V/ MAGIC : ============================ Ryu's Dragon Transformations ============================ Revert Cost: 0AP Description: Returns to human form Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine SnoDr Cost: 7AP Description: Changes into a Snow Drake (White with bluish tinge). Attacks single target with Cold. Defense: 112% Damage: 100 / 200 on slam Enemy is weak to ice: 150 / 300 on slam Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine FlmDr Cost: 10AP Description: Changes into a Flame Drake (Orangey-red). Attacks single target with Flare. Defense: 116% Damage: 115 / 230 on slam Enemy is weak to fire: 172 / 344 on slam Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine ThrDr Cost: 12AP Description: Changes into a Thunder Drake (Baby Blue). Attacks single target with Fry. Defense: 120% Damage: 130 / 260 on slam Enemy is weak to bolt: 195 / 390 on slam Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine IceDgn Cost: 20AP Description: Changes into an Ice Dragon (White with weak blue). Attacks all enemies with Ice. Defense: 124% Damage: 190 / 380 on slam Enemy is weak to ice: 285 / 570 on slam Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine FirDgn Cost: 27AP Description: Changes into a Fire Dragon (Red). Attacks all enemies with Char. Defense: 128% Damage: 210 / 420 on slam Enemy is weak to fire: 315 / 630 on slam Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine BltDgn Cost: 30AP Description: Changes into a Bolt Dragon (Blue). Attacks all enemies with Gale. Defense: 132% Damage: 225 / 450 on slam Enemy is weak to bolt: 337 / 674 on slam Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine GldDgn Cost: 40AP Description: Changes into a Gold Dragon (Take a guess). Attacks all enemies with ZomX. Defense: 136% Damage: 375 / 750 on slam (Undead only) Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine Rudra (Kaiser) Cost: 50AP Description: Changes into a Kaiser Dragon. Attacks all enemies with miniature dragons. Defense: 140% Damage: 320 / 640 on slam Enemy is weak to bolt: 480 / 960 on slam Learned: After defeating Avian in the Dragon Temple Agni (Infinity) Cost: 60AP Description: Changes into the Infinity Dragon by combining the entire party. Attacks all enemies with earthquakes and lightning. Defense: 200% Damage: 999 / 999 on slam (What does weakness matter when you're already at maximum damage?) Learned: At Dragon Temple underneath Ease Cave ============================ Nina's Restorative Powers ============================ Cura1 Cost: 3AP Description: Recovers 50 HP for one ally. Learned: Initially Fort Cost: 6AP Description Increases defense by 20 for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Initially Heal Cost: 5AP Description: Cures any status ailment but 'stun'. One ally. Learned: Initially Lk-Up Cost: 6AP Description: Increases luck by ?? for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Level 6 Atk-Up Cost: 15AP Description: Increases attack by ?? for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Level 7 Cura2 Cost: 6AP Description Recovers 100HP for one ally. Learned: Level 9 Hold Cost: 8AP Description: Stops one enemy from moving. Learned: Level 11 Ag-Up Cost: 8AP Description: Increases active by ?? for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Level 12 Warp Cost: 2AP Description: Returns party to previously visited towns. Learned: Level 13 Zom1 Cost: 5AP Description: Angel LV1. A single enemy feels the divine wrath of an angel, if they are of the afterlife. Non-undead opponents take no damage. Damage: 120 Learned: Level 14 Cura3 Cost: 15AP Description: Recovers 250HP for one ally. Learned: Level 15 Renew Cost: 10AP Description: Removes Stun state, ally will have 1HP Learned: Level 17 Idle Cost: 5AP Description: Decreases active of one enemy by ??. Learned: Level 19 