Hunter X Hunter

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi March Four, 21/4/16.


Lần comeback này sẽ kéo dài bao nhiêu chap?

Poll closed 30/6/22.
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  1. Onikage

    Onikage Mayor of SimCity ✟ Grim Reaper ✟ Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    spoil eng :D
    The so-called "guard" is an assassin
    Kurapika is confronting Vincent.
    Kurapika: (He's a part of the King's Army... while also being the 1st Prince's private troops...!)
    (Even a clear falsehood like this will be easily turned to the truth...!)
    (Then, what will happen if also we used the rule of self-defense to defeat this guy?)
    (If we do decide to do this, )
    (Then we will be detained as assassins to the King's Army and be undeniably made guilty!)
    Vincent: "Woahhh that's dangerous~~~! Yes yes!"
    "If you come any closer...
    I will assert you as the conspirators to the planning and death of Prince Woble
    and exercise my right of self-defense on you!? "
    Kurapika: (Kurapika: The Queen and the Prince are left with the last remaining servant and then they will likely get assassinated by the next assassin.
    'The servant killed the prince and the Queen and then committed suicide.' That’s the scenario he is trying to create…!)
    Kurapika raises his hands in defeat.
    Vincent: "Kukuku... A wise decision. I take you are Kurapika san, the one who made that Emergency Announcement?"
    Kurapika: "Yeah"

    "As you know, there are too many things targeting the princes."
    "Assuming what your motivation is, in this situation you are the most dangerous"
    Vincent: "No way. My goal here is 'cooperation', ok...?"
    "I am here to address the 'Problem' that stemmed from this room and to provide a 'solution'."
    "Won't you cooperate?"
    (If you do so, then I will spare your lives...)
    Kurapika: (You scum...!)
    Kurapika takes off his contact lenses and shows his scarlet eyes to the prince and the Queen.
    Kurapika: Will you trust me, Prince Woble Queen Oito?

    Woble suddenly stopped crying and reaches her hands to Kurapika.
    Woble: Ba, Aa
    After seeing Woble, Oito makes up her mind.
    Oito: I will trust you! No matter what happens!
    After hearing Oito’s words, Kurapika uses the chain on his index finger to Oito. The syringe hits Oito and at the same time a communication device appears.
    The dolphin appears in front of Oito.
    Dolphin: Oito sama, this device will allow us to directly communicate with your head.
    Dolphin: You’re currently connected with me because of Kurapika’s ability.
    Oito: ?!?!

    Vincent: (Attacking the Queen..?! Is this a yes to the “cooperating”)
    Vincent: (What about the other guard?)
    Bill focuses his aura and protects critical parts of his body with his arm.
    Vincent then shoots at Bill but he manages to block it with his arm.
    Bill: Ugghhhh!!
    Vincent: He guards critical parts of his body, and uses his nen as a guard. I can’t stop him with just a gun. Vincent focus his aura on his hand and then attacks Bill again.
    Vincent: "Air Blow!"
    But he fails.
    Kurapika’s steal chain was stabbed on his leg.
    Vincent: (He is absorbing my energy…!?)
    Kurapika: I use my index finger’s absolute time to absorb his ability and transfer it to somebody else!
    Kurapika: And by doing that, Steal Chain can absorb a different ability!
    Bill and Kurapika manage to capture Vincent.
    Kurapika: I restrain you for your attempt to assassinate prince Woble.
    Vincent: What are you talking about…?
    Vincent:You are the ones who attacked me without any warnings!
    Vincent: I just came here as a Royal guard to protect the Queen and the Prince!

    Otto: I will testify. No matter how many times you will use dirty tricks to resist, it doesn’t change the fact that it was you who tried to kill us and assassinated Sandra!
    Kurapika: Please don’t worry Queen Oito. When I use my ability, he will voluntarily speak what really happened.
    Vincent tries to commit suicide by drinking the poison he hid in his back teeth.
    Bill: What’s wrong?
    Kurapika: It’s poison! He hid it in his back teeth!
    Bill: Let’s make him spit it out!
    Kurapika: He took that poison with a clear resolve. It’s probably too late. Please report it to the King’s army.
    Bill: Do you really just want him to hand over to the King’s army? His confession…
    Bill: ?!
    Kurapiika is pointing at Vincent’s ear.
    Kurapika: I know…it’s unfortunate but it’s not really a case that will be solved here on the ship.
    Kurapika: Even with his confession, we probably can’t immediately catch the real culprit.
    Kurapika: Once we appear in court then there will be other risks for us too, so it’s best not to move if the first prince isn’t making any moves either.

