elmdore's equipment. Actually, this 
    is consistent with the original Japanese PSone release, where you couldn't 
    steal his equipment either--the ability to steal his gear is unique to the
    North American PSone version.
    * Rapha and Marach's Mantra abilities (a/k/a Truth and Un-Truth) have been
    upgraded.  Each use of one of these abilities results in 1 to 10 "strikes"
    instead of 1 to 6 in the PSone version.  They also seem to be more accurate and 
    are more likely to hit the targeted panel/unit rather than the adjoining 
    tiles.  Similarly, Reis's Holy Breath ability also has now 1-10 strikes 
    instead of 1-6.
    * The "item duplication" trick/glitch (which allowed you to buy extra copies of 
    some weapons that you couldn't normally buy) has been removed from the game, as
    has the glitch that allowed you to earn infinite JP via a bug in the ability-
    learning menu.
    * Instead of using the Gregorian Calendar (January to December), dates are now
    displayed in Zodiac format (e.g. 3 Capricorn).  The year also now alternates
    between "Wet months" (in which storms are more likely) and "Dry months,"
    similar to the cycle on Final Fantasy XII's Giza Plains.
    * Victory conditions for the Bethla Garrison/Fort Besselat sluice battle in 
    Chapter IV have changed.  In the PSone version, you had to throw a pair of
    switches to finish the battle.  This meant that you could hang around even 
    after you'd killed all the enemies to have your characters hit each other and
    easily level up.  In the PSP version, the battle ends as soon as you defeat all
    the enemies.
    * At the very beginning of the game, when you're choosing Ramza's birthdate, the
    game now displays which Zodiac sign he'd end up with based on the birthdate you 
    currently have entered.
    * All of Rapha's skills are now learnable as soon as she joins the party.  In
    the PSone version, many did not appear until Chapter IV.
    * The Oil status effect, which did not do anything in the PSone version (even
    though it was supposed to), now actually works -- it doubles the damage from
    the next fire attack.
    * In the PSP version, when a summon spell is cast, the name of that summon's
    special attack is displayed (e.g. Shiva casts "Glacial Shards"), as in most
    Final Fantasy games.  The PSone version simply displayed the name of the
    summoned creature itself (e.g. "Shiva").  Similarly, each Iaido ability now has 
    a special name when being cast, rather than simply the name of the katana.
    * In the PSone version, the game would cycle through various "attract" movies--
    a trailer for the game and videos demonstrating all the jobs--if left on the
    title screen for a while.  These movies do not exist in the PSP version; the 
    title sequence just repeats over and over if the game is left running on the 
    title menu.
    * The icons for some of the status conditions have been changed -- probably to
    be more visible on a smaller screen.
    * Some other visual display elements have also been changed.  For example, the 
    party roster screen now has more characters per row (to fit the widescreen
    format), the victory condition and battle clear screens are different, and the
    text on the map screen is printed in a different & bigger font.
    * On the bad side of things, the game runs somewhat slower than the original 
    PSone version.
    * Also on the bad side, some of the sound effects (e.g. some ability effects, 
    and the "death screams" when characters are KOed) also sound different (and
    poorer) on the PSP hardware.  To be honest, I have such a tin ear for these 
    kinds of differences that it's hard for me to tell exactly what has and hasn't 
    changed, but it's been widely reported that they do sound different :)
    * And, of course, the game has been retitled Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of 
    the Lions, given a new logo, and rebranded as part of Square Enix's new Ivalice 
    Alliance franchise.
    In addition, the North American, European, and Australian releases boast some 
    further changes:
    * The game has been completely retranslated, with the Engrish-y awkwardness 
    from the original version being replaced with a "medieval" style similar to the 
    English version of Final Fantasy XII.  If you're familiar with the old 1998 
    PSone translation and want to get up to speed with the new one, check out the
    name conversion guide below.
    * The slowdown in the North American and European releases is not as bad as it 
    was in the Japanese PSP release (or so I'm told).
    * Voice-acting has been added to the cutscenes.  In the Japanese version, the
    dialogue is only displayed in subtitles, with no voice-over.
    * In the PSone version, using a spell or special technique would occasionally
    cause the character to shout out a special quote (e.g., "Life is short...Bury!
    Steady Sword!").  These quotes have been removed from the English PSP version.
    * Using the Select button "help" feature and then selecting a character's name
    on his/her status screen gives you a short quote from the character.  In the 
    PSone version, only the story characters had unique messages.  Generic 
    characters simply had one of a handful of generic quotes.  In the PSP version, 
    every default name for a generic character now has his or her own unique quote!
    (This feature has always been in the Japanese version; it was only in the 
    English PSone version that the generic characters did not all have unique 
    * The X and O button mappings are reversed from the North American PSone 
    release -- X now selects things in menus and O cancels, as in almost all North 
    American releases.  (Explanation: In Japanese versions of games, using O to 
    select and X to cancel is actually the standard.  In North America, the 
    reverse is true; usually X selects and O cancels.  Games being localized from 
    Japan generally have the X and O buttons swapped -- in fact, this is a Sony-
    mandated change.  The original PSone translation of FF Tactics apparently 
    slipped through the cracks, in keeping with the general kookiness of its 
    localization, and ended up with the O button to confirm.  The PSP localization 
    brings things back in life with the North American standard.)
