O hai guys just randomly came back and read IE's ancient post (somewhere near the post where Xeno show off his epeen which I will cut off slowly and painfully in the future). It just happen that he guessed correctly, I'm getting married soon, this month. I myself didn't expect the marriage either ("fucked up", litterally), so I guess it's safe to say he has divination power to some extend
Shouldn't this talk take place in a close-off room where no one else can hear? Don't you afraid that the bride will get wind of this?
Mm she might, or she might not. But either way I'm not one who would lose his freedom of speech in exchange for a bride.
Congratulation AVAVT! Glad to see some of us are getting somewhere. I just divorced btw, so good luck with your marriage - - - Updated - - - And oh, btw: Hilarious. Same old same old Xenogear. Miss ya'll.
Yeah the last few years have been rough on me. My husband wanted kids and I did not. At least not at this time. The woe of being a successful woman ( more than her own husband). How are you guys doing?
Sorry to hear about your marriage SC sis o_0 It must be rough for a woman to balance between work and childbirth. My girlfriend made a fuss about it too, since we planned for the marriage next year and our first child some months after that, now her plans are all messed up (use protection, guys!). But after all that it's really, idk, fun? happy? I smiled all day like an idiot and my girlfriend too even though she' upside down canceling flies and job proposal. btw am I, like, the only one with a default blue username in this entire forum? Is it now considered too hipster to use default color or I'm just off the trend?
I sometimes wish we can go back to 2004, and all I cared about was playing Pokemon and maybe one day get a Master. Now I have everything and nothing. That is why I am back here. For a moment only.
I think life is full of ups and downs, if you're too stuck in the past you won't be able to see ahead into the future
I want to get married as well... But I kind of have pedophobia... Not only I'm scared of them, I don't like them and obviously don't want to have one... Although to be honest, six month leave with salary sounds nice... But I want a partner in crime so I want a husband
yeah, if I have a kid right now we can probably ride the next gen of pokemon. Too bad my husband left lol.
Seriously, sis? That bastard left you for such reason? Not to offend Vat but not having children is a good deed nowadays. I don't want to have any child born from me, like, at all. Though, I will adopt at least one. I see that you are now blessed with good old freedom, sis. So let's drink to that. Sympathy is sh*t for weaklings. All hail our sis! p/s: Oh, yeah! If you ever need someone to ride the next gen of pokemon, just give me a wink.
Such a similarity we are sharing. Neither do I want to have a child Well, just before 30 Well, just it's not like I may escape from being virgin til 30 then
To be fair I married a guy who teaches homeless kids Tae Kwon Do, works for NGO and tie my shoes when I go out. Really nice. Just that he did not have a lot of patience. If only he waited a bit more I might be able to do something about kids. I do want someone to play Pokemon with :(