    Benjamin’s room:
    Kurapika and Bill’s conversation: Let’s move the corpse here.
    …Wait a second.
    They destroy the wiretap.
    Barusamiruko: They noticed it. The connection is lost.
    Baru: The problem is the enemy’s ability…Right after the gunshot, they managed to restrain him.
    Benjamin: If Vincent was able to use his Nen normally, then there is no way that even in a 2vs1 situation, he would lose in a matter of few seconds.
    Ben: One of the enemies, used some kind of method to seal his Nen and forcing him to counter with his gun…
    Ben: Could it be that this guy has an ability to force someone to confess?
    Baru: The opposite is a possibility too…His nen ability was found out so he had to use his gun. But that decision lead him to be restrained…
    Baru: I will instruct the other guards to immediately use their Nen once they practice their self-defence right.
    Baru: But what bugs me is the enemy’s ability…This doesn’t make any sense to me.
    Baru: If the enemy is a manipulation type then most of the time, it will be a vocal order but this can’t be it.
    Baru: Also Vincent was able to shoot, to resist, and take the poison.
    Ben: So you mean it could be a bluff? So it means they already knew about our moves.
    Baru: Yes. But we can’t fully say that his ability is just falsehood.
    Baru: But if he intentionally made us listen to that conversation, that interaction would make tremendous sense.
    Baru: We can’t make any movements if we believe that our enemy has an ability to manipulate other people.
    Baru: But the fact Vincent decided to take his own life means that there must be a clear reason why he had to take that action.
    Ben: Although only 2 are left, they seem to have some troublesome abilities…
    Ben: …Kukuku this is interesting…!
    Ben: Babimaina. The situation has changed a bit and your mission will change too. You will succeed Vincent’s role.
    Babimaina: Yes, sir!
    Ben: The mission that I entrust you is a mission that you must not fail! Risk your own life and fulfill it!
    Babimaina: Yes sir!

    Kurapika: ( Prince Marayam is taking along his hamster)
    (During the next dinner banquet, I will have the queen to try and activate Syrid's ability and control the hamster...)
    (If she is able to do it, then it's our chance to keep tabs on all the other princes...)
    (...but it is nearly a week until that next banquet... One hour is 150 days... 24 hours is 10 years... 1 week is... This is not realistic at all...)
    Kurapika: "My queen. I know our situation is chaotic right now but, that ability has time restrictions."
    Oito: "Um... What am I supposed to do..."
    Kurapika: "The ablity to control small animals is the most fitting ability one can have for scouting work. By using this, you can monitor the other prince's movements."
    "The most ideal organism for this are flies or mosquitos. They are able to freely move around and also do not arouse suspicions."
    "If, however, someone is able to find out about this, please immediately issue a command to my dolphin."
    "Until you are able to secure a target, I will leave my dolphin with you."
    Dolphin: "Kurapika, shall I power on that ability then?"
    Dolphin: "And by doing that, the details of the ability will be revealed and becomes usable, and additionally, you can use your steal chain again. Meaning you get 3 benefits by making one move! "
    Kurapika: (Indeed, when the dolphin sets the ability then the stolen ability’s detail will be revealed and additionally, I can use that ability. )
    Kurapika: (But if that ability’s activation condition is extremely challenging…)
    Kurapika: (Using the ability itself becomes more challenging and Emperor Time will be forcefully used…)
    Kurapika: "No, I'm fine for now."
    Kurapika: "That'll basically spell my own death."

    The phone rings.
    Kurapika: "First, let's coordinate and search the room. Shimano, answer the phone"
    The maid Shimano answers the phone.
    Kurapika: (Emperor Time's restriction... Every second during its activation shortens my lifespan by 1 hour...!)
    Shimano: "Someone from the Phone Exchange room would like to talk to you..."
    Kurapika: "Who is it from?"
    Shimano: "About that... There's 3 people talking at once... Prince Benjamin, Prince Zhang Lei, and Prince Tubeppa..."
    Kurapika: "!!"
    Oito: "Usually, it’s the older prince that would call us in this situation…but in this case it means that the other princes that got ignored may interpret this as a hostile act…"
    Kurapika: "Indeed... The person I spoke to just now, I wasn't able to conclude anything regarding the conspiracy."
    Oito: "If you hang up on the awaiting princes on the phone, it will be a declaraion of war...!"
    The doorbell is ringing. The person that came is Babimaina.

