Hướng dẫn chơi Median XL: Ultimative XIV (Sigma is future)

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi medassin, 2/6/11.

  1. aodensitinh22

    aodensitinh22 Youtube Master Race

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  2. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    12 Casa, OF city

    Median XL 2012 beta 001



    The Inferno rework

    Similar to Inferno difficulty in Diablo 3, the last difficulty is now the 'bonus difficulty' for maxed characters, instead of a stepping stone on your way to uberquests. This means it is much harder than before, but you can find sacred uniques and sets there now! The regular game, from level 1 to 120, is now compressed in only two difficulty levels, eliminating redundant redundancy and limiting the boredom of going through the whole godforsaken game 3 times before you can start farming.

    Destruction difficulty:
    - The hidden monster level 121 no longer exists, sacred uniques and sets drop off level 120 monsters as well.
    - Every monster in Destruction is level 120.
    - Monsters with a health multiplier below 300% were scaled up so the difference to 300% health is halved (for instance, a 100-120% Cursed Soul now has 200-210%, but a 285-370% Tenebral still has 285-370%).

    Terror difficulty:
    - Rescaled monster levels from 50 to 115, up from 50 to 90.
    - Increased Terror base monster stats.

    Experience gain:
    - Increased in Terror difficulty.
    - Greatly reduced experience gain past character level 115.

    - Monsters no longer move faster on higher difficulty levels.
    - Increased uberlevel monster health scaling to at least 1000% for most uberquests.

    The cold damage rework

    - Monster cold length is no longer reduced by difficulty level.
    - Every monster can now be chilled.
    - Cold chill now only slows by 20% against monsters.
    - Skill-based cold duration dramatically reduced.


    - Reduced run speed by 10%.
    - Changed barbarian, necromancer and sorceress select quote.
    - Corrected the listed damage on all weapon skills with added magic damage (thanks rad82).
    - Innate abilities now have a full description.


    - Wild and Free: reduced movement speed bonus by 5% at all levels.
    - Defensive Harmony: no longer slows enemies that swing at you and miss.

    - Wyrmshot: submissiles are now fire arrows instead of fire swords (?!).

    - Pounce: uses a different way to calculate flat damage to prevent overflow at high stat/skill levels.

    - Moonbeam: fixed graphic.

    - Blood Elementals: corrected damage display.


    - Maelstrom MkIV: developed in secret to skirt the ban on fragmentation weapons, the 'Scylla' upgrade features flechettes magnetically coated in monomolecular flecks of metal stripped from the user's weapons, which seems to trigger the wapons' magical enchantments on impact. This technology rendered the projectile too bulky to pierce through enemies, but with this design requirement out of the way, space was found for a heavier fuel-air warhead to deal with immune targets, giving the wielder two effective forms of attack.

    - Batstrike: corrected bat familiar damage display.
    - Barrier Strike: base crit chance is now 5% as displayed, not 0%; increased blade duration to 2.4 seconds.
    - Twin Fang Strike: removed annoying sound effect.

    - Storm Crows: corrected damage description (you were hoping for a buff right?) xD

    - Blink: correctly displays stun length again.

    - Beacon: doubled fire damage and massively increased physical damage.


    - Corrected minion life display (looks like a big nerf, but it's just the skill display matching up with actual life now) (*)

    - Titan Strike: now starts at 10% armor instead of 0%.

    - Snake Stance: slow target caps at 35%, down from 50%.
    - Bear Stance: reduced armor to 10% per level, down from 15%.

    - Wolf Companion: Doom radius is no longer bugged; no longer die to reflected damage.

    (*) Thanks rad82. May be off by 2 life because I'm too lazy to do it properly. Hard math is hard.


    - Nova Shot: increased magic damage bonus per arrow.

    - Freezing Gale: slightly increased damage per second.

    - Pummel: now correctly uses attack rating.


    - Voodoo Shot (renamed from Widowmaker) now gains +1 missile per soft point; added a graphic to indicate origin area.

    - Rathma's Chosen: now has 1/8 chance to play a new sound.
    - Graveyard: new cast sound.


    - Plague is now the holy uberskill, and Resurrect is now the neutral uberskill.

    - Retaliate: now has only 66% chance to knockback, down from 100%.
    - Merkabah: replaced sound effects (thanks Arthandas).
    - Colosseum: replaced sound effects (thanks Arthandas); no longer requires a melee weapon.

