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Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Flower Field
    try NFS U2 or Halflife2 on PC, then Halo 2 and Nịnja gaiden on Xbox, and then Soccer Evollution on PS2....these things will make you forget about Snes or GB to the end of your Life
  2. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Wow , u played all that game ^^ ( same here) , but in dont like NFS U2 much ^^ So buy one xbox , Ps2 ,gamecube and try :D ( i have all but dun have game of GC :D)
  3. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    I just have a PC, PS2 or Xbox are too expensive, I can't afford it. may be I'll do a work in summer to save money to buy one of them. GCube's got just a few game.
    where can I find SNES this time ? a dump ?(just saying)
  4. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    SNES , i dun no much about this but i think u can find it at Pastuer street ^^ ( many old game ^^)
    If u want , i think u should wait , coz next gerenation is comming ( many forums are discussing about Xbox next will release in this year, i'm not sure about this but i think i will try to save money to buy it)
  5. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    You can find SNES ROMs on the net ^^ .. and with an emulator => You're free to play any of the 600+ wonderful games ^__^

    @shadowcat : ;)) I've already got an xbox .. played lord of the rings, worms, and some more .. but I guess SNES is still better ::( ....

    If you can convince me into playing a great RPG game not on PC, not on SNES, not on Nintendo64 or GBx .. then maybe I'll admit that other game systems have some good points ::)
  6. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    oh, mod IE is very rich.
    if you have got a Xbox and play many games, why don't you discussing about games in game boxes, like "hành động" or "RPG", I haven't seen you in those boxes.
    as a result, I came to the following conclusion, you are a quiet gamer and you are a good programmer. :)
  7. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Wow , he is a programmer ^^ i never know this be4
    So , if u have Xbox , did u try Halo and halo 2 , especially Ninja Gaiden ( it's fu***ng good game) .
    I dun think who have Xbox is rich man ( i have 3 console but i dun think i'm rich) You know , i knew 1 man who have many console ( Dreamcast , Ps2 , Xbox , Ps2 , Nintendo DS : he bought it for his daughter and his son) )
  8. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    I'm very poor and have got only a PC, so I think people who have many consoles like you (Lang) are very rich (IE).
    your friend's children was very fortunate.
  9. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Yeah , i think so.But have many consoles mean you have to buy many disk game ( coz one of them have a wonderful game)
  10. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    yeah, right. and if you have to buy many disk (or disc) game, there are a lot of money to spend. you might be a millionaire to afford them.
  11. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Flower Field
    it seems to be live in Vn is not good....
    here i Have Dreâmcast,Xbox, PSX, Nintendo DS and and my brother played many hour on ás many game as possible, thats why i cant complêtly join any box of Gamevn( dont know any game excelently)
    I think Hl2, Halo 2, Ninja gaiden is some game just cant forrget, it will be a Legend someday^^(as well ass Ninja Gaiden on Snes)
    Now playing Kill ZOne on Ps2, Soccer Evolution on Ps2 too, then Halo2 Online on Xbox, and watch ANime<-- how i usse Past times
  12. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    Well, I do have a xbox .. but it's not me who bought it ... twas a gift from my uncle in Deutschland ... anyway .. I don't think the xbox is good ::( ::( .. I still prefer SNES :p ... Maybe it's just because it's ... good to be someone who play something others don't ... but I think it's mainly because SNES is soooo great XD !!! Can't even get bored of one game ... Tales of Phantasia, Terranigma, FFs (6,5), Seiken Densetsu 3, Bahamut Lagoon, and I'm still waiting for translations for good jap games ... It's just like you guys waiting for a game release >> I wait for an english patch instead :;)
  13. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Let me put it this way , you are a crazy fan of SNES after all , right? You should try Xbox games or Ps2 games ^^
  14. Rising Phoenix

    Rising Phoenix Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Does someone here played Megaman X8 ?
  15. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    On Ps2 , right ? I haven't tried it yet coz i'm not fan of megaman series.So , i have heard about it on Thế giới @ 3 or 4 weeks ago
  16. Prince

    Prince Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trang Lệ Thôn-STV
    How do you think about Suikoden series game Lang ???
    The story of Suikoden is so great with many many Star of Destiny
  17. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    What's suikoden ::) ? Can you introduce it a little bit for me to know about it ? ::) ? ... Just some general infos will be ok ::) .. thanks ^^
  18. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    Suikoden is a RPG game with many girls wear sexy clothes :D, that's all I know about this game. you can enjoy it yourself.
  19. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Just a part of this game. This game ( series) is a big story ( every chacracter have thier story ) , just think 108 chacracter :D
  20. -=ToanAZ=-

    -=ToanAZ=- Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Trại đào tạo BK
    Heehee, read a few page, i haven't seen any subject for games yet, you just say about English, French and Vietnamese ...

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