[Game]Brave Frontier - Let the journey of Endless Connection Error and horrid exclusive RS units begin

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi nickgibaygio, 8/12/14.

  1. silver_h

    silver_h T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bác nhắc PAD làm nhớ tới thời gian chơi nó,cày lên 2xx chán quay hết gem ko ra con xịn nghỉ chơi luôn =))
    Game này xưa dã man,mà dc cái nó cho gem quay tay liền tù tì :)>-
  2. romrumrira

    romrumrira Harvest Moon Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mineral Town
    uh e ko hỉu thị hiếu bên jap thế nào, chơi thấy cũng tàm tạm mà vẫn đứng trên top cứng ngắt mặc dù cũng ra lâu @@' hay nhỉ, hay nó thường có event :v
  3. MARfan

    MARfan The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tầng hầm nhà chứa
    giờ chỉ hy vọng Gumi nó có secret plan thôi chứ Unit thế này thì về sau sẽ k còn định nghĩa F2P ở BfJP đâu :))
  4. silver_h

    silver_h T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nó như dạng game kim cương với cả xếp hình,ng ta chơi giải trí rất phù hợp ko ghiền thì cũng khó chán,chưa kể cách chơi của nó linh hoạt hơn so với kiểu three match truyền thống với cả kết hợp RPG,event cũng liên tục,PAD chắc sống lâu hơn BF
    Trc khi nghỉ thì nó có cả 8*, BF kéo dài càng lâu chắc cũng học theo thế,8,9,10* :-?
  5. Jarent

    Jarent The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Người Nhật trung thành với game chứ ko như dân VN :-ssNếu BF ra trước PAD thì có lẽ sẽ khác =D>
  6. Kurt2u

    Kurt2u Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lăng Bác
    Klq nhưng mà google đang bị hack kìa các bác :6cool_surrender:
  7. silver_h

    silver_h T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game play từa tựa nhau thì như bác nói có lẽ đúng,pad với BF khác nhau xa, ra trc sau cũng ko thay đổi mấy
  8. ryan2714

    ryan2714 Idol dzú bơm Silicon ớ ớ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nãy xài google cũng giật mình =))
  9. Jarent

    Jarent The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ý mình là nó đập nhiều tiền vào PAD rồi nên ko muốn chạy qua game khác :2onion2:
  10. trphuc

    trphuc Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    PAD ra trước mà nhiều cái có vẻ thông minh hơn BF, cần update thì nó làm ngay background, ko như BF là phải ngồi chờ, đổi device cũng ko cần acc Facebook. Nhưng mà mau chán quá, mình ráng lắm được 1 tuần rồi bỏ xó
  11. Shiroi Yunikon

    Shiroi Yunikon Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Djeeta's hole
    Ra trước hay ra sau chả thành vấn đề, cái Chain Chronicle ra cùng thời BF mà h có cafe riêng, có anime adaption rồi scale figure đủ kiểu
    Cái BFJP tại é quá nên mới cho free stuff nhiều vậy, mỗi tội rate như bùi nên F2P cũng chả nhờ đc gì =))
  12. nickgibaygio

    nickgibaygio Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Beyond Infinity
    Chỉ là không thích kiểu Alim hay tự đá mình thôi. Lúc trước nói muốn cho bọn 6 Heroes đc dặc quyền các kiểu, bởi thế lúc đó nghe chỉ có một số unit đặc trưng lắm lắm mới đc lên 7* nghe hợp lí. Xong sau đùng cái lại chơi kiểu RS 7* và còn vĩnh viễn luôn, vài tháng nữa thôi lại chắc 7* everywhere

    Btw có thông báo sẽ thay đổi Claire và Kurt ES sắp tới, chắc bị dân chúng chửi quá :))
  13. [LS]

    [LS] cô hồn GameVN Lady Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mình giờ hóng units design ngon + update cốt truyện demon world, tình sử cháu Arc hay gốc gác cháu Karl gì đó cũng được rồi. :-)/\:-)
    vivi_eiko thích bài này.
  14. nickgibaygio

    nickgibaygio Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Beyond Infinity
    Bọn này đã bá vậy sau này tụi Karl qua Ishglia train lên 7* thì xác cmnđ là thành quái nhân hết =))
    vivi_eiko thích bài này.
  15. romrumrira

    romrumrira Harvest Moon Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mineral Town
    nếu nó bá, mà quái bá lên đc thì quá hay rùi ko thì :v đó giờ chưa đi mấy cái vortex bên jap nên ko bít nó khó thế nào :3
  16. nickgibaygio

    nickgibaygio Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Beyond Infinity
    Note: Claire is the older twin

    • One of the order of Meyris. Born as a daughter of a high priest, she was chosen along with her twin brother to be a guardian. Although she was said to be "Like a demon on the battle field", She seems to be hiding a certain determination. She is also rumored to be overprotective of her brother.
    • One of the order of Meyris. In order to protect Grand Gaia from the threat of the demons, She was given the Sacred Flame Spear. She then traveled to Ishglia with the other members of Meyris, and showed capabilities beyond the Gods' expectations. However, behind the scenes, a presence stronger than the gods seems to be pulling the strings....
    • One of the order of Meyris. After hearing word about the followers of Karna Masta, She and the rest of her comrades returned to Grand Gaia. At first she was worried about Keido, who remained in Ishglia, but chose to return for her brother. When she arrived in Grand Gaia and faced the assaulters of the God Emperor (Karna Masta?) she wielded unimaginable power from her wounded body. But she eventually fell in battle, leaving her last words to her beloved brother.