    * In the Japanese version, four of the artefacts obtainable from errands can
    be used to play Choose Your Own Adventure style text-adventure games.  In the
    English version, you can still get these artefacts, but you can't play the
    text adventure games.  Since the text adventures don't actually earn you
    anything in the "main" game, this isn't a huge loss.  (This is true in both
    the PSP and PSone localizations.)
    %%%NAME CONVERSION CHART%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%00names
    The new English translation has changed quite a few names from the much-
    maligned 1998 translation seen in the PSone version, so I've provided this 
    chart to help FF Tactics veterans get up to speed with the new translation.
    ---Game Mechanics---------------------------------------------------------------
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Brave                         Bravery
    Propositions                  Errands
    Treasure (from Prop.s)        Artefacts
    Unexplored Land               Wonders of the Ancient World
    Strengthen: (equipment)       Boosts:
    Cancel: (equipment)           Immune:
    Always: (equipment)           Equip:
    Magic: (equipment)            Spell Effect:
    Bonus Money                   Bonus Coin
    War Trophies                  Battle Trophies
    Bar                           Tavern
    Shop                          Outfitter
    Soldier office                Warriors' Guild
    Fur shop                      Poachers' Den
    Formation                     Party Roster
    Brave Story                   Chronicle
    Record [Brave Story]          Events
    Person [Brave Story]          Personae
    Job [Brave Story]             Feats
    Injured [Brave Story]         Kills
    Transparent                   Invisible
    Darkness                      Blind
    Petrify                       Stone
    Frog                          Toad
    Don't Move                    Immobilize
    Don't Act                     Disable
    Blood ****                    Vampire
    Death Sentence                Doom
    Invitation                    Traitor
    Innocent                      Atheist
    Natural Surface               Soil
    Canal                         Waterway
    Sea                           Ocean
    Thicket                       Underbrush
    Ivy                           Vines
    Stone Floor                   Flagstones
    Mud Wall                      Earthen Wall
    Tombstone                     Gravestone
    Rocky Cliffs                  Stone Outcropping
    Basalt                        Lava Rocks
    Furniture                     Furnishings
    Iron Plate                    Iron
    Rug                           Carpet
    Box                           Coffer
    Deck                          Wooden Deck
    Swamp                         Marsh
    Marsh                         Swamp
    Poisoned Marsh                Poisonous Fen
    Sand Area                     Sand
    Salt                          Salt Flat
    Machine                       Machinery
    Water Plant                   Reed
    Obstacle                      Barrier
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Adramelk                      Adrammelech
    Alazlam J.D.                  Arazlam Durai
    Algus Sadalfas                Argath Thadalfus
    Alphons Draclau               Alphonse Delacroix
    Altima                        Ultima
    Balbanes Beoulve              Barbaneth Beoulve
    Balk Fenzol                   Barich Fendsor
    Balmafula Lanandu             Valmafra Lenande
    Besrodio Bunanza              Besrudio Bunansa
    Bestrada Larg                 Bestrald Larg
    Beowulf Kadmus                Beowulf Cadmus
    Buremonda                     Bremondt
    Cidolfas Orlandu              Cidolfus Orlandeau
    Delita Hyral                  Delita Heiral
    Druksmald Goltana             Druksmald Goltanna
    Elidibs                       Elidibus
    Gaff Gafgarion                Goffard Gaffgarion
    Gelkanis Barinten             Gerrith Barrington
    Golagros Levine               Gragoroth Levigne
    Gustav Margueriff             Gustav Margriff
    Hashmalum                     Hashmal
    Izlude Tingle                 Isilud Tengille
    Kletian Drowa                 Cletienne Duroi
    Lede                          Lettie
    Malak Galthana                Marach Galthena
    Marge Funeral                 Marcel Funebris
    Mesdoram Elmdor               Messam Elmdore
    Miluda Folles                 Milleuda Folles
    Mustadio Bunanza              Mustadio Bunansa
    Olan Durai                    Orran Durai
    Omdolia Atkascha              Ondoria Atkascha
    Orinas Atkascha               Orinus Atkascha
    Professor Bordam Daravon      Master Darlavon
    Queklain                      Cuchulainn
    Rad                           Ladd
    Rafa Galthana                 Rapha Galthena
    Reis Dular                    Reis Duelar
    Rofel Wodring                 Loffrey Wodring
    Rudvich Bart                  Ludovich Baert
    Ruvelia Atkascha              Louveria Atkascha
    Simon Pen Rakshu              Simon Penn-Lachish
    Sinogue                       Syneugh
    Teta Hyral                    Tietra Heiral
    Velius                        Belias
    Vormav Tingel                 Folmarv Tengille
    Worker 8                      Construct 8
    Zalbag Beoulve                Zalbaag Beoulve
    Zalmo Rusnada                 Zalmour Lucianada
    Vicks                         Biggs
