Game nc ngoài free hoàn toàn

Thảo luận trong 'Private server' bắt đầu bởi seawolf1968, 22/11/06.

  1. DarkAngel1092

    DarkAngel1092 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hội Mặt Bựa GVN
    Lag wa chơi ko đc gì hết , con moi người ai báo danh đi nào

    nick trong game: DarkAngelTina
    serve Manas
  2. KnightFightNight

    KnightFightNight Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình down xong rồi chạy nhưng chẳng thấy nó update 1 chút gì hết, vào start game thì nó báo phải update xong cái đã, nhưng có thấy nó up đc cái gì đâu?
  3. ZzHowiezZ

    ZzHowiezZ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ღ chở về chổ CỦ
    giống mình lưôn . đắng ký dc rùi mà lại chưa vào dc :((
    lúc đầu o có acc thi nó cho vào . giờ thi dek cho :(( WTF
  4. 2081987

    2081987 Legend of Zelda ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    có ai biết general apvas ở đâu không?Chỉ dùm tui với
  5. ddq2005

    ddq2005 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vào được ngon lành, nhưng mà game này củ chuối quá, đánh có mỗi con quái ma re chuột tùm lum cũng ko đanh được, hình ảnh tương dối nhưng gameplay quá chuối, nghỉ.
  6. Cfants_dang

    Cfants_dang Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    perfect world
    ko biết sử dụng auto target ah mà kêu rê tùm lum ,tui xài mạng fpt chơi ko lag tẹo nào, mỗi tội ra chỗ tụi cắm bán hàng hơi giựt vì máy yếu
  7. balamo123

    balamo123 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    em download về rồi , cài ra rồi chạy shortcut ngoài màn hình . Thấy có chữ download Version nhưng mà sau đó chẳng thấy gì là sao ??????????
  8. ImmortalQueen

    ImmortalQueen C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Oop ! Read Only
    _ Nhấn E để tìm mục tiêu, R để tấn công và F để nhặt đồ, hơi đâu mà click click =))
  9. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    Éc. Vào game thấy dân ta chưa biết gì mấy.
    Muốn chat với nhau, đánh tên người muốn chat vào cái ô ngoài cùng bên trái của thanh công cụ, rồi chat. Muốn party, trade, mở shop bâm phím C sau đó kéo thả các lệnh Party , Trade, Vend lên thanh skill dọc bên trái màn hình. Trade với người nào thì bấm phím số đặt lện trade trước, con chuột chuyển sang biểu tượng lệnh màu tím thì click vào người mình muốn trade.
    Làm tương tự cho skill. Bấm phím K mở bảng skill, skill passive là skill không gắp bỏ lên thanh skill được, các skill khác thì làm đc. Sau đó muốn dùng skill, trước tiên chọn mục tiêu bằng phím E, sau đó bấm phím số skill mình muốn đánh. Nếu không dùng tiếp phím skill khác, nhân vật sẽ tự đông đánh thường.
  10. balamo123

    balamo123 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ặc ặc , sao chẳng ai chỉ em thế . Em ko vào dc game nè :((
  11. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    Không biết mạng bạn xài là gì, mình FPT. Khi bấm vào biều tượng shortcut, đừng bấm ngay vào nút start, hãy đợi cho nó tự động check file, check xong nó mới down về.
  12. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    General Apval ở gần cổng làng, tọa độ 482/250 ( Bấm chữ M lên , tọa độ ghi bên dưới góc trái). Game này tìm nhau qua tọa độ.
  13. balamo123

    balamo123 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    em dùng mạng Mega VNN , ấn vào shortcut nó ra Downloading Patch Version Info ...... rồi mất hút , sau đó chẳng ra cái gì
  14. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    Bạn kiểm tra xem có phải do firewall gây ra hay không . Tắt hết firewall rồi chạy shortcut lại.
  15. Cfants_dang

    Cfants_dang Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    perfect world
    bà con mới chơi chú ý là khi chạy game lúc đầu nó quét những file của game một lúc khá lâu rồi nó mới update , lúc các bạn thấy nó ko down gì hết là lúc nó đang quét file , quét xong thấy thiếu file nó mới tải về cho nên hơi lâu một chút.xẼp kiểu này chơi 1 tuần = người ta chơi 3 tháng rồi
  16. Love0fMyLife