Shield Cost: 8AP Description: Increases M.Def of one ally by ??. Learned: Level 21 Cura4 Cost: 20AP Description: Recovers all HP for one ally. Learned: Level 23 Zom2 Cost: 15AP Description: Angel LV2. Two angels combine their holy might on one enemy. Non-undead opponents receive no damage. Damage: 180 Learned: Level 24 FortX Cost: 14AP Description: Increases defense of all party members by 20 for battle duration. Learned: Level 26 Hush Cost: 8AP Description: Silences target rendering them unable to cast spells Learned: Level 28 Dispel Cost: 20AP Description: Redirects a single magic attack, lowering damage for one spell. Learned: Level 30 RenewX Cost: 30AP Description: Restores 'Stun' status, ally will be at maximum HP. Learned: Level 34 CuraX Cost: 20AP Description: Recovers 250HP for entire party. Learned: Level 37 Wall Cost: 15AP Description: Magic attacks are blocked out. Learned: Level 41 ZomX Cost: 35AP Description: Angel LV3. Three angels blast the field with divine energy, damaging the entire undead opposition. Non-undead enemies take no damage. Damage: 300 Learned: Level 46 ============================ Bleu's Arcane Craft ============================ Exit Cost: 20AP Description: Warps party to entrance of dungeon. Learned: Initially Flare Cost: 3AP Description: Fire LV1. A pillar of flame deals damage to single target. Damage: 20 / 30 Learned: Initially Spark Cost: 4AP Description: Bolt LV1. A lightning bolt strikes one target. Damage: 25 / 37 Learned: Initially Cold Cost: 5AP Description: Ice LV1. A ball of cold freezes one enemy. Damage: 30 / 45 Learned: Initially 3.5 Cost: 3AP Description: Quake LV1. A small scale earthquake damages all enemies. Damage: 30 / 45 Learned: Initially Para Cost: 10AP Description: Weak electrical field stops single enemy from making actions for a random duration. Learned: Initially Bomb Cost: 5AP Description: Explosion LV1. A single target is barraged with blasts. Damage: 35 / 52 Learned: Initially Sap Cost: 1AP Description: Drains a single targets HP. Damage: Health drained is proportional to enemy's remaining HP. (I think. The number could just be random altogether) Learned: Initially Warp Cost: 2AP Description: Travels back to previously visited towns. Learned: Initially Rub Cost: 20AP Description: Attempts to eliminate a single target with a ball of energy. Learned: Initially Flame Cost: 6AP Description: Fire LV2. Three pillars of flame rise from the ground, burning a single enemy. Damage: 40 / 60 Learned: Initially Fry Cost: 10AP Description: Bolt LV2. A thicker bolt of lightning strikes a single target. Damage: 80 / 120 Learned: Initially Frost Cost: 9AP Description: Ice LV2. A chain of cold freezes a single enemy. Damage: 60 / 90 Learned: Initially 5.5 Cost: 8AP Description: Quake LV2. A medium scale earthquake damages all enemies. Damage: 50 / 75 Learned: Initially Boom Cost: 11AP Description: Explosion LV2. Mutiple blasts assault all enemies. Damage: 70 / 105 Learned: Initially F.Ball Cost: 9AP Description: Fire LV3. A ball of flame jets forward and erupts, burning a single enemy. Damage: 90 / 135 Learned: Level 20 LStorm Cost: 11AP Description: Bolt LV4. Powerful lightning bolts crash down, striking all enemies. Damage: 95 / 142 Learned: Level 21 Chill Cost: 12AP Description: Ice LV3. A blizzard freezes all opponents. Damage: 100 / 150 Learned: Level 22 Flee Cost: 20AP Description: Escapes battle without fail. Does not work with forced battles. Learned: Level 23 9.5 Cost: 15AP Description: Quake LV3. Super earthquake damages all enemies. Damage: 80 / 120 Learned: Level 24 Blast Cost: 18AP Description: Explosion LV3. Heavy bombing on a single enemy. Damage: 110 / 165 Learned: Level 25 Gale Cost: 24AP Description: Thunder LV5. Thick bolts of lightning destroy the field, striking all enemies. Damage: 130 / 