    Morninglord rework:
    - New skill: Sunstorm (replaces Glittering Regalia): channel to shoot a stream of glowing bolts at the nearest enemy.
    - Brimstone: now a delayed detonation instead of a trap.
    - Ring of Light, Brimstone and Rising Dawn now grant you the 'Resonance' buff (25% avoidance) if you are in a specific spot to absorb the spell's energy.
    >>> Resonance bonus to Searing Glow: +3 second dazzle duration.
    >>> Resonance bonus to Sunstorm: now hits all nearby enemies.

    - Vessel of Judgement: reduced lightning sound volume.


    - Ice Elementals: corrected damage and attack rating display.
    - Snow Queen: increased life bonus cap from 25% to 30%.

    - Firedance: timer now starts at 5 seconds and decreases to 0; no longer adds 25% IAS, but instead adds 50% ED +2% per soft point.
    - Miasma: slightly reduced damage and attack rating penalties to enemies.

    Other skills

    - Fixed erroneous scaling of a number of non-learnable summoning skills.
    - Fixed the damage and attack rating display of a number of non-learnable summoning skills (not a stat nerf).

    - New skill: Shunpo (assassin naginata oskill): essentially a Pounce clone with reduced AoE and no timer.

    - Claw Tornado: ND reduced to 4, now deals 3/4 damage and always shoots 5 tornadoes.
    - Dark Summoning: has a 10 second cooldown again. Stop cheesing!
    - Detonate: now always deals 5K physical damage to the target; it is no longer dependent on energy.
    - Hammertime: all sources of this now always produce 10 hammers.
    - MIRV: now correctly uses Beacon scaling.
    - Pandemonium: added Fallen Sarandesh and Mahasattva to the monster pool.
    - Shadow Blade: fixed error that resulted in the wrong (annoying) sound being played (over and over and over).
    - Summon Edyrem: life no longer erroneously scales with character level, but now has 75% chance to avoid damage.
    - Zen Bolt: fixed graphic.

    The Slow change

    The Slow Target modifier on (most) off-weapon items and socketables is now Slow Melee Target, which slows your target on attack. If you have a source of regular slow, the regular slow will overwrite it as soon as the attack actually lands. If you do not, your direct target is now severely slowed.

    This impacts existing items as following (only includes items where the slow was changed and nothing else, otherwise see the items section of the changelog):

    Items that were changed to Slow Melee Target

    * Runewords:
    - Snowsquall

    * Uniques (existing instances get a required level of 555 and become unusable):
    - Grimspirit
    - Oreichalcos
    - The Gauntlet
    - Xepera Xeper Xeperu

    * Crafts:
    - Slow crafted jewels

    Items that automatically update
    No action is necessary.

    * Runewords (containing Zod):
    - Gharaniq: 5% slow -> 5% melee slow.

    * Socketables:
    - Zod runes: 5% slow -> 5% melee slow.

    Items that were not changed

    * Every weapon unless mentioned elsewhere.

    * Runewords:
    - Amaymon

    * Uniques:
    - Deadman's Hand
    - The Sightless Eye

    * Sets:
    - Full set: Caoi Dulra.
    - Full set: Cinadide's Craft.

    Slow removed entirely
    See below under the 'items' section because this is technically an item rebalance, not a slow modification.


    - Changed the random reanimate pool.
    This affix requires a monstats range. New monsters are added to the end of the file, and moving lines is dangerous or impossible because regular reanimate modifiers and monster spawner missiles require a monstats ID. Changing the existing reanimate list is the only safe way to add some of the more recent monsters, which unfortunately means some monsters are not included. The following are included:
    Alpha Centaur
    Ash Troll
    Black Cat
    Black Death
    Black Ice Demon
    Blood Prince
    Blood Stone
    Bloodfire Rogue
    Bronze Shaman
    Cloud Lord
    Core Lord
    Corruptor Warlock
    Crystal Witch
    Dark Horizon
    Dark Vizjerei
    Deathfire Bearer
    Fetish Hunter
    Fetish Sniper
    Frost Raptor
    Ghost Phoenix
    Grizzly Giant
    High Priestess
    Ice Clan
    Living Flame
    Magma Drake
    Marbled Frog
    Mind Warrior
    Monkey King
    Ni Va
    Onyx Knight
    Peace Warder
    Plagued Dead
    Plagued Dead Archer
    Quill Bear
    Razorfur Titan
    Shock Monkey
    Shock Sting
    Steel Crusher
    Storm Shaman
    Tomb Curse
    Trap Rat
    Tree of Life
    Unseelie Lady
    Void Archon
    Regular monster types:
    Acid Dog
    Bat Demon
    Blood Knight
    Corpse Worm
    Dragon Knight
    Fallen Shaman
    Gargoyle Barbarian
    Goatman Priest
    Ice Demon
    Lightning Demon
    Magma Demon
    Quill Rat
    Sand Raider
    Skeleton Archer
    Skeleton Mage
    Undead Bird
    Undead Hero
    Undead Knight
    Undead Mage
    Zakarum Cleric
    Zakarum Zealot

