Hỏi đáp,bàn luận về FFVII Crisis Core ( PSP )

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi Leon Kenshin, 20/3/08.

  1. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thấy nhiều bác hỏi về DMW quá, post luôn tất cả các DMW của Zack lên đây, bác nào thiếu đoạn nào thì tự xem nhé:

    Digital Mind Wave - Reflections from the Heart

    Angeal - A Higher State of Mind
    Zack is facing down a Saghagin as Angeal looks on.

    Angeal: Reach down into your soul, let it move with your body.

    Zack cleaves into the monster

    Zack: HA!!

    Then wipes his brow after it falls

    Zack: Phew...

    Zack: H, how was that?
    Am I on the right track?

    Angeal: That was only focusing your senses.
    You didn't release your strength.

    Zack: Maybe, I was a bit puzzled by what you said and that's why I messed up.

    Angeal: You need to understand that the way you release your strength comes from your mental state.
    Without doing so, becoming a 1st will be impossible.

    Angeal: Come on, let's go.

    Angeal runs off and Zack follows after

    Zack: Seriously!?

    Start of the Game

    Angeal - The Fruits of Training
    Angeal and Zack stand in the training room with Angeal at the control pannel

    Angeal: Exactly what do you want to do to today?

    Zack: Level up, should be easy.

    Angeal confirms the program and walks over.

    Angeal: Then lets see the fruits of your labor.

    A double of Zack is generated by the program along with a desert-like enviroment

    Angeal: Here, your data from one month ago.

    Zack: Okay! Get ready previous month's me!!

    The two Zacks begin to fight using perfectly symetrical violence.

    Zacks: Toyraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

    Angeal merely shakes his head at the spectacle.

    Angeal: It seems like there has been no improvement.

    Angeal: Stop training!!

    The virtual Zack disappears and the real one falls down.

    Zack: Ghaaa!!

    Angeal appears to be considering an alternative

    Angeal: Maybe I should have him face Sephiroth once again.

    Angeal - The Road to First is Steep
    Angeal and Zack are having a discussion in the Briefing Room

    Angeal: The road to First, it is not one to be walked lightly.

    Angeal: You will need more than just strength on your side.

    Zack: I already know all that.
    But, I'm still going to become a First.

    Angeal walks up to Zack

    Angeal: Very good, Zack.
    You can become a First...

    Zack puts his hands on his hips and looks rather proud of himself.

    Zack: If I don't forget my dreams and pride!
    And my dream is to become a hero!

    Angeal turns away from Zack

    Angeal: Understood.
    In that case, I will aid you.

    Angeal - Zack the Puppy
    Zack runs up to Angeal, obviously in a rush

    Zack: Ack!

    Angeal: What has you so flustered?

    Zack: I'm looking for my materia
    I'm gonna be late to depart on the mission!!

    Angeal: I see.

    Angeal: What about your sword? Aren't you bringing it on the mission?

    Zack snaps back and then runs back in the direction he came. Angeal just shakes his head.

    Angeal: Same ole Puppy Dog.

    Angeal - Now to Wutai
    Angeal and Zack walk towards a helicopter

    Angeal: Zack, let's go

    Zack pumps his fist...

    Zack: Okay!

    And then runs to the copter

    Zack:I'm gonna be a hero!

    The Capture of Fort Tamblin

    Angeal - A Time to Use the Buster Sword?
    Angeal and Zack stand back to back on a bridge surrounded by monsters.

    Just like I thought, you're not gonna use that sword,
    It it really that unappealing?

    This sword....
    It's hard to wield with how heavy (important) it is.

    Phft, it's light enough for you to carry though...

    Sephiroth - Pulling Out from Wutai
    Lazard stands in front of a Shinra copter where troops are packing up supplies

    Lazard: Thank you both for your efforts.

    Lazard: Why isn't Angeal with you?

    Sephiroth glances towards Zack before answering

    Sephiroth: He is missing. I'll give you the details when we get back.

    He then moves to walk to the copter with Lazard

    Sephiroth: The situation is getting worse. Be prepared.

    Sephiroth - Take Your Opponent in One Strike
    Zack and Sephiroth are in the woods fighting monsters and Sephiroth decides to give some battle advice.

    Sephiroth: Take your enemy down in a single strike.

    Sephiroth: Come on now. Just one strike.

    Zack: Without any other plan!? Dammit, this had better work.

    Zack brings down the Dual Horn.

    Zack: Alright, down in one strike!

    Sephiroth: That enemy was weak, do it once more.