    Love0fMyLife Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hic vào chơi đánh chẳng bít nhiệm vụ là gì đánh thẳng lên 30 cuối cùng lại chẳng bít nhiêm vụ 30 ở đâu ai bít chỉ em cái coi nào
  17. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    Hì, DragonEye nè. Serve Manas too.
  18. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    Kinh! Cha này siêu máy cày :D

    Ngại dịch quest quá, bà con ai dịch dùm luôn với, anh em cứ theo cái hướng dẫn quest này làm là đc ( mệt nhất là tìm mấy thằng NPC thôi)

    Level 1

    1. Talk to Vartan and he'll ask you to bring him 3 Small Horn. Kill some Vasabhums outside Mandara Town and return with the needed items.

    Reward/s: 10 Dahara Amrita, 200 Rupee, Chori Gloves

    2. Talk to Apvas and he'll tell you to raise your level. Go out of town and kill some monsters until you level up, then return to Apvas.

    Reward/s: 50 Prana, Chori Boots, 10 Dahara Amrita

    3. Talk to Buvan, he'll give you Buvan's Small Kalkan. Go talk to Kirika and have her repair the shield (cost 100 Rupee). Then return to Buvan.

    Reward/s: Headband, 10 Dahara Amrita

    4. Talk to Kirika, she'll ask you to bring 3 Low-quality Horn to Vananta.

    Reward/s: 100 prana, 10 Dahara Amrita

    5. Go back to Kirika to complete the quest.

    Reward/s: 500 Rupee, Chori Pants

    6. Talk to Apvas, he'll send you to kill 10 Mlecchas with party. You don't actually need party for this. Just talk to him, go kill the needed Mlecchas, and return to him.

    Reward/s: 200 Prana, 500 Rupee, 10 Dahara Amrita, Chori Armor

    Level 8

    1. Talk to Anjani. Then talk to Vartan. Then talk to Buvan. He'll ask you to find his missing items by killing Mlecchas Caura. Kill them until you get the requested item.

    Reward/s: 2000 Rupee, Tribe item ("of the Ground" weapon)

    2.Talk to Vartan, he'll ask you to bring him 5 High Horns. Kill some Vrcadara to get them, and return to Vartan. Then he'll ask you to bring him 5 Medicines High Horn from Saraa Vrca.

    Reward/s: 2000 Rupee, Vartan's Strong Sword

    3. Talk to Apvas to complete the quest.

    4. Apvas will tell you to deliver messages to Badru in Sporvada and Kananta in Convention Temple.

    Reward/s: 2000 Prana, 20 Dahara Amrita

    5. Talk to Buvan, he'll ask you to find Ruined item of Buvan by killing Mlecchas Karmana.

    Reward/s: 1 Illa, Leather Sack, 3000 Rupee

    6. Bring Leather Sack from Mlecchas Karmana quest and find a boy in Tomb of Avatara. Then bring him to Apvas.

    Reward/s: 3000 Prana, 1 Illa

    Level 10

    Talk to Apvas and choose change class.

    Reward/s: Class Weapon
    - Satvan gets Satvan's Hand Axe.
    - Duvanta gets Duvanta's Dagger.
    - Nirvana gets Nirvana's Glove.
    - Mantrika gets Mantrika's Staff.

    Level 15

    1. According to your tribe, you'll talk to different people and get different quests.
    Naga/Kimnara : talk to Apvas and he'll ask 10 Big Fangs from Aprah Varaha Raja
    Ashura/Rakshasa: talk to Buvan
    Yaksa/Gandarva : talk to Ashuri
    Deva/Garuda : talk to Kirika

    Reward/s: 5000 Prana, 5000 Rupee, Acchada Armor of Protection

    2. Talk to Apvas, he'll ask you to kill 10 Boa. Then he'll ask you to collect 10 Mara's Blood from Serbinda.

    Reward/s: 7000 Prana, 7000 Rupee, 2 Anahata

    3. Talk to Karan, he'll ask you to bring him 10 Mara's Black Blood from Serbinda Satvan.

    Reward/s: 2 chakra upgrade items, 10000 Rupee, 8000 Prana

    Level 20

    1. Talk to Amar in Shambala Ruin. He'll order you to kill 30 Ulkamukha. After that, he'll order you to kill 15 Ulkamukha Caura.