195 Learned: Level 26 Ice Cost: 30AP Description: Ice LV4. Multiple enhanced Frost attacks stream out and freeze every enemy. Damage: 150 / 225 Learned: Level 28 Char Cost: 36AP Description: Fire LV5. A dragon of flame scorches the battle field, burning all enemies. Damage: 180 / 270 Learned: Level 29 Nova Cost: 42AP Description: Explosion LV4. A massive explosion of multiple colours eventually white out the screen, blasting all enemies. Damage: 200 / 300 Learned: Level 30 IceX Cost: 48AP Description: Ice LV5. Powerful frost encircles and freezes a single enemy. Damage: 250 / 375 Learned: Level 31 FireX Cost: 30AP Description: Fire LV4. An inferno is created, engulfing and burning a single enemy. Damage: 350 / 525 Learned: Level 32 Drain Cost: 2AP Description: Drains a single target's AP. Damage: Amount drained varies with enemy. Learned: Level 33 BoltX Cost: 30AP Description: Bolt LV3. An omnipotent bolt of lightning strikes one enemy. Damage: 400 / 600 Learned: Level 35 NovaX Cost: 54AP Description: Explosion LV5. Immense bombing onto a single enemy. Damage: 300 / 450 Learned: Level 37 Comet Cost: 75AP Description: Meteor storm. Space rocks crash into the battlefield at blinding speed, damaging all opponents. Damage: 400 / 600* Learned: Level 40 ============================ Karn's Fusions ============================ Revert Cost: 0AP Description: Karn unfuses with the other party members, turning them back into seperate people. Learned: When first fusion is acquired Shin Cost: 10AP Description: Karn does fusion with Bo and Gobi, creating the master archer, Shin (Shaian in the Jap). The archer is basically an enhanced Bo, having the skills to forest walk and hunt. Shin, however, can hunt much more easily then Bo. Taught by: Mentor in Gant Debo Cost: 15AP Description: Karn does fusion with Ox and Gobi, creating the mermaid fighter, Debo. The fighter has no special field abilities, but battle ability is strengthened considerably. Debo has a giant drawback of only being available underwater (Don't bother transforming underwater and trying to surface, it won't work). Taught by: Mentor in Gust Doof Cost: 25AP Description: Karn does fusion with Bo and Ox, creating the ultimate warrior, Doof (Rankuru in the Jap). Like Bo, he can walk through forests, but will be unable to hunt and smash walls. However, he is very, very powerful, so heavy objects can be pushed aside by him. Doof cannot be used underwater. Taught by: Mentor in Dig-Patch NE of Camlon. Puka Cost: 40AP Description: Karn does fusion with Bo, Ox, and Gobi, creating the, uhm, killing machine in a cute disguise (Hey, you try figuring out what he is), Puka (Jeydo in the Jap)! Puka will be unable to do any of the skills his parts had, except Karn's thieving (can't hunt or forestwalk, can't smash rocks or walls, can't become a big fish), however, he is nearly undefeatable in battle. He has massive health and can cause great amounts of damage. Also, sealed gates on the world map can be opened by his legendary cry. Taught by: Mentor in Bleak ============================ Gobi's Summons ============================ Ebb Cost: 3AP Description: A small school of small green fish attack all enemies. Damage: 30 Learned: Initially EbbX Cost: 5AP Description: A large school of small green fish attack all enemies. Damage: 50 Learned: Initially Eco Cost: 8AP Description: A small group of dolphins attack all enemies. Damage: 70 Learned: Level 16 EcoX Cost: 10AP Description: A large group of dolphins attack all enemies. Damage: 100 Leaned: Level 17 ============================ Bo's Side Knowledge ============================ Flare Cost: 3AP Description: Fire LV1. A pillar of flame rises from the ground, burning a single enemy. Damage: 20 / 30 Spark Cost: 4AP Description: Bolt LV1. A lightning bolt strikes a single