    The Bombing of Banora

    Tseng - The Turks' Duty
    Zack and Tseng are walking away from a helicopter, having returned from Banora.

    Zack: Hey, Tseng.

    Zack: How can you be so composed after bombing that village?

    Zack makes a rather passionate gesture

    Zack:I could never consent to that!!

    Tseng: I had to erase all traces of the company's scandal.
    That is the kind of duty we Turks are burdened with.

    Tseng walks away

    Zack: Is that so?

    Tseng - Diversionary Tactics

    Inside a mako reactor, Tseng observes a pair of Wutai soldiers on the catwalk below him

    Tseng: I should call in for assistance with this.

    He reaches into his pocket for his phone.

    Tseng: I will distract the enemy. You can certainly take them then.

    The screen splits to show both Tseng and Zack

    Zack: Leave it to me.

    Tseng drops down to a reactor catwalk where the Wutai soldiers stand

    Wutai soldier: The Turks? We're trapped!

    Zack flips in from above, sword drawn

    Zack: Oryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

    and lands in front of Tseng instead of behind the Wutai soldiers like he was supposed to

    Zack: Huh!?

    They attempt to run away...

    Wutai soldier: A SO, SOLDIER! Everyone, come here!

    ...only to be sniped by Tseng

    Tseng: What are you doing? I called you for assistance.

    Zack realizes the error of his ways

    Zack: My bad........ I just leapt in.

    Tseng - Zack gets to 'Work'
    Zack leans over a counter, chatting up a secretary

    Zack: I'm Zack. What's your name?

    He pauses and pulls out his cellphone

    Zack: Ah, wait just a moment.

    He answers the phone.

    Zack: Ah, Tseng.
    I'm busy now, so I'll be running a bit late.

    He flips the phone closed and goes back to the lady.

    Woman: Um... behind you.

    Zack: Hm?

    Zack turns around and there is Tseng right behind him

    Zack: Gah! Tseng!

    The Turk looks none too pleased with the situation

    Tseng: Are you done with being 'busy'?

    Cissnei - Turk Cooperation
    A group of G copies is ready to attack an injured Cissnei in Sector 8

    Cissnei: *panting* Haa.... Haa....

    Cissnei: I...I failed...

    Zack drops down from the arch and into the scene.

    Zack: Oh no!

    Zack: Hang on, I'll be right there!

    He rushes towards the group with sword drawn

    Zack: Toyraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

    But Reno and Rude have defeated the group

    Reno: Already handled it, yo.

    Rude: You're one step behind.

    The camera pans in close to Cissnei.

    Cissnei: Turk cooperation is very nice isn't it?

    Sephiroth - Lightning Speed
    In Sector 8, Zack and Sephiroth are confronted by a large group of mechs

    Zack: Okay, I'll handle over here
    and I'll beat Sephiroth to it!

    In an instant, Sephiroth streaks past him and into the mechs. With a single white flash he has defeated them all single-handedly. He looks to Zack with a bit of smugness.

    Sephiroth: What were you saying? Be faster in the future.

    Aerith - Aerith Takes Care of the Flowers
    Zack kneels down beside Aerith at her flower bed.

    Zack: If you're tending the flowers, I'll help out.

    Aerith continues working without looking at him

    Aerith: Ah, okay.

    Aerith: But the flowers, they want me to be the one to arrange them.

    Zack: Seriously...

    Aerith - Relaxed in the Slums
    Zack and Aerith are walking through the slums

    Zack: So this is the Slums...

    Aerith: What about it?

    Zack: It's just extremely confusing to get around.

    Aerith walks towards him

    Aerith: A place like this... do you dislike it?

    Zack shrugs his shoulders

    Zack: It is in bad shape, but I'm okay with it.

    Aerith folds her hands together and smiles

    Aerith: I knew it. I knew that you would say that Zack.

    Aerith goes back to walking along the street as Zack scratches his head

    Zack: I guess, I'm glad about that?

    Cissnei - So strict!
    Zack and Cissnei seem to be exploring the hallways in the Sector 5 mako reactor

    Zack: That bastard Hollander, where is he hiding?

    Cissnei: You've lost sight of him, haven't you?

    Zack. Ah, you're so strict with me.
    At least I'm together with a Turk.

    Cissnei: It won't do to work together
    We need to split up to search.

    Tseng - The Scars of the Shinra Building Raid
    Zack walks up to Reno, Rude and Tseng who are examining the damage the Shinra Building took during the Genesis Army Raid

    Zack: However, they sure picked a flashy way to show up here.