    Fukes                         Fuchs
    Dish                          Diesch
    Wezaleff                      Wezlef
    Hokuten Knights               Order of the Northern Sky
    Nanten Knights                Order of the Southern Sky
    Touten Knights                Order of the Eastern Sky
    Death Corps                   Corpse Brigade
    Bart Company                  Baert Company
    Temple Knights                Knights Templar
    Black Sheep Knights           Blackram Knights
    Lion's War                    War of the Lions
    Mosfungus                     Mossfungus
    Knights of the Atkascha       Lionsguard
    Ramza Ruglia [his alias in    Ramza Lugria
             Chapter II]
    "Silver Nobleman" [Elmdore's  "Silver Prince"
    "Silver Ogre"      nicknames] "Silver Demon"
    Pagan Hunter                  Inquisitor
    Kamyuja                       Khamja
    High Priest                   High Confessor
    Denamunda [former king]       Denamda
    Diwanu [king of Ordalia]      Devanne III
    Valowa [king of Ordalia]      Varoi VI
    Ordalia                       Ordallia
    Ryomoku                       Order of the Ebon Eye
    Gallione [province]           Gallionne
    Glewan                        Chancellor Glevanne
    Battle of Gufolavia           Battle of Groffovia
    "King Weapon" [Barinten's     "King of the Forge"
    Transmission Machine          Transporter
    Lionel Holy Knights           Gryphon Knights
      [Beowulf's former group]
    The Manipulator & the         The Manipulative & the
      Subservient                   Subservient
    Somebody to Love              In the Name of Love
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Ygros Castle                  Eagrose Castle
    Sweegy Woods                  The Siedge Weald
    Sand Rat Cellar               Sand Rat's Sietch
    Thieves' Fort                 Brigands' Den
    Lenalia Plateau               Lenalian Plateau
    Fovoham Plains                Fovoham Windflats
    Fort Zeakden                  Ziekden Fortress
    Zirekile Falls                Zeirchele Falls
    Fort City Zaland              Castled City of Zaland
    Bariaus Hill                  Balias Tor
    Zigolis Swamp                 Tchigolith Fenlands
    Goug Machine City             Clockwork City of Goug
    Warjilis Trade City           Port City of Warjilis
    Bariaus Valley                Balias Swale
    Golgorand Execution Site      Golgollada Gallows
    Goland Coal City              Mining Town of Gollund
    Lesalia Imperial Capital      Royal City of Lesalia
    Grog Hill                     Grogh Heights
    Yardow Fort City              Walled City of Yardrow
    Yuguo Woods                   The Yuguewood
    Doguola Pass                  Dugeura Pass
    Bervenia Volcano              Mount Bervenia
    Finath River                  Finnath Creek
    Bed Desert                    Beddha Sandwaste
    Bethla Garrison               Fort Besselat
    Zarghidas Trade City          Trade City of Sal Ghidos
    Germinas Peak                 Mount Germinas
    Dolbodar Swamp                Dorvauldar Marsh
    Murond Holy Place             Mullonde
    Deep Dungeon                  Midlight's Deep
    NOGIAS                        The Crevasse
    TERMINATE                     The Stair
    DELTA                         The Hollow
    VALKYRIES                     The Catacombs
    MLAPAN                        The Oubliette
    TIGER                         The Palings
    BRIDGE                        The Crossing
    VOYAGE                        The Switchback
    HORROR                        The Interstice
    END                           Terminus
    Sand Rat Cellar               The Sand Rat's Sietch
    Windmill Shed                 Windflat Mill
    Slums of Goug                 Goug Lowtown
    Inside of Lionel Castle       Lionel Castle Oratory
    Back gate of Lesalia Castle   Lesalia Castle Postern
    Underground Book Storage      Monastery Vaults
    Inside of Riovanes Castle     Riovanes Castle Keep
    Church outside the town       Outlying Church
    Inside of Limberry Castle     Limberry Castle Keep
    Underground cemetery of       Limberry Castle Undercroft
       Limberry Castle
    Inside of Eagrose Castle      Eagrose Castle Keep
    St. Murond Temple             Mullonde Cathedral
    Hall of St. Murond Temple     Mullonde Cathedral Nave
    Chapel of St. Murond Temple   Mullonde Cathedral Sanctuary
    Murond Death City             The Necrohol of Mullonde
    Lost Sacred Precincts         Lost Halidom
    Colliery Underground 1-3      Gollund Colliery Floor/Slope/Ridge
    Underground Passage in        Gollund Coal Shaft
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Priest                        White Mage
    Wizard                        Black Mage
    Mediator                      Orator
    Oracle                        Mystic
    Lancer                        Dragoon
    Calculator                    Arithmetician
    Delita's Sis                  Commoner
    Dark Knight                   Fell Knight
    Engineer                      Machinist
    Heaven Knight                 Skyseer
    Hell Knight                   Netherseer
    Holy Swordsman                Sword Saint
    Arc Knight                    Ark Knight
    Temple Knight                 Templar
    Steel Giant                   Automaton
    Dragoner                      Dragonkin
    Impure King                   The Impure
    Holy Priest                   Celebrant
    Warlock                       Gigas