    Reward/s: 30000 Rupee, 20000 Prana, 20 Panaka

    2. Talk Amar, and he'll ask you to deliver his message to his brother Apvas in Mandara. Go to Apvas, then he will tell you to pick Apvas' Blanket for his brother in Kirika. Then go back to Amar.

    Reward/s: Chavi God of Force, 20000 Prana, 50000 Rupee

    3. Talk to Mahomet in Shambala Ruin. He'll ask you to deliver his message to Anjali in Mandara.

    Reward/s: 10197 Prana

    4. Then head back to Shambala and talk to Mahomet.

    Reward/s: 20000 Prana, 30000 Rupee, Bracelet God of Force

    Level 25

    Talk to Amar the Brave, and he'll ask you to kill 30 Heruka in the Town of Ruins area.

    Reward/s : 30000 Rupee, 20000 Prana, 1 Azis

    Level 30

    Bring Vartan's Strong Sword to Bivban. He'll then ask you to find Ancient Sword, so go kill some Ananga until you get the needed item. Return to Bivban. He'll give you a message and you must go to Vartan in Mandara. Return to Bivban again.

    Reward/s: 1 azis, 20 Spara Panaka, 100000 Rupee, 100000 Prana

    Level 35

    1. Talk to Saranu in A'Nu Town. She'll ask you to deliver her clothing to Kirika, but first she'll ask you to collect 10 Tough Leather from Kaulitara. Give them to Saranu, then bring her Sharanu's Leather Cloth and Sharanu's Message to Kirika. Kirika will give you Kirika's Message and an imperfect Kirika's Rucaka. Then head back to Saranu.

    Reward/s: 100000 Prana, 50000 Rupee, Saranu's tribe headbands
    - Naga/Kimnara gets Zipra of Saranu
    - Ashura/Rakshasa gets Ziromani of Saranu
    - Yaksa/Gandarva gets Lothana of Saranu
    - Deva/Garuda gets Darbi of Saranu

    2. Bring the imperfect Kirika's Rucaka to Nara. He'll ask you to bring him 10 Sorcery Book from Pizac Aggana/Aggana Tara and 10000 Rupee.

    Reward: 50000 Rupee, Revived Kirika's Rucaka

    3. Talk to Bivban. He'll ask you to get a Phalaka from Saranu, so talk to Saranu. She'll ask you to bring 5 Azna Stone Heart from Azna Heruka. Go collect them and return to her. She'll give you Unfinished Phalaka of Life.

    Reward/s: 50000 Prana

    4. Bring the shield to Bivban. He'll ask you to deliver it to Karan in Mandara Town. Karan will ask 10 bottles of Panaka to do his part.

    Reward/s: 50000 Prana

    5. Bring the shield back to Bivban. Now he'll ask you to bring him 1 Jewel of Life and 10 Tough Leather to finalize the shield.

    Reward/s: Phalaka of Life, 50000 Prana

    Level 40

    1. Talk to Saranu in A'Nu Town. She'll give you Saranu's Prediction and ask you to find person who can read it. Go to Mandara and show the item to Karan the potion seller. He'll give you Karan's Historical Book.

    Reward/s: 100000 Prana, 30000 Rupee

    2. Go back to A'Nu and give the book to Saranu.

    Reward/s: 100000 Prana, 30000 Rupee

    3. Talk to Nara. He'll ask you to get Voucher of King from Zarku in Shambala Dungeon. Kill Zarku until you get the item, then return to Nara. He'll give you the unfinished Ring of Hero.

    Reward/s: 100000 Prana, 50000 Rupee

    4. Talk to Bivban. He'll ask you to bring him Spirit Stone from Zarku Rudhira to perform his part of the Ring of Hero.

    Reward/s: 100000 Prana, 50000 Rupee

    5. Talk to Saranu. She'll ask you to get Tears of the Dead (Lion's Tear) from Ghorayogi in Shambala Dungeon.

    Reward/s: 100000 Prana, 50000 Rupee

    6. Talk to Amar in Shambala Town. He'll order you to find Light Dragon's Scale from Nagamudra in Shambala Dungeon.

    Reward/s: Ring of the Brave

    Level 45

    Upgrading into the 2nd class needs you to run some quests from Zangzu in Jina Town. You'll be given three quests; Test of Wisdom, Test of Justice, and depends on which type your character will be, the third Test will be different.