    Misc types

    - Reimplemented Signets of Gold, but they now affect (character) gold instead of goldbank. Note: the Western Kingdoms government will not guarantee your savings in case of a goldbank run. Thanks Rad82.

    Magical affixes

    - Disabled oskill Pounce on naginata, but enabled oskill Shunpo.
    - +31-50 to life/mana jewel affixes no longer cap at level 90.

    Uber Rewards

    - Crystalline Flame Medallion: removed +5% max resists (the old one gets a level req of 555 and is unusable).
    - Fool's Gold: now only spawns a random non-elite monster (as for why: namestr colour!).
    - Idol of Vanity: now gives +15% speed bonuses, down from +21-40%.
    - Laser Focus Crystal: now gives +10% hp and mana, down from +11-15%.
    - The Butcher's Tooth: added +10 to all stats.


    - Renamed items with retarded names:
    83K Damage Cap -> Beanie Sidhe (*groan*)
    Chaos Disk of Change -> Hooves of the Thunderhorse
    Gauntlets Khan -> Lamha Na Draoithe
    Greatest Axe -> Elder Law
    Mira Seductio -> Blackjade's Legacy
    Puzzlebox of Laments -> Aiden's Lament
    Safety Fist -> Baron Sludge's Bonecrushers
    SuperMonStar -> Linarian's Furs
    The Square Peg -> The Compensator

    - Disabled Terumi's guest items due to hack threats from same:
    Grand Armor
    Sword of the White Void
    Soul Reaver
    Fury of Hellfire
    - Also removed:
    Modder's Block
    Rime Bomb
    The Battlecrusher
    Clock and Dagger

    - Added new uniques in their place:
    Sarandeshi Hellcaller
    Khazra Plate
    Jere Harash's Ghostwing
    Seven Heads of Tathamet
    Washi Bai Ron
    Shield of Hakan II
    Lacuni Cowl (*groan* I just said I removed all bad puns. The Lacuni is the race of spear cats in D2/D3)
    Helgrotha's Fang

    - Angel Heart: removed slow.
    - Candlewake: now grants 20% melee slow; reduced chance to reanimate to 5% to reduce lag.
    - Celestia's Defense: increased flat attribute bonus from +41-50 to +100.
    - Facebreaker: strength bonus reduced from 25% to 15%.
    - Horned Hunter: now has resist pierce instead of (useless) +% spell damage.
    - Nor Tiraj's Wisdom: replaced +5% max resists with +20% resist all.
    - Nymyr's Shadow: increased damate to 300-600 and flat damage to +200%.
    - Ogden's Sign: added +41-50% to physical/magic spell damage. We strong! We kill with big magic!
    - Piranha Swarm: reduced life on striking from +3 to +2.
    - Ramcharge: corrected on-character colour.
    - Scales of the Serpent: reduced heal on melee attack from 100 to 50.
    - Seraph Wing: reduced max resists bonus from +10% to +5%.
    - Shadowhymn: removed +5% max resists.
    - Siggard's Revenge: added 20% CB.
    - Spirit Walker: removed +5% max resists.
    - The Boulder: reduced crushing blow from 1-2% to 1%.
    - The Gauntlet: now grants 50% melee slow.
    - Wedding Dress of the Zann: removed slow.
    - Witchbane: reduced max resists bonus from +10% to +5%.
    - Zakarum Stoning Rock: reduced ctc from 2% to 1%.
    - Zular Khan's Tempest: increased resist pierce from 20% to 60%.