    Angel of Death                Death Seraph
    Lune Knight                   Rune Knight
    Ghost of Fury                 The Wroth
    Regulator                     Bringer of Order
    Holy Angel                    High Seraph
    Arch Angel                    Arch Seraph
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Gobbledeguk                   Gobbledygook
    Cuar                          Coeurl
    Vampire                       Vampire Cat
    Explosion                     Exploder
    Living Bone                   Skeletal Fiend
    Bull Demon                    Wisenkin
    Minitaurus                    Minotaur
    Sacred                        Sekhret
    Gust                          Ghast
    Pisco Demon                   Piscodaemon
    Squidlarkin                   Squidraken
    Mindflare                     Mindflayer
    Flotiball                     Floating Eye
    Plague                        Plague Horror
    Juravis                       Jura Aevis
    Woodman                       Dryad
    Taiju                         Elder Treant
    Morbol                        Malboro
    Hyudra                        Hydra
    Hydra                         Greater Hydra
    Uribo                         Pig
    Porky                         Swine
    Wildbow                       Wild Boar
    Apanda                        Reaver
    Archaic Demon                 Archaeodaemon
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Basic Skill                   Fundaments
    Accumulate                    Focus
    Dash                          Rush
    Throw Stone                   Stone
    Heal                          Salve
    Monster Skill                 Beastmaster
    Gained Jp UP                  JP Boost
    Throw Item                    Throw Items
    Maintenance                   Safeguard
    Equip Change                  Reequip
    Move-Find Item                Treasure Hunter
    Battle Skill                  Arts of War
    * Break                       Rend *
    Magic Break                   Rend MP
    Mind Break                    Rend Magick
    Weapon Guard                  Parry
    Equip Armor                   Equip Heavy Armor
    Charge+x                      Aim +x
    Speed Save                    Adrenaline Rush
    Arrow Guard                   Archer's Bane
    Concentrate                   Concentration
    Punch Art                     Martial Arts
    Spin Fist                     Cyclone
    Repeating Fist                Pummel
    Wave Fist                     Aurablast
    Earth Slash                   Shockwave
    Secret Fist                   Doom Fist
    Stigma Magic                  Purification
    HP Restore                    Critical: Recover HP
    Hamedo                        First Strike
    Martial Arts                  Brawler
    Move-HP UP                    Lifefont
    White Magic                   White Magicks
    Cure 2                        Cura
    Cure 3                        Curaga
    Cure 4                        Curaja
    Raise 2                       Arise
    Protect 2                     Protectja
    Shell 2                       Shellja
    Regenerator                   Regenerate
    Magic DefendUP                Arcane Defense
    Black Magic                   Black Magicks
    Fire 2                        Fira
    Fire 3                        Firaga
    Fire 4                        Firaja
    Bolt                          Thunder
    Bolt 2                        Thundara
    Bolt 3                        Thundaga
    Bolt 4                        Thundaja
    Ice                           Blizzard
    Ice 2                         Blizzara
    Ice 3                         Blizzaga
    Ice 4                         Blizzaja
    Frog                          Toad
    Magic AttackUP                Arcane Strength
    Time Magic                    Time Magicks
    Haste 2                       Hasteja
    Slow 2                        Slowja
    Don't Move                    Immobilize
    Demi                          Gravity
    Demi 2                        Graviga
    MP Switch                     Mana Shield
    Short Charge                  Swiftness
    Float [movement ability]      Levitate
    Summon Magic                  Summon
    Silf                          Sylph
    Fairy                         Faerie
    Zodiac                        Zodiark
    MP Restore                    Critical: Recover MP
    Half of MP                    Halve MP
    Gil Taking                    Steal Gil
    Caution                       Vigilance
    Gilgame Heart                 Gil Snapper
    Catch                         Sticky Fingers
    Secret Hunt                   Poach
    Talk Skill                    Speechcraft
    Invitation                    Entice
    Persuade                      Stall
    Threaten                      Intimidate
    Solution                      Enlighten
    Death Sentence                Condemn
    Negotiate                     Beg
    Finger Guard                  Earplug
    Train                         Tame
    Monster Talk                  Beast Tongue
    Yin-Yang Magic                Mystic Arts
    Blind                         Umbra
    Spell Absorb                  Empowerment
    Life Absorb                   Invigoration
    Pray Faith                    Belief
    Doubt Faith                   Disbelief
    Zombie                        Corruption
    Silence Song                  Quiescence
    Blind Rage                    Fervor