    Satya, Karya, Vidya, and Samabat will get Test of Preserverance.
    Banar, Druka, Nakayuda, and Abikara will get Test of Destruction.

    Test of Wisdom
    Talk to Zongkui in Jina Town, he'll ask you to talk to Moriya in
    A'Nu Town. Go to A'Nu Town and talk to Moriya, and she'll give you
    20 questions that you must answer. The answers are as follows:
    1. Vartan
    2. 10
    3. Indra
    4. Nagamudra Hima
    5. 5050
    6. Apvas
    7. Exile Region
    8. 1432
    9. Ananga Dhevata
    10. Amrita
    11. 44%
    12. Shambala
    13. Perang 8 raja
    14. 15 jenis
    15. Haimayuga
    16. Vananta
    17. 6 jenis
    18. Istana 8 raja
    19. Chaturanga
    20. 1/126

    If you give wrong answer, she'll order you to kill 20 Ananga before
    you can take another shot.
    After completing the questions, go back to Zongkui and he'll give you
    Paper Piece as a proof that you've completed Ordeal of Wisdom.

    Test of Justice:
    Talk to Huang Dao Pao in Jina Town, he'll ask you to get rid of the
    greedy creature in Duel Arena in Mandara Region. Form a party and go
    inside Duel Arena and kill the Libertine.
    IMPORTANT!! You have to kill Libertine AS PARTY, otherwise you will
    never get the needed item.
    After you get the item, return to Huang Dao Pao and he will give you
    Friend's Name Cloth as proof that you've completed Test of Justice.

    Test of Preserverance:
    Talk to Ouyez, he'll ask you to collect four items: Moon Oxhorn from
    Bull, Strap Leather from White Tiger, Bow String Tendon from Lizard
    Boss, and Glue Cell from Mangriang. Kill those monsters until you get
    the needed items, then head back to Ouyez. He'll then ask you to go
    to Saranu in A'Nu Town. Talk to her, and she'll ask you to collect
    15 Hard Fabrics. Give her the fabrics, she will give you the String,
    then return to Ouyez and he will give you Blood Cloth as proof that
    you've completed Test of Preserverance.

    Test of Destruction:
    Talk to Iddung Dashu, he'll tell you to see Amar in Shambala Ruin.
    Amar will challenge you to proof your strength by killing members of
    opposing Gods. Go to Kruma and find Scout from the other two Gods
    (example, if you're Vidha then find Sethi Scout and Batara Scout).
    Scouts are located in Fortress area (you can find all Scouts in your
    own Fortress). Kill them and get their symbols. Return to Amar, then
    to Iddung Dashu and he'll give you an item as proof that you have
    completed Test of Destruction.

    After completing all the Test , go back to Zangzu, and he'll change
    you into the 2nd class.
  19. seawolf1968

    seawolf1968 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Honey moon
    Level 45