    - Demhe: removed 15% slow, but increased enhanced damage to +300-350%.
    - Lily: removed 5% slow, but added +1 life on striking.
    - Snowsquall: now grants 75% melee slow.
    - Sylvanshine: removed 20% slow, but increased max damage to +401-500.


    Culled a few useless modifiers that took up place and contributed to item affix overflow:

    - Cinadide's Forge: removed 5% slow thorns.
    - Hadriel's Pure Heart: removed 11-15% slow thorns.
    - Imperius' Winged Feet: removed +5% max resists.
    - Malthael's Wrath: removed 11-15% slow ranged thorns.
    - Nature's Embrace: removed 5% slow.
    - Nature's Grasp: removed 5% slow.
    - Rathma's Trap: removed 5% slow.
    - Scosglen's Fables: removed 5% slow.
    - Tracker's Stealth: removed 5% slow thorns.
    - Warmage's Breath: removed 5% slow thorns.
    - Zann Esu's Binding Circle: removed 11-15% slow thorns.

    - Fire: removed 20% IAS.
    - Lone Wolf's Fur: removed 150 cold damage to attacker.
    - Sacred Charge: removed +11-15% energy.
    - Vasily's Falling Star: removed 5% reanimate.

    - Partial set: Rathma's Empire: removed useless +4 Miasma and added +20% max life full set bonus here.
    - Partial set: Sacred Earth: removed 15% Diseased Cattle on kill.
    - Partial set: Satanic Mantra: removed +50 dexterity,

    - Full set: Rainbow Warrior: removed 50% slow.
    - Full set: Satanic Mantra: removed +2 necro skills.
    - Full set: The Snake Pit: removed 50% slow.

    Cube recipes

    - The RIP and dragon challenge recipes no longer work on ethereal items, preventing the D2 'eth bug' from triggering.


    - Improved monster distribution.

    - Technical: removed dummy charmed aura, freeing up monprop space and a few affixes.
    - Technical: leech penalty is now entirely in difficultylevels.txt.


    - Normalised chance of physical immunity: common monsters on uberlevels CAN randomly be physical immune (exception: Fauztinville, where they already have immunities). Bosses, as well as common monsters in summoning/dungeon ubers CANNOT randomly be physical immune.
    - Uberquests with un-shield novas (Akarat, Khalimgrad) now have the primary target set to 200% resist all, which causes the -1000% resist nova to drop them to 0% resists, up from the silly -50% they had before.

    - New ubermonster: Feyr (Island of the Sunless Sea): casts nightmare bolts, fears minions.
    - New ubermonster: Sunless Reveler (Island of the Sunless Sea): tough cleric who casts Wraithverge bolts.
    - New ubermonster: Sunless Mutant (Island of the Sunless Sea): has Amazing Grace, making it invulnerable for a short time on striking.
    - New ubermonster: Nightmare (Island of the Sunless Sea), summoned by feyr.
    - New ubermonster: Lantern Archon (Khalimgrad): slow, weak but untargettable glowing sphere.
    - New ubermonster: Jungle Snake (Tran Athulua): lies invisible in wait, casts Snake Poison on attack.
    - New ubermonster: Hardliner (Fauztinville): melee attacker with a Barrier Strike attack.
    - New ubermonster: Necromorb (Duncraig): small globe that fires magic damage bolts.

    - The Butcher: remake. He is now invulnerable to all damage but has 20% chance on attack to spawn a binding circle at a distance. He can be damaged only when he's inside the binding circle. Also, he now has 25/50/75% avoidance, down from 75/75/75%.
    - Creature of Flame: remake. He kills players instantly with physical damage. However, he is surrounded by Astral Guardians whose attack phases players, granting them immunity to physical damage.

    - All Vizjun bots now have 10/20/30% crushing blow.
    - Toraja monsters no longer leave corpses.
    - AC-1 Hammer Bot (former Enforcer): now slows by 25/50/75% on striking.
    - AC-2 Rivet Bot (former Enforcer): now fires 5 bolts, each dealing 1/3 auto attack damage.
    - RC-2 Heavy Drone: increased chance to use Clobber.
    - Akarat: now has 25/50/75% avoidance, up from 0/0/66%; improved AI
    - Avatar of Zakarum: now has 25/50/75% avoidance, up from 0/0/75%.
    - Dark Nephalem: no longer have more spells on Hatred than on Terror/Destruction.
    - Dorian & Gray: uses a new monster model.
    - Ennead Necromancer: uses a new monster model.
    - Inarius (secret): now has 25/50/75% avoidance.
    - King Koth: now has 25/50/75% avoidance, up from 0/0/50%.
    - Lost Soul: increased health.
    - Malic: uses a new monster model; life drain missile is now transparent.
    - Morlu: uses a new monster model.
    - Quov Tsin: removed 25% avoidance on Destruction difficulty.
    - Shadowgate Totems: now have 25/50/75% avoidance, up from 0/0/50%.
    - Tal Rasha: now has 25/50/75% avoidance, up from 0/0/75%.