    Foxbird                       Trepidation
    Confusion Song                Delirium
    Dispel Magic                  Harmony
    Paralyze                      Hesitation
    Sleep                         Repose
    Petrify                       Induration
    Absorb Used MP                Absorb MP
    Defense UP                    Defense Boost
    Any Weather                   Ignore Weather
    Move-MP Up                    Manafont
    Elemental                     Geomancy
    Pitfall                       Sinkhole
    Water Ball                    Torrent
    Hell Ivy                      Tanglevine
    Carve Model                   Contortion
    Local Quake                   Tremor
    Kamaitachi                    Wind Slash
    Demon Fire                    Will-o'-the-Wisp
    Blizzard                      Snowstorm
    Gusty Wind                    Wind Blast
    Lava Ball                     Magma Surge
    Counter Flood                 Nature's Wrath
    Attack UP                     Attack Boost
    Any Ground                    Ignore Terrain
    Move on Lava                  Lavawalking
    Level Jump x                  Horizontal Jump x
    Dragon Spirit                 Dragonheart
    Equip Spear                   Equip Polearms
    Ignore Height                 Ignore Elevation
    Draw Out                      Iaido
    Asura                         Ashura
    Koutetsu                      Kotetsu
    Bizen Boat                    Osafune
    Heaven's Cloud                Ama-no-Murakumo
    Meatbone Slash                Bonecrusher
    Blade Grasp                   Shirahadori
    Two Hands                     Doublehand
    Walk on Water                 Swim
    Ball                          Bomb
    Stick                         Pole
    Spear                         Polearm
    Knight Sword                  Knight's Sword
    Dictionary                    Book
    Sunken State                  Vanish
    Abandon                       Reflexes
    Two Swords                    Dual Wield
    Move in Water                 Waterwalking
    Math Skill                    Arithmeticks
    Prime Number                  Prime
    3                             Multiple of 3
    4                             Multiple of 4
    5                             Multiple of 5
    Distribute                    Cup of Life
    Damage Split                  Soulbind
    Gained Exp UP                 Exp Boost
    Move-Get Exp                  Accrue Exp
    Move-Get Jp                   Accrue JP
    Sing                          Bardsong
    Angel Song                    Seraph Song
    Life Song                     Life's Anthem
    Cheer Song                    Rousing Melody
    Battle Song                   Battle Chant
    Magic Song                    Magickal Refrain
    Last Song                     Finale
    MA Save                       Magick Boost
    Face Up                       Faith Boost
    Wiznaibus                     Mincing Minuet
    Polka Polka                   Polka
    Disillusion                   Heathen Frolic
    Nameless Dance                Forbidden Dance
    Last Dance                    Last Waltz
    A Save                        Fury
    Brave Up                      Bravery Boost
    SQUIRE [Ramza]
    Guts                          Mettle
    Accumulate                    Focus
    Dash                          Rush
    Throw Stone                   Stone
    Heal                          Salve
    Yell                          Tailwind
    Wish                          Chant
    Cheer Up                      Steel
    Scream                        Shout
    Equip Axe                     Equip Axes
    Monster Skill                 Beastmaster
    Gained Jp UP                  JP Boost
    Dark Sword [command]          Fell Sword
    Night Sword                   Shadowblade
    Dark Sword [ability]          Duskblade
    Stasis Sword                  Judgment Blade
    Split Punch                   Cleansing Strike
    Crush Punch                   Northswain's Strike
    Lightning Stab                Hallowed Bolt
    Holy Explosion                Divine Ruination
    Holy Magic                    Holy Magick
    Mbarrier                      Aegis
    Deathspell 2                  Dispelna
    Snipe                         Aimed Shot
    Leg Aim                       Leg Shot
    Arm Aim                       Arm Shot
    Starry Heaven                 Astrology
    Galaxy Stop                   Celestial Stasis
    Truth                         Sky Mantra
    Heaven's Thunder              Heaven's Wrath
    Asura                         Ashura
    Diamond Sword                 Adamantine Blade
    Hydragon Pit                  Maelstrom
    Space Storage                 Celestial Void
    Sky Demon                     Divinity
    Un-Truth                      Nether Mantra
    Heaven Bltback                Hell's Wrath
    Asura Back                    Nether Ashura
    Dia Swrd Back                 Nether Blade
    Dragn Pit Back                Nether Maelstrom
    Space Str Back                Corporeal Void
    Sky Demon Back                Impiety
    All Swordskill                Swordplay
    Mighty Sword                  Unyielding Blade
    Shellbust Stab                Crush Armor
    Blastar Punch                 Crush Helm
    Hellcry Punch                 Crush Weapon
    Icewolf Bite                  Crush Accessory
    Destroy Sword                 Blade of Ruin
    * Ruin                        *sap
    Magic Sword                   Spellblade