    Tseng stands up to look at Zack directly

    Tseng: After this attack, we Turks will catch them,
    and Zack, we request for you to join us in handling the rest.

    Zack pumps his fist

    Zack: Ah, leave it to me!

    Aerith - Jumping in the Sandpit
    Aerith and Zack are hanging out together at "Green Park" (The playground)

    Aerith: Say, Zack...

    Zack: Hm?

    Aerith: Could you do that "Feather Rise," here in the sandpit?

    Zack: Of course! Hey, if I succeed do I get a date?

    Aerith: Yes. But if you make a mistake...
    I want to hear you apologize to me

    Cut to Zack trying to roll back on to his elbows to then leap into a standing position, but completely failing

    Zack: Oh...

    He clasps his hands together and then does his apologetic head-tilt

    Zack: I- I'm sorry! Give me another chance...

    Aerith appears to contemplate the offer.

    Aerith: It can't be helped I suppose.
    Okay, you have one more try.

    This time Zack preforms the move perfectly.

    Zack: Alright!

    Zack: Hehe, how was that!

    Sephiroth - Do 1st Classes get Special Treatment?
    Zack and Sephiroth are gazing out of the window of the SOLDIER Floor

    Zack: Hey, Sephiroth

    Zack: Do First Classes get any special treatment?

    Sephiroth: Why do you want me to tell you?

    Zack: Well, you are different from the majority of SOLDIERs.

    Sephiroth: You can go ask Lazard all about First Class.

    Sephiroth walks off at this point

    Zack: Why are you so mad me?

    Kunsel walks over to the confused Zack

    Kunsel: So, you want to know about First Class?

    Kunsel: First off, they get to use unique equipment...
    And its accepted that they get exclusive use of certain supplies...

    Kunsel: And then, there's nothing like
    being able to refuse missions

    Kunsel: But, that's to be kept strictly private.

    Zack: Hmmm...

    Zack now walks off as well, leaving Kansel alone

    Kunsel: ...I was just trying to keep you informed.

    Cissnei - A Dinner Invitation
    Zack stops Cissnei as she comes out of the elevator

    Zack: Ah, Cissnei.

    Zack: You want to go out to eat tonight?

    Cissnei shakes her head.

    Cissnei: Sorry. Right now, I'm heading out on duty.

    Zack appears to be disappointed

    Zack: Ah, I see.

    Zack: Should I try and negotiate with your superior?

    Cissnei: You should stop while you're ahead.

    Cissnei: The people in charge of the Turks are a scary bunch.

    Mission to Modeo

    Cloud - Cover Fire
    Zack finishes killing a few bird monsters. He swings his sword around, and re-mounts it on his back, looking victorious.
    He is completely unaware there is a griffin descending behind him

    Zack: Easy victory, easy victory~!

    Zack suddenly turns around, but the monster is already being shot.... by Cloud.

    Shinra soldier: Zack, get down!!

    Zack is crouched down, the griffin dead in front of him.
    Zack stands up and goes over to Cloud.

    Zack: You're were really thinking fast there
    Thanks, for helping me out.

    The Shinra Soldier takes off his helmet, revealing himself to be Cloud.

    Cloud: It's nice to be useful.

    Tseng - After Modeohiem
    Cloud and Tseng stand by the helicopter outside of Modeo.

    Zack walks up to them, Buster Sword on his back and pauses beside Tseng.

    Zack: ......I'm sorry...... I kept you waiting.

    Zack: Let's go home......

    He walks up to the helicopter door without another word.

    Aerith - New Haircut
    Aerith: *giggling*

    Zack backs away from this reaction to his new haircut

    Zack: D-do you think it's weird!?

    Aerith gets her laughter under control

    Aerith: Well, you just changed it so suddenly.

    Zack walks up to her

    Zack: So you prefer my hair the way it was, huh?

    Aerith: No, it's not that. It's actually rather becoming.

    Zack puts his hands on his hips

    Zack: Is it? Is it?

    Aerith laughs again

    Aerith: But, I just haven't gotten used to it yet.

    Zack shrugs

    Zack: Well, get used to it then.

    Aerith - Meeting the Thief Kid Again
    Zack and Aerith are walking together in the Marketplace and come up to the theiving kid.

    Zack: Yo! Thief kid.

    Kid: It's been a while, big bro. (term of affection)  

    Aerith: How is your mother doing?

    Kid: Fine.
    But the money in big bro's wallet wasn't very helpful.

