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delay thêm 1h nữa rồi nói chứ mí cái update nhìu như thế này đa số toàn bị delay XD hy vọng 8h xong ko thui ngủ mai chơi wá
Mấy pác chơi server VN hay Private Us vậy ? Server Vn chơi có 1 mình à. Mà lại lên lâu nữa. Có vài chữ tiếng gì ko hiểu gi hết. Nhất là mấy cái quest.
Server VN như phặc ấy có ra cái nợ gì đâu, lỗi tùm tum mà toàn cái quan trọng : ko mua job = GP dc, hack thì tràn lan, văn hóa gamer thì kém
trong game ấy à? O.o nếu là đông đá thì ấn trái,phải lẹ sẽ giảm dmg còn đóng băng thì ấn trái,phải lẹ sẽ thoát ra nhanh còn ko ấn thì rút máu tới fatal ^^" nói chung là nếu thấy trên đầu có cái cần gạt trái phải thì spam trái phải lẹ vào XD còn dính confuse(ngược nút trái phải) thì chắc chỉ có nước cắn bình remedy ^^" Còn đây là bảng trả lời 1 số câu chơi Quiz Bingo: [spoil]Who is Sieghart decendant - Elesis monthly attend prize có thể đc - Seraphim wing (seraphim circlet ?, seraphim headband ?) how to avoid drowning in partusay - o2 station Elesis is trained by who - her father Lire is in group? - elven copr boss sea near ellia - partusay feste release tháng mấy? - tháng 6 (june) 19 tuổi và họ erudon là ai? ronan dungeon lowest lv - trial forest Kamiki giả dạng ai - elena màu tóc lire/elesis - yellow/red (có thể hỏi mí char khác, chưa thấy ^^") dark assasin (lass 3rd) combo thường gọi là - air combo who have a crush on amy - jin sieghart 1st bar skill name - ỉon crusher amy 1st weapon name - chakrani silver land was once join to - xenia first meet sieg in - outer wall of serdin tuổi elesis/arme -15 necklace - có thể up tới 9 in all GC comic - knight master dancer, oracle of xenia - amy you can play as - 2 elven character warlock (arme 3rd) command element - fire, water, wind -> all luna release - 23rd september meister set made of - natural material Lire aqua set - frog shape elesis ancestor - sieghart havoc skill - ring of fire anmon resemble - rocks(ant?) kaze does not appear in trial forest aegis in aegis knight is the shield originated from greece arkham not avaliable in gacha mesiter clan spear cost 49420 lv cap - 65 lv 24-27 forsakken first seal breaker pet-abbingdon aegis knight - ronan 3rd amy orcale of - xenia tiger spirit set effect - tiger roll[/spoil] P/s: 12 câu đầu là 100% đúng còn các câu sau là tui tổng hợp mí đứa trên 4rum nhưng cũng đc 90% đúng. còn ai có câu nào khác thì cứ post lên hén ^^
Làm mấy cái quiz này vui ghê, may mà hùi đó có ngồi dịch đám thông tin về nhân vật trong GC nên có biết ít biết nhiều Đây là những câu đã từng gặp wa, tuy là có 100 ô nhưng ko nhất thiết sẽ có 100 câu hỏi, có thể hơn, do đó bà con có câu gì khác cứ post lên [SPOIL] 1. Who is Sieghart's decendant? Elesis 2. What is the price for monthly attendance? Seraphim wing, cirlet, shield 3. You can avoid drowning in Partuasay Sea by? Using O2 station 4. Elesis is trained by? Her father 5. Who is 19 years old and of Erudon family? Ronan 6. What dun is lowest lvl? Trial forest 7. Myurin was made of? All of the above (Manual, 5 Crystal and 50 Myurin star) 8. Who was called Pumpkin face? Amy 9. Feste was added on what month? June 10. Boss control sea near Elia Partusay 11. what did Gaikos lose when the war broke out? His lover 12. Feste was available through? Refer-A-Friend event 13. What job of Amy use Violin? Muse 14. The two largest kingdoms of Bermesiah are? Serdin and Kanavan 15. There are ? continents in NAGC 4- none of the above 16. GrandChase necklace have what effect? All the elements 17. Metal Shot shot how many arrow? 5 18. How many years you are too early to fight Lass? 100 19. How old is Elesis? 15 20. Finish this line: Join GrandChase... ...Save the world 21. SwordMaster style was invented by? A Bermesiah Mercenary 22. Wendy is boss of what stage? Trial tower 23. What is Sieghart 1st job's 1st mp bar skill called? Iron Crusher 24. Gaiko currently wear what armor? Samurai 25. Where do we first meet Gladiator Sieghart? Outer wall of Serdin 26. Who is the Druid's prophetess? Sybil 27. Who gave Amy the Chu Chu bag? Sister Maggie 28. Who is the earliest Starlet? Lilith 29. What is the weapon of Amy job 3th? Kleiophone 30. What is the name of chief of the Druid? Mo'ru Pi'su 31. How many playable characters currently in NAGC? 9 32. What item dropped by boss in Champion mode make the head unusally large? Big Heads 33. What dungeon is lvl 36-39 at 3 star? Temple of Fire 34. In other to become a couple you have to have? Couple's Ring 35. Who Capture Tian Long and chained him? Grand Chase 36. The DarkMage appear in how many dungeon? 7 37. Dr. Capsules will exchange capsule for what game currency? GP 38. Stone Curse is the ability from what Arme's job? Magician 39. Which Dungeon is the lowest one that have all the male character in the dialog? Lake Aurora 40. What is the release date of Luna? 23rd September 41. What dungeon is lvl 24-27 at 3 star? Forsaken Barrow 42. Who have a crush on Amy? Jin 43. Who is the youngest member of GrandChase? Amy 44. What is the Tiger Spirit Armour Effect? Tiger Roll 45. Amy Is The Oracle Of Which continent? Oracle Of Xenia 46. Meister Clan spear cost? 49420 47. What is Havoc skill called? Ring of fire 48. which 3 star dungeon is lvl 48-50? Xenia Border 49. Name of boss of Forgotten City? Paradom 50. What item you need to unlock some skill tree section? Skill key 51. Which of the following pet is not a creature of flesh and bone? DK-Mark03 52. the word "Aegis" from "Aegis Knight" mean shield from what language? Greece 53. Who is Elesis's ancestor? Sieghart 54. What are the most number of knight can run dungeon together? 4 55. Dark Assassin main combo attack can be catergorized as a? Air combo 56. Which pet does not release in Gacha? Arkham 57. In GrandChase Warlock serve which spirit to increase their power? All of the above 58. Which of the following map is not available in pvp mode? Temple of Cuatal 59. Myurin's attack give what benefit to player? Increase HP regen 60. What material you need to reinforce rune? Aging core 61. Ice necklace give how much attack at 9? 23 62. Which pet look like mushroom and headbutt enemies? Pepe 63. Lire is part of which group? The Elven Corp 64. What lvl is Assaut Exocier Wooden Sword? 25 65. What do Treant throw? Apple 66. Which map connect to Silver Land? Kerrie’s Beach 67. Aegis Knight is Ronan’s 3rd job 68. GC club is and item that Give bonus stat to player in dungeon 69. What Color is Amy hair? Pink 70. Which item cannot be enhanced with a rune? Cloak 71. What does Knight Master say "beat Mouth" in pvp? Skill 72. In what dungeon do we first meet Jin? Ruin of Silver Knight 73. What does Elizabeth attack with in Marsh of Oblivion? a club 74. How long must you stay before checking attendance? 70 minutes 75. Lire's Aqua Armor Set in the shape of what animal? Frog [/SPOIL]