Duh, now your task is to find out if she's bullshiting or that guy was bullshiting or both. Vietnamese girls are kind of fake.... Just an optional sidequest lol, beware of the half-truth.
Well considering the fact that all of you all things in this universe are just illusions created by my brain to entertain me you can safely assume that you can't believe in any thing, not even you.
@_Forte_ @Sunoflife @censy @cruelshade @wiwi @*Inferno_Kami* @Fire Emblem So I suppose we still use this place?
Oh, btw, I'm a hikkikomori not very talkative and having shaggy hair, so plz pardon my pitiful existence my appearance
I'll be there at 4:30 pm since I have acquaintances :3 Anyway, please send me something that I could use as contact point @AVAVT
I'll bring @Riku along so if you need anything call him I'm staying over at his house and my phone ran out of battery :( P/S: btw it's weird why can't I PM you?
I don't know why but Xeno can still send me messages via my Inbox T_T maybe the HiPo did something to our privacy settings