    Zack shrugs

    Zack: What a brat.

    Tseng - Before a Memorial to Fallen Friends
    Outside of Icicle Inn, Zack and Tseng stand together

    Tseng: So they...

    Zack: Yeah.

    Zack: It's been a while...

    The scene shifts to a pair of crossed swords peircing the snow.

    Zack: Sebastian, Yishay

    Tseng folds his arms

    Tseng: Zack, I'm sorry.

    Tseng: In dealing with AVALANCHE
    these SOLDIERS became the victims

    Zack shrugs

    Zack: Don't worry about it.

    Zack: They remembered who they were in the end.
    And I can come back here and see them again.

    Zack: ........ It felt right to do it here. (meaning to bury them)

    Zack: They can rest in peace here.

    Zack looks back to the swords before walking away

    Zack: So long, for now.

    Vacation in Costa Del Sol

    Cissnei - An Unexpected Furlough?
    Zack is standing beside the railing of a ship, looking out at the water

    Cissnei: Zack!

    Cissnei walks towards him

    Zack: Cissnei?

    Cissnei: What are you doing here?

    Cissnei stands opposite of a table separating her and Zack

    Zack: Ah, I've chosen to spend my sudden furlough at the Coast.
    And you?

    Cissnei: Sudden, huh?
    Well, my superior asked me to come along with him.

    Cissnei folds her arms as she speaks

    Cissnei: I've been thinking about taking
    my long-awaited vacation on the Coast as well.

    Zack: I got this furlough because the executive hasn't given me any orders.

    Cissnei: A long-awaited furlough then.
    Don't forget about your duties now, or you might just grow feathers.

    Cissnei turns around and walks off.

    Cissnei: Well, see you later.

    Zack shrugs

    Zack: Feathers, wings, either would be fine.

    And the shot suddenly pulls out to show the boat.

    Zack:.......Sudden, huh.

    Cissnei - Tseng, An Enigmatic Man
    Tseng, Zack and Cissnei are walking through Costa Del Sol

    Zack: Wait, Cissnei.

    Zack: Why is Tseng wearing his long-sleeved suit?

    Cissnei: Maybe, he accidentally left his bathing suit in his dresser?

    Zack: I don't know, but must be hot in that.

    Tseng waits for the two to stop gossiping

    Tseng: What are you doing? We need to hurry

    the camera zooms back in on Zack

    Zack: Aren't you hot in that?

    Attack on Junon

    Cissnei - An "Unexpected" Truth
    Zack is walking back to the base in Junon after his conversation with Sephiroth

    Zack: But how am I going to get back to Midgar now?

    Cissnei: That's right.... we did get called into this uproarious affair.

    Cissnei stands with the Highwind in the background behind her.

    Cissnei: Zack, although this was only a furlough
    I, honestly....

    Zack: Don't worry about it. You're a Turk, right?
    Just forget about the past.

    Cloud - Treating Friends to Dinner
    Zack is walking down the sidewalk in Junon towards Cloud and two MPs - one normal and one officer. Cloud is leaning on a pole, still motion sick from earlier.

    Zack: Cloud, so here you are.

    Zack: ......are you okay?

    The MP Officer turns to Zack

    MP Officer: Commander Zack, do you know this guy?

    The MP places a hand on Cloud's shoulder.

    Zack: Yah, he's my friend from the country.
    ......Hey, is he up to eating dinner?

    MP Officer: Eh, dinner? You're treating.

    The MP cheers

    MP: Alright!

    Zack: Eh!? Wait... ...

    Zack looks surprised and makes a "that's not what I meant" gesture
    before folding his arms.

    Zack: Mmm, I give up.

    Zack pumps his fist, determined to make the most of this.

    Zack: Okay! I got it!

    Zack assumes his commanding hands on his hips pose.

    Zack: So you guys love to eat!
    Then I ask that you eat as Cloud's proxies.

    The MPs snap to attention.

    MPs: Sir! Thank you very much!

    Cloud: Zack, thanks....
    I'll go with you guys.

    Aerith - For When We Meet Again
    Zack is looking at the sky from inside Green Park, back turned toward the camera.

    Zack: Hey, Aerith

    Zack: After that, can we make a
    definte promise for when we meet again?

    Aerith poses thoughtfully

    Aerith: A promise? For the next time we meet?

    Zack: No, we'll make a promise for,
    "When we rendezvous."

    Zack folds his arms

    Zack: Aerith you should be wearing something pink,
    and carrying a parasol.

    Aerith giggles

    Aerith: Hehe, why that?