    1. Talk to Elder Zangzu and accept the (Reserved) quest.

    2. Talk to Fighting Monk Iddungddashu.

    3. Hunt 30 Zaku

    4. Talk to Fighting Monk Iddungddashu.

    Reward/s:50k pranas, 60 Utara Panaka

    5. Hunt Zaku Gosu until you get an Operation Order.

    6. Talk to Fighting Monk Iddungddashu.

    Reward/s: 100k rupiahs, 200k pranas

    7. Talk to Elder Zangzu. Confirmed Operation Order.

    8. Talk to Armor Salesman Wangddaopo.

    9. Hunt Zaku Gosu until you get a (Reserved) Box Item.

    10. Talk to Elder Zangzu.

    Level 47

    1. Talk to Armor Salesman Wanggdaopo.

    Reward/s: 50k rupiahs, 200k pranas, 40 stronger iron, 40 feather of holy bird

    2. Hunt Mangriang for 20 Poison Stings and Hunt Pizac Aggana for 20 Sorcery Books.

    3. Talk to Armor Salesman Wangddaopo.

    Reward/s: 50k Rupiahs, 200k Pranas

    4. Hunt Mangriang for 30 Poison Stings and Hunt Pizac Aggana for 30 Sorcery Books.

    5. Talk to Armor Salesman Wanggdaopo.

    Reward/s: 75k Rupiahs, 300k Pranas

    6. Talk to Bava in Shambala.

    7. Talk to Armor Salesman Wanggdaopo.

    8. Talk to Good Salesman Rui Shan in Jina.

    9. Hunt Zinmon for 20 Craniums.

    10. Talk to Goods Salesman Rui Shan. (Reserved) Skull Item.

    11. Talk to Bava in Shambala.

    Reward/s: 200k Pranas

    12. Hunt Sinkiu. Eye Quest Item.

    13. Talk to Bava.

    14. Talk to Jeweler Nara in Anu Town.

    Reward/s: 100k Pranas, Atman Charm, Bangle of the Wise

    Level 49

    1. Talk to Goods Salesman Rui Shan.

    2. Talk to Weapon Salesman Ouyez.

    3.. Hunt 10 Zinmon.

    4. Talk to Weapon Salesman Ouyez.

    Reward/s: 50k Rupiah, 200k Pranas

    5. Hunt 15 Zinmon Gosu.

    6. Talk to Weapon Salesman Ouyez.

    Reward/s: 75k Rupiahs, 300k Pranas

    7. Talk to Bava in Shambala.

    8. Hunt Boyokbo. Tiger Head Quest Item.

    9. Talk to Weapon Salesman Ouyez.

    Reward/s: Earring of Militia Officer, 200k Pranas

    Level 51

    1. Talk to Bava in Shambala.

    2. Talk to Elder Zangzu.

    3. Talk to Good Salesman Rui Shan.

    4. Collect 15 Head Decorations from Chioniokusin.

    5. Collect 20 Jawbone from Zinmon Gosu.

    6. Talk to Good Salesman Rui Shan.

    Reward/s: 100k Rupiah, 300k Pranas

    7. Talk to Saranu in Anu Town.

    8. Talk to Elder Zangzu.

    9. Talk to Jina Storage NPC.

    Reward/s: 20 Amulet of Anubaba, 20 Utara Panaka, Quality Ziva Pustika, Surapa

    Level 53

    1. Talk to Jina Storage NPC

    2. Talk to Bava in Shambala

    3. Talk to Weaponsmith Vibvan in Anu Town.

    4. Collect 20 Cow Horns from Ban.

    5. Talk to Weaponsmith Vibvan in Anu Town.

    Reward/s: 50k Rupiahs, 200k Pranas

    6. Collect 20 Old Cow Horns from Ban Gosu.

    7. Talk to Weaponsmith Vibvan in Anu Town.

    Reward/s: 75k Rupiahs, 240k Pranas

    8. Talk to Fighting Monk Iddungddashu.

    9. Hunt 30 Kubasang.

    10. Talk to Fighting Monk Iddungddashu.

    Reward/s: 240k Pranas

    11. Talk to Good Salesman Rui Shan in Jina Village.

    12. Collect 10 Red Blood Stained Hands from Kubasang.

    13. Collect 20 Sorcery Books from Pizac Aggana/Aggana Tara.

    14. Talk to Good Salesman Rui Shan.

    Reward/s: 300k Pranas

    15. Talk to Saranu in Anu Town.

    16. Hunt Chionkosu until Quest icon blinks.

    17. Talk to Saranu in Anu Town.

    18. Talk to Fighting Monk Iddungddashu.

    Reward/s: 300k Pranas, Earring of the Wise

    Level 55

    1. Talk to Storehouse Keeper Borer (exile storage man)

    2. Collect 66 cursed Mara horn, 40 bat wings and 20 sleek bat wings

    3. Talk to Vibvan (anu weapon man) he will get your 66 Mara curse horn

    Reward/s: 1M pranas, 500k rupiah, Dvanta's Spirit Stone

    4. Talk to Elder Zangzu (jina elder)

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    5. Talk to Jina Goods Salesman then go to Exile Goods Salesman

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    6. Talk to Elder Haiddungdashu (north exile gate guard) first he will get stone then talk to him again then he will get both wings.