    Aspel                         Syphon
    Innocent                      Doubt
    Despair                       Dispel
    Shock!                        Vengeance
    Work                          Tasks
    Crush                         Pulverize
    * Bracelet                    * Breath
    Dragon Tame                   Dragon's Charm
    Dragon Care                   Dragon's Gift
    Dragon PowerUp                Dragon's Might
    Dragon LevelUp                Dragon's Speed
    Braver                        Brave Slash
    Energy                        Energize
    Shock                         Vengeance
    Difference                    Manaburn
    Fear                          Dread
    Chicken Race                  Fowlheart
    Death Cold                    Ague
    Impure                        Befoul
    Bio 2/3                       Biora/Bioga
    Lose Voice                    Aphony
    Seal                          Petrify
    Loss                          Befuddle
    Warlock Summon                Summon Gigas
    Dark Magic                    Dark Arts
    Lifebreak                     Karma
    Dark Holy                     Unholy Darkness
    Use Hand                      Subdual Arts
    Shadow Stitch                 Shadowbind
    Stop Bracelet                 Suffocate
    Teleport 2                    Master Teleportation
    Night Magic                   Demon Magicks
    Spell                         Bind
    * 2 (Zalera)                  *ja
    Melt                          Meltdown
    Ultimate Magic                Arcane Magicks
    Complete Magic                Divine Magicks
    All-ultima                    Divine Ultima
    Saturation                    Divine Providence
    Mute 2                        Disempower
    Despair 2                     Dispelja
    Return 2                      Return
    Dark Cloud                    The Dark
    Snake Carrier                 Snakecharm
    Midgar Sworm                  Midgarsomr
    Choco Attack                  Choco Beak
    Choco Ball                    Choco Pellets
    Scratch                       Claw
    Poison Nail                   Venom Fang
    Cat Kick                      Cat Scratch
    Blood ****                    Vampire
    Small Bomb                    Bomblet
    Turn Punch                    Spin Punch
    Bloodfeast                    Mutilate
    Knife Hand                    Chop
    * Soul                        * Anima
    Aqua Anima                    Water Anima
    Wave Around                   Feral Spin
    Blow Fire                     Breathe Fire
    Mimic Titan                   Earthsplitter
    Gather Power                  Beef Up
    Throw Spirit                  Ectoplasm
    Grease Touch                  Oily Touch
    Tentacle                      Tentacles
    Black Ink                     Ink
    Odd Soundwave                 Dischord
    Look of Fright                Dread Gaze
    Wing Attack                   Wing Buffet
    Look of Devil                 Bewitching Gaze
    Death Sentence                Doom
    Circle                        Beam
    Scratch Up                    Talon Dive
    Shine Lover                   Glitterlust
    Beaking                       Peck
    Shake Off                     Pickaxe
    Leaf Dance                    Leaf Rain
    Spirit of Life                Life Nymph
    Protect Spirit                Guardian Nymph
    Clam Spirit                   Shell Nymph
    Bad Bracelet                  Bad Breath
    Malboro Virus                 Malboro Spores
    Stab Up                       Gore
    Sudden Cry                    Heave
    Dash                          Charge
    Tail Swing                    Tail Sweep
    Hurricane                     Twister
    Ulmaguest                     Almagest
    Triple *                      Tri-*
    Straight Dash                 Reckless Charge
    Oink                          Squeak
    Pooh-                         Toot
    Nose Breath                   Snort
    Please Eat                    Bequeath Bacon
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Ninja Sword                   Ninja Blade
    Knight Sword                  Knight's Sword
    Hammer                        Flail
    Dictionary                    Book
    Spear                         Polearm
    Stick                         Pole
    Ribbon                        Hair Adornment
    Mantle                        Cloak
    Magic Ball                    Bomb
    Zorlin Shape                  Zwill Straightblade
    Hidden Knife                  Ninja Blade
    Ninja Knife                   Kunai
    Short Edge                    Kodachi
    Ninja Edge                    Ninja Longblade
    Spell Edge                    Spellbinder
    Sasuke Knife                  Sasuke's Blade
    Koga/Iga Knife                Koga/Iga Blade
    Nagrarock                     Nagnarok
    Sleep Sword                   Sleep Blade
    Koutetsu                      Kotetsu
    Bizen Boat                    Osafune
    Heaven's Cloud                Ama-no-Murakumo
    Rainbow Staff                 Serpent Staff
    Wizard Staff                  Mage's Staff
    Sage Staff                    Staff of the Magi
    Faith Rod                     Rod of Faith
    Flail                         Iron Flail
    Flame Whip                    Flame Mace
    Romanda Gun                   Romandan Pistol
    Blaze Gun                     Glacial Gun
    Glacier Gun                   Blaze Gun
    Blast Gun                     Blaster
    Night Killer                  Knightslayer