    Cloud - A Man's Worries
    The scene opens with a lovely shot of a bright blue sky.

    Zack: This sky, it's so nice to watch.......

    Cloud walks over to Zack, who is laying on his back on the grass by a riverbank, staring up at the sky

    Cloud: Zack, we're leaving soon.

    Cloud: ......Were you doing anything?

    Zack: Ahh... ...(just contemplating) a man's worries.

    Zack jumps up with his signature "feather rise"

    Zack: Okay, let's go!

    The Nibelhiem Incident

    Sephiroth - The Mako Fountain
    Sephiroth, Tifa, Zack, and Cloud all stand around one of the mako fountains on Mount Nibel.

    Zack: ...And what's this?

    Sephiroth: A Mako fountain. It's a miracle of nature.

    Tifa: It's so beautiful...

    Tifa: If the Mako Reactor countinues to **** up the energy, this
    fountain will dry up too...

    Sephiroth: When you condense Mako energy, materia is produced. It's very rare to be able to see materia in its natural state.

    Zack: By the way... Why is it that when you use materia you can also
    use magic too?

    Sephiroth: You were in SOLDIER and didn't even know that?

    Sephiroth: ...the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients is held in the materia.

    Sephiroth: Anyone with this knowledge can freely use the powers of the Land and the Planet.

    Sephiroth: That knowledge interacts between ourselves and the planet calling up magic..... or so they say.

    Zack: Magic...... a mysterious power.

    Cloud - Remembering the Old Days by the Water Tower
    Cloud is standing by the water tower in Nibelheim on the night before the mission
    Zack approaches Cloud, who turns to face him.

    Zack: ... ...Can't sleep?

    Cloud: Yeah, just reminiscing about the old days.

    Zack: Old days, huh?

    Zack: Do you need someone to talk to?

    Cloud: Thanks, Zack.
    But, we get up early tomorrow, and should go to bed.

    Sephiroth - The Jenova Project
    The camera pans around the Shinra Mansion library to where Sephiroth stands gazing at the bookcase

    Sephiroth: Long ago, a calamity befell the Planet.

    He turns around to face the camera

    Sephiroth: Your ancestors scrambled.......
    they lived because they hid in the shadows.

    The camera shifts to loom above him as he continues

    Sephiroth: The sacrifice of the Cetra helped the Planet evade crisis.

    Sephiroth: After that, your kind continued to increase in number.

    He turns and walks along the length of the desk

    Sephiroth: The Cetra race thus remains only in these reports.

    Zack stands at the entryway with his arms crossed

    Zack: And what is your relation to all of this?

    Sephiroth doesn't even look at the other SOLDIER as he answers with another question

    Sephiroth: Don't you understand?

    He lifts his head as he speaks

    Sephiroth: An Ancient named Jenova was
    discovered in a 2000 year old geological stratum.

    Sephiroth: And then the Jenova Project.

    The camera shifts to above the chandelier, the whole layout of the room visible.

    Sephiroth: The Jenova Project was designed to create humans
    possessing the abilities of the Ancients... no, the Cetra

    The shot cuts back to behind Sephiroth

    Sephiroth: ......I am the one who was produced.

    Zack gestures in shock

    Zack: Pr, Produced!?

    On the Run

    Cloud - Fighting A Search Party
    Zack is helping Cloud walk through a forest.

    Zack: Sorry, Cloud

    He gently puts Cloud down.

    Zack: We have to wait a bit for our break time.

    Zack faces several MPs, sword ready.

    Zack: You can see that my companion is sick.
    Let's do this quickly.

    Cloud - A Moment's Rest
    Zack gets off the bike he's been riding on with Cloud (who is still unresponsive) and looks around the area (this appears to be the landscape between Gongaga and Banora)

    Zack: This looks like a good place to recoup after those attacks.

    Zack turns back to Cloud and reaches out to him.

    Zack: Cloud, you can sleep a little longer.

    Zack sees Cloud is still unresponsive and sighs softly.