    Reward/s: 1M pranas

    Level 57

    1. Talk to Discipling monk Usong (west exile gate), then you will have to give 100k rupiah to him

    2. Talk to Discipling monk Ryuzshun

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    3. Talk to Elder Haiddungdashu (north exile gate)

    4. Talk to fighting monk iddungdangshu (jina village)

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    5. Talk to Elder Zangzu (jina village)

    6. Talk to Elder Haiddungddashu (north exile gate)

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    Level 59

    1. Talk to Elder Haiddungddashu and accept the quest

    2. Talk to priest vananta (mandara)

    3. Talk to discipling monk (anu storage man)

    4. Then kill 10 each of the ff. monsters

    1) Vasabhum
    2) Vasabhum Caura
    3) Mlecchas
    4) Vasabhum Kulapra
    5) Mlecchas Caura
    6) Mlecchas Karmana
    7) Vrca
    8) Vrca Dara
    9) Varaha
    10) Boa
    11) Varaha Raja
    12) Saraa Vrca
    13) Aprah Varaha Raja
    14) Srbinda

    15) Ulkamukha
    16) Srbinda Satvan
    17) Ulkamukha Caura
    18) Ulkamukha Satvan
    19) Visa Cumi
    20) Ugra Ulkamukha
    21) Ugra Ulkamukha Caura
    22) Heruka
    23) Ugra Ulkamukha Satvan
    24) Azna Heruka
    25) Ananga
    26) Ananga Dvanta
    27) Pizac Aggana
    28) Aggana Tara
    29) Kaulitara

    30) Zaku
    31) Zaku Gosu
    32) Kyoin
    33) Mangriang
    34) Ban
    35) Zinmon
    36) Ban Gosu
    37) Sinkiu
    38) Borangi
    39) Sobariung
    40) Zinmon Gosu
    41) Byokbo
    42) Sobariung Gosu
    43) Sinkiu Gosu
    44) Kubasang
    45) Choniokusin ( **Jina** )
    46) Choniokusin ( **pamir** )
    47) Balastha Drbhika
    48) Balastha Tundela
    49) Kyukrong
    50) Kyukrong Gosu
    51) Ban Zangkun
    52) Zonbu

    5. back to the anu storage guy

    Reward/s: 10M Pranas, 4pcs Pilgrimage vouchers

    Level 61

    1. Collect 60 red rose and 20 branch

    2. Talk to Maid Ssunalang (east of exile) the lady npc

    3. Talk Storehouse Keeper Borer (exile storage man) needs 30 red rose

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    4. Talk to Borer again you will get 2 invisible items (Bouquet and Letter)

    Reward/s: 500k pranas, 500k rupiahs

    5. Talk to Zongkui (Jina storage man)

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    6. Go back to Storehouse Keeper Borer (exile storage man)

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    7. Talk to him again (needs 30 red rose and 20 branch)

    Reward/s: 500k rupiahs and 1M pranas, Rose basket item

    8. Talk to Zongkui (Jina storage man) again

    Reward: 500k pranas

    9. Go back to Borer

    Reward/s: 500k pranas, 500k rupiahs

    Level 63

    1. Talk to Farmer Shunnongs

    2. Talk to Exile Good Salesman Ryupuwei

    Reward/s: 300k pranas

    3. Collect 40 smell ghosts arms (yakku) and 10 hell's head (yomrabyang)

    4. Go to Good Salesman Ryupuwei

    Reward/s: 500k pranas, 500k rupiahs

    5. Talk to Farmer Shunnongs

    Reward/s: 500k pranas, 100k rupiahs

    6. Talk to Maid Ssunalang (east part of exile)

    Reward/s: 1M pranas, 1M rupiah,
    100 pcs Ultima Amrita (HP 800 recover),
    100 pcs Ultima Panaka (TP 800 recover),
    1 accessory random (Life Kakana of Ajaka or Strong Kambu or Bravery Karna)
  20. vn2006

    vn2006 Youtube Master Race

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    ai reg giùm tui 1 nick với ! ko bít làm sao cả ! ko reg giùm thì hướng dẫn cách reg đi ! (hướng dẫn cách reg thì tốt hơn) xin cám ơn

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