    • One of the order of Meyris, and the younger twin brother of Claire. He takes pride as being one of the "chosen", but is said to be gentle against the weak. Has a strong sense of rivalry against another member, Keido, but it is said that it was because he yearned to be approved by his overly strong sister. He has a soft spot for small animals (?)
    • One of the order of Meyris, he gained a rather bad reputation by picking a lot of fights against Keido, but when he was given the Ice sword and traveled to Ishglia together with the order, he proved his worth from his cunning tactics and assessment of the situation, that lets him fight on par with the demons.
    • When the information came that there are ones who want to endanger the god, the order of Meyris was pleaded to return to Grand Gaia, however there was opposing opinions about this and it was decided that Claire, Kurt and Fadal return to Grand Gaia. However, tired from the expedition, they could not exert the same power that they did against the demons. That is, untill Claire has fallen and whispered her last words to Kurt, from which he was said to be thrown to a daze, unmoving.

    • One of the order of Meyris. Originally a lone traveler, he was chosen as a guardian due to his lineage as guardians. Adept in sword and in leadership, he was iewed as the leader of the order. Some whispers that he is actually of noble blood.
    • One of the order of Meyris. He was given the sword of wind, and was sent along with the rest of the group into an expedition of ishglia. As they fought and fought, they gained power comparable to the gods. After receiving information about the ones after Karna Masta and listening to his comrades, he chose to stay behind in Ishglia.
    • one of the order of Meyris. He stayed behind in Ishglia, knowing the demons are still a threat to Grand Gaia. On their final battle against the demons, he said to return to his comerdes, both angry and happy at the same time. After the battle, there was no sign of the threat of demon invasion left in Grand Gaia.

    • One of the order of Meyris, and the one who was given the sword of thunder. Although she is actually a sailor's daughter, she was chosen to be a guardian all the same. Although very confident in her sword skills, her low faith makes one wonder why she was chosen. It was said that Keido's calm demeanor irritates her.
    • One of the order of Meyris, as she fought against many demons on the expedition, it was said the lower class demons couldn't even touch her. On the day when the order splits, Claire approached her and told her "I trust him in your hands." before she left.
    • One of the order of Meyris. Claire's words makes her realize the feelings she had been ignoring before. It sharpens her sword, allowing her to fight with even more finesse. However Keido remains oblivious to her feelings, which irritates her even more.

    • One of the order of Meyris. He was actually an aspiring priest, but he was struck by an incurable disease. While looking for a cure relentlessly, he was chosen as a guardian and given the armor, which cures his sickness. It was said that he prioritizes his duty as a guardian more than his own life.
    • One of the order of Meyris. when he was requested to go to Ishglia to vanquish demons, he followed it without a silver of doubt. As he defeated countless demons in the land, he gained the trust of his comrades, even the loner Keido.
    • Returning to Grand Gaia, but leaving his best friend who stayed behind, he felt a presence other than the god nearby. He fought alongside the twins , but he hesitated --- and received a mortal wound in the gut. He would pass away, saying his apologies to the twins and the god.

    • One of the Meyris order. Actually the younger sister of Themis of the La Veda knights, she hides her talents because she hated Themis' attitude. She was still chosen as a guardian nonetheless. Her attitude implies that she doesn't have a care about the world, but she actually really cares about those around her.
    • One of the Meyris Order, When she was ordered to depart to Ishglia to vanquish the demons, she quickly left her house - most likely to flee from her sister. It was said that she was like another person in Ishglia - capable of laughing happiy and expressing her feelings, as she killed many of the demons.
    • One of the Meyris Order. When the group split over the assaulters in Grand Gaia, even though she hesitated, she chose to stay in Ishglia. Among all others, Fadal offered his kind words to her, and in return, she gave him a letter- one directed for her sister. There was no sign that this letter was actually delivered, but on her subsequent battles, she would fight without any hesitation, in order to protect her beloved family.
    Lore của bọn này có thể dịch chưa đúng 100% nhưng kệ. Cơ mà đám mình thích toàn mấy người ở lại Íshglia =))
    vivi_eiko thích bài này.
  17. romrumrira

    romrumrira Harvest Moon Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Ishglia là map mới hả bác :?

    btw, bên jap pull thêm e taser nữa @@' đúp ko :v
  18. MARfan

    MARfan The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Tầng hầm nhà chứa
    vừa pull 5 gem còn lại bên Jap, ra con rồng đất. Zetsubou orz...

  19. vivi_eiko

    vivi_eiko Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Mà sao mãi chưa có tin gì về Map mới nhỉ, hóng story lúc sang đánh Daemon quá :">
  20. nickgibaygio

    nickgibaygio Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Beyond Infinity
    Story mới thì phải làm nhân vật mới, plot mới (phải viết sẵn cái sườn trước tới end luôn chứ chả ai vừa đi vừa viết bí thì có mà khô), rồi twist mới các kiểu. Mà nghe nói qua world sau Alim muốn làm quest khó như Trial nên chắc đang đợi power creep :))
    vivi_eiko thích bài này.

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