target. Damage: 25 / 37 Cold Cost: 5AP Description: Ice LV1. A ball of cold freezes one enemy. Damage: 30 / 45 Flame Cost: 6AP Description: Fire LV2. Three pillars of flame rises from the ground, burning a single enemy. Damage: 40 / 60 Frost Cost: 9AP Description: Ice LV2. A chain of cold freezes one enemy. Damage: 60 / 90 Fry Cost: 10AP Description: Thunder LV2. A thick bolt of lightning strikes a single target. Damage: 80 / 120 Cura Cost: 3AP Description: Recovers 50HP for one ally. ============================ Ox's Emergency Care ============================ Cura3 Cost: 15AP Description: Recovers 250HP for one ally. Heal Cost: 5AP Description: Restores any status ailment but 'stun.' ============================ Mogu's Ability ============================ Dig Cost: 5AP Description: 100% chance escaping from battle. Unusable in dungeons. (Well, it's cheaper then Bleu's Flee)
VI/ SIDE QUESTS : 1/ Unlocking Doors : Phần này mình đã hướng dẫn kĩ trong Walkthrough rồi , là những cánh cửa mà chỉ có Karn mới mở được ấy ^^ 2/ Break Stuff : Phần này mình cũng đã hướng dẫn kĩ trong Walkthrough rồi , là những bức tường mà chỉ có Ox mới phá vỡ được ấy ^^ 3/ Dragon Emblem Dirt Patches's Location : Đây là những nơi mà Mogu có thể dùng dig được Phía bắc của Camlon: Doof (Fusion Spell của Karn) Phía đông bắc của Tantar: L.Ptn, Clog, A.Ptn, V.Ptn Phía bắc của Winlan: V.Ptn, S.Ptn, Sash Phía đông bắc của Tock: HeroBW Phía đông nam của Scande: LoveHT, StarSH, AgileHT, Life2, MystCW, S.Ptn, A.Ptn, L.Ptn 4/ Dragon Shrines's Location : Là những nơi mà Ryu có thể lấy được các Dragon Transformation Spell Phía nam của Tuntar Fight: Talon Learn: SnoDr, FlmDr, ThrDr Phía đông của Gant Fight: Bain Learn: IceDgn, FirDgn, BltDgn, GldDgn Phía bắc của Gust Fight: Avian Learn: Rudra Dưới hồ nước ở Ease Cave Fight: N/A Learn: Agni 5/ Fishing : Dragon Equipment / Slab Đây là vị trí những nơi mà bạn có thể câu được : Phía tây của Romero/ Phía đông bắc của Gust (Hồ nước phun ra) Item Found: DragonSD Phía tây bắc của Tantar (Hồ nước phun ra) Item Found: Slab Spring (Điểm câu ở con suối sau Item shop) Item Found: DragonAR Phía tây nam của Arad (Hồ nước phun ra) Item Found: DragonHT Phía đông của Gramo (Hồ nước phun ra) Item Found: DragonSH 6/ Sealed Gray Walls's Location : Đây là vị trí của những bức tường mà Karn[Puka] có thể phá vỡ được Phía đông của Auria: DarkBR Phía tây nam của Gust: LoveBR Phía đông của Carmen: WindBR
VII/ SECRET : 1/ Quick Experience : Trước khi đấu với Jade ở Obelisk , hắn sẽ hỏi bạn rằng bạn có muốn gia nhập với hắn không , chọn "yes" liên tục để gia nhập với hắn , đừng bấm bất cứ nút gì và đợi khoảng một lúc sau , hắn sẽ nói "I'm bored. Entertain me!" . Sau đó hắn sẽ cho bạn đánh với 1 con D.Flea, 1 con Crab, 1 con Flower, 1 con G.Slime và cuối cùng là 1 con M.Slime . Sau trận đánh này bạn sẽ có được 9999 exp and 9999 gold . Bạn có thể làm đi làm lại như vậy để tăng thêm level ^^ 2/ Chun Li Cameo : Khi bạn đang ở Bleak , bạn hãy lại nói chuyện với thằng nhóc luôn nói mình là một nhà ảo thuật , khi nó nói "Put a hundred coins on the table and I will make them disappear." , bạn hãy đồng ý rồi chờ một lát , khi nó nói tiếp câu "Look behind you." thì bạn hãy trả lời "no" 2 lần rồi chọn "yes" , bạn sẽ thấy Chun Li (1 nhân vật trong trò Street Fighter 2) đang luyện chiêu thức Lightning Kick . 3/ Ryu trong Breath of Fire II : Sau khi bạn hạ Goddess bằng cách dùng Agni , hãy thưởng thức "Good Ending" . Khi thấy cảnh Ryu cười và có dòng chữ "The End" hiện ra thì hãy chờ khoảng 15 giây sau , Ryu trong BOF II sẽ xuất hiện và nói "To Be Continued" . 4/ 999,999 GP : Bạn hãy đến Prima rồi vào trong Weapon Shop và chọn "Trade" , chọn tiếp IronML, Ox rồi chọn "no" , bạn sẽ có 999,999 GP . Save game lại và gửi tiền vào tài khoản , lặp lại 1 lần nữa giống như hồi nãy để kiếm thêm tiền