    Zack shrugs as he speaks

    Zack: Since I'm on guard you don't need to worry
  2. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bác cứ quá lời tớ còn kém lắm còn phải học nhiều:'>
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Có bác nào thấy dòng này k? Nếu k thì cho tui cái ảnh về nó cái :D
  3. kobwad

    kobwad Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhà bé
  4. tieuquynd

    tieuquynd C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Twilight Town
    Bác nào chỉ hộ em cái mật khẩu mở két sắt trong cái nhà mansion gì đó ở Nibelheim với.Bên cạnh cái két sắt có tờ giấy gợi ý chung chung quá tớ dek mò được.
    Hix sáng nay làm Mission 1/1/6 đánh 1000 thằng lính Shinra ,đánh đc khoảng 600 hay 700 thằng gì đó tự nhiên sơ sẩy lăn đùng ra chết, bây giờ ngại đánh lại quá vì rất mất thời gian. Đánh xong 1000 thằng thì được cái item gì ngon ko vậy ?
  5. kobwad

    kobwad Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nhà bé
    Mật khẩu này là ngẫu nhiên,xem thêm ở đây http://forum.gamevn.com/showpost.php?p=5942117&postcount=6
    Được Mug Materia.
  6. kingofkings123

    kingofkings123 Ashen Awakener Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Between Heaven and Hell
    hình như co đứa chơi crisis core thây 1 con weapon ẩn sau lớp crystal chổ đánh con minerva
  7. tieuquynd

    tieuquynd C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Twilight Town
    Ặc,ko ngờ trong két sắt lại là 1 summon à ? Trưa nay tớ lỡ đi qua cốt truyện ở Nebelheim rồi ko biết có quay lại lấy được ko vậy ?
  8. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    À, về sau có mission mở hòm sắt có con Bahamut Fury, đánh nhau với con ấy( k đánh đc, phải quay DMW mới sát thương đc nó).Lưu ý là chưởng con này khác với con kia à nha. Đánh xong Thì bạn đc viên materia Bahamut Fury dùng để quay chiêu ExaFlare trong DMW:D
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Hix sáng nay làm Mission 1/1/6 đánh 1000 thằng lính Shinra ,đánh đc khoảng 600 hay 700 thằng gì đó tự nhiên sơ sẩy lăn đùng ra chết, bây giờ ngại đánh lại quá vì rất mất thời gian. Đánh xong 1000 thằng thì được cái item gì ngon ko vậy ?[/QUOTE]

    Bạn kiếm đòn Flare mà đánh bọn nó ấy
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Nibelheim hình như ở hồ nước đoạn đầu có materia Phoenix hay sao ấy.
  9. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    không phải được 1 summon đâu, chẳng qua là con Cactuar của ai đấy nuôi, vô tình bị kẹt trong két thôi, mở ra xong nó chạy biến :D có đánh đấm gì đâu, vả lại, nhiệm vụ lúc này chỉ là TÌM HIỂU vì sao trong két sắt lại cứ có tiếng cười khúc kha khúc khích thôi mà
  10. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    Xem video đánh nhau với Minerva cũng mất gần 10 phút. Cái chiêu mà thằng Zack liên tục ra trong video là Costly Punch à các bác?:-/
  11. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    Các bác cho hỏi làm thế nào để mix materia được Costly Punch 100%VIT, 100% SPR?
  12. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    Bác nào biết khi Zack chết xác bay lên zời là tưởng tượng hay là gì thế? sau khi chết Zack có "thành" cái gì k=((
  13. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    10 phút là gì, đánh em nó ở phần normal thì mới 10 phút vì em nó có mỗi 10 triệu HP, đánh ở phần hard mode 30 triệu HP chắc mất khoảng 45', mà tay lại to hẳn ra :D

    Đây, anh zai Zack của bác bây giờ nẳm ở đây

  14. kingofkings123

    kingofkings123 Ashen Awakener Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Between Heaven and Hell
    sau khi chết anh zack nàh ta biến thành chó sói trong AC.=))
  15. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    Hello-oooo, có ai thấy dòng này k vậy :-w
  16. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    Anh zai Zack của bác bây giờ nẳm ở đây

    Hic bay lên zời giờ xác lại nằm ở nghĩa trang:-/
  17. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Trước khi bác hỏi người khác xem có ai nhìn thấy "yêu cầu" của bác thì bác nên xem lại xem đã có ai post chỉ dẫn cách fuse materia chưa .... X(
  18. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    RR's Community
    À ừ đúng rồi hay quên quá mất :))
  19. Leon Kenshin

    Leon Kenshin Leon S. Kennedy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bangkok, Thailand
    Double post trong cùng 1 ngày coi chừng bị cảnh cáo đấy .
    Đằng này là double 1 lần , triple 1 lần trong 1 ngày .
  20. janmato

    janmato C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    xác bay lên chỉ là ảo tưởng thôi,vì thằng zack thích có 1 đôi cánh,giống như tâm nguyện trước khi chết,đó là fantasy của zack....

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