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Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. iloveLagunaLoire

    iloveLagunaLoire Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    oh yeah ,smart-ass
    so someone proud of pirating people's works desired to be treat as sub-human, am i right ?
    lol, what a pathetic loser
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/9/10
  2. popkoo

    popkoo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ^ I'm perfectly fine with anything thrown from you :> When you know how to speak proper human language, then we shall continue our little talk :>
  3. crymekyd15

    crymekyd15 Mario & Luigi GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I admit that I have used some cracked programs, but never felt proud of that :-SS.

    And you're the only one here that is proud of stealing other ppl's things, what a strange point of view.

    One more thing, little criminal, treat the others with respect and watch your words, or else you may get some scars :-SS
  4. popkoo

    popkoo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ Strange you may say, but I've never been a criminal, and most probably not in the future. Watch your words not to make wrong accusations before telling others what to do, or you'll get some scars :-SS

    I just shared my opinion without the desire to force anyone into agreeing it. If you have another point of view, good for you. I won't insult anyone for a little discrepancy in our life.

    Look at previous posts and see what language some people used. Don't look for my respect to anyone when he does not pay one to me.
  5. iloveLagunaLoire

    iloveLagunaLoire Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    lol, is that all you got ?
    and why the fu*ck do i have to respect low-life like you ? thank to sub-human like you that people are looking down at us Vietnamese
  6. MARfan

    MARfan The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tầng hầm nhà chứa
    sooooo, what r ya talkin about ? I'm confusing ^^ ...

    I dunno how to speak Elgnish :((
  7. DreamRockman

    DreamRockman Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nah nah...
    understood lol

    btw, calm the fck down cant you ilove? pop guy showed his point of view and the fact you dont like it is your own crap, dont make this thread a troll warfare as you're becoming one.
  8. Mr.Garfield

    Mr.Garfield The Cat Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    and who the **** give you guys the right to trashtalk in here, you'd better prepare to receive punishment from our mod [-x
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/9/10
  9. NoctisPrjnce

    NoctisPrjnce Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ho Chi Minh city
    C'mon, calm down men. No need to be agressive. Btw, Have anyone played PES 2011? It's pretty hard for me although I used to play PES 2010.
  10. crymekyd15

    crymekyd15 Mario & Luigi GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Yes and it's not that hard to get used to PES11. Why don't you try the training mode first =.=
  11. Mr.Garfield

    Mr.Garfield The Cat Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    hmm i think nearly 2 months is more than enough to calm down, thank you...
  12. Becks04eve

    Becks04eve Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sorry . wrong 2pic :D
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 11/11/10
  13. NoctisPrjnce

    NoctisPrjnce Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh city
    Have anyone try Dynasty Warrior online??? I think it's pretty cool! :X :X :X
  14. █║▌│ █│║▌ ║││█║▌

    █║▌│ █│║▌ ║││█║▌ Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội Thủ Đô CHXHCN Việt Nam
    It's a serious motherfcking war in here !!! Hot as hell !!

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