    Gastrafitis                   Gastrophetes
    Ultimus Bow                   Artemis Bow
    Bloody Strings                Bloodstring Harp
    Fairy Harp                    Faerie Harp
    Battle Dict                   Battle Folio
    Monster Dict                  Bestiary
    Papyrus Plate                 Papyrus Codex
    Madelgelm                     Omnilex
    Oberisk                       Obelisk
    H Bag                         Hydrascale Bag
    C Bag                         Croakadile Bag
    P Bag                         Pantherskin Bag
    FS Bag                        Fallingstar Bag
    Persia                        Damask Cloth
    Ryozan Silk                   Wyrmweave Silk
    Platina Shield                Platinum Shield
    Kaiser Plate                  Kaiser Shield
    Barbuta                       Barbut
    Cross Helm                    Close Helmet
    Feather Cap                   Plumed Hat
    Triangle Hat                  Wizard's Hat
    Twist Headband                Headband
    Holy Miter                    Celebrant's Miter
    Black Hood                    Black Cowl
    Flash Hat                     Lambent Hat
    Thief Hat                     Thief's Cap
    Platina Armor                 Platinum Armor
    Carabini Mail                 Carabineer Mail
    Reflect Mail                  Mirror Mail
    Leather Outfit                Leather Clothing
    Leather Vest                  Leather Plate
    Chain Vest                    Ringmail
    Adaman Vest                   Adamant Vest
    Judo Outfit                   Jujitsu Gi
    Power Sleeve                  Power Garb
    Earth Clothes                 Gaia Gear
    Black Costume                 Black Garb
    Wizard Outift                 Wizard Clothing
    Secret Clothes                Ninja Gear
    Rubber Costume                Rubber Suit
    Linen Robe                    Hempen Robe
    Silk Robe                     Silken Robe
    Light Robe                    Luminous Robe
    Robe of Lords                 Lordly Robe
    Spike Shoes                   Spiked Boots
    Feather Boots                 Winged Boots
    Sprint Shoes                  Hermes Shoes
    Power Wrist                   Power Gauntlet
    Magic Gauntlet                Magepower Glove
    Genji Gauntlet                Genji Glove
    Defense Ring                  Protect Ring
    Magic Ring                    Magick Ring
    N-Kai Armlet                  Nu Khai Armband
    108 Gems                      Japa Mala
    Defense Armlet                Guardian Bracelet
    Diamond Armlet                Diamond Bracelet
    Small Mantle                  Shoulder Cape
    Leather Mantle                Leather Cloak
    Wizard Mantle                 Mage's Cloak
    Elf Mantle                    Elven Cloak
    Dracula Mantle                Vampire Cape
    Feather Mantle                Featherweave Cloak
    Vanish Mantle                 Invisibility Cloak
    Salty Rage                    Sortile'ge
    Setiemson                     Septie`me
    Eye Drop                      Eye Drops
    Echo Grass                    Echo Herbs
    Soft                          Gold Needle
    Magic Shuriken                Fuma Shuriken
    Yagyu Darkness                Yagyu Darkrood
    Fire Ball                     Flameburst Bomb
    Water Ball                    Snowmelt Bomb
    Lightning Ball                Spark Bomb
    [1998 PSone translation]      [2007 PSP translation]
    Destiny of the Company        The Highwind
    Sunken Salvage Tour           Salvage Expedition
    Sailor Tour                   Diving Expedition
    Larner Channel Waves          Rhana Strait
    Attractive Workplace          Dredge Work
    Salvage the Trade Ship![Zal.d]The Hindenburg 
    Envoy ship, Falcon            The Falcon
    Heir of Mesa                  Mesa's Legacy
    Salvage the Trade Ship![Goug] The Durga
    Emissary of Lionel            Lionel Emissary
    Zaland Embassy                Zaland Embassy Antiques
    Stolen Ancient Writings       Stolen Tomes
    Good Workplace and Job        Salvage Work
    Sea of Gredia Island          Gleddia Isle
    Stranded Trade Ship           Foundered Vessel
    Trade Ship Doving             The Dawn Queen
    Mine Excavation Tour          Abandoned Mine
    Miner's Tour (2)              (Second) Coal Mining Expedition
    Will of Elder Topa            Old Toppa's Will
    Dream of a Miner              Miner's Dream
    Vacancy!                      Miner Shortage
    Miners Wanted! (2)            (More) Coal Miners Wanted                
    Girl in Gulg Volcano          Mount Gulg Mother Lode
    Hidden Trap at the Maze       Endless Caverns
    The Lord's Ore                Ore of the Gods
    One Activity                  Past Glory
    Rolade Ore Company            Lorraide Mine
    Testimony of Ex-miner         Miner's Tale
    Death Canyon                  Death's Gorge
    Discovery Race (2/3)          (Second/Third) Frontier Marathon
    Poeskas Lake Bottom           Lake Poescas Depths
    Legendary Traces              Ancient Wonder
    Deep in Sweegy Woods          The Siedge Weald
    Ruins at Bed Desert           Beddha Sandwaste
    Adventurer Ramzen             Lamzen the Adventurer
    I saw it.                     Trick of the Light
    Discovery Tour                Frontier Expedition
    Storm of Zigolis!             Fenland Mystery
    Ominous Dungeon               Cellar Dungeon
    Adventurer Wanted!            Adventurers Wanted
    I saw it! I swear!            Shadows from the Past