    - Cow Honcho: now properly uses Chronofield.
    - Stormscourge: now uses Supernova.

    - Vizjun chaingun trap ('Sentry engaging target'): now knocks characters into hit recovery.
    - Vizjun mine trap ('Spawning minefield'): mine scatter increased; there is now a big graphic, but if you touch them you go BOOM (5K, unresistable).

    Regular maps

    - New monster type: Flit
    - New monster type: Cave Snapper, Grubber (elite)
    - New monster type: Porkchop (elite)
    - New monster type: The Pack (elite)
    - New monster type: Couatl, Landshark, Rainbow Hunter, Ni Va (elite)
    - New monster type: Mahasattva (elite)
    - New monster type: Corpse Worm
    - New monster type: Slimer, Glooper (elite)
    - New monster type: Sewer Troll, Dungeon Troll, Ash Troll (elite)
    - New monster type: Wandering Sarandesh, Fallen Sarandesh (elite)
    - New monster type: Hemoplague (elite)

    - New elite: Detonator
    - New elite: Fetish Rocketeer
    - New elite: Hypnotoad
    - New elite: Silverbolt

    - Every Act boss now has 25/50/75% avoidance, changed from either 0/0/0% or 30/60/90%.

    - Baalspawn (the dragons): now correctly set the Retaliate flag on striking.
    - Doomcloud: no longer flying, but now casts bigger lightning bolts.

    - Fixed bug that caused veteran monsters to have an erroneously low level.
    - Landmass: increased health; cancelled plans to rename them to Tiny Pebble.

    - Annihilator: increased maximum poison damage, reduced minimum poison damage.
    - Avalanche: corrected AI bug.
    - Black Death: now casts Snake Poison on striking.
    - Black Ice Demon: made AI slightly more creative so they don't just herp derp walk at you and shoot Mind Flay incessantly.
    - Bloodfire Rogue: corrected AI bug.
    - Corruptor: made to remember they are DANGEROUS UNDEAD FROM HELL.
    - Dark Ancient: renamed to Dark Librarian and casts Lorenado.
    - Dark Champion: improved chance to use tertiary attack (Phalanx/Sacred Armor).
    - Dark Vizjerei: greatly increased poison cloud damage; added the ability to enrage at low health.
    - Daystar/Deathless: corrected AI bug that caused them to try and cast invalid skills.
    - Dirge: fixed bug that made them never immune to physical damage; increased poison damage.
    - Fetish Sniper: now fires fast moving bullets.
    - Fire Prince: reduced Crater death damage.
    - Fireblood: Replaced softball projectile with molten boulder.
    - Gremlin: reduced fire resist pierce to 25/50/75%, down from 25/50/100%.
    - Living Flame: now casts Flamefront.
    - Monkey King: increased Barrel Throw damage.
    - Mountain God: renamed to Ancient Giant.
    - Plaguebringer: increased Poison Nova damage.
    - Shock Monkey: no longer gets stuck in an AI loop.
    - Unseelie Dame: fixed chance to spawn to be correct for an elite.
    - Void Archon: enemy version now correctly prevents magical healing.

    - Destroyer: increased fire damage explosion.
    - Destroyer Shaman: Energy Beam is now physical damage; increased damage; Demon Blood Aura is now level 1 if reanimated.
    - Ghost Zombie: increased health.
    - Sand Devil: now casts Egg Trap on death.
    - Soul Spider: increased Flash skill level.