  2. Xhunter123

    Xhunter123 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái ảnh có liên quan gì không thế?
  3. gigamesh

    gigamesh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mỗi giây active Emperor time phải trả giá 1h tuổi thọ. Đù skill của Kura chơi kiểu này thì khác mẹ gì tự sát. Khả năng có ngày chết trong lúc đang bật emperor time.
  4. unnameda4

    unnameda4 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hangmango thích bài này.
  5. Duy Xoăn

    Duy Xoăn Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Ôi vậy là lời lão Toga khi nói về sau thằng Kura cùng Ryodan chết hết là không phải nói đùa sao...
  6. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Giá cao để trả cho năng lực ko lấy gì khủng lắm :))
    Mà biết vậy thì dùng hạn chế vẫn tốt, bỏ 1 năm tuổi thọ cũng xài đc khoảng 2 tiếng rưỡi. Chọn những năng lực phù hợp để xài tức thời thôi
  7. victorhugo

    victorhugo Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    CLUB "Rung Đùi"
    Đek mẹ, toàn skill tự sát thế thảo nào nó mạnh vượt trình như thế
  8. Xhunter123

    Xhunter123 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    giờ thì phải vào lục địa đen tìm cái cây trường sinh thì mới kéo tuổi thọ ra thêm được.
  9. ff8khang

    ff8khang Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái giá quá đắt luôn. Nhưng chưa đắt bằng anh Gon nhà mềnh ^^
  10. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Max 5 hệ với 1 đống skill mà bảo không khủng @@
  11. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    xét riêng cái skill emperor time đó thôi :v xài có 1 lần mà trả cái giá vậy là hơi chua
    hangmango thích bài này.
  12. ff8khang

    ff8khang Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nếu biết xài thì củng bá lắm đó. Ngay lập tức bắt đối phương (Bất kì là ai ) vào tuyệt và dc xài skill đó liền, ko cần đk gì. Dc biết thông tin về skill cho dù đối phương ko nói gì. Quá bá đạo chứ éo phải thường
  13. unnameda4

    unnameda4 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bá là khi chích được thôi. Gặp hàng khủng có mà chích được khối ấy =))
  14. victorhugo

    victorhugo Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    CLUB "Rung Đùi"
    ĐÚng rồi, quá là bá đạo luôn, quan trọng là giải thích được luôn tác dụng của skill đó.

    Nhắc lại thằng Gon, trả giá khoảng 10 - 20 năm mà đã có khả năng uy hiếp được King (con pitou nó cảm nhận được) chứng tỏ khả năng của thằng Gon này cực khủng, chỉ dùng thuần khí thôi mà đấm con Pitou ra bã luôn --- Mà tầm đấy chắc là bằng sêm sêm tuổi ông bố nó luôn
  15. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Ông M4 cứ bảo tác giả buff Kura nữa đi, nó lấy life point ra hack thì lại chả bá =]]
    March Four thích bài này.
  16. heo-boy

    heo-boy The Warrior of Light GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái trò tạo ra clones của nó thì sao?
  17. ff8khang

    ff8khang Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hồi xưa đọc tứ đại danh bổ. Củng có 1 thằng lấy life point ra chơi mà củng bị anh Đường Nhận đập sml. ^^
  18. gigamesh

    gigamesh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đọc manhua bộ Thần Binh có a Tông chủ càng gần đến 27 tuổi càng mạnh nhưng đến 27 là chết. Trận cuối gặp thằng có dị năng thời gian gia tốc vẫn thắng nhưng mà cũng thăng cm luôn. HxH này có thg nào có skill thời gian gia tốc thì Kura sml với nó :))
  19. ConChymBay

    ConChymBay Tears of the Kingdom

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    uy hiếp dc king chưa hút khí thôi, hút xong rồi thì thằng Gon có up level đánh king cũng thua như netero thôi

    skill mạnh nhất server là quy tụ nhân tâm chúng sinh của anh hỏi trời nhé . chờ nó đạt đến level quy tụ tâm linh 7 tỉ dân trái đất như thằng songoku tạo spirit bomb thì vô đối nhé
  20. March Four

    March Four シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Whale Island
    Thì bị độc giả ném tạ quá, giờ lại buff cho thêm cái trò lấy skill mà ko cho nó trả giá gì thì quá là vô lý à?

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