    Concerns of a Merchant        Merchant's Regret
    Mountain of Rain              Rain-Swept Slopes
    Defeat Golden Gotsko!         Twilight Gustkov
    Defeat Behemoth!              The Behemoth
    Trap of the Bandits           Bandits
    Son, Pappal!                  Young Lord Pappal
    Within the Darkness           In the Darkness
    Defeat Whirlwind Karz!        The Typhoon
    Minimum's Melancholy          Count Minimas
    Terror of Assault Cave        Terror's Maw
    Challenge of Zero             Zerro's Challenge
    Phantom Thief Zero!           Zerro Strikes
    Thief Zero Returns!           Zerro's Return
    Thief Zero Reborn!            Zerro Strikes Again
    Thief Zero's Last Stand       Zerro's Final Heist
    Legendary Monster             Hellspawned Beast
    Sullen Experiment             Metamorphosed Misery
    Fiar's Request                Fia's Wish
    Dream child                   Missing Boy
    Protect the Little Life       Father's Nightmare
    If wishes come true           Ducal Disaster
    Secret Door                   Cries in the Dark
    Orders of Coast Guard         Shoreline Defense
    Mother                        Nightwalker
    My treasure                   Uninvited Guests
    The Greatest Plan             Historic Revolt
    How much is Life worth?       Appraisal
    Letter to my Love             Lettre d'amour
    Road of Beasts                Beastly Trail
    Shy Katedona                  Cattedona
    Master Math!                  Arithmetic Tutor Wanted
    Sad Traveling Artist          Minstrel in Distress
    Machinist Contest             Clockwork Faire
    Traveling Artist Mameko       Mameco the Minstrel
    Chocobo Restaurant            Gysahl Greens
    Ringing of the Bell           Guard Duty
    Hard Lecture                  Tutoring
    Win the Yardow Fight!         The Yardrow Melee
    Win the Zaland Fight!         The Zaland Melee
    Win the Magic Contest!        The Gariland Magick Melee
    Meister Contest               Artificers' Contest
    Four Gods Set                 Four-Deity Plate
    Statue of Lylis               Statuette of Lilith
    Beetle Charm                  Scarab Charm
    Zeni-Sword                    Coin Blade
    Malice Mask                   Hanya Mask
    Kid's Bread                   Moppet Bread
    Adult's Bread                 Goliath Bread
    Yurgeivogue                   Lugae
    M-Fiction Novel               Mesa's Musings
    Diary of Nanai                Nanai's Histories
    Wyuvle                        Veil of Wiyu
    Book of Enavia                Enavia Chronicles
    Magical Gun                   Enchanted Pistol
    M Machinegun                  Enchanted Machinegun
    Magi-Sword                    Zanmato
    Minu Orb                      Orb of Minwu
    Tarot of Ben                  Tarot de Bennstat
    Excalipar                     Excalipoor
    Parasite Tree                 Yggdrasil Mistletoe
    Longibunne Spear              Lance of Longibunne
    Magic Continent               Floating Continent
    Castle of Trials              Fortress of Trials
    Falgabird                     Falgabard
    Magic Train                   Phantom Train
    Touzas Village                Tozus Village
    Semite Falls                  Semitt Falls
    %%%SOME ADDITIONAL RESOURCES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%00addl
    This section lists a handful of the many great Final Fantasy Tactics resources
    available online.  Some provide further, more detailed information on game
    strategy, while others are game tools, story references, or multimedia.
    Of course, there are MANY more fantastic guides and references for the game out
    there, and it's obviously not possible for me to list them all!  So, this
    section just collects a handful of resources that I've personally really enjoyed
    -- but don't let that discourage you from looking for even more!
    đây là toàn bộ những gì mà bản PSP khác bản PS1, nhưng có thể nói ngắn gọn về những thay đổi là, toàn bộ lời thoại đc làm lại, tên các vùng đc thay đổi lại, thêm nhân vật mới (Balthier), item mới (nhưng chủ yếu là các item kiếm nhờ mục chơi multi), thêm 2 job mới (onion knight, dark knight), thêm vài side quest mới, Cloud có thể lấy đc sớm hơn, 1 số skill đc sửa và dịch lại, bỏ bug dup đồ, 1 số đợn event trong game đc bỏ đi và thay bằng những đoạn film cell-shading có lồng tiếng, khi dùng skill thì lag hơn trong PS1 1 chút, không thể steal đc Genji equipment nữa... đó là những thay đổi cơ bản còn 1 số cái nhỏ nữa thì bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm trong đoạn TA trên
  5. azure_flame_kite

    azure_flame_kite Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world RX
    có ai có file save bản eu hay us mà thằng cloud lấy được cây kiếm để xài limit được thì cho tớ xin , mất công tìm cây kiếm đó quá:|
  6. PrinceFF

    PrinceFF Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho mình hỏi là làm sao để lụm đc thằng balther?
    Di tới đoạn gít thằng Emlor(ko bít đúng ko) mà chôm bộ genji nó ko dc nữa! thật ra là ko côm dc nữa thật hả? mà nó thú vật hơn nhìu so với thằng trong bản ps1. dánh mình như con chó. vậy còn cách nào dể lũm dc bộ genji với cây kiếm dó hem?:(
    cho mình hỏi lun là cần diều kiện gì mới có job dark knight và Onion Knight? cám ơn rất nhìu
  7. azure_flame_kite

    azure_flame_kite Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world RX
    ;)) mà thẳng tiến ,chứ bạn hỏi vậy ko ai trả lời 100%

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