    Buffs to some ignorable monster types:
    - All acid dogs: increased poison projectile damage.
    - All apes: Shockwave stun length increased from 0.4 to 0.8 seconds.
    - All balrogs: improved usage of Fire Splash: no longer a proc, but an actively cast spell.
    - All basilisks: increased chance to cast Spellbind.
    - All beetles: increased damage and Claw Tornado damage.
    - All cat priestesses: increased level of the fire damage effect on death.
    - All centaurs: now speed up when chilled!
    - All fallen heroes: increased Concentration effect.
    - All fetish blowdarts: increased damage by 50%.
    - All frogs: increased Frog Prince damage.
    - All gargoyle barbarians: no longer get dumber on higher difficulty levels.
    - All goat priests: increased Pain Spirit damage.
    - All ice demons: increased Ice Beam damage.
    - All mosquitoes: increased Poison Flash damage.
    - All oblivion knights: Zen Bolt now uses attack rating, but also converts their damage to magic.
    - All skeleton mages: the third tier now uses Flamefront, Ice Lance and Lightning.
    - All succubus types: increased bloodstar damage.
    - All vampires: Ice Beam spell replaced with Slicer Blade, which throws two blades that don't do any damage on their way but hover in the air at a certain distance and shreds you to ribbons if you walk through them.
    - All wisps: Lightning spell replaced with Electrobolt, no longer incredibly dumb and no longer gets dumber at higher difficulty levels.


    - The 'covenant hug' glitch is now an official feature, with a few minor changes:
    Mercs now gain 1% ED per point of strength.
    Mercs now gain +1 life regen per point of strength.
    Mercs now gain 1 energy factor per 4 points of strength.
    - Act 1 merc slow thorns now works correctly.


    - Fireball Nova trap: doubled damage
    - Repulsor Nova: now stuns on contact.


    - Potions can no longer be stacked in town.
    - Mana potions now work.
    - Regular healing and mana potions now slightly slow you down. PSA: don't drink and run.


    - Updated the Median Oscar.
    - Increased Destruction difficulty death penalty.


    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/12/11
  3. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nhìn thì thấy đa số là nerf 8-}
  4. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    12 Casa, OF city
    Diablo nhà đi tong rồi :)) Down về ngắm :-?

    Có buf đấy. Hai cấp thường được gom lại từ 3 cấp. Des đổi thành Inferno và khủng khiếp +_+'

  5. kieusontnn

    kieusontnn The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    coi bộ patch này bựa quá :-<
  6. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    12 Casa, OF city
    Build con binladen đi ;))

    Giải nén bt xong copy cái file patch lại chơi thôi :D
  7. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nản nhất là slow
    kì này các char ranger sống = slow là ăn shjt hết
  8. kissofaries

    kissofaries Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    monster lv 120, về terror cày lv thôi @@
  9. son_

    son_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Chờ bản chính thức thôi, chưa vội được :))
  10. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    12 Casa, OF city
    Bug đang tè le :))
    ps: cơ hội sưu tầm đồ =P~
  11. newshop27

    newshop27 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho mình hỏi mấy cái Ring (Secret) có trong bản OMG k vậy. Mình chơi chưa gặp cái nào.

    cậu sửa lại link down undie mxl luôn nhé, tớ down k xài đc.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/12/11
  12. kissofaries

    kissofaries Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Chơi xong dính bug vỡ mồm @@, đợi 1 thời gian đã =)
  13. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    12 Casa, OF city
    Patch 002 đã ra =))
  14. Dragon_Treasure

    Dragon_Treasure Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cho sọc dưa cái :| ai biết công thức để ra cục thêm 1 skill không?
  15. Kiban_VN

    Kiban_VN Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cũng định chơi nhưg chả hiểu sao toàn bị lỗi version dù đã up lên patch 1.13c
  16. newshop27

    newshop27 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai làm mấy cái guide build amazon ở bản omega với.
  17. son_

    son_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Blood / spear ? .
  18. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    12 Casa, OF city
    Sắp tới sẽ up guide lại :D Nhưng sẽ đưa mini guide vì dân XL ở đây còn lại toàn pro :-" (ko có med :">)
  19. GoodLess

    GoodLess Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Việt Nam
    Trong thời gian chờ DIII nên cày lại XL vậy mong med chỉ giáo =)).Cho tui hỏi lun cày ver 3.0 thì nên build con nào ?. Cho xin link download d2 rip luôn đi (cắt hết vidieo càng nhẹ càng tốt miễn sao chơi đc XL 3.). Thanks
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 31/12/11
  20. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    12 Casa, OF city
    Down omega 3 đi. o4 đang beta nên lỗi nhiều lắm :D

    Down diablo

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